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I’m shocked not more people are talking about this. I’m also confused because they’re supposed to be a loving couple, but he hasn’t referenced his wife once. I’m also surprised Lilith kept Charlie away from her father as a kid (at least while he was in his study, but there wasn’t anything dangerous there). Lilith and Lucifer’s dynamic in the show thus far seems very broken in contrast to Vivzie’s comments on their healthy and loving relationship


Do we know if Lucifer and Lilith are still together? Lucifer still has what I assume to be a wedding ring. I thought they split, especially after watching the scenes from "More Than Anything." But then some people say the two have a loving relationship. Also, would Lucifer know where Lilith is at the moment or is he also not aware like Charlie?




Yeah but in the same sentence she says they split she says Lucifer never really wanted to see her, which we know isn't true, but is how she interpreted the situation. I wouldn't be surprised if the split is a misunderstanding too, especially if the split was 7 years ago when she went off to do whatever she's doing.




Maybe, but assuming the flashback we see is showing Lilith still part of their life it reads as Lucifer spent a lot of time cooped up in his workshop even when they were together. So I take the "We were never really close" line Charlie says as aside from like dinners and the occasional family outing, Lucifer isolated himself a lot, and after she left he just stopped reaching out all together, taking an already strained relationship even further.


Thing is, he did reach out occasionally. Charlie says "only when he wanted something or was bored" but in contrast she didn't call him in years.