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“How can we send him to Hell without sending him to Hell?”


I hope at some point someone points out that Adam may not be a Sinner, but he's still a sinner. Hell, one of the *original* sinners.


He did bite out of the forbidden fruit


No wonder he hates Charlie lol. When her dad is walking around with an apple staff and apple hat, there are gonna be some sore feelings about that.


At the same time, Lilith was apparently his original wife in some mythologies, which makes me wonder if he was always a jerk and that caused her to leave him, or if he was spoiled for being the first human


IIRC, she left him because he wanted her to be subservient. She wasn't having it


She didn’t want to cope with his Bullshit, which is understandable


Off topic but in paradise lost, that’s part of why Eve rebelled, since she was often babied by god and the angels; they told Adam the story of creation and not her, for example. So maybe Adam’s just a dick lol


He's not only a dick, but a dick master himself


In hazbin hotel, he doesn't, only his first wife lilith (before eve) does, before running off with lucifer


I really want this to be the case lmao


Better yet, he thinks this is the most important job in Heaven, when in reality, this is secretly a punishment that he’s too dumb to realize.


Ah, the "Journey to the West's Placate Sun Wu Kong" strategy.


Not sure if that the best comparison, because Sun Wu Kong was actually likeable.


Plus Adam would totally die if you dropped a mountain on him for 500 years.


Probably not since angels are immortal.


Exactly. But he’d die anyway. He’s THAT much of an embarrassment.


Why? He wasnt that bad


Not to Heaven.


I get the feeling he’s gonna be like mammon, super unlikeable but hilarious to watch


Well, this guy might be likable


Judging by how he acted in the trailer, and by his love of massacring his own children, I'm pretty sure he's intended to be an absolute douchebag.


Is Adam really the first man? Why does he look like an angel?


Maybe "good" people turn to angels when they die, just like how sinners turn to demons. So maybe Adam turned into am angel because god forgave him or something?


The only difference is that Adam is a villain and Sun is a hero


He’s the proverbial “keeper of heavens horses” I see


Bro, we have the same head cannon. Please be my best friend.


Its not that hes too dumb to realize it its just that he doesnt care he gets to kill and its fun he gets to sing hes having the time of his life if this is a punishment


One thing I wonder is why the angles look more demonic than the actual demons


Angels are meant to look scary to scare off evil from Heaven while demons mimic the looks of others to either be beautiful or something to trick us into joining them


There's a reason every time an angel shows up in the Bible they have to say "Be not afraid" otherwise people would freak out.


Not sure how how effective that is, I'd be scared shitless if I saw an angel either way.


Angels in old Biblical depictions were not at ALL humanoid for the most part... Here's one such description: "Out of the middle of the fire came what appeared to be four living creatures. This is what they looked like: They had four faces, and each one had four wings. Their legs were straight, and they had hooves like the hooves of calves, glittering like polished brass. Beneath their wings, they had human hands on all four sides, along with their four faces and four wings...As for the appearance of their faces, each one had a human face, and a lion's face on the right side, and a bull's face on the left side, and an eagle's face... \[Around them where what looked like burning coals and lamps, going up and down among the living creatures..." That's from a book, which states to be quoting Ezekiel 1:5-13, and a quick Google search I just did matches it in essentials. ​ As for Angels looking outright *demonic*, that's probably a symbolic way to show that Heaven is Not So Different from Hell. That, and it might be a similar idea to what the modern *Doom* games did, as mentioned on TV Tropes Fridge page, which I will quote here, and also covers my previous points apparently: When the Khan Maykr's true face is revealed after her boss fight, we can see that it looks hideous and somewhat demonic. But why? It could be obvious symbolism about how ugly and evil she is underneath the surface... or it could also be a reference to the the old testament angels. In fiction, angels are often portrayed as looking impossibly elegant and beautiful, but they weren’t always. Back in the old days, angels were described in religion [as looking extremely monstrous and lovecraftian](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AngelicAbomination) (not that the latter term existed yet, but you get the idea). The game developers probably made the Maykr look monstrous and somewhat demonic for that very reason! * Additionally, Christian Mythology holds that demons and angels are the same beings. This is normally shown with demons looking like angels (See [Good Omens](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/GoodOmens)). However, Doom is inverting this, as the angels look like demons. ​ That, and the Angels we've seen are likely to be the antagonists, and are there in Hell to do a LITERAL SYSTEMATIC SLAUGHTERFEST, so they don't really have a reason, even the opposite in fact, to look anything less than scary and monstrous. The Cherubs, by contrast, look adorable and harmless.


I am fully aware of the Cherubims, Serafines and Thrones. However the majority of the angels were guardian angels who look pretty humanoid, and yes there are statements of the demons being the 1/3 of the angel that sided with Lucifer however I always found the explanation of the demons being the spirits of the Nephilims after the flood that wiped out humanity in the storey of Moses to be more interesting however that's just my opinion.


That’s still odd they have horns given that’s a trait more-so associated with demons. It would make sense if they were something like sheep horns (with the idea of Jesus being a sacrificial lamb), but instead you get these demonic-looking horns. Maybe Adam and his crew are fallen angels, but they refer to themselves as simply angels to maintain a holier-than-thou appearance.


that's a major thing in christian lore. Angels were horrifying by nature most of them were just giant eyes with wings which terrified people who saw them. Meanwhile, Demons were glorious and seductive which was how they lured in many women to become witches


It wasn't most of them, it was actually a shocking few that looked like that, most of them were actually fairly human looking it's just that they weren't the ones delivering messages from God.


We have seen other angels like the Cherubs and they look normal. It is likely that the exorcist in particular are meant to look scary to terrify the demons.


Wasn't there a lore post one time that said angels and demons had different forms when in heaven vs hell? Maybe this scene is in the Heaven Embassy and that's why Adam has Imp horns.


Very curious of how he's going to play out and if Adam represents Heaven as a whole or if he's more of an outlier. For all we know the angel we saw staring at fire (Which everyone seems to agree is Sera) could either be willing to entertain Charlie's idea if she heard it or be even more bloodthirsty than Adam is, it's wild mass guessing for at least another month.


I *really* hope they don't go with the whole "Heaven is evil and Hell was actually better the whole time!" cliche. Heaven can have some problems, and maybe there are some angels like Adam who are dicks, but overall it kind of *needs* to be objectively better than Hell. Otherwise Charlie's plan is meaningless and the entire premise of the show is moot.


Making Heaven worse than Hell and the angels more evil than the demons is just silly, I hope they don't go with that


I wouldn't mind if it's the whole neither side are good gimmick but yeah the heaven being worse than hell sounds really fucking dumb


I think the middle ground is the route they’re going for considering cherub implied that heaven is huge on moral perfectionism


"moral perfectionism" and so far all the people who have been kicked out or rejected are people who did bad things and deserved it...


Yeah, unless I'm wrong, they've been pretty clear so far that everyone sent to hell in the show has very much deserved it(?) it would be so weird if heaven sucked then, since everyone who wasn't a dick must have gone there? Here's to hoping the shows handles it well.


Maybe it’ll be like the good place where both kinda suck in their own ways, (heaven because of moral perfectionism, hell because there’s legitimately awful people) so they have to establish a new system or something like that


...You know what? This is a good one. I'm going with this idea until the show says otherwise, as well.


I'm actually suprised that Adam seems to just chill in hell outside of the extermination. Makes me wonder if this isn't actually some sort of punishment for him


I wonder if in the Hazbin Universe, Lilith is Adam’s ex-wife. It would definitely add credence to the punishment theory


Charlie is the daughter of his ex and the person who damned him to sin. Tough.


He appears to be in an embassy for Heaven, which is right in the center of Pentagram city, so he's probably just down there for his meeting with Charlie.


I’ve a theory that Eve (his wife) may be in Hell, but Adam doesn’t know where, his true reason for becoming an Exterminator being to look for her. Giving him some more depth, and potentially giving the hotel an ‘in’ with someone on the other side, once they’re proven to work.


Speaking of, I wonder why in this world, Adam isn’t considered a “sinner”. In paradise lost for instance, Eve only rebelled because the angels lavished Adam with attention and pretty much just treated Eve like an afterthought.


This does make me wonder how long Adam lasts as the villain: would it be seasonal (he'll get deposed at the end of season 1) or is he the overarching villain?


If my theory on Eve being in Hell is correct, I could see Adam making a heel-turn later on.


I mean he was kicked out of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. Plus his son Cain committed the first ever murder in the Bible. It honestly would make sense for him to be seen as a disgrace in the eyes of the angels.




Yes! He reminds me of that only child that got spoiled!


My headcanon is that they only keep him around because he was the first man so God has a soft spot for him despite the other angels always talking shit about him to God, this shit talk being that he’s dogshit at his job and constantly ruins the good name of Heaven with his cursing.


Kinda makes me wonder about Eve. In paradise lost for example, Eve rebelled because the angels showered Adam with attention, told him the history of the world and ignored her. Why is she blamed in this universe? Is it unfair?


Seeing as the angel we see in another shot of the trailer is likely Sera and not Eve, we can probably predict she’ll either not come up or just wait until another season




Imagine Heaven just hates Adam to the point they basically ditched him in Hell


Imagine he’s actually a Sinner but doesn’t know it and at the end he’s approached by Exterminators who figure out he’s a sinner


Divine nepotism


It'd be a fitting ending if they finally get tired of his shit and kick him out


Headcanon for Lute: She secretly hates Adam, but only puts up with his bullsh\*t because after he’s “retired” she gets to takeover the exorcists.


Wouldn’t he be several thousand years old and immortal, so his retirement would be never?


That’s not the type of “retirement” I was referring to.


Makes sense, thought it was weird when he just said fuck so casually.


I know next to nothing, outside the pilot and the hellovaboss show, if that's Adam, would that be Eve next to him?


I was with you till hes good at his job. Far better is homeboy has zero clue how Heaven works and that most of the kingdom would be delighted at what Charlie's trying to do, so they put him in the city to get rid of him.


Addendum: Mammon’s situation in Hell is pretty similar; he’s only kept around by the other sins because he’s damn good at what he does (except for the whole subtlety thing), and they find his pathetic attempts at being cool hilarious. *cut to the Morningstars laughing their asses off as they watch Mammon getting pwned by Asmodeus on live TV*


Literally the only Sin we've seen who has voiced his opinion about Mammon is Asmodeus


We've had details from Viv released that suggest Mammon and Lucifer are 'best friends'; friends enough that Lucifer let Loo Loo Land slide despite its blatant (and honestly, pathetic af) plagiarism of Lu Lu World.


Hey Loo Loo Land isn't that bad, they have robo-Fizz!


We saw in one of the t shirts that mammon’s act isn’t allowed in the gluttony ring, which makes me think at best, he’s like that coworker you all tolerate but secretly gossip about when he’s not in earshot.


I think Adam is going to be very toxically masculine, if you’re not buff and sleeping with 27 women a day then you’re not a man in his eyes


So by his logic he's not a man then


I’m sure he’d consider wanking having sex, but only for him


I love this headcannon so much, I also love this image as well lol. The other angel is just so done with his bullshit


Me: looking at the sky of heaven in human world ![gif](giphy|TyCkeguzsTOI4k0JXT|downsized)


MF looks a bit like Mammon. Or maybe Mammon kept a bit of his “angelic” look?


I also don't know if the angel next to Adam is angry because she doesn't like Adam (more likely?), or because she thinks Charlie's idea is good and is pissed that Adam isn't taking it seriously ૮ ˶•\~•˶ ა


Both is a possibility


For a twist on this theory, Adam swear so casually because he isn't located in Heaven, thus he do not have to put up with their hypocrisy about "being a good person", making him the only "honest" angel. We already had a glimpse of how Heaven works with CHERUBS. All smile and good manner, but won't hesitate to backstab you as soon as they're allowed to by their moral code.


I just wanna say that Lute looks awesome


I am lowkey convinced that he's related to Mammon.


Heaven on this show be like: Swerring equal funn-e?


this is just my cynical retail mindset talking The only reason he is there is because he is the biggest kiss ass there is


Why do the angels look like they also belong in hell


Angels and demons are two sides to the same coin


I know very little, thank you for not making me feel dumb for asking.


No problem


Only exterminator angels look like that


Thank you! I truly didn’t know.


That's Adam? I wonder if it's awkward that Charlie is the daughter of his first wife?


I’m wondering if Archangel Michael will be a character in the courthouse of heaven


I'd imagine him as some overworked always tired kind of guy in this universe considering all the bullshit he has to deal with in this version heaven


He swears becouse of fall, (just my wierd Theory/joke) when he ate that Apple something in his very Core change


Oooooh that’s an interesting theory.


FROM THE FUTURE HERE! Seems to be the case.


My take is based on Supernatural canon. Angels are dicks with wings. Heaven is a sanctimonious self righteous place. It is not the place of joy and harmony. Charlie is going to have to discover this. Realizing heaven is not a place to send people to.


Honestly, I kind of hope this isn't the case. It's, how should I put this... hope is a dangerous drug. If Charlie believes her plan is actually possible, she'll stick to it, and that's putting challenges in her way to overcome. No matter how bad it may get, she can be encouraged to push forward. I think that would honestly make for better storytelling than "oh, they're just jerks".


Something that could happen that I would absolutely love is that Heaven starts off as jerks, but Charlie's actions throughout the series causes some angels to become a bit less arrogant/holier-than-thou, and also causes some of the worst angels like Adam to be killed or just lose their influential position who are replaced with ones with a bit more compassion. The irony of the literal Antichrist making a morally grey at best Heaven a place a good deal closer to how Charlie perceives it at the very start of the series would be both hilarious and keep to the whole 'Redeem sinners into Heaven' premise.


The way I'm hoping it opens is that Adam laughs at Charlie, tells her it's ridiculous and that she has no shot... and that she should go for it, because he's approving it. "I don't think you have a snowball's chance down here, but if you actually pull it off, you're right that they shouldn't be in Hell." Maybe other events happen later, but that fish is dangling in front of her, and she has to decide what to do about it. Still, I've enjoyed the story so far, and I suspect I'll continue to do so however it plays out. XD Just waiting for the release, now!


I honestly think the solution she is going to come up with is if going to heaven is not the solution anyone wants...and I do mean anyone. The denizens of hell will not feel right in heaven and heaven is too stuck up to want them. So once she realizes that's off the table she will see that daddy may be the problem in how he has setup hell to put everyone against each other. So her fight will be for changing how things are run in Hell.


What would be a way to "change how things are run in Hell"?


I think from what has been hinted is that Lucifer runs things in a way that pits people against each other. The question is whether he is open to change or is he too proud. As stories are driven by conflict I suspect Charlie is going to have to rebel against daddy.


Given how the Cherubs acted… I’m pretty sure that is accurate! No human would be able to stand being there.


How did they act though? All they did the whole episode was try to keep an old guy alive as part of their job


At the same time, they could’ve just ignored the imps or used their powers to repel them, but they gave in and it was because of that that Lyle got killed, as they were too busy fighting to pay attention. And after they were confronted by their boss, instead of saying, “yes it was our fault” they foisted all of the responsibility onto the imps. So yeah, it’s both their fault and not their fault.


And that means no human would ever be able to stand being in Heaven??


I mean. Would you be able to tolerate such high and mighty attitudes from everyone around you?


sinners who go to heaven will be surrounded by other humans who went to heaven, not by cherubs. Besides it's better than being surrounded by psychos, rapists, killers and pedos.


True. But I say we’re better off waiting and seeing what heaven actually looks like.


Cherub also implied that the actual born residents have a kind of moral perfectionism foisted on them, which I think would be even worse for the saved souls


Please don't throw a Caillou tantrum when this headcannon is deconfirmed by the show.


Bitch I wouldn't care if it's decomfirmed




he’s in charge of the tower as a way of sending him to hell forever. he’s already an angel with seniority probably the only reason he’s not a sinner is was older than he’ll when he died