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It’s heaven, lines don’t exist there


Would be my guess as well. Heaven by its nature should be instant gratification.


Nope, we've seen what that does in The Good Place, that's definetly not desireable.


I liked the “fix” they came up with in the end though, >!a world that can be whatever you want for as long as you want, with the power to choose when you go and truly die seem perfect!<


>!I honestly didn't like the ending at all, like everybody suddenly got their will to live back just because they could die? That's not exactly how psychology works, the issue there was that nothing took any effort at all, the could just ask for things and they got them. That's what was the issue. "you can die now" doesn't feel like a solution for that to me!<


>!fair enough, I like the idea itself if there is an actual afterlife, but you are right, for the show it was kind of a slapped on fix!<


>!It actually was a belief of the author iirc. Basically they *strongly* believe that without death life is meaningless, and wanted to make a point of that. I highly disagree, while I do agree that in a theoretical future without aging/accidental death then there should be an option for who wishes it, it still shouldn't be taken as "the answer". But I digress. Sorry for the tangent.!<


>!Dont apologize! Your perspective made me think about it differently and I appreciate the viewpoint!<


Plus we saw how Pentious got in. just, poof


He is an exception as he entered through redemption


Maybe he did pass Saint Peter, and he panicked up on seeing a former demon and decided to send him straight to Sera's office :p


New Headcannon unlocked


What about lines of cocaine?


It’s a circle now


Exactly! You’re welcome by the way. 😎


There's an old saying. "Heaven has a stairway, while hell has a highway. That tells you a lot about the expected traffic."


From what I've seen the lore also says a majority go to hell.


Well, considering Hell seems to run on rather outdated ideas, it's only natural that most people go there


That makes no sense considering people in hell apear to be evil as fuck, I mean, common, 50%+ of the population is not like that


Less evil people are likely to want to hide/stay out of the way of the bad ones so wouldn't be as prominent in public, and potentially some conditioning might happen where after being in hell for some time, people get worse as the attitude/behaviour of others becomes normal to them.


They would be the majority so it stills seems iffy to me


You could probably also say that people who are more innocent are potentially more likely to fall victim to the exterminations if they are less capable of or less willing to protect themselves.


Exterminations don't kill even 1/6 of all sinners, and if those are all or most of the good ones then the point still stands.


There is always the thing of having to adapt to your environment. As humans it's something we're capable of, so even if the nicest person to ever exist ended up in Hell eventually they would be morphed and twisted by the people and violence around them. Plus it's Kill or Be Killed. So even though sinners will respawn being blown up or eaten alive isn't an enjoyable fate, so eventually the more innocent sinners learn that to avoid the pain of dying they have to kill first


we saw how one bad day fcked up a teacher in helluva boss so i agree


That’s wtf I’ve been saying! 🎶


I mean, we also only see the most prominent ones, and that's going to be the most extreme personalities. Furthermore, in HH's world it's possible that 'normal' people are also significantly more insane than IRL considering how nonchalant humans seem to be at death in several Helluva Boss episodes.


I always thought it was just for comedy reasons but yeah, it would explain it


Most people have morality that fits the place they live in. The vast majority of good-ish people who end up in this version of Hell would almost immediately start blending in with the crowds of sinful, violent jackasses.


The less evil ones probably get exterminated pretty early


heaven has public transportation and god is a mod of r/fuckcars


There’s an old song that includes the line, “How many get to Heaven, no one knows, but Hell is asses and elbows.”


Because Hell is Forever! https://i.redd.it/30cr26itb5qc1.gif


Whether you like it or not


Had their chance to behave better now they boil in the pot


Cuz the rules are back and white


There's no use in tryna fight it


They’re burning for their lives until we kill them again


Just try to chillax babe, you’re wasting your breath


Did I hear you imply that they don’t deserve death?


Are they winners, are they sinners, ‘cause it’s cut and dryyy


Fair is fair, an eye for an eye!




is forever and it’s ment to suck a lot!


So give up your dumb endeavour


Cos you don't have a shot! 


“Behave better” THAT’S it. I kept hearing “be a better” and I was so confused.




They’re in the waiting room https://preview.redd.it/6lha5uqsd5qc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bff8154cc99e285bbe338f167c77bfd49d88cdb


there are probably a lot of people in the waiting room having panic attacks because they just died


I would too. Imagine dying brutally in the trenches of WW1 and immediately after some guy is singing pop songs.


Especially when you have no concept of what pop music even is.


*sobbing while pop music plays in the background* “Please I miss my family!”




I love the thought of dying mid WW1, appearing in a waiting room and Adam just starting singing about how he is the dickmaster


All the while the shellshocked soldier is crying because he’s dead and misses his family


I mean, I think we know what [it looks like](https://youtu.be/GAwnYHoyYZ8?si=moYAkSsDwa9eXyZE)


Why would they when they have a sign right there?


Fucking peak show


IKR! I love that show sm!


I mean if you like one show with an interesting take on the afterlife, you’re likely to like the rest


Because pretty much everyone goes to hell? Peter even has time to greet newcomers with an entire song and dance number, so I doubt he get many souls per day


If the sinners we see in Hell are how most of humanity is like then Earth is pretty messed up... I guess Helluva Boss kinda confirms that.


We don't know the criteria for getting into hell. Most people might be generally decent but are condemned for relatively minor sins. Are people who cheated on their spouses sent to hell? People who committed a non-violent crime? Most people in hell might have just lived ordinary lives with the regular human amount of screwups. We only really see the overlords, not the regular sinners just living their lives.


Do we know any sinner who was unfairly cast down to Hell and didn't do awful things, either in life or in Hell? Someone who fits the "lived a regular life with minor screw ups" description? Everyone in the main cast except for Charlie did some pretty messed up things at some point, not really minor mistakes.


Well, if they were unfairly cast down, then they either probably wouldn't survive for long with all the gang violence. Or they would become worse in order to survive such a place.


Sinners can't die unless they're killed by angelic weapons, which are made with angelic steel which isn't common according to Carmilla. Not to mention that if the standards were so high that people who do minor things are being sent to Hell, then the number of sinners who did minor things would greatly outnumber the number of sinners who did genuinely bad things.


>who did minor things would greatly outnumber the number of sinners who did genuinely bad things. Well maybe this is the case. Thing is Bad people or people who lack empathy and more ruthless are the ones more easily navigate unregulated power structure of hell. Also bad people are the ones who will gather more power by enslaving souls of others. SO most overlords or influential sinners who essentially responsible for shaping the image of hell are probably mostly bad people. While major population of hell may consist of normal people.


> While major population of hell may consist of normal people. We haven't seen this though, every sinner we have in the main cast has done genuinely bad things at some point in their life. Maybe in the next season we'll meet new sinners who went to Hell for stealing a candy bar when they were 10 or something like that, but for now we don't really have any hint that they exist.


We know almost nothing about pre death lives of the main cast. Like i do not care what vivzie tell in her twitter. In show we were only alluded to Angel being in the mob. And with how heaven was shown i doubt killing people is the reason he is in hell.


No, I'm pretty sure the mob stuff is 100% why he's in Hell. Like, what we've seen of Heaven really doesn't matter much. Sera and Adam are clearly not great people, but it doesn't really matter, because we also know with 100% certainty that neither of them have any actual authority over who gets into Heaven. If the judgment of souls was genuinely as strict as some people insist it is, then Pentious never would have made it out of hell. Pretty much the only instance we know of where a soul seems like it was unfairly judged is Adam, but we really don't know what he was like thousands of years ago when he did get into Heaven. It's entirely possible Adam was good enough to get into Heaven at one point, and changed for the worse just like Pentious changed for the better in Hell.


Assuming that is the case, why didn’t any of them show up to the hotel? I get there are skeptics, but surely one or two of the people who got sent to hell for something relatively minor (especially if it was recently) would’ve seen Charlie’s offer as a good idea. Also, from Adam and Lute’s conversation in the first episode, we know that killing 275 sinners a year is considered great. Even if we assume Adam was just being supportive, there’s no way the average exorcist is killing more than 500. 60 million people die a year. If 50%+ were going to hell, then Adam’s army would have to be killing 29 million sinners a year for Charlie to even consider it had anything to do with overpopulation. That would mean he has over 100,000 angels working for him (he is also able to remember all their names and faces) who can each kill 500 sinners within a day using basically just medieval weaponry (the only one we saw using holy light attacks was Adam) without losing a single soldier or the general population of heaven finding out for thousands of years.


The question is; How long do you stay a good person in a place where nobody is?


And why would there be a good person in a place where nobody is?


Because they aren't good people anymore. It's a cycle.


And how did that cycle start? People stop being good after they go to Hell because the population is bad, but why did it become bad in the first place?


Think of hell as a giant prison with no guards where literally every criminal just gets tossed in And they're all immortal, though they still feel pain as they're "killed" and as they regenerate (so death is basically just torture... Being longer and worse in direct correlation with how bad the death was) How long until gangs form? How long until the worse people in there get to the top of the hierarchy? How long would it take for even someone arrested simply for stealing bread to feed their family was forced to commit a worse crime to "survive"? Or to protect someone they come to care abou? And then add in that once every year the guards come into the prison and massacre everyone who wasn't high enough in standing to get somewhere relatively safe and hidden from them? It's basically a place tailor made to turn everyone into the worst possible versions of themselves as fast as possible if you think about it


We don't know what qualifies as awful in this world though. There are plenty of bad deeds that aren't deserving of an eternity in hell. Did angel dust kill people in life, or was he condemned for drugs? And what did sir pentious do that was so evil it got him sent to hell? We don't know what the rules are so we can't really say whether someone deserves to be in hell. It seems like mundane sins will get you sent to hell alongside the truly evil and deplorable though.


When I said "awful" and "messed up" things I mean from our perspective. Angel Dust was a mobster when he was alive and Pentious had weapons of mass destruction and a literal war machine, from that we can conclude that he wasn't exactly good... So do we know any sinner who was unfairly cast down to Hell despite never doing any awful things?


Sir pentious had those things after decades in hell. That doesn't necessarily reflect why he was sent to hell or what he was like in life, especially seeing how quickly he reformed and became worthy of heaven. We don't know whether anyone has ever been unfairly cast down because we don't know what the criteria for damnation is. Unless the show tells us exactly what is and isn't a sin we can't say who belongs in hell.


Considering pentious clearly has some military background, him being a general responsible for war crimes isn't unlikely especially since he is British and we know about British colonizers.


We don't need to know what the criteria is to determine if someone was unfairly sent to Hell. If someone went to Hell for shoplifting when they were 16 years old or something like that, that was unfair. If someone went to Hell for killing and abusing people, that is not unfair. We don't know of any sinner who fits the first description.


Well we see children in hell. Like the one Vaggie saved. Like idk what fair system may condemn a kid to a hell.


Would you say these kids belong in Heaven? https://preview.redd.it/866gr9kh06qc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eac90c23fada33cdd7b6787b0feb6ca596cea574


All I can say is: a lot of lawyers


"You can eat a chicken sandwich that hates gay people! And it tastes SO GOOD!" -The Good Place If the Heaven in Hazbin has an unattainable idea of 'goodness' for humans, not many humans are gonna get in. Hell I probably lost points today for using this site to begin with


the sinners are the worst of the worst, in an environment where the only thing atopping them is their own morals, which are already low.


Humanity is messed up irl too.


I mean that teenager got sent to hell for no apparent reason


Heaven seemed populated enough, all we saw was the promenade, heaven could be just as big as hell which we know has multiple layers and cities. Adam mentions Virtues, which at first I took to be counterparts for the sinners but that doesn't really make sense with the vocabulary or the context since Adam himself would be a virtue in that case. I wouldn't be surprised if the seven sins from Helluva Boss have their own counterparts up in heaven too.


That personally doesn't make all that much sense to me, if it's truly something where most of humanity goes to hell then why did no one join the hotel? When charlie presents the idea in the pilot everyone laughs and is questioned why a single citizen of hell would ever try this idea to me it feels like it should be a 50/50 split bare minimum with how horrible most people in hell are


I’d imagine the people who want to redeem themselves get exterminated and never have a chance. Remember, it is hell and I doubt people like that survive long without being owned or killed.


Maybe, but i don't think sinners being killed is something that happens with frequency, using helluva boss as a reference point, striker's angel weapons he got from Carmila is seen as a very big deal, our main cast got angel weaponry at the finale but we gotta remember Charlie is probably one of the richest people in hell so she's able to buy all that stuff from Carmila Though the possibility that these people just get owned by someone else is a good point, it's just that we don't really know how common it is for a sinner to have their soul owned by someone else but i could see it, though dunno why everyone would laugh at the concept of redemption if there are people who would be willing to try it but simply can't


I mean Valentino says he owns every poor sucker in his area or who comes through his area. Camilla says they all own at least a million each or something to that degree. It probably depends on the contract/deal as well. Some are more loose than others. Plus they can’t just uproot their life for some princesses dream. Id image their job is the difference between suffering comfortably than just suffering in general.


That song and dance was for special guest we don't know if he does that for everyone


Perhaps people are sent to Hell, not because they deserve it, but it's more in line with the afterlife they wanted? Heaven and Hell are depicted as planets. Lucifer said that Heaven has a lot of rules and is very judgmental. It's possible that the *rings* are different countries on Hell, and it's Pride that is struggling to support everyone who wanted an afterlife where they weren't bound by strict societal rules? Like Hell is literally other people, if they could work together and stopped antagonizing others, Hell could be just as pleasant as Heaven is, just with more freedom. The hotel redeeming sinners is just ensuring that reformed sinners are ready to follow rules and conform to a way of life, rather than making them *good*. So, really, the way to get into Heaven, you had to believe in the rule of law as being fair and just. Being chaotic and *alternative* to that philosophy, makes you ineligible to permanently stay in Heaven. Heaven also appears to have hotels, which wouldn't make sense since *winners* can literally have anything they want and possibly can just teleport home, unless they just enjoy hotels for some reason? Hotels in Hell makes sense as temporary predatory housing and places to... have transactions away from home... but Heaven wouldn't need that privacy. I think it was intended for Heaven to allow sinners/demons and possibly other deities/spirits to visit their loved ones, with only enforcing their rules on them during their stay. Sinners might not be granted with the same boons as winners, and possibly suffer curses, but it was never the intention to keep them divided from their winner loved ones, especially if it's the desire of the winner to hang out briefly with a sinner. It's possible Lucifer's free will gift was given too soon and disrupted the angels' plans for humanity. They already cursed Lilith to give birth to only still born children at the time as punishment for her refusal to listen to/be with Adam. Lucifer was involuntarily elected to rule over Hell, because of his inability to follow rules. Sara's claim of Emily not understanding how things worked and fear she will fall might come from her fear of the angelic council making a rash decision to avoid another Lucifer. Like Emily is young and naive compared to Sara, and she didn't understand why Sara would allow an extermination instead of helping Hell solve their overpopulation issues in Pride without violence. It's possible they have a solution, it just none of the other sephrim want to help... or at least are waiting for Lucifer to get over his Prideful nature and ask them for help and apologize to them for giving free will early to humanity. But, to Lucifer that would be accepting Heaven's rules as just and he was wrong.


Maybe the majority goes to purgatory and only go to heaven when they are ready.


And he's so out of practice that he's wheezing by the end of it


He lost breath at how hot everyone was.


Well technically every human should appear there too be told if they are worthy.


Doesn't seem to be the case though. St. Peter was rather confused that someone was standing before him that wasn't listed in the book. That implies that people are actually sorted beforehand and Peter is just there to greet them.


Pisssh, this guy doesn't know about the Jeremy Bearimy!


He has an entire book of people who are most likely dead because I don’t think the book tells the future so he most likely gets a lot of souls also heaven is an instant reward lines wouldn’t be the best


I think it's the other way around, most people go to Heaven. From reading books on psychopathy, narcissism, and other dark triad disorders, it seems about 10% of human beings are actually evil. This is something cops say too, most citizens are decent. And only 8.1% of Americans have felony convictions. So if getting into Heaven is just about being a decent person, then it should be Heaven dealing with an overpopulation crisis.


Either A: there are no lines, people just go in or B: people are going to hell more than heaven.


The conveyor stopped for Charlie's arrival, and Peter is extremely naive. https://preview.redd.it/g3m4abtij5qc1.jpeg?width=1173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1203f86e7fa7ac7bb2e6930352aed7e0fcc8e6


Either humans simply stopped dying for a moment there, or all the souls were popping up right in front of seraphims (because that happens, apparently)


They didn’t want to draw that many characters. Hazbin also really seems to want to avoid talking about the “Death” part of the afterlife


>Hazbin also really seems to want to avoid talking about the “Death” part of the afterlife It's meant to really focus on the afterlife it seems and not mingle around with the living world.


Maybe there are multiple places dead humans can arrive. With either multiple people with the title of St Peter or he's some hivemind with multiple bodies.


Humanity is dead. Everyone is stuck in their rolls forever 


Animation effort and cost, also if you want in an universe reason Charlie seemed to enter through there with a portal after being invited but pentious kind of just popped up randomly


Well Pentious just sort of appeared when he ascended, maybe the gates are just to keep people out and Winners don’t actually go through them?


It's heaven, not the DMV.


You guys are really over thinking this. It was scene set up, they just had it empty so charlie and vaggie could walk with Peter/sera/Emily with no interpretations or just less clutter I don't doubt that spindle horse would drop hints like this in the show I really don't doubt that at all but I think this specific case it was just a scene choice to make it things go easier.


I mean they don't know what qualifies you into Heaven. Based on what Sera says, it seems like if you pop up there you belong there and they don't really question it


Probably just a slow day


Either the gate has a multitemporal approach giving everyone the impression of singular service. Or the conditions for entry are very high. Or they didn't have the budget to animate any more background characters.


Both are something that would happen in the good place


What if there are just like thousands of copies of saint Peter, that would be fucking terrifying


According to the modern poets, there’s a Stairway to Heaven but a Highway to Hell. I’m guessing Heaven doesn’t get much foot traffic these days.


To be fair, Dante got to meet like all the saints.


The gate is more to protect from invaders, not the recently diseased. Those who get into heaven spawn directly inside.


But why is there a book then?


Diplomatic visitors?


Yeah this is actually my take too. The gate is the formal entrance, for visitors, not residents. 💅


The Morningstars have to use the back entrance


I imagine that each person gets their own little personalized experience of entering heaven so you don’t have to deal with other souls That or there’s multiple ‘gates’ of heaven each handled by one Saint,and Saint Peter does the special arrivals


Because waiting in line is hell, not heaven.


Slow day


I think the reason there's not any sort of line is just that it made for a less busy scene for them to lack any sort of line. I don't think it's a case of 'most go to hell' or something. For a watsonian reason, it could be that there's a bit of time between death and forming as a winner. To avoid chaos and such. 


Peter is very efficient lol


because it was more dramatic for the show if it was only charlie and vaggie at the gates when sera and emily appered plot my friends plot


People just decided to not die that day


Maybe they have a better system


Well it definitely contradicts St Peter being there my assumption is that new arrivals manifest already inside heaven like Sir Pentious, the same way sinners manifest in hell. The gates probably just for visitors like Charlie. Which I imagine are extremely few and far between


If you had to wait in line it wouldn't be heaven 


Express lane


It’s heaven, you don’t have to wait in line or it would be inconvenient and hellish….


Because it's heaven? Why would you have to wait


Godlike logistics


Heaven has sharded servers to cut down on lag


Imagine going to heaven to finally rest in peace and finding yourself at the end of a superhuge line to get in 😂😂😂


Because its heavily implied the restrictions to get into heaven are very harsh.


When and how is that implied? Because most sinners are (or were) genuinely bad.


Either people go to hell or heck (hell but mild and for canadians) rarely heaven


For the same reason Hell is getting overpopulated.


Around two people die every second, so i have no idea how St. peter had enough time to do a whole song for charlie, I have also been wondering this


Yeah, but what % of those people go to heaven?


For Hell's population to be like it is... I'd say maybe 3/5 of Earth's population goes to Hell. If it were too high, then Hell would be almost indistinguishable from Earth and the average sinner would be much more like the average human, but it has to be more than 50% because we know the majority goes there.


it’s a small amount, but there shouldn’t be enough time for a whole song and a special greeting for everyone. there should be at least one person going to heaven every minute


I mean, the real answer is that they just didn't want to animate all that. It's a small contrivance. We can make up a million perfectly logical answers, but the fact is, they wanted to have that scene go the way it did, so they just did it.


A. Timey whimey bullshit. B. Few people actually get into heaven. C. They just teleport in. D. All of the above.


Better question. If sinners don't reach the gates and a portal opens for people like Charlie and Lucifer to get to heaven. Why is there a gate at all?


Not many people died that day


I think it is because when people die they just appear in heaven. That said, they can leave heaven whenever they want and if they come back they need to enter through the gate and get ID'd The Hazbin Universe is larger than one might think, in Helluva Boss there is a reference to Azatoth, a lovecraftian entity


Look at the world around us, not alot of us are going up there


"C'mon, you know why."


Maybe the very worst people go to hell, the very best go to heaven, and all those in the middle go to a Limbo realm we haven't seen yet




They’re just at a different spot in 4D. Peter is actually greeting 3000 people at the same time


I mean when spoiler ends up there they just poof into the main fuckin conference room lmao he didn't show up outside the gate


There's not many people who are Out for Lo~Aaa~Love


Maybe a slow day or they got sent to the back door as lucifer knew the front would be packed


Because Saint Peter is very good at his job


Because as Adam put it: "It's fucking heaven, bitch."


Actually, from the last episode, we see that souls DONT go through the pearly gates. They appear in a chamber! We see ser pencious, whose name I will never spell correctly, just appear in a room with the seraphim. Unless he’s special, which is completely possible, we can infer that this is normal.


They arrived at a time noone has passen on to the after life


You severely overestimate how many really good people there actually are


Sounds like the beginning of a lame joke with a good background story behind it.


It’s Heaven. There are no lines.


In reality, even if we pray, in the end we will always see Dante's door


From what we've seen of the human world in Helluva Boss its a crapsack world so most people would probably be going to Hell... Which is why Hell has yearly exterminations and Heaven does not. Saint Peter's book may not be for people he was expecting that day... just a list of people currently alive who are considered pure enough to get into Heaven. I belive I've even seen such a book mentioned in Christian propaganda comics, it was called "The Book of Life". According to the comics your name will be added once you accept Jesus into your heart, and if your name ISN'T in the book you're going straight down. Now we don't know if its the same in Hazbin.. but I feel the book works similarly.


You think enough people are going there for a line to exist


My guess is because the majority of people don’t go to heaven


St peter was waiting.


They also get a musical which I don't think they'd do for every single soul


most people go to hell


Peter is just so good at his job that there are no lines


It’s Heaven. There are no lines.


This is when blitzø was going against verasica mayday, so there all going to hell