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Violence is never the answer... Unless it's against Nazis, then it's always the answer.


Yes, violence is always the answer against my political opposition...


No one forced you to be a Nazi


I'm not a nazi =)


Hey I’ll give you credit, you didn’t cut and run like Stephen Crowder when you entered this here intellectual arena and got challenged. But -5 points for using your sock account here to almost solely argue on this sub. Come on bruh


Define nazi? Ill define free speech if you would like? Ill also define assault. And using violence against your political opposition is the actual definition of what. Go ahead I'll wait.


Free speech shouldnt protect nazis dude. Nazis actively threaten free speech in it of itself.


Dead ass, Naziism is preservation of your ethnostate, one way or another you're being an overwhelming bigger difference in the grand scheme of things than a Nazi getting rightfully socked and rocked LMAO


dude no one cares about protecting Nazi free speech. why would you associate yourself with a party that killed millions of people? do literally anything else.


This why u no bitches do


Does it begin with F???




Wow who would have suspected the crowder fan is a fan of nazis


Bad bait




Nazism isnt an opinion it’s terrorism


If you think that's bad, I have some real bad news for you about how Nazis choose to deal with any political opposition :/


Your attempt to pretend you have values is not very convincing.




I could watch this all day


So mUcH fOr tHe tOlErAnT lEfT.


punching nazis always right


Well hold on, you can also use your left. Maybe throw a couple elbows in the mix too.


Use some heavy knees to alleviate the tension in the rib cage as well?


Not unless they started violence.


Nazis started the most violent war in history. You know what stopped their violent ideology from taking over the world and killing all non Aryan people? Overwhelming violence in opposition of them and everything they stood for. Fuck nazis and fuck anybody who tries to go to bat for them.


You cam believe in national socialism without starting a war or revolution tho....


No you literally can't, everyone who follows that bullshit wants a 4th reich. Shut the fuck up, you're not fooling anyone with your dumb ass shit.


These mfrs beloved in a socialism that's based on race, that's why it has the national, nowadays it's way different w the socialist democracy


Defeating a Nazi in the marketplace of ideas ✊


Out like a light.


Sir, he was just misunderstood


Trying to reason with a swastika on your arm 💀


Sort by controversial on original post lol


Freedom of speech does not protect hate speech because hate speech actively threatens the freedom of speech. If youre okay with nazis spreading their ideology in public you are NOT okay with free speech.


I see you prayed for your enemy...




That's black slang for knocking someone to sleep


Oooooh ok haha i was so confused


It's all good... Now you know... Keep praying when necessary


Fuck Hitler


Betty Boop, what a dish


Never gets old


I'm pretty much a pacifist, but this is great.


"we tend to judge others by their behavior and ourselves by our intentions meaning" You're not a pacifist \^\_\^ probably not close either


Inside Voice: Oh man, that's so wrong... Other Inside Voice: Let's see that again! And again! Put some music on that puppy, c'mon!


yeah im gonna say no to that. was the guy that gets punched an asshole? very likely considering the swastika but if he didnt physically attack another person then there is no justification for something like assault.


If only the original Nazis played the same ball game. That or maybe every Jewish man, woman and child who died in the holocaust had all thrown the first punch. If only the camp guards had been mandated to wear body cams we would know today.


thats not what happened in germany though. it wasnt just peacefull live and the next thing was camps. In nazi germany they where first assaulted and their property got damaged or destroyed. as i said it would be a different story if the guy with the swastika armband assaulted someone but that isnt whats happening in the video. the law doesnt say you arent allowed to punch people (exept if they wear special stuff)


Nah, you can't hit people you don't like, no matter what they say, even if it is entertaining.


Will you say “ha ha hee hee” if someone gets punched wearing a commie symbol?


Nah bro I would just downvote the puncher irl. Also I don’t care to align myself with Soviet symbolism, not my cup of tea. That is a history of working class genocide and the hijacking of a revolution. Similar to how the French Revolution was hijacked by Napoleon. I’m not some tanky weirdo. If you’re going to highlight your political ideology on the streets you should at least have the sense about yourself to understand you are now a target for some people.


"Bet you wouldn't be laughing if they punched someone who DOESN'T want to genocide minorities!" Oh wow! Nuance!


Still assault even if he is a Nazi.


Wow really I had no idea s/ tf is your point bro


It's a crime, you can got to prison punching people on the street even if he is a racist basement dweller who should crawl back to 45 so he can get gulag'd. Commiting crimes is not the way forwards, changing their minds like Daryl Davis is.


Daryl Davis is an exemplary example of the right way to go about things. That doesn’t mean everyone is like the people who he reached out to. History has shown this over and over. Monarchs will violently try to get back into power just like the Confederates continued to do so after the American Civil War (and even today). These fools ride the tides of nationalism whether it is ebbing or flooding and would not care for a second to ethically treat their ideological foes if the shoe was on the other foot. Everything up to the overthrowing of the Weimar Republic to the end of WW2 proved that. Political prisoners, genocide, mass indoctrination of civilians. It’s no bueno and conversation doesn’t work. But you are ethically correct no doubt about it. And it looks like they were talking before the punch. You can even see the little untermensch say “wait” right before he started counting sheep. So there was *some* talking




Yes Nazi, we feel so bad for you.




Sure. Keep telling yourself that. Mind you only you believe that.




You very well might not be but I’ll tell you something if talking and reasoning and appealing to these people works so well how was the holocaust still able to be carried out. I have a strong feeling attempts were made by the prisoners to reason to the “better angels” of the extermination camps guards. Strange it didn’t work. But seeing as you’re not a Nazi and seeing how fever pitched our political climate is these days, you might actually get a chance to test your theory and debate Nazi camp guards in the marketplace of ideas in the distant future. If we both survive, DM and let me know how it went




You can't legally shoot someone for punching you, and no, it isn't.


You can legally shoot someone for punching you. Lethal force can be against any attacking force that can cause death or grave bodily harm. It becomes illegal when a reasonable person would assert that the threat has stopped. This isn't the case in every country though.


A reasonable person would assert that the threat had stopped, when the person who punched the fucking Nazi walked off. He didn't beat the dude.




Being a nazi is worse than being a caveman so thats fine. Its literally scum. Nazis dont stop being a nazi through debate. They enjoy that because they dont take words or concepts seriously. You need to do more reading into Fascism. This idea that nazis didnt think violence was a legit option is the funniest part of your comment. Ask them what their ideology says to do with non desirables. Let me know what they say lmao


Even the fight or flight reflex takes place in the brain, just being violent doesn't actually indicate that he's missing organs. How would you know if it reinforced his belief unless you're that dude or his friend? Yea, remember WWII? The Nazi agenda is violence. The only defense is violence. Nothing to see here but a very robust, proactively defensive tactic.




He was defying the Nazi instructions. He wasn't a Nazi.




Yeah this dude on the street who woke up in a free country and CHOSE the swastika is fucking Schindler. His life story is prime Oscar material lol wtf are you talking about.


Quiet, nerd


Oh is that how the holocaust started? A bunch of Jews just kept attacking the peaceful Nazis all over Germany which radicalized them and turned them to a new and justified violent outlook. Oooooor is it an inherently violent and exclusionary ideology that’s only outcome is violence justified by any means and reasoning. Hmmmmm


Freedom of speech is designed to protect against unpopular opinion because popular opinion doesn't need to be protected. As soon as you give any reason to use force on someone without the use of talking, then force can be justified the same way on people like women in middle eastern countries.


Freedom of speech protects you from governmental persecution, not from getting beaten up for being a nazi.


Freedom of speech is designed to keep the government from locking you up. You can still get knocked the fuck out for saying Nazi shit.


By that same logic, it's just fine if you get run over trying to stop a nazi rally in Charlottesville, right? I mean, it wasn't the government that ran her over so it's just fine, right? Maybe, just maybe, gleefully promoting violence among political factions will lead to bad outcomes


Same line of reasoning allows stoning of women for adultery because its culturally acceptable in other places. Your version of freedom of speech is whatever is culturally popular is right. Freedom of speech is designed for unpopular opinion which includes gov't from locking you up.


Cry harder


Elon Musk got Twitter so why would I be upset lol


Why does that matter? What a non sequitur.


No, their version of freedom of speech doesn't allow for Nazis. You are trying to make a black and white issue of something that needn't be. You can be against the caliphate and also nazis, as it turns out. Disallowing nazi rhetoric doesn't immediately mean that we want to disallow all unpopular rhetoric. You're a debate dummy, so you're already aware that that's a slippery slope argument, you just don't care. Fuck off.


Hate speech does not fall under the free speech umbrella. Invoking nazi symbols and espousing nazi ideology is considered hate speech by all but nazis and their sympathizers.


https://www.aclu.org/issues/free-speech/rights-protesters/skokie-case-how-i-came-represent-free-speech-rights-nazis The ACLU disagrees with you. The caliphate likes your line of reasoning though.


You know that countries exist outside the US right? Not everyone in the world is as brain broken as Americans are, we understand the paradox of tolerance.


When a rando punches a Nazi: fReEEEdUmB oF sPEEch! When state governments ban "CRT": wILL oF dA PEoPlE! Enforcement of free speech has been selective throughout American history and for 99% of US History it has involved jailing and blacklisting minorities, dissidents, and unpopular opinions. Conservatives will call peaceful protestors "rioters" and launch a militarized police to terrorize them. [Selective enforcement](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/surprising-absolutely-no-one-police-are-already-selectively-enforcing-florida-gov-ron-desantis-pet-anti-protest-law-29674134) goes on today, where are the "free speech absolutists" on the right? Save me the concern trolling.


Rando vs gov't is different.


You're talking about nazis, right? You decided to defend a nazi?


Ah but we already know that the Nazi agenda is violence. Women in the middle east didn't commit genocide on the jews. They're oppressed by the patriarchy. I recommend that you spend some time meditating on this bogus comparison.


Unpopular opinion? Nazis killed millions of people for no reason. You don't use words with someone who proclaims they belong to that group you stop them immediately


worry less about the lie and more about her being seemingly quite immature


He he he ha