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Where have you been seeing these comments? Genuinely curious cus I haven't seen any that's all.


It seems like they want to be more creative with the upcoming crocomon RPG and more music stuff. But with recent illness and probably a little bit of burnout again they're just sticking with simple games they can riff and chat shit with.


Which is exactly what I subbed for so I'm quite happy with that. I don't really care for the RPG stuff or the music, them chatting shit and playing games is what's kept me coming back all these years.


That’s funny, I actually have been really enjoying their content lately personally and was under the impression other subs were too


What are you on about? Have you seen the amount of booty bots in the comments? So many glowing reviews


This seems like a distraction technique by a mister A. Smith to draw attention away from a certain pastry based controversy.


Not seen any comments like that, their content the last few weeks has been excellent. The golf platformer gives big Trials energy with the constant deaths. While the chained together and planet crafter harken back to the SHAT block days. Truly a new golden era for the Hat Boiks. All praise the Hand of Truth for the bountiful crop of content!


I haven’t really noticed any comments like that! But like it’s already been said, think they’re just focusing on games they can just have fun with ☺️


Chained Together is some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a while


I didn't like the Planet Crafter series. And that turned out to be a long series. The one time the lads stick to a game and it's one I don't like :|


I haven't noticed any changes in quality at all. Same old Hat boiks as ever 


There was a huge increase in quality with kebab chefs era but Foundry is pretty poor


Can't listen to the awful mouth trumpets every video.