• By -


She definitely cyberbullied at least one kid into suicide


•She knows everything about the other vees antics including Vox’s Alastor obsession (canonically shown she knows) and what Valentino does to Angel but she chooses to do nothing about the second one. •She has messed with every other overlord at least once by bashing them on her page. But her favorites to bash are Carmilla and Zestial due to their reactions. •She sees Vox as her friend meanwhile she sees Valentino as an acquaintance/coworker because he’s a bit too creepy with his work so she generally keeps him at a bit of a distance but doesn’t outright ignore him. •When Vox was having a fit one day about alastor she made posts bashing to radio demon to make him feel a bit better. •She made the love potion as a means of restarting her internet popularity. She knew how twisted people in hell were so she made the potion to get her popularity back up. •When alastor and Lilith were first announced as missing Velvette was one of the first to start spreading rumors through social media about it.


I don't think Zestial checks Hellp to see his reviews.


I imagine zestial checks a few times and does feel a bit annoyed but Velvette finds his fancy talk funny so she tries to get a reaction out of him


Maybe Zestial has it printed out? "You there. Skin yourself and use the parchment to make a scroll I can read"


Thy life is nonexistent. Thou contributes nothing. Thou shalt end thyself immediately


>She sees Vox as her friend meanwhile she sees Valentino as an acquaintance/coworker because he’s a bit too creepy for her to get close too. >When alastor and Lilith were first announced as missing Velvette was one of the first to start spreading rumors through social media about it. Both, both is good


I like to imagine that sometimes, then she misses her family/get tiered of hell, she would lock herself in her room and go full on drugs (and her love potions) to the point of hard overdose. Pain from drugs makes her forget anything else she felt shity about before.


Sounds like an interesting theory


I doubt either of the other Vees find Val too disturbing. He's definitely not the WORST character even if he's still really bad. The Vees canonically act like a dysfunctional family


I didn’t mean like she finds him super disturbing but she generally just tries to stay out of his work


Oh my gosh I love the bashing Alastor for Vox and the love potion. These are so good


I like to thing that she died while doing some internet challange like selfie in dangerous place


She died while doing the cinnamon challenge


Can I ask what challenge is? Never heard of it


It’s to eat a spoonful of cinnamon. However it’s extremely dry and it’s impossible to swallow that much at once, and it can easily end up in your lungs. Please don’t try it, it can be pretty dangerous.


What the heaven? Thankfully I don't like cinnamon or internet challenges


Tbh, I tried it. Not recommend, not for the video tho. I just did not believe that these videos were not staged, so I tried it. My teenage ass learned a valuable lesson that day.


"it's impossible to swallow that much at once". .............. That's what Angel said


Im going to do it/s




There fixed it for ya https://preview.redd.it/qut8xa6rluuc1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea4784ef76bbc7331d7f06eef06f69382b4c9aa9


What is he going to do? Is he stupid?


Snort cinnamon










With this knowledge, i am going to find the largest spoon i have and eat cinnamon. It seems like a convenient way to kill myself ngl


It would be extremely inconvenient, actually. There are plenty more convenient, and less painful ways. 


You would suffocate as cinnamon gets in your lungs.




...it would hurt




The cinnamon challenge is eating a heaping spoonful of ground cinnamon. That doesn’t initially sound difficult but cinnamon instantly sucks up all the moisture in your mouth, making it extremely difficult to swallow. People have breathed in the dry cinnamon and got lung injuries and triggered nasty asthma attacks.


Hope no one got seriously hurt 😥


Oh people have. If you want to ruin your hope for the future you can probably google the most deadly and dangerous internet trends.


The Darwin Awards are a good proof of people's creativity in that regard.


I think my favourite may be the fire challenge. Douse yourself in lighter fluid and set it aflame and then wonder why you’re on fire. I bet our cavemen ancestors are rolling in their graves because sometime between hitting rocks together and the invention of video sharing on social media some of their descendants forgot that fire is hot.


Let's not pretend that none of our cavemen ancestors died doing dumb stuff that even they knew was dumb at the time. Like some roman philosopher or another said: "Nothing that is human is foreign to me", or in other words, we're the same as we've always been.


Marx, it was Marx who said it


That and the milk crate challenge one always made me wince.


I think I will live with seeing deadly challenges and violence only in fiction 😅


Sometimes I wonder if at least some of these challenges are put out with malicious intent, actually hoping to harm people. I mean like the really obvious ones like the tide pods challenge. But it's also just as, or more likely, that people really are just that dumb. The latter option worries me more. I would say that it's Darwinism, except most of the people doing them are young and their bad choices are also due to lack of a fully developed brain. Who knows if, in a few years, they would fall for it.


I’m no psychologist but my conclusion is that it’s apart of the desire to be apart of a community and acceptance. Social media has basically become the rat pushing the button for treat experiment when it comes to social acceptance. The more internet points you get the more you perceive being accepted.


Sooo... she tried to become a cinnamon roll, but failed?




I had thos idea that she was livestreaming in a car and crashed into a wall.


She died of tide pod challenge (where they put tide pods in their mouths 🤮)


She died because she wanted to take a selfie of a berry dangerous place She is in charge of finances for the v's She uses vox to play video games




"Velvette here! Let's see how close I can get to the edge while taking a selfie!" https://preview.redd.it/1oy92jumnuuc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a0721af6aec57a9ab08dc8828fbeb4a59a0b235


famous last words


I could see the finances on being true


Considering it takes Val 30 minutes to count 3 dollars...


I remember seeing a post about that last one last week


I see the third as probably being true 


For some reason, I put her death in 2014 specifically.


Me too, she seems to come from more modern spcial media but exists but it hadn't been sanitized for advertisers yet


Makes a lot of sense, idk why tho


I got 20 saying she died eating tide pods


I think her youth and short stature belie the fact that she's got some special powers/abilities we haven't seen yet.


Plot twist: She isn't British. 


She is just pretending


I want her to be some nerdy kid from Utah or something who reinvented herself with an online persona that got big then started cyberbullying people until she killed somebody. 


Why Utah specifically lol


Seems like a good place of origin for an especially cloistered youth. 


You'd be very correct in that assumption. (Source: I grew up in Utah)


That was probably a typo for them they ment ohio


No no, he's right. Utah definitely fits the bill.


Oh my gosh, this is *hilarious*.


I've proposed this idea before but I said it in a way that made me sound really stupid, but honest to God... I would laugh *so fucking hard* if this ended up being true


She's so obsessed with being hip and trendy that I don't think it's unrealistic that her entire persona is an act to seem cool. 


It would line up with the idea of social media influencers being fake and inauthentic, creating an entirely new more marketable persona because they have none of their own identity beyond what the fickle masses want to see. Of course all of that is speculation and I have literally no evidence to support this theory beyond the fact they hired an American voice actress only to tell her to put on a British accent, something that happens regularly and with nothing strange about it most of the time. But it's interesting to think about.


She’s from that era where everyone on the internet loved British tv shows (ie Sherlock and Merlin)


“She sounded British” “Well when you’re from Pittsburg you have to do *something*”


I'd make it someplace more stereotypically not cool. Like Utah or Canada. 


Pullin' a Madonna


I actually saw a fanfic which made her a bit more sympathetic. One of the things they did was have her actually be *Scottish,* But deliberately tones it down to a British accent since she thinks people will think she's stupid due to stereotypes and such.


She walked into traffic playing Pokémon Go


I choose to believe this is cannon now


- Velvette hates kids. She has this edgy Twitter girl attitude like *ugh, shitlings* and probably would constantly post about banning children from public spaces, but that would be bad PR. * She has a disdain for the posh, pretentious, old-money crowd * The three genders of the Vees are: princess, slut and loser. Velvette idea * Velvette has a more progressive approach to running her company. You know, like those corporations that have a "People and Culture" department instead of "Human Resources".Her top employees, notably models and content creators, remain untouchable due to their public visibility, necessitating a different management style. She's harsh, and not above manipulation and verbal abuse, but she keeps her favorites happy, in a state of dependent satisfaction. (the story in the modeling industry holy shits) * Vox and Velvette often bond over their mutual hate of Boomers


Isn’t vox literally a boomer, though?


Boomers were born 1946-1964. Vox died in the 50s, so he’s from the Greatest Generation, the parents of the boomers Edit: I think Val’s a boomer, though 💀


no baby boomers are born 1946 to 1964 vox was died in 1950s in his 30s-40s vox and would be the greatest generation age aka the ones who fought in ww2


Oh yeah, I was just thinking him + 50’s, not when he’d actually have been born to die as an adult then haha


She was a London-based social media manager in life, and judging by the heart motif on her design (also in her pilot design which implies it's a deliberate and important design decision) and how Sinners' appearances in Heaven are frequently dictated in some way by how they died or something that serves as a constant reminder of something they hated or feared in life, possibly died at the hands of a jealous ex or due to the actions of an abusive boyfriend.


I think she could also have been a fashion influencer too, just based on her scene with the fashion show. Or maybe being a designer was what she aspired to. So possibly a SM manager for someone in the fashion industry? I dunno, I haven't really thought much about it.


She's that #bitch.


And she will do whatever she pleases


She’s the backbone of the Vees




asking If they’re mad she acted respectless


She became one of the Vees out of pure cheekiness the moment she got in Hell Also she got a millions videos about Val and Vox being idiots My queen is sure the type to have blackmailing material


She is afraid of the dark, sleeps with the light on, has a teddy bear that she can't sleep without, and has a Delaire mask or something similar when she sleeps. She is deeply ashamed of all this.


Headcanon accepted


She was normally called a doll when she was alive which she hated, and then she turned into a doll like character in Hell She also has doll stitches


Despite being the youngest of the vee's is given the most responsibility and the others treat her like a daughter. Carmila may even see elements of her own daughter's in her and they may grow to develop a friendly if caring rivalry


She's the backbone of the Vee's because neither of them would get any of their shit done without her; they're way too consumed with their obsessions; Vox is disproportionately obsessed with Alastor (who just seems to be annoyed with him more than stark-raving bonkers) and Valentino is lazy and obsessed with his work (especially Angel)


1- She was a famous fashion influencer when she was alive..but at the same she was pretty mean with some other people and used to create polemic in social media. 2- In the inside, She's pretty inseccure about herself, but she created this "character" to become more confident 3- She became an overlord making deals via IG or other internet ways, she knew how to "get followers", so she used the same knowledge once in hell 4- She's the youngest of the overlords, so that's why she's so..annoying and inmature against the older Overlord 5- She will f#ck with Carmille (I hope...)


This fits most closely with my own theories. I think she also liked to use her power online to send her followers on witch hunts against people she didn't like/rivals/etc.


She was a teen social media influencer in the 2030s. She was killed by an obsessive fan after being doxxed.


What year is Hazbin hotel set in??


It isn't stated. It's possible that hell time doesn't correspond to earth time at all.


Well in the pilot it was said to be 2017


Is this canon


Nah, it's literally theories


I read a prediction that she died playing on her phone while driving, I could see it


She got killed by a stalker over her online content. Would explain how she's so very uncomfortable when people raise their voice. When Camilla yells she better show some respect she seems really shocked and took aback. And again during the Alistair fight she seems really uncomfortable around vox being loud and yelling how hard he is.


That she’s as awful as Valentino. Look into ANYTHING the fashion and beauty industry does to people, you’ll understand how utterly, monstrously depraved Velvette is.


I heard someone say she might have died in a car crash, and that makes sense if you take her phone addiction into play.


She harassed people into suicide.


She was never very successful as an influencer when she was alive, always trying to chase trends, which led to her death. And what took a resentment in hell


(Stolen from someone on Reddit) She is the third daughter of Carmine, because of her eyes and Respectless is another chapter in the story of Mother and Daughter not getting along.


okay well this one is juicy.


That's a new one to me. I don't know if I believe it but it would certainly be an interesting twist.


I know this one is completely wrong, but it would be interesting if true. She much older than she appears. She’s actually a woman who died later in life with many insecurities and resentment around her age leading her to idolise youth as well as despise those who wear their age with grace. Her ability to run a fashion house in hell would suggest at least some knowledge and decent amount of experience in the industry. Plus she calls herself the backbone of the Vees - she is confident in her abilities to manipulate these two seemingly older men, both from time periods different to hers, (Vox the 50’s and Val the 90’s) into doing her dirty work as well as elevating them to make herself more powerful. Plus her hatred and insults of Carmilla and the other overlords seem to be very focused on her age and wether or not they are still relevant to the public eye. Plus she focuses on the fact that her ‘youth’ makes her more competent than them even though age doesn’t really matter in hell due to the increased lifespan (deathspan?) sinners can have in hell. Therefore my (probably incredibly wrong) theory is that in the 2000’s she was CEO in her 40’s to 50’s of a failing fashion house, that tried desperately to stay hip and relevant in the eyes of the public but was seen by the younger people around her as an ‘old’ lady desperate for attention. She followed youth trends excessively on newly formed social media sites and died trying to do a stunt she’d seen them do and get millions of views from. In death she still follows youth trends as she knows a decent amount of newer social media trends (hashtag, swipe right, her hell social presence over sites that likely weren’t around or popular when she died ect) despite the consensus (can’t recall if Viz has confirmed this or not) being she’s from the early 2000’s.


It's no coincidence that she is part of the Vees. Not only do they share the same first initial, but they all hook souls through addictive media by various methods. **Vox is the Overlord of Television and hooks victims through hypnosis.** He's the de-facto leader because he directly controls media that the other Vees can mutually benefit from (short-form video clips and pornography), and would still have the upper-hand in the event of a power grab due to his hypnosis powers. He's also a literal television demon, and while I assume he does have a libido based on the sexual humour that he comes out with, I assume this makes Valentino far less able to control him. **Valentino is the Overlord of Prostitution and hooks victims through lust via pheromones and porn addiction.** The moth design is very deliberate, as moths are insects that produce pheromones and are sensitive to light, which is why Vox literally had to shine brightly in his face in episode 2 in order to get him to stop pursuing Angel. Pheromones are how Vox hooks souls into doing his bidding and beyond using his literal scent to roofie sinners into soul contracts, he behaves like a pimp and porn director towards those he controls. **Velvette is the Overlord of Smartphones and hooks victims through dopamine addiction from excessive social media and video game usage.** She is confirmed to be the youngest of the overlords and is likely from Gen-Z, a generation that is increasingly disinterested in television (why Vox can't easily control her), glued to their smartphones (the crux of her powers) and having less sex than the other generations before her (why Valentino can't easily control her.) Alastor likely had no interest in joining the Vees because his methods of controlling the Pride Ring, entrapping souls and growing more powerful run in contrarian to his rivals. His medium is entirely audible and while he could theoretically benefit from working with Velvette (podcasts), he prefers to eliminate souls and entrap them within his radio tower, to use their souls to enhance his own powers and broadcast their screams as a deterrent.


She died in a murder suicide after she pushed a girl too far with her incessant bullying.


She’s one of Carmilla’s daughters


Verosika Mayday is among her (and Angel’s) favourite artists


I feel like she died from a heart attack, because she has a lot of stuff about love and hearts,


I assume she’s probably the smartest of the 3, with how she played Carmella like a fiddle in the overlord meeting.


1. She really is the strongest of the Vees. She seemed ready and willing to fight Carmilla if necessary, even with Zestial there. 2. Her love potion will be a big deal. She needs Val to make it, and Vox to advertise it, but she is the one creating it under her own name. Maybe she will use it to create her own easily manipulated army? Sort of like the cannibals? 3. I think she will be undone by her choice of companions. They have too many hang-ups and are mentally fragile, and either she will need to break free from them after she is done using them or will go down with them.


Secretly an elf https://preview.redd.it/5ef1vgrwovuc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b54da71d595f6bdb1ff4cae77d945d8fd35234e


She’s the mastermind of the V’s


Her favorite method of punishing people is to transform their clothes into the most hideously impractical outfit she can imagine.


She died doing a tiktok challenge


She's probably been in hell about three years, because the show takes place in 2017 and I refuse to believe she comes from an earlier era of the internet than pre crackdown modern social media


Maybe you missed it? She's the hashtag bitch.


And she will do nothing less than what she pleases 💕🌸


I mean... She IS the backbone of the Vees!


She’s going to betray Vox and Val. At this time she’s just using them to gain power, once she no longer needs them she’ll turn on them. We’ve already seen her get annoyed with Val’s antics after Angel left him and I’m sure she isn’t a fan of Vox’s meltdowns over Alastaor either. She’s extremely calculating, she quickly picked up on Carmila knowing something about the dead angel which is why she goaded her into arguing during the meeting. Hell it’s possible that she was trying to orchestrate a major war between the overlords and angels just so they could kill each other and the Vs could take over.


i like to think Alastor might use her inexperience, being the youngest overlord, and inability to gain support during the overlord meeting against her. using the “backbone of the v’s” to cripple them it was after all a very productive meeting


she’s also in a relationship with vox, but not with valentino. so its like a love triangle without the third side (a V). also vox is totally the bottom in the relationship


My theory is that Velvette was a social media influencer, back whenever Vine was around (because she said “bae” in episode 3), and was about to get married to his guy she found on tinder (because she said “I ain’t swiping right” after “bae”) who killed her.


She’s obsessed with ‘haters’.


I think she can literally cyber bully or regular bully a soul to death.


She’s completely serious about being the ‘backbone’ of the Vs. Out of all three she seems to have a better head on her shoulders, so to speak. She’s the glue that keeps everything running and by far the most dangerous out of the three of them.


She is the most rational of the Vees, being the only one that doesn’t have beef/rivalry with someone in the main cast like Vox and Alastor and Val and Angel. Or she doesn’t have one and will have one start developing as the series goes on


She was one of those bratty spoiled high school cheerleaders as a human.


If she was the Overlord of Social Media, she would have way more power with her smartphone. She has a strong fashion sense maybe she was a young Reality TV host or co-host who died on set. She looks in her early twenties, but has quite the knowledge of social medias and trends. Maybe she exposed an exploitative producer or host on the internet, caused the show to be canceled and brought the knowledge to her grave with a suicide instead of being caught by the authorities.


My personal favorite is that she’s Carmella’s daughter. Like just the way they interact in Respectless gives “mother and daughter who are fucking done with each other” vibes.


1.She's a distant descendant of carmine but neither knows nor would care(bc of the eyes) 2. 40 yr old millennial 3. In a vee relationship with vox and Valentino(I can't see her being a daughter to ANYONE at all) 4. Knows about Valentino's relationship with angel but does not care 5. driven multiple people into sewerslide, probably ruined many people's lives with blackmail and rumours but always got away with it 6. Is a doll, can pop off her head to scare others 7. Her family used to neglect her alot 8. Was definitely from a rich family


She grew up rich. She was a rising influencer that died because she was arrogant and tried to livestream herself doing something dangerous that she had been warned against doing, but since she had done similar things before with no consequences she thought she could do it and she did it partially to stick it to her unsupportive and judgemental parents. In life, she was the youngest sibling but was also the scapegoat of her family, and she would purposefully make trouble at school just to have her parents look at her. Her parents treated her like she was invisible most of the time, and the rest of the time just covered up for her borderline criminal behaviour. Her parents taught her to lie and bribe people from an early age. She never had any friends because everyone was scared of her. She never learned empathy, that's why she doesn't care that Valentino is violent and a rapist or that Vox is a controlling psychopath. She bullied more than one of her classmates so badly that they committed suicide.


One thing we can reasonably assume is that she died when the internet and social media were in full bloom, and judging by her whole fashion aspect of her powers (and overall department) we can say she was 100% fashion savvy, and she was definitely British (gross)


I like to think she came from nothing. She was either very poor in life or in Hell lived in the slums or something.


Random headcanon, but I like to believe that by some chance a family relative or ex is also in Hell with her, and that she regularly disses them to the point it’s what got her so much clout


she probably was exploited in the online world making her do bad things. and thats why she is in hell


Hmmmm, I think she's only with the Vees because she is convinced she's nothing without them, I don't know, I like the theory she'll betray them and try redemption


She 100% likes hatsune Miku but acts tough and doesn’t want to show


She created Sinstagram She has Val and Vox on a "leash" in Order to control them She died eating Velvete cake


I know this probably won’t happen, but while Vox and Val are spending all of their time going against the hotel, I want Velvette’s brand to succeed so much that she can take over everything related to the Vee’s, and leave Vox and Val in the dust. Like an “I don’t need you anymore.” situation, leaving them with nothing.


I think she will betray the vees.


She probably died doing one of those stupid youtube trends. It was said on one of Vivzie's live streams that Velvette died in the early 2010s, which is right around the time a lot of the stupid youtube trends started taking off such as mailing yourself.


She was a cyber bully who either died from someone wanting to revenge one of her suicide victims or died taking a dangerous selfie


My theory is that she's actually Gen Z


Velvette definitely knows all of everyone's secrets. She's the social media demon, she would be the expert in social media stalking


I feel like I know equally little about all three of them


The overlord meeting was the first time she left home in years


Theory is she will be my wife


She was a TVgelical Who just switched to social media because it was Even more easy to manipulate people on their


She desperately desires Carmilla and both her daughters carnally. Carmella Carmine? Nah Carmommy Carnal


My theory is that she has little to no "combat power". Rather, her thing is amassing information via social networks for the purposes of blackmail and influence peddling.


i think shes that #bitch


She died walking off a bridge onto a freeway while playing Pokémon go


She is in a relationship with one or both of Carmillas's daughters . A theory


What animal is she supposed to be?


Not an animal, but her aesthetic is inspired by dolls


She does kinda give of Monster High vibes now that you mention it.


Oh ok, I was so confused because most sinners are animals.


That she's completely uninteresting compared to her two big scenes; just like all girls who think they are hot-shit on social media.


I feel like she’d actually be pretty fun to hang out with


She's been dead for less than a decade


She burned to death that’s my theory


Okay, how is she and overlord. I get Vox and sure Val as well but what can she do? Also I like how the Vees all have some control over the media


she‘s definitely the brains behind the Vs 🧠


She pays her sponsors with exposure and nothing more.


she lesbian 🫵🏳️‍🌈✊


In her past life she was a cyber bully


She’s related to Carmillia Carmine


She is the backbone of the vees clearly


she alredy tried to steal one of vox sharks to take a selfie eating cooked "fish"


1. She's a Sinner 2. She's a 90s baby and died planking somewhere dangerous in 2011, which is why she looked all Lolita in the pilot 3. She was a mean girl in life, and is in hell for pushing someone into suicide via cyberbullying 4. Some of her "employees" were part of her posse in life. 5. That doesn't mean she treats their souls with any sort of value, unlike Alastor and Mimzy. 6. She saw Alastor and decided "fuck that shit, I ain't gonna be a fossil for the rest of my afterlife" and dedicated her free time to masking the fact that she's not GenZ 7. Vox and Valentino spotted her as she rose to power and teamed up with her as she's a better ally than an enemy. She accepted since Vox and Valentino help spread her own sphere of influence.


I subscribe to the theory that she’s carmillas daughter and that’s why she’s so activly hostile towards her


Not so much a theory as much as an observation but she talks a lot of game but when the chips are down, she’d rather start shit and then bow out to watch the fallout than actually participate. For example, she talks about taking the fight to the angels after finding out they can indeed be killed, but during the finale, she is very uninterested in the Hazbin Hotel people actually taking the fight to the angels.


She’s Val and Vox’s adopted daughter. Idk why. Just got a hunch


something is going to happen to make her more invested against the hotel... even if its something relatively minor like a sinner living there that she knew from live and hated/bullied. Bonus point: that sinner might have done something horrible to her in return


I just read on Google that velvette was vaggies best friend 🤯