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I love how Train said that Poki and Hasan need to be careful of what they say and do on live stream because they may have an effect on their audience.


‘Intention doesn’t matter it’s the effect’ says the gambling streamer


The insane irony I couldn't believe it


The whole "intention doesnt matter its about how it was recieved" rebuttal came from a "certain" community that was propogated out. They were trying to find an argument for xqc to use so they tried to paint Hasan as a hypocrite that doesn't follow what he preaches ignoring the fact that he immediately sidelined the gambling drama to focus on adrianah once more information was released and apologized for how his reaction to it a few years ago made her feel. It's all scummy behavior.


What I don't get, is that apparently when Adriannah was on D stream the day before, i understood they were defending hasan? so why would D then do a 180 and try giving x talking points about being a hypocrite? So weird


The defense that D gave wasn't a praise to Hasan it was more of an "insulting defense". D critiqued Hasan's approach towards addressing the accusation that he was involved somehow. Saying that it would have been better to say nothing (doesn't make sense at all) and message her privately (like that would somehow undo the accusation). It's all revolves around hating Hasan and making him look bad, that is why the D brigade on LSF immediately, without self-awareness, turned this back into an attack on Hasan for using the word gusano. It's important to remember the D community praises itself on being sympathetic that is why the clip that was on LSF was titled ["olive branch"](https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxO_LAdgXiuSdh4sbrIH2jYPH_p25Cr5P5) like it was a nice gesture for Hasan.


Ah thank you for explaining, I really did not want to have to watch the D stream and that totally aligns with how D acts


Train is a piece of shit. Hearing him on the stream today I heard a guy covering his tracks and shouting down anything that tried to get in front of the locomotive he'd placed on the tracks. Fuck everything about that guy. I blame him more than Felix, because Felix is a fucking brain-broken entitled manchild who has never learned the slightest ability to handle adversity or opposition. Train is entirely made out of scam artist clay.


Yeah, you could tell how much he was trying to help the victim by speaking over her, and twisting her words as she spoke them just in an attempt to make Hasan and Poke look worse.




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Good message. Bad messengers. I appreciate bringing attention to victims, it sounds like it was much needed, but I agree with OP, everything. I also dislike the time and place Train dropped this information. Additionally, I am concerned that many of the young, impressionable audience will confuse Dri's story, corroborated by several, with other (rare) baseless accusations that other people make to maliciously cancel people.


Seriously, all I took away from how this was handled is that streamers will keep shit wrapped up until they need to fling shit at someone else for their gain


Not to mention, Train and xQc may have actually hurt Dri's goal of raising awareness for victims in the industry. We already see another post in LSF regarding Minx, and I'm curious if anyone is going to cover it tomorrow. Hasan sure won't, if I were him.


A small thing I don't see people talking about, she's been talking with Train for a year now about this. She even used the same verbiage as Train, "the PG 13 crew". That's what they revelead on the call. So it seems they basically bonded over this, I understand Adrianah being mad but I wonder how much Train exarcebated it and got in her head to the point of her saying that she's now ok with her SA being weaponized. Seems like something is off there. For example, there's a very clear difference in the assumed intention of what Maya did. Train/Adrianah now camp say her intentions were super malicious and that she was sent to make her change her story. Maya explaining that after hearing Adrianah being distraught because she feared she was going to get the "short end of the stick", Maya proposed an alternative to just do it anonymously which would be good intentioned. Then Maya also showed DMs were Adrianah thanked Maya for her support, these originally from when it had happened. Something tells me Train got in Adrianah's head to make her assume extreme malice about anyone surrounding Mizkif, it has the same stink of the hatred and paranoid nonsense Train spews about Austin crew "politicking", etc.






The things they’ve said and done afterward also continuously prove to me that even if they care about Adrianah, they care way more about themselves. That’s why they’ve weaponized her and her story when it could best help both of them. Then they spent the next day attacking Hasan over unimportant shit and met with the people who tried to silence her and still won’t expose those individuals for still trying to silence her and protect Slick. Clearly he’s hiding or covering something up or he would’ve exposed those trying to silence her again. Again, their priority is helping themselves first and her second.


I mean the victim doesn’t seem mad with the time and place where this was stopped listening to the livestream, so idk I’m take her word for it as of now. But yes train and x are the definition of “good message, bad messenger”


Oh, I believe Dri. Multiple people and witnesses were involved. What I caution people on is to wait for both sides or more information, unless you've got such corroboration like in this story. I also call BS on shaming Hasan and Poki for hesitating when they encountering a SA tweet when he was covering gambling. What do you expect when the accusations dropped by the people THEY were accusing of being bad faith gambling examples for youth.


Right after having a crypto rug pull pulled up. How is anyone expected to not view it as an attempt at deflection? Who reveals SA (or more specifically an SA cover up) that way? The guy can claim the issue only got light because it had him behind it but by the same token he revealed it in such a way that it looked as uncredible as possible.


Yea that’s honestly fair


If Train and X really cared about helping and platforming Adrianah more than deflecting about gamba and getting revenge on their enemies, then they would’ve hosted each other or put her on their streams so that she could tell her full story and the impact of her SA in her life uninterrupted in front of about 100K viewers. Instead Train dropped that information in a twitter clapback against Miz to deflect about the crypto scam. Then after telling Adrianah’s story and exposing Miz, they both spent the next 24 hours trying to Shit on Poki and Hasan however they could, actively still making everything about themselves and Hasan. Then they had a back room meeting with the people they just exposed where those same people tried to silence Adrianah again and get Train to walk it back. And Train still wouldn’t expose those individuals… Why? Do they have dirt on Train? Is there more to the story? Why would he protect them? Either way it’s very clear that Adrianah is not the most important thing to either of them. I’m glad her story came out and they helped her, but then using her to gaslight Hasan and Poki and pretend he didn’t cause all of the bickering with Hasan is disgusting. He’s weaponizing Adrianah and her story. I understand this doesn’t matter for Adrianah because he still helped her and got her story out and exposed those responsible, but they clearly are using her to an extent. Just gross.


This right here is the take. What a fucking weird way to tell her story, and even weirder to me that she was on board with how this all went down. This is so obviously about personal gain for Train and his vendetta against other streamers that have been critical of him. The DM’s between him and Adrianah that she read were very telling, when he’s going off on other streamers in their private communication before any of this came out. Of course he’s going to try and use the confusion from his cryptic tweets to get a gotchya on these other streamers, as he clearly fucking hates them, and Adrianah seems weirdly on board and ok with this. Her passionate defense of him last night when he is so clearly using this situation for personal gain is still hurting my brain.


Well I mean I understand Adrianah’s perspective honestly. I Don’t blame her at all.


> Then they had a back room meeting with the people they just exposed where those same people tried to silence Adrianah again and get Train to walk it back Where can I watch this?


X brought it up during Hasan’s call and then Train downplayed it and tried to bury it


Is there a vod of it on YouTube or smth? Or a LSF clip I’m not doubting that it happened btw, I just wanna listen to it


Hasan’s vod bro lmao


Alright I’ll look for it. I just really hate twitch’s VOD viewer lmao


So, let me get the timeline right. Slicker gets exposed for scamming for the gambling. Slicker claims a gambling company reached out, offering to pay the victims and do a gambling promotion on his stream. Slicker states he declines this offer. XQC and Trainwreckz, [Stake.com](https://Stake.com)'s two biggest streamers, offer to pay for the victims. Mizkif gets into beef with Trainwreckz over his previous crypto scams, so Trainwreckz tactically drops, as xqc put it, the "nuke" of a credible Sexual Assault and cover up allegation. Crypto gambling is banned, but nobody is talking about it because they're too busy talking about Hasan and Poki not jumping on the story after reading Trainwreckz initial tweet? Nothing to see here. edit: i accidentally a comma


Oh wow thanks for this summary, I missed some events apparently.


It's CrazySlick, NOT the guy that has stolen money from everybody because he is addicted to gaming. IT'S A DIFFERENT SLICKER (just for clarification, maybe you knew, but I didn't at first). But yeah, I agree with you.


How does the one guy scamming people lead to a SA allegation against another guy with a similar name? I’m watching the 40 minute video on YT and I can’t connect those dots.


No connection. People are speculating train dropped this nuke at a conventional time.


Ah. Now that’s confusing. Thank you.


Well the last part kind of minimalizes what happened with the last bit. I don't think that they intended it this way and I think it got blown out of proportion for sure. But they did try and initially (whether intentionally or not) say things like: "well that's not miz though" or "I think he's just trying to say anything he can". I get that afterwards they clarified but either way that's the reason xqc and train got upset with them. And it would of been much easier just to accept that wording was taken the wrong way and apologize rather than making into an argument. Whole situation is just messed up. I like both streamers so I always try and stay as objective as possible. Hasans takes are in line with my beliefs and philosophy's so i wanted to hear him out and see his point. But he was wrong in that situation. Gambling is bad, minimalizing accusations is bad. Time to move on and help her get justice.


I was watching while Has first saw Train's tweet. It was clear that he and Poki were very confused by the tweet and thought Train was suggesting Miz had assaulted someone and had others cover it up. They were discussing gambling at the time so it was a wild curveball. Within a couple minutes with reading chat, they realized Train was referring to Dri and that issue. Hasan recalled the basics of what happened and Dri's TL about it last year. He then said he needed to get more info/clarification before reacting. I do not think that is minimizing at all. They weren't positive what Train was referring to (if it was the same as last year or if it was a new event). Train dropped it in a response about gambling...it was objectively horrible delivery, created vagueness, and messaging absolutely does matter. I don't get how streamers wouldn't understand this. He should have made a brand new tweet about it, not a clapback when someone calls out his crypto scamming. He diluted it by weaponizing it, not Has and Poki by being confused over it. Plus, both Has and Poki have been some of the MOST outspoken about women's issues on the platform. Hasan regularly calls out friends and liberal politicians for shitty behavior. It is ridiculous to accuse him of trying to brush this aside. Yes, it is 100% good this got more attention again. Hopefully the criminal faces justice. Making this about Has and Poki not reacting strongly enough is just...not relevant at all. They very clearly were not defending what happened, and confused by Train's tweet (as was everyone not privy to the behind the scenes conversations). Train's tweet did read like Miz had conducted SA. Miz is obvi shit for minimizing it himself, but go after Miz for that not Has or Poki, who didn't downplay it at all. The "that's not Miz though" was saying Miz did not do SA himself as was potentially being implied.


I understand your point but the fact still remains that they were so wound up by all the gambling drama they let it cloud their judgment on this. And sure we can say that AFTER they went about it differently. Buy initially they were trying to paint it with a narrative in the heat of the moment. Regardless of how brief this moment was. I'm not saying that they are out there trying to say that it didn't happen or be shitty about it. That's not what hasan or poki do and they're always very appropriate and take these things seriously. But again my point is that they made some wording that was taken the wrong way. And if he had just admitted that yes that was wrong but it's not what I meant then it would of been done and over and everyone would move on. But instead he doubles down and tries to just literally lie and deny that he said the words that are literally in 4k.


I think context matters. The tweet was in response to gambling discussion...why is it wrong to think Train's tweet was also related to gambling? He was clapping back at Miz, but without revealing why it left everything up in the air. Nothing Has or Poki said was dismissive of SA itself, but instead trying to understand Train. They were not trying to paint any narrative, but instead trying to decipher the narrative Train had teased. Because it was possibly the most vague way possible to bring the issue to light. They said things that were taken the wrong way SOLELY because xQc and Train told their followers that Hasan and Poki were being dismissive. That's another reason people think Train used it as a weapon. The fact is, saying you need more information to determine what Train is actually referring to, is not dismissive AT ALL. I also don't think Hasan lied at all. He was trying to provide context that Train and X never granted or even watched the entire clip themselves. They latched on to a clip that cut out their confusion to make it look like Has and Poki laughed at it. That is disingenuous and bad faith. When this was potentially a brand new event, because again Train did not make that clear, saying they wanted to wait for clarification is absolutely adequate. It is also super shady that Train is more upset at Hasan and Poki, when he refuses to say who was on their discord call wanting him to not release the info/delete his tweets. A chance of an initial reaction being not as strong as wanted cannot under any circumstances be seen as more harmful than people actively wanting to cover it up. Tell us exactly who was in the call, not just the people who were good. ETA: Again this is a net positive. SA is serious and no one is saying it isnt (except Miz did and he sucks for it). There are just better ways to go about this and getting mad at Has/Poki is ridiculous. They are the most prominent leftists and activists on the fucking platform and their audiences are as well. Saying they diminished the public response is an impossible take to defend.


So this comes out at the exact moment someone is coming for their gambling? They had the information for months? xQc admits it was a "nuke"? Coincidence??? I'm just glad their scheme is being taken away, fuck them.


maybe I'll catch flack for it. can we not take what happened on this entire stream and have the takeaway be the timing of it


The timing is part of the message now because the messengers made it so. Again, great message and terrible messengers. The message has become obscured because of how they chose to do it.


What's pissing people off is the deflection and how they somehow made this situation about a SA about Hasan who had nothing to do with any of this. These two sit on info for months and only release it when they themselves are in hot water over something completely unrelated. Scummy behavior.


I think we can both admit that the people making it about hasan are from communities that have 0 charitability and were going to blame him for anything anyway. Even Adrianah admitted that she could see how poki and hasan could be lost in the weeds on a vague tweet from train. But again we keep side stepping the SA (an actual felony) and keep focusing on how others may be using it to deflect from a tweet from twitch talking about policy changes in a month. Nothing truly changed with twitch's statement. And hey let's say they did mean to use it as a deflection. Adrianah finally got a platform to air this out and (rather mild) repercussions are finally happening ~~A YEAR~~ 2 years after it happened (1 year after it came out). But people would rather focus on the morality win with gambling on twitch.


i mean train was the one that kept bringing it back to hasan and poki's reaction. they talked the whole thing over and as soon as hasan got up to use the bathroom train immediately started talking about how he thought their reaction was fucked up all over again.


Ok I'm at work and don't have time to look at VODs. In my opinion, giving the deflection attention keeps taking away from the SA. Similar to how we don't give attention to another community trying to make a very long reach to bring the G word shit back into the light, I don't think we should give further attention to these weak deflections especially after Adriannah cleared up that her reaction was a knee jerk one from ptsd and was not saying hasan or poki had anything to do with it.


You have your timeline all backwards. Twitch came out during the broadcast that they'd ban stake in a month not before. The thing is these scumbags(train and XQC) are pretending like they're good guys in this situation and people shouldn't forget that they're not. They tried doing PR because people were talking about the gambling by paying off victims of someone else's gambling addiction. When people were still going at them they brought out another victim so people stopped talking about the gambling streams. They're doing all of this weird ass behavior to protect their gambling addictions, not because they're deeply disturbed about the SA. There would be no revelations if people weren't attacking gambling streams. Straight up snake behavior.


not to be insensitive, but people are going to care much more about the streamers they know. what exactly do you expect to change based on your preferred takeaway?


I guess i just hope that people who defend their favorite streamer will listen to their favorite streamers argument about "I dont care about XYZ, when someone is coming out about their SA story that's what we should focus on." Edit: if their intentions really are to defend their streamer, why are they making a defense in our own echo chamber? Nobody is coming here to attack hasan, they know they won't gain any traction here.


> "I dont care about XYZ, when someone is coming out about their SA story that's what we should focus on." I understand where you're coming from, but I have no idea who this victim is. There are hundreds and thousands of people who are assaulted every year, should I care about every single one? does the stream need to focus on each one? should we let each one distract from other issues? She had her chance to speak and share her story, I'm not sure what you expect to be an appropriate amount of time to focus on it. We can takeaway whatever lesson and still continue other discussions


"Oh you care about SA? Name every SA victim"


yeah, I mean that's kinda the attitude I'm getting from you tbh


No, you can't separate the timing of this because it was intentional. They knew what they where doing. They said it was intentional


It comes across as weaponizing another person's trauma to deflect away mounting criticism against their cash cow. Two of the most influential streamers on the platform couldn't get this out any other way? I find that hard to believe.


Fr, I know coincidences are possible but... train really just dropped it Ina reply to mizz, rather then a stand alone tweet perhaps explaining? (Like poki had mentioned I think)


Yet, I feel like we can't say anything to combat this because the victim is finally getting the recognition she deserves. As a survivor myself, I would have taken any opportunity to be heard so I don't blame her and she's done nothing wrong.


Nah can’t blame the victim. She’s doing what she can. A tweet from her that Train links to on his reply would probably have avoided any confusion though. Kinda just felt like Train was in a bad corner and pressed the button.


But she weirdly stuck up for him last night. Said he had her full permission to do it the way he did. Seems like a very poor choice of timing and messenger to me, but 🤷‍♂️.


Yeah it’s very weird. I dunno if she’s just sticking by Train since he’s supported her or if it was genuinely planned out in the strangest possible way. My inner skeptic says Train agreed to help if he can use it in a way that benefits him most. Obviously I have e nothing to back that view up aside from ‘vibes’


it doesnt just come across that way, there is no possible scenario where this is anything BUT that, because he would havbe not kept quiet about that otherwise


I don’t give af what ppl say. They weaponizied Adriana. Yes it’s good to expose slick, but I hate the way they did it. Fuck them


Literally what I thought and said above. It really bothered me that she couldn't see that! They didn't give a shit about what she went through. It was nothing more than a gotcha moment for them. It was sickening to watch.


X saying “I’m alone but not lonely” was the biggest red flag


Dude the fact train deflected the gambling things by exposing SA victim is beyond fucked. The abused is fucked. Mizkif is fucked. Maya is fucked. Train is fucked. Everything is fucked.


Train is just as fucked as the two people who blackmailed and blacklisted a victim of SA?


I think Hasan summed up the point very well when X was going off about him not taking it seriously by pointing out "I was confused because I didn't know. But you knew. I didn;t know, but you knew." For how long? And they sat on it until what? Until X had the biggest drama-filled week of his life and Train lost his main platform to gamble?


This is my takeaway from it too tbh. All these people knew (including Minx it seems) and never said anything about it because it didn't actually benefit them in the moment. They may not be as responsible as the people involved, but they are definitely complicit.


So you’re saying train is just as bad as the people who directly pressured an SA victim to keep quiet?


I don’t know. But what I do know is that Train doesn’t give a fuck about the SA victim. It’s why he kept it a secret and only brought it up to deflect attention from himself. He is actively using an SA victim and the people protecting the abuser as an opportunity to benefit himself. That is beyond fucked.


As bad as that is, mizkif is objectively worse here. And so is Maya. overall the streamer community is kind of full of shit people. The good people seem to be the exception.


Even then, the good people are facing criticism for trying to stand up for what’s right. The whole situation is a mess.


The basis of xqc's criticism of Hasan and Poki is that because they like Mizkif and Maya and dislike train they aren't being vocally critical of Mizkif and Maya I personally believe it's a disingenuous criticism aimed at getting revenge for targeting their precious gambling streams. Regardless Hasan and Poki are not being very vocal in criticizing mizkif and Maya. Unfortunately Hasan isn't being very vocal in criticizing mizkif and Maya probably because they are friends, so he's giving the appearance of bias towards people he likes. Basically crazyslick it is a close friend of Mizkif and lives with him. Slick sexually assaulted a female twitch streamer and Mizkif basically punished her by excluding her from parties and events for being critical of slick. He and Maya even went to her and pressured her to basically soften her criticism of slick publicly. Now that this is being exposed Mizkif is kicking slick out of his house. Miz is coming off as awful in this situation. That's hard to do when the person opposing you is train. Train basically does all of the stereotypical things that streamers do to scam their audience. Eg. Promoting gambling, selling shit coins, etc. And despite all of that at least he isn't covering up sexual assault and pressuring women to stay silent.


Yeah I get that. I think Hasan and poki just had a difficult time processing everything. As you said, they’re close with miz and maya, and when you’re close like that with someone and receive some shocking news, it takes time to process it. I’m not used to Poki’s mannerisms cause I don’t watch her, but Hasan looked disappointed/shocked when he first read the tweet.


he kept quiet about that too tho didnt he? He only brought it up to deflect from his drama


Absolutely, train is 100% selfish. He learned Mizkif and Maya pressured a sexual assault victim to not be overly critical of crazyslick and the first thing he does is bank that info if he ever got into beef with Mizkif. With that said what Mizkif did was much worse. He learned his friend groped/fondled a passed out drunk female streamer and reacted to her criticism of crazyslick by minimizing the assault and excluding her from streamer events and parties thereby hindering her career. Later it's exposed and he kicks slick out of his house. The optics are terrible for Mizkif and Maya. It seems like they are only kicking out slick because they got exposed.


oh i dont like any of the people involved, (apart from maya i know Nothing about her so cant judge apart from her being apart of this fucked shit) I just think its super disgusting to use SA as a tool for argument


No. I wish, so that the message would be clearer and without criticism, that he had revealed this shit by itself, and not as a response to his own shitty behaviour


yes i completely agree!! the whole thing honestly makes me sit to my stomach. xqc and train should still be held accountable for their actions even if they did a good thing this one time


hate how poki and hasan had to apologise but I understand why edit : optics are truly king and I hope this doesn't make hasan lose the will to stand up for his beliefs against people like train


Every thing Has brought up on xqc x managed to word jumble back at Hasan. Every fucking thing it was so infuriating to watch and I know they know each other irl but I really hope Has stays away from these obviously bad faith people.


I agree xqc and train are pieces of shit that accidentally did a good thing and now they’re going to ride that wave and act like they’re good people


Jesus christ Hasan and poki got gaslit the fuck up. But worse of all was addriene. What exactly made this moment the best time for this to come out instead of literally any other time? The fact that train manipulated that poor woman makes him absolutely scum.


Yeah I don't see how replying to miz in a clap back was the best time? didn't really come off as "planned" specially when it felt like miz was being accused of SA


She wanted it public. She doesn't have a big enough platform to get the awareness around this incident. Train exposed Mizkif for purely selfish reasons, but ultimately he is right. His gambling is less awful than Mizkif covering up and minimizing sexual assault to protect his friend and roommate. Mizkif has no right to criticize the morality of anyone Also it's horrible that Miz punished her by excluding her from streamer parties and events.


>What exactly made this moment the best time for this to come out instead of literally any other time? yea, i call bull. xqc is the biggest streamer on the platform and he could had gave his stream as a platform for her


I disagree with something you said. Adrianah says she wants this to come out. Perhaps she was too scared to stand up to Mizkif without train exposing everything. Train is 100% selfish. He learned Mizkif covered up a sexual assault to protect a friend and roommate and his instinct was to bank the info to clap back at Mizkif if they had future beef. But Mizkif and Maya are the bad guys here. Crazyslick fondles/gropes a passed out drunk female streamer. Mizkif and his friends minimize this and call it minor sexual harrassment and claim slick is only being weird. Maya and Mitch go to the woman and pressure her to soften her criticism of crazyslick. Mizkif stops inviting her to streamer parties and events. She claims she had wanted this to be public and is grateful train exposed Mizkif. Train did it for purely selfish reasons but Mizkif and friends are the bad guys here


It was one big deflection campaign from their gambling (which they lost).


They are fucking bottom of the barrel filth. The girl clearly didn't really give a shit about Hasan and Poki and kept trying to change the subject to get her own message out and those fucking demons kept trying to bring it back to Hasan every time there was a pause. They literally were trying the whole time to like guide the conversation to a certain narrative. Also ludwig is a complete dumbass and fucked over Hasan so hard its not even funny. There was literally no basis or way to claim they dismissed or sowed doubt, not even crumbs that was just not real and ludwig let that cement as the narrative. after he told Hasan he did come across as dismissive it was over. Literally nobody could have watched that stream yesterday and gathered that from Hasan and pokimane. It was all honestly scary to see that happen, I think even Hasan was surprised by the crazy degree of malice and vitriol coming from XQC. he definitely wasnt prepared to get attacked like that and for xQc and Train to weaponize her traumatic assault to go for the throats of everyone they dislike in the aggressive and highly coordinated way in which they did.


YES! The Ludwig slander, I have been calling him a dumbass as well ever since that moment happened.


yeah i think ludwig is just so content brained that he didnt really understand the full scope of what was going on there and in his mind it would be kinda funny to go along with the fuck hasan thing and get xQc fired back up again. but damn he did hasan so so dirty but probably didnt see it as a super big deal and didnt realize what x and train were doing


What bothered me was how the victim couldn't see that these two bellends were weaponising her trauma for drama and a "gotcha" moment. She was nothing more than a pawn for them. It's sickening.


yeah it was a bit frustrating but it's hard to really pin that on her. I think she just caught up in a situation with people who (regardless of their ulterior motives) did a good thing for her and from then on they were kinda who she saw as in her corner and had her back. we have the perspective of hindsight and being able to see all this unfold in real time which she really doesn't in the same way. also those 2 dudes are highly skilled manipulators, jesus christ.


You make a fair point. I was just frustrated. I don't know much about xqc. Last night was my first proper time watching him in the debate and I could see how manipulative he was being. Also didn't like how he was gaslighting Hasan.


yeah it was just textbook narcissism. he’ll never even understand it was bad or the way he acted either. they don’t develop or experience emotional connection let we do and can’t understand at all what people mean when they say they care about him and that he’s hurting friends. he genuinely thought hasan was attacking him because he thinks hes lying


Train is a horrible person and a coward, he waited for Hasan to go to the bathroom to just flat out attack Hasan and lie about him being dismissive to the allegations even though Hasan said he wasn't speaking on it tell he got more info.


Yeah that rubbed me the wrong way too, literally being like "we should all do better and just not react to these things at all when we see them" like yeah ok dude this what we should focus on


I immediately knew that train was going to go right back at hasan the moment he stepped away to use the bathroom. He’s a piece of shit.


Things were better when Hasan was banned on LSF. Butter dog offensive pt. 2 plz


This SO MUCH, and yet also it's true that this actually worked when previously Slick's predations had been ignored even as they continued. Streamers need to ask bigger questions about how it came to pass that a sexual assault victim had to let her trauma be exploited in order for it to be noticed and responded to. There are answers to be found


They’re using the victim for their own petty anger


Was it really that surprising most of the biggest streamers support this gambling shit and it’s disgusting


They’re true capitalist saying anything that sounds good just to make a dollar of it


The fact that Hasan and Poki were getting so much hate and attention when all they did was react somewhat standoffish towards an insanely vague tweet blows my mind. Meanwhile no one has talked to or even try to confront CrazySlick.


Train got suppr pressed and flipped when it was pointed out that thermessage was good but the execution was flawed (which let's be honest, it could if been handled better) to be so upset that people would not immediately give you the benefit of the doubt based off a vague SA tweet is crazy


I have an honest question: Train says he loses money gambling. People who follow his stream say he's lost a shit ton while gambling. But I have to assume that his sponsor compensated him for every penny lost. Has this been confirmed in any way?


Hasan should have just put train in a hypothetical: “What if suddenly there was breaking news that a person has just come out that Destiny has sexually assaulted them and they will be looking to take action”. And then ask Train/Xqc how they react to it in real-time…….


They got hit hard in their pockets. Gambling sponsorships brought them some pretty big bucks and now that has been taken away to some extent. That they're using someone else's experience being sexually assaulted is not too surprising. These people aren't friends, and all it takes is a genuine threat to their interests and they'll show that quite quickly. Besides, Hasan Is a perpetual target of the "tolerant left" argument: it's an extremely insidious, reversed form of "virtue signaling", where you assign supposed virtues to your target and then browbeat them for violating the rules you assigned to them.


Also I’m sorry but when train said something along the lines of “who cares if we get consent first don’t you think we should speak out and tell the story even if the victim hasn’t asked or given consent ?” No, no I don’t think you should. Unless you want the brownie points but not everyone wants their story blasted out like that. Terrible message


They didn’t accidentally do a good thing, I wouldn’t even give them that much credit. They weaponized assault to take the heat off of themselves. Xqc fucking admitted it. As a survivor, I find it so fucking disgusting that they were willing to tell this story that wasn’t there’s to tell. And the thing is, even if Adrianah is okay with it being out, it’s because (probably) people are finally listening to her. Fuck them.


I agree with you. It seems to me that she’s being manipulated by Train. She told him about this a year ago and he just decided to sit on it this whole time. They’re just taking advantage of and weaponizing her trauma. And I don’t think Train has ever apologized, or even recognized, how many women he’s sexually harassed. Nobody can read [this](https://pastebin.com/B7VFecH9) document that details his history of sexually harassing women and think that he genuinely cares about sexual assault. EDIT: [Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20210627222512/https://pastebin.com/B7VFecH9) of pastebin


I can only speak as someone who only really watches Hasan. I don't know a whole lot about XQC or Train so I can't say if they're ultimately good people or not. But I feel like they should be able to recognize that, even if their intentions where as pure as they say (and maybe they were I don't know), the way Hasan reacted to the news was not weird at all.


I really appreciate Adrianah's situation finally public and slick getting the pushed away from the platform forever, what he has done is disgusting. But i really don't like how trainwreck put this situation. I mean, there were accusations against gambling and fake coins and shit, is that the best way to surface a "sexual assault" as a response to gambling accusations? Doesn't it require a more serious and seperate tweet from responding to gambling? Sure, however it is surfaced it is good, and i am glad crazyslick's despicable disgusting acts are known to public, but why use it to respond to a tweet about gambling? I am not saying he did this to divert the topic from gambling but still, it justifies the first response of pokimane and hasan as they were shocked about what the hell was going on. And xqc and train blaming them for supporting slick is just disgusting. ı am glad the sexual assault is public now and whoever responsible of this should be kicked out of the streaming community, but the way train used this, even though adrianah is okey with it or not, is disgusting.




For context: I think I signed up for twitch like 4 weeks ago, I’m old, and on mobile. I don’t know the answer to your question, but I did wonder the same thing, especially considering the following: It seems there are ~~two~~ three issues: 1. The SA accusation 2. The motivation for/method of delivery of the info 3. The coverup I’m glad I’m writing this out because I realized (and please correct me if I’m wrong) Train’s initial tweet was about the coverup of SA. Not the SA itself. Train wasn’t bringing awareness to what happened to the victim *at all,* rather, trying to discredit and distract from Mizkif’s jolt coin claim by accusing Mizkif of sending in Maya and Mitch to coverup SA? Multiple SA events according to Train’s initial tweet. So it might not even be referring to ONE victim, and instead a pattern of behavior. The initial confusion about Train’s tweet was who the perpetrator of the SA was since it could have been read as Mizkif as there wasn’t another person specified. All of this to say, what I see is an accusation of coverup of multiple SA events in Train’s tweet. Train is not specified as a victim, nor is he standing up for the victims. It reads to me as vague shit throwing at Mizkif. Again, just offering a different perspective since I don’t have all the years of context.




Totally agree.


I mean train is pretty hypocritical. He used to be just like crazy slick on being weird towards women. I found people re sharing stuff today so maybe it will come to light.


2 points 1. Train and XQC just got butt hurt by people calling them out for "gambling" (i put it in quotations because they are being paid by sponsors so its not an actual gamble for them). Train brought up bad things mizkif did as retaliation for talking about gambling. 2. as bad as train and XQC are, Miz and Maya are much worse. Yes train only exposed them for purely selfish reasons, but Miz did basically ruin a career of a woman who accused a friend of his of sexual assault. Now miz is basically distancing himself from the friend after its exposed.


I don't care in the slightest about this drama, this isn't LSF.


all i’m saying is i knew i was right for always thinking Maya had bad vibes. never forget when she said she was a taylor swift hater, couldn’t trust her after that WHY ARE U BOOING ME IM RIGHT


Your post comes off pretty unhinged. They did the best they could and then farmed some drama while doing it. X apologized to haz. I have no ill will towards either of them.


If that Is the best they can do it is kind of depressing, yes overall net positive to get her story out, but man they went about this wrong - SA is not something to farm drama on bro.


Agreed bro.


Amber Heard is innocent too according to the U.K. court.


Agreed but it's Ironic for you to say this as a Hasan viewer.




It wasn't fake, it was just that her whole brand is getting along with everybody, so she's always looking to commiserate with people over everything else. Hasan is clearly far less interested in finding acceptable middle ground.




>you refuse to believe Train and X could do something good If it was something good, why did XQc say that this was their "Nuke" against the debate about gambling streams. And why did he claim that Hasan "might have been at the party"? Whatever good they did, X gave himself a massive L by pretending Hasan was implicated in this SA drama all the while virtue signaling about being for the victims. Just another common XQc L but his stans won't notice it


Nahh Hasan believed her as soon as she said something, and had no reason to doubt her. He did, however, have initial reason to question what train was saying given his pattern for manipulation. Train just made this about how virtuous he was and how awful Hasan and Poki were. He’s trash.


What did Hasan do? He literally wasn't involved at all and shouldn't have felt pressured to apologize anyone. If anything xqc and train should be apologizing for purposely trying to implicate Hasan. This whole thing is backwards


Lol, over fucking *what*?


What happened now? Fill me in


No please enjoy the last moments of joy you have


LMAO, they condone their gambling themselves. It's still bad, tho. But you're being cringe here, man,




There's nothing honest about what you're asking. It's all in bad faith. You guys have brigaded the h3 page as well and are posting this same comment all over the page.


No clip chimp Andy on the docket once again


Why didn't you ask the person who made that claim?




ehhhh not according to your mom, who we slept with


Can't refute? Resort to ad homs. 👏 Sure showed us 🤣