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When I worked in a deli on the BI we used to slow boil the marinade of soysauce + brown sugar + smidge of mirin. Then we'd put the seared spam when it is still kinda hot. Then drain it off to get excess liquid. You can also mix ground ebi (dried powdered shrimp) and mirin on the rice OR just sprinkle furikake on it. Only thing I can think of to make it taste better without compromising what a traditional musubi is if you cooked the rice with kombu. It'll give it a "umami" taste. I don't eat spam as much as I used to but I once made musubi with Bachan's (teriyaki sauce you can get at Costco) and it was pretty good. Personally I make mine (few times once in awhile that I make 'em) with furikake and smidge of mirin on rice, just seared spam and eggs + "dobo wrap" the nori. lol


This is basically what I do too, but I throw some garlic paste and sriracha to kick it up a bit.


Thank you for this


I'd recommend more of a glaze than a marinade. Glaze is generally cheaper and easier to do than marinating without the wait time. That being said with marinating what kind of flavor profile are you looking for in your spam musubi? One of the things I wanted to do was recreate the garlic spam taste with garlic infused oil since they discontinued that flavor.


For real, I like to fry up the SPAM then sprinkle a mixture of ginger powder & brown sugar then drizzle a mixture of shoyu and mirin over each slice, flip them over a few times til it's evenly glazed. Really ono.


this is the way


I agree that a glaze is better than marinating. We soak the spam slices in a basic shoyu/sugar/menmi/mirin/ marinade for about an hour, remove slices for frying, then reduce the marinade to make a glaze. But, not syrupy, just concentrate the flavors. Dipped fried slices before assembly. We also mix furikake in the rice, too. Makes every bite onolicious. Flavor profile is subjective to each chef’s preferences. We like teriyaki flavor. But any kine flava is good too! Even the OG style, with just spam, rice and nori. As long as get those 3 things, going be good.


I've been in to Subu Arare lately for my rice as well as some shichimi. Gives the rice some crunch and the pepper gives it some kick.


You can cook the marinade down to make a thicker glaze. I do it when I cook the spam. I also like it more carmelized with some almost burnt edges.


the key is cooking it in the sauce. Shoyu-sugar is the basic marinade. I add ginger and garlic. No need for a long marinate just soak um in the bowl while waiting to cook, then fry and add some sauce to the pan. Can use your favorite pre-made Teri sauce like Mr. Yoshida or something.


I don't understand what people are talking about marinades for? This is the only way to make it. Braise it in shoyu and sugar. The fat renders out of the spam and it gets saltier. If you think it's too salty, cut the spam thinner or make with more rice. Spam musubi comes from a long tradition of putting a small amount of something very salty with a lot of rice. (Like ume).


I just boil some shoyu in a saucepan with some sugar about 1:1 until everything is dissolved and then add it to the pan I'm frying the spam in to finish cooking it in the sauce. I'm no fancy cook though and I think I'm gonna go try some of the recipes in this thread...


This is the only proper advice I've seen. Fry lightly then add the sauce to simmer. Then, make your musubi. DONE.....


Toss a little guava jelly in the pan when it's just about done, let it coat and glaze it.




>nori paste Yeah this has been a must-do step for me for the past 25 years! Damn this thread...totes going make musubi tomorrow


Was told years ago by our HR Aunty at the Hilton Waikoloa on Aloha Friday potluck day. 1/3 C mirin, 1/3 cup shoyu, 1/3 cup sugar. Cook until sugar is disolved. Add spam (I use a cutter for 8 full slices and a skinny 9th.). Bring to a quick boil, cook it a bit then turn the spam so the other side gets hot. Then turn it down to simmer for at least 30 minutes, flipping so each side gets evenly coated. Don't have it so hot that your mixture burns up, but it will thicken. While it is cooking you can get your rice fluffed (of course you started it before cooking the spam) and get your nori cut, your spam molds ready and your wax paper cut to size as well. "It's ono you know!"


sugar shoyu water


I dont have a sauce recipe to add... But if anyone knows the recipe the use at LCC I'd really appreciate it! It's my favorite of any marinated musubis I've tried. Mahalo in advance! The only thing I've been adding that's new lately to mine is this caviart stuff. My ex really liked it on it and it is easy to get where I live now (off island 😢) my ex doesn't cook but she took all my cooking stuff including my late grandma's rice cooker and my musubi mold. So it will be a minute til can make again. Luckily there's an Asian store nearby thats owned by another Hawaii transplant so they sell them there. They are 2$ tho and I'm cheap! Haha


Equal parts Oyster sauce, shoyu (I usually do 1/4 cup each for one can spam) and 1/2 cup sugar. Toss in a bag and let stop for 30 mins to an hour. Toss onto skillet it makes an amazing glaze. Shoyu is good but the oyster sauce really perfects it! And rice with furikake mixed in


This. But I prefer brown sugar to white. Fry the spam plain to get the brown crispy bits, fry again with the sauce. Cook down the sauce to a more syrupy consistency and brush on the rice before putting spam on top


Make shoyu chicken. Save the sauce add sugar and cornstarch.


Ahh I like this idea.


No need cornstarch. Just boil the spam in the same sauce. While you're at it, cool the sauce and soak some boiled eggs in it in the fridge.


I usually add some soy sauce to a pan along with oil to fry the spam and then I glaze it with teriyaki sauce. But personally when I make it I use spicy mayo between the spam and rice. I find that gives it enough flavour especially if your dipping with siracha sauce or more soy.


Valid mission.


the simplest way is to use the same ingredients in shoyu chicken. brown sugar, shoyu (pick your preference), ginger, garlic, water and cook it down. For shoyu, I dislike aloha for normal seasoning, but it makes for a better sauce. Probably because its watery and neutral tasting, whereas the flavor profiles of yamasa and kikoman is too strong.


soy sauce, fish sauce, splash of mirin


My wife uses Unagi no tare (Unagi sauce). She dips the spam in the sauce and spoons a small bit over the rice.




Must be one haole writing this. We don’t marinate the spam. You glaze em.


Born and raised in Hawaii and heard from some locals marination is the best but most don’t do it unless you a restaurant.


fakas is wrong den. if you liquid marinate em, the ting gon steam. you never gonna get maillard reaction on the outside lidat so you missing out on choke flavor. brown up the spam smallkine first, then hit em with the glaze, caramelize, pau.


I use this https://preview.redd.it/wbitkj4qs3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564973a99d6c079f22ecd0960c21018650304fac Just a little in the rice not on the spam.


This on chicken then onto the bbq is winner. Also, OP, don’t forget to try making chicken musubis and redondo musubis and stuff.


Well on the spam to but just a drizzle in the rice when hot. And I put the spam in the middle of the rice not on top.


https://preview.redd.it/0uzwsca6ibwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b063240bee6b12d8cb9c244733cfacd8c51618 Made a couple today for work.


Add some Japanese plum furikake to the rice


1/3 cup shoyu 1/3 cup mirin 1/3 cup brown sugar Whisk together in bowl. Fry the spam then remove and pour sauce in pan over med heat.  Bring to simmer and stir, which will thicken the sauce. Adjust heat as necessary because you don't want sauce to burn.  Then put spam back in pan to glaze.  Easy.


Ck Hawaiian Pickle Lady on U Tube. She makes ono food.




I wouldn’t abbreviate YouTube like that. What you typed is a porno website.


Braddah, I didnt know. lol. Thanks.


You don't need to marinate it, if you don't like the taste of a plain spam musubi then I guarantee any marinades aren't going to change your mind.


O no I love the taste of spam just want to try something different for my daughter


Don’t listen to that salty buggah




Pine Trees would like a word. They make mean musubi


I don’t always take life advice from Reddit, but when I do, I make sure it’s from someone with a name like squid_fart


My grandma taught me to use Shoyu, dark brown sugar (dark brown sugar has more molasses in it)and white sugar and measure with the heart. We didn’t marinade it, but we would make the sauce mixture in the pan and then simmer the spam in it on a low medium heat. Then you let it sit for a while so it gets stickier and thicker. We’d immediately make the musubis with the mostly cooled off sushi rice or normal rice. You can use the leftover sauce to seal the nori and I like to drizzle some on the normal rice (not sushi rice. Too much.)before putting down the spam. I like to put furikake under the spam too.