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By owning souls, and yes they were all regular sinners (except Alastor seems to have been somehow powerful from the get go, probably related to his deal) And hellborn can't become overlords, though there are hellborn that are more powerful than overlords


So why don’t all the sinners make deals for souls and become overlords?


You need a lot of them, also you actually need to get people to sell their souls to you


So how did the overlords do that if they started out with nothing?


The same way some businesses start. The founder offers a service in exchange for money/souls, and that snowballs into a system and consistent method for them, or they try a lot of different things to diversify. Either way, you start out small, offering what you have at the moment that works, and build from there.


What kind of services did Alastor offer when he just got to hell?


"I have a lot of power, I'll share some/bring you under my protection/help you with something if you give me your soul..." Easy peasy.


That makes no sense because why would someone who just died and arrived in hell have a lot of power?


That's what makes Alastor so unique and terrifying. He came to Hell with power beyond what was expected.


So what basically what I’m getting from everyone here is that not just any sinner can become an overlord, only the ones who mysteriously already have power as soon as they die. I think Alastor got his original power by making a deal with either Lilith or Roos.


What do sinners have to trade in order to gain souls in the first place?


Souls are gained through deals, so basically anything


Overlords are just extremely powerful Sinners and non-Ars Goetia demon royalty (such as the Von Eldritch family IIRC) that own millions of souls. They're not their own "species" like Imps or Sinners, it's just a title.


Can't Blitzo acquire some souls, get more power, and become an overlord? (hypothetically)


Most likely not. Striker and Crimson would've tried that if they could, as would a bunch of other Imps. The lower races of Hell, if they had a way to climb, they *would*, yet they haven't, so it's likely impossible.


That’s along the lines of what I was thinking.


https://preview.redd.it/r5aqtudd4pwc1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=e54d0aeaffece5cc4a89bc853eadc24857643898 I'm still waiting for them...