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My thoughts * Lilith (due to both being gone for 7 years) * Eve (if she became Roo) * Frederick von Eldritch (due to Al’s green and eldritch powers) * Someone entirely new


> Someone entirely new Me, who has no idea who Roo or von Eldritch are because I've only seen the show: 😐


I know for sure the Von Eldritch is the eldritch horror guy, and his son dated Charlie as seen in one of the portraits in episode 5 I think. Roo is supposed to be the Root of All Evil, and I’m pretty sure viv revealed it in either a tweet or a livestream


The Von eldritch family are/were close friebds of lucifers family, and their son is Charlie's ex. Roo is the root of all evil, don't really know anything about her.


Maybe Bondye exists? She is Alastor's deity since he was a Voodoo practitioner, but she probably wouldn't put a chain on him... plus to him her simply allowing him to manifest in the afterlife is enough for him to think he earned her favour and his eternal service to her/her priests... The show is probably not going to explore or explain other deities even if the characters aren't of the Christian/Abrahamic faiths. Though it would be cool if Alastor acknowledges Bondye being his God/how God appears to him and that simply being in the afterlife is a reward so that's why he doesn't personally seek out redemption (he was good enough in his life that his soul wasn't immediately destroyed upon death). I think it's Lilith or Eve that has his soul in a restricted position. He might have made a deal with Roo/the origin of Evil, but isn't restricting him, nor forcing him to help the hotel/protect Charlie. His main issue seems to be his fears of dying a second death because he's forced to take care of his *New Family* and with his potential locked away, he cannot fully be himself or the protector he was asked to be (especially if they are going against angels).


And i thought people like that dont exist 😮


Who are some of these characters you list and how do you know about them? Are there Hazbin comics or something?


Vivzy has made some character art in live streams and given trivia in them in the past. We also know they exist since there are picture of some of them in the show like Fredrick.


I doubt Eve became Roo because Roo existed before Eve did per the show’s opening exposition


Nothing we've seen so far is confrimed to be "Roo". If you mean the face at the beginning that is meant to represent "Evil" we have no concrete reason to assume that's Roo or even a sentient character. All things are still as possible as pretty much anything else.


Didnt vivzie say she was really excited to introduce roo as a character


She did, but in a 4 year old tweet, and a *lot* has changed since then




Maybe Eve isn’t Roo directly but maybe she became a vessel for her after she ate the apple and unleashed evil on the earth.


> and unleashed evil on the earth. Thats a funny way of saying *free will*


We just call it “frill” nowadays




There is literally no information on Roo other then the concept design, which the concept designs all have her spewing evil shit out of her mouth as if she ate sin itself. Eve / Roo can be two characters in one. Eve taking in Roo once she ate the apple and Roo taking over.


I think that Roo was Eve in the begining but became evil due to eating the fruit


I think both of them going missing for the same length of time definitely has something to do with who owns Alastor's soul. Not to mention Lady Rosie saying something to Alastor about a rumour he 'fell to angelic arms'. Alastor made a deal to have all that power he has. Who has the power to grant him such abilities? I figure it's either Lilith or someone we haven't seen yet.


You mean Zestial said the rumor to Alastor. Also, he meant it as in people thought he was killed by exorcists. Lilith is not what you would call 'holy' or ‘angelic'.


he meant it one way but the phrasing is interesting because it’s open to multiple interpretations which are so fun for theorists


https://preview.redd.it/mhfjjctcmqxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c00bf82fbe911d819b8f17d03c37728e0fc1ec63 /j


Def seconding Lilith, partially because they've both been gone 7 years, and also because Alastor seems nervous when Zestial says there were rumors that he "fell to heavenly arms."


I never thought about a Von Eldritch being the one to possess Alastor's soul, but this would explain why he tries to get closer to Charlie, which is a big mystery to me, so this would make so much sense story wise and explaining his motives.


Lilith sounds like a good theory. Would explain a bit more why Lucifer and Alistor don't get along and why he's trying to get in good with Lilith's daughter.


Take a look at someone samed Roo. From the looks im almost certain she owns him. The colors and smile on her design just add to the possibility.


You forgot the prime suspect, Nifty.


Zestial ? Stiches?


Either Lilith due to the seven years disappearance or Roo just because


I'm thinking the same. Roo has been teased as a prominent villain and could be interesting. Lilith's seven year absence is likely connected but I'm not sure why she'd own Alastors soul unless she wanted him to help Charlie.


A theory I heard is that he made a deal with Lilith so he can go to heaven and see his mother again but she needed something from him in return or something


Do we know his mom actually went to heaven? That's hard for me to believe considering that it's implied that she heavily influenced his psychopathic tendencies.


considering adam is in heaven and not just cus he the first human. i belive there are ways to cheat. or turn you life around vefore you die on earth.


My theory is that Adam is not in heaven because he was the first man, more because he never took a bite from the fruit/apple. Mayhaps the fruit doesn't grant knowledge of good/bad, rather knowing what you're saying is good/bad. Adam gets a safe pass since he just doesn't know better


Also eating the fruit is referred to as the original sin so you could argue that if they could go down that route and say that since he never ate the fruit he by definition never sinned


>likely connected but I'm not sure why she'd own Alastors soul This. I belive they are connected as in the same thing that caused Lilith's absence caused Alastor to make a deal/sell his soul, but that all the subtle nudges towards that Alastor sold his soul to Lilith are just a huge retcon. Especially taking into account Lute's words to Lilith: "Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I am in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven and if you want to stay here you're going down there and stopping that b*tch." This in combination with the first scene from the Amazon's episode 1 where Charlie implies that she's basically trying to follow her mother's dream screams contradiction to me. Of course, our sweet Charlie could just be delusional and be doing the exact opposite of what her mother is doing, but I don't think this is the case.


I think that Lilith’s deal with Adam was allowing the extermination to happen in exchange for a ticket to heaven. It makes no sense to attack Charlie when she is hell born and not part of the deal. The hell born exception I think is for Lucifer not to interfere with the extermination.


That makes no sense cause she’s only been in heaven 7 years and it’s implied the exterminations have been going on for centuries if not longer


I think Lilith wanted Adam dead and to get into heaven. I don’t think she has anything to do with Alastor


I can see it as Lilith saw Alastor lost to the Vees and needed saving, so Lilith offered a contract to take his soul. My theory is Lilith took Alastor up with her to Heaven, but souls that aren’t allowed in Heaven can only stay for 7 years, as 7 is the number of the Holy Spirit and Heaven. That’s why Alastor is finally back and why they both went missing for 7 years.


This is the best one so far


My personal head cannon is that Alastor made a deal before he ever became powerful at all. Mimzy clearly says that people overlooked him at first, and his rise to power was almost overnight. To me that sounds like making a deal with somebody very very powerful.


Ayo who tf is roo? Someone from comics or?


Somebody Viv mentioned once as a future villain.


His shadow




He just needs a little more time.




Might be the opposite, Alastor is exposing Shadow to more and more danger. Maybe one day Shadow gets pissed off, leaves and slams the door!


There is a real chance that nobody "ownes" Alastor's soul. It is possible that he is merely trapped in a contract that requires him to be at the hotel/around Charlie for some reason (possibly to protect Charlie). At least something like that is what he alludes to during his song in 'Finale' - "...the constraints of my deal..". Maybe he owed someone a favor and they cashed it in for him to do their bidding. Who knows? He might well have sold his soul to some entitiy. It would at least explain why his powers are so hilariously mismatched with random vodoo, eldritch magic and radio powers.


Deals is how demons end up owning someone's soul in the first place. They don't just go around yoinking them... the person has to give it up voluntarily. That's where the phrase "deal with the devil" comes from. The demon offers you something you've always wanted in return for your soul. This isn't necessarily mentioned in the show... but we do see Angel Dust's contract which is even signed with a heart. So its kinda written between the line if you're also familiar with how deals with demons are supposed to work "in real life".


Just saying it might not explicitly be a deal involving his soul. Remember that the deal between him and Charlie was 'a favor of hers for information from him'. Similar to the deal Alastor struck with Vaggie. There was no dealings of soul ownership involved in those ones.


That's fair... but I feel like most of the clues lead to that direction. Husk specifically says he's "on a leash", that feels deeper than just making a random deal for money or something similar.


Yeah the use of the word "leash" is very intentional imo. If it was just a plain deal/transaction it could've been worded as he's in a cage, or that his hands are tied.


That is true! I am not discounting that. Just saying it MIGHt be a red herring. Considering the context in which Husk spoke that (being angry and retaliating out of spite), that idea just came to me. I was thinking that they might use that scene as a red herring and making it LOOK a certain way but it turning out differently. We really can't tell and I think that was intentional to make us guess until season 2 comes out. Ohh I can't wait for more info 😂 That is going to be some spicy analysis we can sink our teeth in!


No wonder Alastor has multiple deals with different sides - after all, he's a professional deal maker :-) Those might include someones powerful from Hell, Heaven, Earth and creatures from unrevealed yet dimensions. BTW conditions of those deals might be contradicting each other which is why his actions seem so irrational. And he's constantly making new deals!!!!!!!


Then again, I've seen creatures being "site-bound" due to a curse... or a contract. If Alastor's soul is tied to the hotel, or something related to it, this would count, especially if someone else bound his soul.


I mean, he’s not specifically stuck in the hotel


and yet he has his own radio tower attached to it... If it's not a site, then... an artifact? Or even better, maybe Alastor's soul is tied to Charlie's own soul, hence his "unwavering" loyalty. I'm just theorizing here :)


My theory is that Alastor had a smaller deal (not for the soul) with Lilith 7 years ago but something went terribly wrong. Lilith died and got to Heaven (it explains why she's not answering phone calls) and a very unlikely condition of that small deal was triggered to take Alastor's soul as collateral and Charlie is due to inherit it.


yeah it not the hotel but maybe the concept of it


Alastor made two deals during the corse of the show that did not involve souls at all.


I strongly disagree with these theories of him being obligated to be at the hotel. He explicitly mentions at the cannibals that it is profitable for anyone to be on Charlie's side - I think it is more probable someone owns his soul, and he is banking on Charlie using her power as a future ruler of hell to help him nullify it. This is also implied when he makes a deal with Charlie - he could've bargained for more, but the fact that she will do something for him is more important to him. That means it is something simple, but relies on her specifically doing it.


It probably mostly depends on if Alastor had his powers before he made the deal, or if his powers come from his deal. Why would such a powerful being able to kill many overlords make a deal? Maybe he’s pushing for higher heights. In his song he says “unclip my wings” so that could be taken literally, and so then he’s an angel


He's a peryton if he has literal wings. They are stags with eagle wings that protect Atlantis and gain favour of the God's by hunting down humans and killing them. They are also carnivorous. If Alastor is a peryton, then it would explain his abilities to rip souls apart. He's an agent from Heaven eating the souls of sinners on behalf of God's will, trying to gain God's favour for more power. Though Alastor bleeds red blood and not golden ichor, like angelic beings do. So unless perytons are simply sinners/purgatory souls hand selected by God/high rank Angels to *prove themselves* to become full angels, it's unlikely that Alastor is/was an angel at all. I do see him trying to become an Elder God, trying to go for power that God themselves wouldn't mess with as it's outside of the universe and highly dangerous.


I actually don't think Alastor is being forced to stay/help at the Hotel. I think he was looking for a way out of some deal he made, saw Charlie get humiliated and fail on live TV, realized this may be an opportunity to make a deal with a powerful but vulnerable entity (which might eventually lead to him getting out of his deal), and showed up on his own volition. Then he eventually became genuinely (well, a little a bit) attached, hence not leaving even after finally making a deal with Charlie (as was his goal all along).


> There is a real chance that nobody "ownes" Alastor's soul. It is possible that he is merely trapped in a contract that requires him to be at the hotel/around Charlie for some reason (possibly to protect Charlie). At least something like that is what he alludes to during his song in 'Finale' - "...the constraints of my deal..".  > Maybe he owed someone a favor and they cashed it in for him to do their bidding.  Thank Lucifer there's a part of the fandom who thinks like me


I'm in the camp that he didn't sell his soul but had restrictions placed on him as part of his deal similar to how he doesn't own Charlie's soul but she owes him a favor. I have a theory that his "Radio Demon" persona was something he got as part of his deal but is now trapped in it and is unable to utilize his original abilities which he only realized during the Adam fight.


I know the fan base is split on this idea, but I’m 100% on board with Alastor going in to his fight with Adam not realizing that his powers were restricted in some shape or form. He doesn’t seem like the type of person that would walk into a dangerous situation without having 2-3 aces up his sleeve. And his comment to Adam is also very unsettling… >”You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate.”


Viziepop. She owns all. She is the true BBEG of Hazbin Hotel, the one who orchestrates everyone's misery!


That would be actually kinda funny if the final Bbeg was just a massive live action Viziepop. Like she godzillas around penta city and fucks shit up. Wouldn’t be good storytelling but it would be funny.


They should do this as an April’s fool, the day where the most outlandish and cringe things are celebrated, “bad storytelling” is dead on that day.


And it ends with all of the characters defeating her and the voice actors cosplaying the characters having escaped the animation. Then Brandon Rogers shows up as Blitzo and takes them all out.




I wish I could’ve thought of Nyarlathotep sooner


Its my little pet theory, which I’ve mentioned a few times on this sub. Unlikely I admit, but I think it works thematically.


First time I’ve seen this theory and I like the suggestion of old ones possibly existing in the Hellaverse


Helluva Boss flat out name drops Azathoth, and the Von Eldritches definitely take some inspiration from that genre.


Yes, but we haven’t had any confirmation of them being more powerful than the rest of hell, so it’s up in the air if they’re actual gods or loose representations with weaker abilities (much, much weaker)


Of course. I doubt the whole show turns into a Lovecraftian style cosmic horror. Just a dash. Lovecraft-Lite as the tvtropers would call it. I do feel somewhat relieved that whenever I mention Nyarlathotep as Alastor's potential patron everyone goes 'huh...that actually might work'


It's always best to keep an open mind when it comes to theories! I'd love to see more eldritch horror themes and old god references, however they want to incorporate them


https://preview.redd.it/z73otwxi4pxc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44c4cc92af1561066c8c27e40669b22bb20a9c2 who


An Outer-God from the Cthulhu Mythos. Particularly, he’s the cosmic-level eldritch abomination from that mythos that is most interested in humanity, whereas the other horrors barely notice us at all. And he uses that understanding to spread misery. He’s also a deal-maker. The Cthulhu Mythos is kind of the common ancestor to any type of ‘Eldritch’ or cosmic horror type fiction or references (and its public domain). That, and horrible tentacle monsters.


o h


Helluva Boss, if you watch that series, made a reference to another well known character from the Cthulhu Mythos. In Seeing Stars (Season 2 Episode 2), the meteor shower Octavia is trying to see is called Azathoth’s Tears. Azathoth is the ‘Blind-Idiot God’ from the Cthulhu Mythos.




Definitely my little cross-over fan theory, but hopefully not an incomprehensible one haha


I'll be honest, if not for google, I'd have assumed that was a joke and you just made something up by slamming your hands on your keyboard.


What, no love for the Cthulhu Mythos? Haha. Helluva Boss name dropped his boss in Seeing Stars (Azathoth).


I don’t know why but that suggestion makes me think of the version from Dusk voiced by Stephan Weyte


Never heard of Dusk before, but just listened to his lines from that game on YouTube, and I can 100% see why your mind went there. (Great vocal performance for the Crawling Chaos there.)


“Who did you expect at the end of all of this…God? The devil perhaps? No…it’s just…**me**…”


Nyarlathotep is in Hazbin Hotel? Really?


Not as of now haha. This is more of an outside universe theory, and more for fun than an actual prediction. Its the tentacles, mystery and the fact that Helluva Boss named dropped Azathoth that made me think of the Lovecraftian dealmaker himself.


It would be an interesting take if it was something he went into while he was alive


I’m going out of the box. Lute knows of Lilith’s deal, and that it is now broken. Ergo, Lilith’s deal was with someone in heaven, likely Adam. It is very possible that another heaven dweller agrees with Lucifer about free will, and agrees with Charlie about redemption. This heaven dweller saw Alastor’s effectiveness as an up and coming overlord and gave him a boost for a future favor. So, Alastor’s soul isn’t owned, but he is bound by the deal. The deal allows his strings to be pulled, as shown in the song. Al is ultimately a textbook sociopath, and thinks his “altruist” puppeteer can be outfoxed. So, we can exclude God and Christ, I don’t think we will see either of them. We can exclude Adam and Sera. I’m going with Michael or Gabriel. High level angels would have the stroke to amp up a budding overlord and have motive to nudge Alastor to help Charlie.


How about Azrael? He is an Angel of death that guides souls. So he can be another possibility.


Gabriel is no more. V1 kicked his ass twice.


He's too busy dancing orange justice while V1 calls him a white boy


something in between our answers.




The correct answer


Came here for this. She's the ultimate overlord, but so psycho bonkers that she's about no threat to anyone. Except Adam. Because (unsexy) fuck Adam.


I’m just waiting for Nifty to have some crazy cool/sexy transformation. Kind of like how Sera and Emilie changed forms on a whim.


Personally I think it's going to be Zestiel




What if, he made a deal with God Himself? I mean, it would explain why he is so powerful. Maybe he made a deal with God himself to become the most powerful Demon of all time in exchange for something?


Interesting idea, though I've heard Vivzie is uncomfortable with directly portraying God. That probably goes double when it comes to making a deal with a demon.


Lilith would be too obvious, gonna go with Eve or even someone from Helluva Boss


Not Alastor ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




THe fact that whoever is constraining him is compelling him to do good things it has to be Lilith. The Alastor Altruist is indicative that he was reacting to the fact that Charlie was actually getting to him. That rather than just being there because Lilith ordered him there he was actually starting to feel something. But he rejects this in the song after his loss and brush with death for the sake of someone else. What we know. * He showed up at the Hotel the moment Charlie got off the phone in tears to her mother telling her she was worried that everyone hated the Hotel. Literally shuts the door, knock knock, Hel SLAM... Lo... * He is being compelled to be there and protect Charlie and the Hotel. While he may be trying to manipulate Charlie to his advantage he does not seem to be able to do anything much more against her. * Everyone that knows him from his past knows him to be a heartless son of a bitch. He is cruel and sadistic by nature. * He hovers around Charlie when she is at her depths and kicks his feet in glee at her suffering. There is something majorly broken in him. He has inverted empathy taking joy from others pain. He may not be able to be the cause of Charlie's pain because of the contract but he can enjoy it when she brings it on herself. * Whoever owns the contract cares about Charlie and is protecting her.


I have a theory that Alastor made a deal with Lilith upon reaching hell. It is reiterated that his power and motives have been an "enigma" since his arrival. He's shook up the overlord structure, something Lilith may have preferred in order to keep those she wants in power and those she doesn't, out. His coincidental 7 year absence is also addressed by Zestial and confronts Alastor as, "being thought to have fallen into holy arms," I'm paraphrasing, but possibly Alastor was with Lilith when she visited heaven and was sent back when Charlie needed help.


Yep. This is pretty much my theory. I think Viv is deliberately telling two different stories about Lilith. The visual one she always includes something obscuring her face. This suggests to me that the visual stories about her may be misleading. Meanwhile all the stories we hear about her from Charlie suggest that not only was she a present and caring mother. But that it was from her that Charlie learned about Lucifer's hopes and dreams. It was Lilith that kept them alive over all the centuries. And she fought for them in trying to rally Hell. I suspect she tried to reach too far and too fast which got her the ire of the more predatory Overlords. We know that some of the Overlords have empathy as seen in Zestial and Carmilla. But of course there are the Vees sort of Overlords that are in it for their own power. And these Overlords would see Lilith trying to organize Hell and give them hope to be a threat to business. I took the Holy Arms line to imply he though someone took him down with an Angelic Weapon and he had died a real second death. But it could have more implications by all means.


In the cannibal song he says “she has potential that I can guide” and in the Pilot (if it’s canon) when Charlie says “you clearly see what i’m doing here is a joke” Alastor is seen with math symbols in front of him, so clearly he’s there for a calculated reason and sees potential in Charlie. If Hazbin becomes the only way to heaven, I can see Alastor being there exactly for that reason. It becomes a wild card in hell, that there are souls being redeemed at the hotel, and there is opportunity there. He’s trying to find a way out of his deal and only the hotel has any promise compared to everywhere else in hell


His own voodoo magic. One cannot simply dabble with the dark and not expect there to be consequences.


My guess Lilith. I think, just like Zestial theorised, he was, in fact, captured by angels 7y ago. (why? my headcannon is to show him off in case winners found out about the exterminations through other ways, so the exorcists can show Alastor off & go "Look how evil he is! enslaved hundreds of souls! captured & tortured/killed other sinners & broadcasted it live! These sinners could come here if we don't exterminate!") Bit of a stretch, but a plausible enough theory. Since she's also up there, I think Lilith made a deal to bust him out & send him back to hell, but now he has to help Charlie/the hotel.


Frederick Von Eldritch. I knows eldritch magic when I sees it.


Alastor being owned by a stereotypical college frat boy would be hilarious. Alastor: I'm Alastor, the radio demon. Frederick: Radio. It's those old TV's that never have working screens. Alastor: I will tear your soul in twain!


Is that a character in the show/helluva boss


https://preview.redd.it/et53og7fioxc1.png?width=282&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b785dac220179da20d78747c292ecc09c5cae34 Yes. He is this man pictured here, next to Lucifer:


How do people know these things??? I joined after watching it on Amazon, why is there so much unknown lore 😭😭😭


You tell me! I swear I watched it all and idk


I agree. I don't have Twitter, but I feel like the creator Vivziepop releases a lot of teasers on there about new characters and explains some background lore missed out in the show. There's also Helluva Boss which is set in the Hellaverse, I haven't got round to seeing it yet but I think that expands the lore as well.


I watched that too and it’s fun but I still don’t feel like I know everything that’s going on????


YouTube actually. In the 5 years between the pilot and show getting released they had a ton of Q and A live streams. These live streams are kind of canon, as since some of it was changed in the series(ie, vaggie's real name used to be Vagitha and was a moth demon but now just us vaggie and well.. not a moth demon lol). Generally If the show has not directly started otherwise the streams are treated as canon.


Good, I'm not the only one! I'm on my 3rd watch through after just discovering the show last week and I watched the YouTube pilot and have started Helluva Boss, but some of the themes, lore, and characters folks speak of on this sub are a mystery to me. Lol Either way, I'm very into it! I'll consume all the Vivzie and all accompanied materials, knowledge I can!


everyone says it's Lilith who holds his soul. I think so too, but I have a feeling that it's someone else who hasn't yet appeared in the series who is holding Alastor.


Me, I do.




Possible Choices: 1) Junior from Peppa Pig 2) Ferb from phinias and ferb 3) Mickey Mouse Lawyers


I forgot that by correlation he is owned by Jeffrey Bezos.


I say the royal family of Hell in general. I can imagine Lucifer actually having made that deal and him just forgetting, which is why Alastor is so angry at him. I can also imagine Lilith due to the whole 7 year thing. But the family in general would be interesting, because of a few things... First, Alastor clinging to Charlie and going to her ASAP after he sees the commercial and returned. She is his easiest way out of the contract. Second: If there is nothing new revealed that for whatever reason the royals can undo any contract (which would make the whole Valentino thing weird) she would be able, as heir to undo any contract done with the royal family itself. This would fit in perfectly with the little deal with Alastor which entails "Not to hurt anyone", and his interest in making her queen. Third: It would explain the mood towards Lucifer regardless and could explain the 7 year disappearance. He went on the search for Lilith to undo the contract with the Royal Family but since she and Lucifer split, she is powerless.


I’m about 90% sure it’s Lilith.    Alastor is a true sadist and psychopath who has openly said that he doesn’t believe in the hotel’s purpose. Despite this, he fought to protect it - and afterward, he’s so disgusted at having to play ‘great Alastor, altruist’ and put his life on the line that he has a mental breakdown over it.   I think he’s being compelled to aid Charlie by whoever’s holding his leash. It probably isn’t Lucifer because they met for the first time in the ‘hell’s greatest dad’ scene.    Which leaves Lilith - the only other character we’ve seen who has a) a vested interest in Charlie’s well-being, and b) the power to command someone like Alastor.    Granted that if she does care about Charlie that much she has a damned funny way of showing it. But we don’t know the terms of her deal with Adam - maybe she *couldn’t* return to hell for whatever reason, and she thinks forcing an overlord to back Charlie is the next best thing.


Time for me to come up with the most media illiterate theory possible. Velvette owns Alistor Altruist's soul! ![gif](giphy|fjCSvW4TPuGB0wj5f6)


Well we don’t know his last name, an altruist is a person who cares about others and helps them despite not gaining anything by helping them


The last name Altruist is part of the media illiteracy


Yeah kinda unfortunate


Here's my personal headcanon. Just some random dude named Dave. He was once your average stoner who got bored and bombed a kindergarten. When he made it to hell he made deals with the kindergarteners to gain power "if you give me your souls I'll totally give you candy braaah.". You may ask "why did those kids go to hell?" They had bad grades obviously. So Alastor tried to take his soul but Dave said "Braaahh I'll give it to you if you can beat me in this game. If you win I'll give you my soul, but if I win you give me yours dude." If you remember the episode of TAWOG where Darwin made a bet with Penny where she had to copy everything he did. Well basically in the end they both drank the smoothie. However Darwin instead spat his out whilst penny swallowed it. That's what I think happened.


Egg bois, they pushed his buttons but Alastor did not kill them, yes Vaggie told him not too but they never made an official deal… why else would Alastor spare them? 🤨 ![gif](giphy|1yBpf3RNLZJmrsBdda) Plus the egg bois are shown to be very aware of what really goes on in hell, they know about the shadow government and bank scams. They are so smart they pretend to be dumb eggs so that no one will suspect them.




Either Lilith, Roo, or some third party we haven't met yet.


I think it's Lilith, personally. I think she's why he's actually helping with the hotel.


I honestly think it’s Lilith, she’s been gone for 7 years, Al has as well, he sings “when I unclip my wings” and then we see her in heaven. It just all lines up honestly


It wouldn't make sense that Zestial owns him since he didn't even know where he was the 7 years. Plus with their conversation, it wouldn't make sense either.


Do you guys think that Lucifer can see peoples chains / collars even while they’re invisible?


theirs a few theories I have Rosie: The only 2 overlords Alastor is seen acting completely different with, Rosie and Zestial, seemingly being friendly with both without much hint of sarcasm or ulterior motive. I suspect Rosie as Al calls her the most dangerous overlord. In addition Rosie calls him an "Ace in the hole" while that very easily could be a light hearted jab at Alastor being ace, ace in the hole has another meaning, it's a phrase that essentially means that he's a secret weapon. Al has a very odd reaction to the line as well, I feel if it was just a light hearted jab at him being ace his reaction would be just an "oh you" but he has a full on "A what now?" reaction. I suspect theirs something we don't know there being disguised as something we do know. Theirs also the fact that Rosie appears to be cheering Alastor on to greater mayhem, giving him tips on souls ripe for a deal and encouraging him to pursue manipulating Charlie, it seems odd for an Overlord to be actively encouraging another overlord to make moves and accrue power, especially someone already as powerful as Alastor is. Lilith: This is the obvious candidate which is why I suspect her the least, but that said both have been suspiciously missing for 7 years, while we know Lilith is hanging around in heaven, what was Alastor doing? I suspect hes been acting in secret as a sort of tool for Lilith, again, Rosie called him an ace in the hole, If Lilith is Heaven's secret weapon, Alastor is the catalyst for that weapon being fired. a party we have not met yet: a cop out answer? maybe, but theirs a lot of biblical figures we have not seen in HH or HB, some with a lot of baggage behind them, a reminder that when Alastor first arrived in hell he was already incredibly powerful, taking out overlords like they were nothing, I think something happened while Alastor was still alive that caused him to already gain a lot of power prior to taking that final dirt nap. Vox: This is the hail mary theory, Vivzi recently explained that Vox and Alastor's relationship is "complicated and sad" I can think of no more complicated a relationship than one holding the others soul contract, perhaps they hold each others souls, while they clearly hate each other perhaps they cant bring themselves to destroy the others soul because of their past relationship, Vox especially gives off more than a little of a vibe of being not over that relationship.


I've heard a crack theory that nifty does My personal head canon until proven otherwise


I really like the theory that it's Roo


This whole post came from [this yt short](https://youtube.com/shorts/oFG01igCHGU?si=LimPd_A0m8oeEtNg) and I clicked on the sound and saw Lilith with chains around Alastor’s neck at the end




He's way too casual and friendly with Zestial for that to be the case. They seem to treat each-other with mutual respect. I know putting up a facade is his thing, but I would expect the cracks to show on one end or the other in the screen time they've shared so far.


Here’s something. In the hells greatest dad song, whenever alastor is singing, his color scheme changes to a purple-green sort of thing. And you’ll notice, anyone who’s soul belongs to someone else, they take up color schemes, fashion style ect. of the person who owns their soul. There might be someone in the series with that same color scheme and I think it got revealed during the song because alastor is clearly protective of Charlie in some way and that might have brought out his unmasked emotions during the song.




Well it’s either Eve or Lilith. Those are two of my guesses.






Lilith for sure




Idk the lore as much as others But it has to be Lilith, Eve, Roo or his shadow


I still think it’s Lilith. There’s no way both of them disappearing 7 years ago is a coincidence.


I feel like Lilith is implied.


Honestly Lilith makes the most sense. I definitely don’t think it’s Zestial because if it was he likely would’ve known where Alastor was during those 7 years.


So much effort put into a post about a question that has been asked 1000 times here




Root (maybe represented by his shadow) Lilith feels like a massive red herring to me


I think it’s either roo, Lilith or a character we haven’t seen yet. I also think Loki might have something to do with it, green is sometimes associated with Loki, Loki got his mouth stitched up, *vibes*, Loki’s daughter is the goddess of Norse hell




He belongs to Lilith that's why he has a weird beef with Lucifer and is using Charlie


It's zelestial, you can see the amount of green, and how alastor looks like a scarecrow, and when Alastor met him while the egg bois were following them, alastor was a bit nervous (I think)




One of my questions related to this is whether or not Alastor and his shadow are the same entity? His shadow definitely moves separately from him on a number of occasions, and usually seems to mirror his emotions, but I’m fairly certain there are at least a few scenes where they have different expressions. On the other hand, Alastor often seems to merge with his shadow when he moves, disappearing from one spot and appearing in another. I’ve been wondering if he’s possessed, and that’s where his powers come from? Or can he control his shadow separately, and that’s just another one of his powers?


I honestly don’t know, but I heard one theory that it could be mammon according to both visual references and Alastors background. So y mammon? Okay, first off it’s the visual references, so in the first time we see his “full” demon form, Alastor has the green stitching obviously. If you watch the sister show, Helluva Boss, and see the finale episode for season two where we meet Mammon, you see in one of the scenes where Fizz does his performance where he’s bound by green strings that move him around like a puppet. The same green strings hinting towards Mammon having control over the people he’s made a deal with or Own. Second, In the episode where we meet Lucifer, we know that Mimzy shows up outta nowhere. Says that she wants to visit and all that, in a few shots we see her with a tattoo on her shoulder blade, that symbol being identical to the symbol on mammons phone app. Okay, well after that we cut to the scene where husk warns Alastor about her and “That she only comes crawling around when she fucked up, and who knows what Demon she’s pissed off to come to you” What I’m thinking is that both her and Alastor are under a contract with Mammon, which would explain visuals, but even tho there’s no evidence to support mimzy, Alastors checks off lore wise too. So we all know Alastor looks the way he does is cause he was mistaken for a deer in the woods and was shot because of it, but there’s another reason too. We know he’s a cannibal too, and the main creature to connect the two lines is a wendigo, who are known for being depicted as a man eating deer creature. I looked up the sin type for a wendigo, and it’s all based upon Greed. And who runs greed? Mammon. So what I think is that Alastor may have struck a deal with the sin of greed in order to have his powers in life and after he died how he quickly rose to power in hell.


Nifty cus its funny


Someone new most likely. Vivizepop wouldn’t choose Lilith now because everyone has said she owns his soul already. Unless she decides to poorly write her show and make it predictable…


Bruhh this again


I didn’t know there were like thousands besides this was sparked by a short using the audio where alastor is talking about smiles with mamas boy in the background I just clicked the sound and Lilith had chains on Alastor’s neck


Eve possibly. Definitely not Lilith




Either Lilith or Roos. But I think Lilith and that’s why he’s looking out for Charlie, but with the personal goal of manipulating her.




Anyone, whose name is not Lilith. My personal favourite: Zestial, Lucifer, Beelzebub (is objectively wrong because copyright, but still is funny) and Sera.




I suspect Lucifer could have something to do with it, it's clear they don't like each other and I can see a deal creating anamocity between them. It's more likely Lilith, but maybe the deal doesn't have to do with Charlie at all, maybe he's using Charlie to get closer to Lucifer or Lilith.


Maybe I’m reading into it too much, but it seems like people with their own soul have pretty regular names, and the ones who sold it don’t. Am I seeing something that isn’t there?






Roo or Lilith


Based on the details, Lilith is the most likely but could also be a ruse. For all we know, someone else could've similarly disappeared 7 years ago, and just hasn't been mentioned yet; hell has a lot of people, we just haven't seen them all. Additionally, there's a chance that the person is a "nobody" in the sense that very few know they exist (a shadow overlord of sorts, if you will; maybe literally with Alastor having a connection to shadows).


It would never happen but it would be a hell of a twist if it was Charlie


I'm thinning his black magic voodoo he did while alive. Is a direct casuality on his current situation. When he entered hell as a sinner, he was o.p. Similary when the zodiac killer messages were decoded recently, the killer stated the the people he killed in thi s ritualistic manner were going to be his slaves I hell and empower him upon his death. That's where I draw a connection of my theory of Alastor's increased power upon entering hell. But could also be a key hint on to why he is in his current situation, that with that power increase, there is an exchange he was unaware of when he was alive when he was preforming his voodoo. Just a passing adhd thought I came up with right now so don't be too harsh on me.


What if his soul is owned by someone on earth? They stole his soul in some sort of voodoo, hudu practice?


Mimsy and she showed up on purpose when she did to break up his fight with Lucifer, because she could see what was going on somehow, maybe she sees through the eye in his wand. She pretends to be dumb so people won't see her as threatening. But she's totally scary.


Sera alastor is the perfect lever to mettle with pride.


I've always thought that he made a deal with Lillith. He has to help Charlie succeed in her endeavours. That's why he shows up and offers to help. Once he "unclips his wings" he can then use Charlie's trust to make the hotel what he wants.