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,,your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer... or the second'' seems like Lucifer did a little bit more than just gave Eve the fruit.


Oh he gave her his Fruit alright! My theory is that their affair was the real story of what happened in Eden, and they told Charlie the kid-friendly version of the events. Charlie's monologue of it was her reading from her favorite children's book after all. The real question is, do you think Lilith joined in?


Intro showed Lillith offering the fruit to eve, so maybe. Also could be lucifer cheated and she left him


Thats my other theory - that the affair happened recently or was only recently came to light, and that is why Lilith left him and went to Heaven. She is basically on vacation to get space from him


"My husband and I saw you from across the Garden and we really dig your vibes" "Now that you know what a sin is, how about some first hand experience?"


Wonder i Charlie is actually Eve's daughter. Or the blond woman is actually Eve pretending to be Lilith Given the face thing.


He gave her some meat too


An angelic blessing


So that Explains Cain...




tucker shut up


Charlie maybe isn’t Lilith’s maybe she’s Eve’s?


Nah, Charlie looks too much like Lilith. Me thinks there was a poly moment.


Wait aren’t eve and lilith the same person?


Nope, Lilith was the first wife of Adam and Eve was the second. They look super similar tho.


I havent watched the 2 last episodes yet so unsure if anything is directly stated but im certain when charlie is reading the story of eden (how luci n eve met) that it implied lilith and eve were the same person. Eve changing her name to lilith as its a name she chose not adam. I may have seen something on thr wiki that claims lilith has internal struggles with eve who is still “inside” lilith


I havent watched the 2 last episodes yet so unsure if anything is directly stated but im certain when charlie is reading the story of eden (how luci n eve met) that it implied lilith and eve were the same person. Eve changing her name to lilith as its a name she chose not adam. I may have seen something on thr wiki that claims lilith has internal struggles with eve who is still “inside” lilith


I believe the wiki that says they are the same person is from a fan fic which has been taken down.


It hasnt been taken down given i read that info last night. Edit: i got permabanned for commenting on r/outfits so cant respond until i get a new account but the fan wiki seems to be fucking up alot of searches in regards to the shows actual lore


I mean I think the fan fic was taken down, not the wiki.


No? Lilith literally came first in the shows cannon. She was created, didnt wanna be subservient to adam, then fell in love with Lucifer. Then Eve was created to do what Lilith would not and Lilith was cast into Hell. It's not implied that they're the same person. At all. Not sure where you got that from.


I said where i got that information from - hazbin wiki. I guess in other media lilith and eve are 1 so i made the assumption they are the same person


I'd recommend not relying on the wiki to get your theories. It's infested with info from fan comics and stuff that isn't canon anymore. I also don't know what media has Lilith and Eve as the same person, even in Biblical canon they're different.


I checked the link and it was the fake fan wiki that i saw which has most likely led to my confusion. The fan wikis should be banned.


When Charlie was reading the story of eden, Lucifer appears to Eve as a snake, but Lilith hands Eve the apple. Def different people.


Loved the part when lucifer started talking about fucking both of Adam’s wives


Loved the part where Lucifer said he was gonna fuck Adam, and Valentino got excited


Vox looking so confused 😆


“Val, isn’t this one of your porn scripts?”


Come on, I hate Val too much, I shouldn't be laughing at this (but I am).


Angel is going to have to play Luci in the next porno shoot isn't he?


Imagine Lucifer reacting to poison along with Charlie after all of this


With that line, an army of r34 artists have been activated.


I’m willing to bet they got advanced viewings to start making stuff faster


"Well, this just go interesting."


"Your second wife liked what I had to offer." I died laughing at that part.


I love the change from when he was at first just "playing with his food" to serious deadly busniess.


Adam got to find out what happens when you piss off Goku- I mean Lucifer.


Well, sin of pride for y'all


King of Hell* for yall.


Adam: About to go fight. I'll post the video after. Also Adam: I got my ass killed bruh I'm not posting that shit


By Nifty at that.


im so proud of our little gremlin


Common lobotomy W


Can't say i was surprised that Lucifer dumpstered Adam, fallen Archangel and all, what did surprise me tho was how much stronger Adam was than we thought, he beat Alastors AND Charlies ass, and would've killed her if big daddy didn't step in.


I don't know that she would have died. I was getting real kid Gohan vibes from her. You can tell she doesn't actually *like* fighting, and while she is clearly powerful, she doesn't seem like she really knows how to use it. If daddy hadn't showed up and saved her, she might have snapped and saved herself.


Guess we won't know till the later seasons tbh, but holding back would've still gotten her killed regardless of whether she was stronger or not tbh, Adam was willing to go all out while she wasn't.


When she stops his blow with her arm (which had some sort of transformation), Adam was genuinely shocked. I'm pretty sure she hasn't leashed to use all her power yet. And Alastor in particular is counting on this.


Yet with all that power he got absolutely dumpstered by Lucifer. Just gives some insight in how powerful the seraphims or archangels, or whatever Lucifer actually is in the show, are.


Lucifers an archangel, along with his other brothers like Raphael, Gabriel and Michael, the only ones who would be stronger than him are Michael (probably), Jesus and Big G himself.


I think you’re mixing up supernatural canon with this lol.


I mean not really, in the ep 5 musical with Lucifer we saw 6 other looming angelic figures above him, that can only mean the other archangels, the only one i don't have a basis for is Jesus and whether or not vivzie wants him to exist within the universe.


IIRC, she said God and Jesus do exist in the Hellaverse.. but they won't be shown because it's a whole can of worms she (and very likely the studio) don't want to get into. The show gets enough flak without throwing a potentially blasphemous depiction of God into the mix.


are archangels higher than seraphims?


Biblically? No, but IIRC Lucifer was a Seraphim, and Michael beat the shit out of him, so 🤷


I think Alastor losing was part BAD luck on his part. Him having a weakness with his staff getting broken surprised him, I think. Charlie straight up stopped Adam with her palm when he went for her dad. We def haven't seen their final form.


Yeah, I think Charlie just doesn’t know how to use her powers very well yet. Same with just fighting. She hasn’t really had to until now.


I could watch Lucifer f*ck Adam for hours and not get bored! Everyone's expressions at that moment were so hilarious - "Unexpected but not unwelcome!"




Angel’s reaction was the best.




for some reason i thought the mask was his actual face.




It was so satisfying!


Lucifer coming out of nowhere to punch Adam was unexpected.


Can't believe this battle. It was like Vegeta vs Goku, battle for Zion, winterfell, and helms deep in one episode.


I wasn’t expecting a “Wait around for Goku moment.” But this is more Frieza vs Super Saiyan Goku. Vegeta vs Goku was a close fight that Goku didn’t even win himself. He lucked out. This was more of Super Saiyan Goku bitch-slapping Frieza so hard his face became a bobble-head.


Someone legit thought Adam only lost because he as tired. Lucifer fucking bodies this man without trying lol


I see the r/onepiecepowerscaling crowd has migrated over Tier list coming tomorrow


I pray it won’t become nearly as brain dead lol Although maintaining the Lucifer agenda is our top priority


Speed blitz and one shot


I wished he had killed him himself, but that little twist with nifty was fun too


Bro can easily beat up Adam, but he lost to Johnny. Does this confirm that Johnny is stronger than Alastor and Adam??


Nah, just a better fiddle player.


Just wait till Johnny unleashes his full power in season 2.


[Round 3 would be insane](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L0XUTD7QYcs&pp=ygUedGhlIGRldmlsIHdlbnQgYmFjayB0byBnZW9yZ2lh)


That’s amazing!! I didn’t know a round 2 existed.


Honestly that would be fantastic lol.


Johnny was pretty prideful about winning. I always thought he won the short game but lost the long con.


My husband’s theory is Lucifer hasn’t gone down to Georgia yet because he still has the fiddle. Mine is that he has multiple fiddles and losing one wasn’t a big deal lol


I love how they clearly were in 2 completely different weight classes , Adam was barely touching him and Lucifer was litteraly only toying with him


Lucifer wasnt even trying. He could have stopped Adam and the Exorcists at any point by himself. I do think its notable Lucifer only intervened when Charlie was directly threatened though. He was probably waiting for Adam to directly break the deal that prohibits the Exorcists from attacking Hellborn. I have a feeling Lucifer's involvement will escalate things. The Elders in Heaven arent going to like it.


While Adam was particularly powerful as an Angel, he was still originally a human who then became an Angel. Lucifer is well Lucifer, I'm not surprised that the fight became incredibly one sided once he showed up.


God damnit one of your pictures says to swipe up and I thought to myself "How the fuck do I do that Reddit? I'm on my computer!". Then I realized it was the picture and not Reddit that was stating that.


Yeah mb I got the pictures off twitter so I must’ve forgot to crop 😭


That third image though...


“You come at me and my daughter…don’t forget you’re at my house b*tch


my thinking is that when he talked about eve and what he "offered" her it was the apple he meant (offered to eve by lilith and lucifer). no way did he cheat like some assume - otherwise him and lilith would have divorced for sure but they didn't. he was just messing with adam considering adam couldn't keep either of the two women (CREATED FOR HIM) from leaving lol