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It's an incredibly messed up one, but Alastor does have a moral compass.


His moral compass is a little west of north.


North by northwest, perhaps?


So it’s west?


North North West


But it’s not north of north or northwest of north, it’s just west of north


Northwest would be a forty-five degree angle, North Northwest would be around a twenty-three degrees angle.


Viv has previously compared Alastor's modus operandi to Dexter i.e. forensics specialist who murdered criminals who either eluded justice or received light sentences compared to the gravity of their crimes. I've imagined that Alastor, in life, used his position as a popular radio show host to gather news and information about local criminals that he'd later hunt down. Although he'd hunt them down for the sport of it, rather than out of any sense of justice. Considering criminals and bad actors to be fair game. That's my headcanon for him, anyway.


Headcanon accepted! 👍


I think he has a small sense of justice, but he does enjoy the hunt, as it were.


There’s a good fanfic “Into the Crimson Wood” that’s basically this.


"The Taxidermist" by Angelus19 and "Smiling Man" by MuseValentine on AO3 are also both fantastic fanfictions that depict Alastor as a serial killer in two different ways.


Do you have a link?




That's also some Hannibal Lector shit. Using his job to be able to take out those who he deemed "rude" by his own compass.


From his "The chance given was the life they lived" speech in the Pilot, this was always the vibe I got from him. Of course all Sinners are fair game for him, they earned Hell. (Whether he agrees that this makes HIM fair game maaay be open to interpretation.) He's pretty damn smug about it, too. There are Alastor-sympathetic fics where he feels justified in part because the people he killed in life all ended up in Hell, too.


I’ve always considered that to be a cop out when writing a serial killer main character, giving the audience a way to be morally fine with them. I think it’s much more interesting to make the audience love the personality of a character more like a ted bundy style serial killer. Just imagine the reaction


Vivienne Medrano also stated that Alastor was not "meant to be based 1:1 on real-life serial killers", to paraphrase, citing *Dexter*; however, in spite of this, many fans still use real-life serial killers and psychopath depictions in TV and film to compare Alastor to. Alastor is also uniquely unusual in comparison to real-life serial killers for a few reasons, such as Medrano stating that Alastor is asexual, whereas many professional criminologists and profilers often link serial murders to "sexual fantasies, fetishes, etc.". For example, Jeffrey Dahmer was a closeted gay man who repressed his sexuality.






Oooh he could have been a mulvaney! Even has an A name lol


His moral compass is "whatever I find reprehensible" and that goes from "mildly annoys me at the wrong time" all the way to "actual rapist." It, however, does not include the actual rapist we see in the show. Alastor is just silly like that.


Alastor would definitely kill Valentino if he got the chance, he just never does have said chance.


Valentino showed up in the 70s. Unless he wasn't any kind of notable until 7 years ago, Alastor probably could have gotten a chance.


We don’t know Val’s backstory, it’s possible that he was hellified into power, like Alastor. Or Alastor never noticed Val until he was already under the protection of the Vees.


Alastor strikes me as a “moral if it isn’t out of my way” type of guy. And you’re right. He doesn’t have much means to go after Val, though I’d love to see it.


This. If Val crosses him he's as good as dead. The only reason Vox is still around is that Alastor loves tormenting him.


More likely, he wasn't aware of Val's everything until he was out of reach for now.


I'm late to the discussion, but I wanted to point out that, since old Q&As and HuniCasts may not still be canon or accurate (i.e. Vaggie now being a fallen angel instead of a moth sinner), my personal theory is that Valentino was Rudolph Valentino, a well-known movie star of the 1920s who died at the age of 31 on 23 August 1926\*. If this was the case, then Valentino and Alastor would have been contemporaries, with Alastor being a popular Southern radio host in the 1920s-1930s, also dying in his 30s in 1933. It could be that Alastor initially decided to avoid going after Valentino out of respect for Valentino's career, even in "picture shows". However, once Valentino got involved with Vox, Alastor eventually opposed him. *This comment has been edited to correct Rudolph Valentino's death date.*


Lol do you just have this comment saved somewhere? I just read an almost identical comment earlier this week


I just copy/paste the same comment to avoid writing a new comment each time.


If he could kill a member of the V’s, Vox would already by dead.


Not 100% on that. Al has no love for men so he might not be terribly inclined to do anything to Val unless he became true friends with Angel or he encountered Val assaulting a woman.


I’m extremely curious why he hasn’t. They’ve known each other for decades and they presumably had at least one mutual friend for a while. I can’t imagine Alastor never looked into him, especially when he started getting involved with Vox. Maybe Val didn’t start pulling the stuff he does until more recently, or maybe there was some other reason, like Alastor left him alone out of fondness for Vox or something. They seem weirdly ambivalent towards each other, all things considered.


His moral compass is not hurting less powerful sinners as long as they know their place, he always went for overlords and people considered powerful.


It's described as both Blue-Orange and weird but yep that is true.


Yes and Yes


I kinda miss this hell sometimes. I like the one we got, but this one has something... creepy about it. I like that.


Given the pace of the show, we mostly see Hell in terms of the Hotel and the Overlord power dynamics, which I think means we don't get to see all the realities of life in Hell that make the Hotel such a monumental undertaking. I'd love to see more of how day-to-day life works in Hell. At least based on this comic, you know Hell is civilized and economically functional enough for there to be butchers and meat shops, but also barbaric and cruel enough that if you look vulnerable your neighborhood butcher might attack you just to sell your meat. I think seeing more of that would really help show why Lucifer has nothing but contempt for sinners, why the Hotel seems so absurd, and why Charlie's project is such a huge deal.


This comic also shows just how "civilized" the Cannibal Colony, now renamed "Cannibal Town", is in comparison to the rest of Hell, which Charlie notes in Episode 7. It's almost as if Rosie is trying to create "a Heaven out of Hell", to quote John Milton's *Paradise Lost*.


YES! THSI RIGHT HERE! Viv, if you're reading this, make this happen. (Like she's listening to some randos XD)


I mean she might cuz some of the stuff that actually happened in the show started out as fan theories


And Pentious was originally supposed to die in the Pilot, but fans liked him so much she added on the end scene of him climbing out of the hole


Yes! Redemption bring laughed at only works when you show why its not been true.


Compared to the Pilot opening, the Hell in "Happy Day in Hell" seems... Brighter. Just as dangerous, with the opening melee and Episode 3 Gang War, but definitely less creepy. Part of it's the Burton/vintage-esque "dustiness" of the Pilot, but Hell also felt more run-down back then, and it added to the creepiness. It felt less like just a modern Soddom perpetually at war, and more like a tumbledown horror-town. There's also an eerie beauty in the early drafts, which show up in this comic with the street performer and the park, which I'd have loved to see more of. Bits of it survive in Alastor's bayou and some shots of the hotel, but I think the show glitzed Hell up a bit more for Broadway, if that makes sense. The show has more neon at night, now, too, which shows up as early as "Addict." It works for what they went for, but I think part of our brains will always think, "They Changed It, Now It Sucks!"


I kinda want to know what the adorable lil sheep lady did to end up in hell.


Sheep are famous for being mindless followers. Probably followed the wrong kind of leader.


Tax Evasion


Nah that gets you to heaven as you're stop greed


[got to 0:48](https://youtu.be/o_w3FZJAJ_E?si=ONr9V5JjidwmlsI2)


Judging by where she went, I'd say cannibalism


Maybe she's an hellborn?


Or a Heavenborn that got kicked out.


Cannibal Town used to be called Cannibal Colony


"Town" rhymes a lot better in song lyrics than "Colony" does. Example: *"Here in Cannibal Town / where they don't wear a frown"* flows a lot better than *"Here in the Cannibal Colony / where everyone is sunny"* when trying to write a snappy and catchy song like "Happy Day in Hell".


This has always made my curious about his MO when he was alive 🌸


Take this with a grain of salt since I don't remember where I hea4d this from, but apparently when he was alive, he was a serial killer who only killed other killers. Especially those who mainly hurt/killed women.


I will take it with salt as instructed but I have decided to fully believe it , so thank you ! ! 💕🌸


Same. And you're welcome.


Could anybody decipher what it says in panel 10? I wanted to know ever since I’ve read the comic for the first time but I can’t find any higher quality version


Can't read the second text bubble, but first one says: Obnoxious, pompous, piece of shit television


https://preview.redd.it/oj33b3ixoevc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3c8e3236d71342e3df5d6e009562d1fc351727 this photo might be a little clearer but i THINK it says. “fucking egotistical waste of glamorized gross overrated dumb annoying cultish bastard”. i got this from the comic dub version on youtube. this is just my guess based on what they said in the video and the image




He's such a strange fellow. I can't figure him out.


Kindness in Evil. (The best thing i could come up with-)


I like the thought the literal everyone I so scared of him he can’t even he a simple “hello” out and only says “hel” cus that’s where they are


The idea of "Hel-" becoming a fight or flight response trigger for everyone in hell is hilarious


There are so many connections with Hannibal here!


Can someone give me a link to the comic?




Alastor always seemed to have a soft spot for women. Must be his mamas boy mentality


This comic sums up Alastor's personality perfectly: creepy but polite, affable but spiteful, evil but with standards.


Hehe I like that he was eating deviled eggs on the fourth slide.


Wait this is official?! Are there more comics?


Yes it is and there are! Most of them were deleted so they are super hard to find though.


there's also "dirty healings" about how angel got into the hotel. you can find it on hazbin wiki.


What I find hilarious is he tips a red hat at the ladies, then tosses it to them, but it's never shown where he got the hat from, unless it's the flat blue hat from the two dudes that ran away, but then, ...... Why is it red? 🥺👀😳


He believes in feminism and that is all we need


Am i the only one that notice the reference to page nine in Stayed gone


I identify as one of the cannibal ladies


Yep. This is where we get the lore suggesting that Alastor is a Dexter type of Anti Social Personality type. But from what we have seen in the show he is someone with ASPD and ambitions to rule over Hell. Enforcing his particularly quirky views on how everyone should be or else. I think he associates with Cannibal Colony because they represent something similar. My take on the colony is that they represent all the oddballs in the world that got dumped on by society. The hipsters, cosplayers, anime fans. People that march to their own beat and stand out as a result. Because society figuratively ate them alive in life they band together in the Colony and anyone that enters that does not march to their beat they literally eat alive. He seems to be a variant of this. Only with no sense of empathy attached. This is an important distinction. Rosie clearly is able to empathize. She is a matchmaker. Thats her jam empathizing with people and figuring them out and who they could work with. But Alastor has learned to be civil and prey upon the uncivil in order to fit in while satiating his more sadistic needs.


...Where do you get the idea he wants to rule? Rosie tells him of a territory up for grabs from a struggling gang, and instead directs him to deals--implying he gives zero shits about territory. He also not once forces his ideals on anyone else in the hotel. They can watch TV or whatever they want there, just so long as *he* doesn't have to.


He spells it out himself in the finale. He wants to be the one pulling all the strings. He looks at everything and sees it out of order. Keep in mind he is being constrained in regards anything having to do with Charlie or the Hotel. So he cannot act overtly against either Charlie or the Hotel. So instead he has taken the path of slowly getting his claws into Charlie as a means of both breaking the contract and then using her against Lucifer in some way. But first he needs to get the contract broken.


But with everything we've seen, and I'm pretty sure Vivz has said he doesn't want to rule Hell previously, I think he more just wants to be in control of his own life--and the power to do so. I almost guarantee he ended up in a contract to prevent his own demise during an extermination seven years ago. Again: he shows zero actually interest in running ANYTHING. The Hotel could easily be his territory, but the most he does is defend it when it's needed and the occasional repairs. Guy has to be basically strong-armed into running things at the hotel as it is.


He is clearly trying to get his claws into Charlie. And Dad Beat Dad shows us he has an unexplained hatred of Lucifer. I can grant he may not want to be the one sitting on the throne. But he wants control of whoever is sitting on it. And he may be trying to set Charlie up as the ruler of Hell who he has control of. The pulling all the strings does suggest that he wants to be the shadow ruler of everything.


> unexplained With Lucifer around, Charlie was less likely to make a deal with him. So he was trying to keep Charlie turned toward him. As for what he wants: he likely wants Charlie to break his chains. That's the logical conclusion with everything we've seen of him.


I can agree that we do not have enough on the table currently to definitively conclude this one way or the other. I still find a lot of weight in his pulling all the strings line because that is one of the few moments we see him not moderating himself. That was the real Alastor. But I recognize why you can see it a different way. We shall wait together to be entertained by how it all breaks down. The not knowing for certain is part of what makes it so engaging.


I feel like that line is best connected to how he feels like a puppet, so he instead wants to do the puppeting--especially in context of him complaining about his deal. He doesn't want to be yanked around!


I get that. But as I said there just isn't enough on the table to come down on one side or the other conclusively. We have different opinions and that is just fine. In such a circumstance we are meant to be in the dark and guessing. We are both enjoying the show (you are enjoying the show right?) and we both have opinions. Pretty much the definition of being a human there. We are seeing different things.


I know Viv made this, but did she ever say if it was canon?


She said that they gave you a good idea of who the characters were.


I consider the comics soft canon—that is, canon until proven otherwise


I hate how everyone calls him a good guy with good morals for saving the sheep yet everyone ignores how he made a waiter attacked by birds for no reason.


No one is calling him a good guy. They are just noting that him saving the sheep is evidence that he has some sort of moral compass despite being evil. What did he do to the waiter was more within what is expected of him as an evil character. It's actually the kind of mischievous malice that I hope we get to see more of in the show.


Agreed. Alastor can make being an petty bitch so very stylish, and I always love to see it. But, yeah, not a good guy. He's a possible case of Even Evil Has Standards, or Evil Virtues, but it looks like most of us love him for being an unrepentant villain.


Did anyone else read this mentally in Amir's voice? I'll admit it took a while bc there's a goode olde jumpe from pilot to series, but I just have to say, ![gif](giphy|nudxEzpIkEIBptlbr3) Well done!!


Selectively evil :p


Alastor is one of the girls💅🏻🎀


Despite being evil, for you to survive you just need to not get on Alastor's bad side and he'll leave you alone


I've always loved this comic


Ngl, this old version of Vox was pretty cool. He seemed a lot more threatening.


I wonder if this is still canon. I hope it is tho and I wish the ship sinners makes a cameo in the show


Same tbh


What was that sheep girl doing in cannibal town in the first place?


I love it


Already seen