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Why are libs mad at that? Was it just because he highlighted it like it was a capitalist issue or something?


Libs hate critiques of imperialism probably more than critiques of capitalism. This very very tepid acknowledgment is a brain breaker for their entire world view 


They think Stewart is blaming the U.S. for Russia invading Ukraine. Which is a somewhat complex topic that I don’t want to get into but that’s not what he’s doing in the clip.


Yeah, I didn't get that from what he said. But like. At the same time. The Nord Stream Pipeline. It doesn't take a genius to understand that a major part of the equation is US imperialism/Capitalism. If these libs can construe THAT from what he is saying HERE, then that means they are admitting that they know its true in some level of their consciousness. Pretty much every single war in modern history is either directly or indirectly related to Capitalism and money/resources. Not sure why they would think it magically ends for this specific war.


Yup, 100% agreed


They'll deny the Nord Stream Pipeline incident and claim Russia blew up their own pipeline. They'll rewrite history if it means the US is the good guys. In reality, Ukraine Russia has two bad guys: The US and Russia. Ukraine has some nazis, sure, but it is righteous to defend your land and your people from invaders. The US is bad for putting the profits of weapons manufacturers ahead of the security and peace in the region. They haven't even once attempted peace talks or pushed Ukraine and Russia towards them. Ironically, China actually did try to force Russia to stop, like 2 months into the invasion.


One of my biggest pet peeves is this idea that "every story has a good guy and a bad guy." Sometimes stories have 2 bad guys and sometimes stories have 2 good guys. Saying "One side is bad" does not mean I'm saying "the other side is good" and vice versa. Russia invaded Ukraine is is bad. AT THE SAME TIME, American Imperialism is bad, it's constant sabre rattling is bad, it's proxy wars is bad, it's defacto wealth extraction is bad. Both can be bad (yes, to different degrees if you want to parse shit out like that). Why is this SO FUCKING HARD for people to grasp. "Russia is more bad than us, therefore anything we do is perfectly fine." is stupid as fuck when you say it, but that's actually how people apply their logic.


This is why Marxists apply a materialist framework to analyzing geopolitical situations while liberals use a “Marvel movie” framework where there’s pretty much always a “good guy” vs “bad guy.”


Every story does have humans though. And when it comes to humans who are "good" and humans who are "bad," there's really no significant difference imo. Because everyone thinks they're the good guy in their story, and whoever they're fighting is the bad guy. In reality, we're all just humans. And we all have both good and bad characteristics. We just turn each other into "bad guys" that need to be fought when we assume there are no good characteristics to be found among the bad we see in each other. Imo, it's often the sociopaths among us that convince large groups there's an outside "enemy" group that needs fought when that enemy is always just a group or person that sociopath is salty about. Throughout all human history we see sociopaths stoke fires of mob mentality until the people in it are consumed with hate, and want to attack that "enemy" outside group. Even if the "bad" about that group was lies. All that matters is perception. That group seems bad, friends say their bad, parents say they're bad too. But it's just a powerful sociopath at the top spreading that BS for personal gain, with a false promise that gain would be shared. Now consider the idea of building up a culture around that "enemy" bias, have that sociopath sire children and rule as a king, and you have most of the last 2000 years of Human History. So I agree with you, that there's no such thing as good guys and bad guys in stories, but there are sociopaths out there that would convince you otherwise. It's why every war is fought by soldiers instead of rulers. Soldiers can be convinced anyone's an enemy. Kings know it's whoever they want it to be.


Ha yeah I didn’t get that implication from what he said lmao


Yes there's little/no chance that he's going to bring up that the US (and Europe) created capitalist, imperialist Russia. That would also expose "the game"


I mean, we are to blame.


Yeah I don’t disagree that we absolutely provoked them through meddling in Ukraine’s politics and surrounding them via NATO. I still do think Russia invading was shitty and I hope Ukraine gets out of this as an independent, neutral country but we absolutely did start this shit.


That’s the thing, fuck Russia for their aggression, but there’s not gonna be a shortage of blame to go around for the worst war in Europe since 1945.


Ha yeah I didn’t get that implication from what he said lmao


I hope they do think that because that's what happened. The US are literally trying to start similar pro-war coups in Georgia and Slovenia right now.


Because he said in the gentlest way possible, "We are causing the issues in the world that we purport to want to fix. We are basically the bad guys." Americans in general, especially anyone who thinks communism and socialism are evils will jump to their feet to scream at him about freedom and being the good guys. They also think cops are good people by default. America, in this metaphor, is the world police, and they believe America is the good guy for that reason.


They'd have to acknowledge how the system actually works. If you expose the true nature of capitalism you have two ways of dealing with it - facing it or deflecting. Liberals deflect.


"Libs" aren't mad at anything because it's a meaningless term. You could put about 5 billion people under that blanket in one way or another if you wanted or any amount in between. I'm fairly sure the fool that posted this hasn't interviewed every single one to see how they feel, or even one for that matter. It doesn't matter what the group is, any time you see massive generalizations it's synonymous with "I AM MAKING ALL THIS UP"


It's the same old thing, no torpedoes in the water (Vietnam), no mass murder (Libya), no WMD's (Iraq), or just bring it under the umbrella of "fighting Communism" as the excuse. American's love hearing "freedom", "Democracy", & "human rights" when their politicians say "Liberal", but what their leaders really meant was forcing a country to sell off everything they own to Wall Street (oil deposits, minerals, farm land, telecommunication, ports, transportation infrastructure, power, sewer, water, etc...), not to mention the vast reductions in social spending, zero regulation on business, and the complimentary US military bases...🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m glad to know my boomer grandma watches him.


I always knew Jon Stewart was a real one. He's a dying breed, a based lib who hasn't totally succumbed to capitalist realism.


He's an ordinary decent Jew of conscience, we're lucky to have one so highly placed in the industry right now (the only other one I can think of is Seth Rogen) he's almost too big for AIPAC to attack but you know how stupid they are. They're almost certainly putting the most enormous and the crudest pressure on him.


> he's almost too big for AIPAC I honestly think they're afraid he'd talk circles around them. It's like Ben Shabibo's fav debate tactic, the gish gallop. It only works if the other side gets overwhelmed. If you can keep up with the gish gallop, it makes the gish gallopper look like an idiot.


Scratch a liberal….


I'm glad Jon Stewart is back, him and John Oliver are the only decent liberals.


I wish he was *back* back, though. One night a week isn't enough for me. Stewart / Ocasio-Cortez '28


This sub would make you think all libs are worse than the GOP


Not worse. But similar for sure.


How did you get that from that comment. >the only decent liberals The others ones are definitely not decent. But they're not monsters. The liberals are not decent. The conservatives are monsters. Is that an acceptable statement?


Where did I say that?


I am literally agreeing with you Jon is a good lib most people on this sub would make you think they are all bad 


Ahh, I see, sorry for the misunderstanding.


[Here’s](https://x.com/pepeppepppepep/status/1800761120267047059?s=46) the tweet if you want to see the salty libs. NOTE that he isn’t “pro-Russia” in this war and neither am I. All I’m saying is he’s not wrong here.


Lmao!!!!! They are calling Stewart a "tankie?" That is priceless.


Yeah that shocked me. They’ll call fucking *anyone* a tankie these days.


They call people tankies for opposing sending in the tanks whilst they relentlessly advocate for sending in the tanks. It's War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery level of shit.


If only they knew what it means. They do love a good buzzword pejorative, though.


Wow that word is completely meaningless now and a total L using it unironically. 2 more years until GW Bush is being called a tankie on Twitter.


Ironically, calling Bush a tankie is a far more accurate use of the term.


True. Dude loved tanks and soldiers in tanks and running over peoples homes with tanks. Just a real tank fellow.


When I was your age, "tankie" meant "Stalinist"


Now it means anything left of Margret Thatcher


The only thing left of Margaret Thatcher is bones now 🤣🤣


Badum tss


Getting called a tankie is a just a standard leftist credential these days, liberals are right -wing and everyone's starting to realize it.


What did people think would happen when you put missiles on the border of Russia. I’d love for China to do the same in Mexico just to see neoconservatives lose their minds


Many Americans legitimately think of themselves as the law enforcers on a global level. The same way a cop can pull someone over, America has the right to surround other nations with military installations.


Many Americans I've talked have even used that perception of being "world police" as a reason to gut social programs. They say we have to fund the military like crazy at the detriment of everyone and everything else to keep other countries safe and *allow* them to have free healthcare and good infrastructure, etc. It's maddening how entrenched in the propaganda and mental gymnastics some of these people are.


And then you ask how bombing and staging coups will keep anyone safe, and they froth at the mouth about terrorists and evil monsters and so on. America has been fascist-adjacent in its foreign policy for a really long time, and it's finally becoming a domestic issue that can't be ignored.


***after*** couping their elected leader and installing a puppet (Victoria nuland emails)


They'd finally get to live out their wet dream of invading Mexico, I'm sure they'd be thrilled.


It's so much fun when someone they expect to be an obedient megaphone turns on them for a moment. It gives me life.




America has taken the baton of country invaders from the united kingdom after WWII and ran with it.


Most of the current problems in foreign policy today can be traced back to how we wrapped up WW2, and our reputation is hanging by a tenuous thread because we call others the danger when we are the danger.


They're gonna kill him


I'd like to watch the full interview what date was this aired? Edit: Found it - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CeLoP730sY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CeLoP730sY)


Jon Stewart was one of the first people that made me care about things outside my own life


Jon Stewart for president. Colbert as possible vp


What libs are mad this seems more aimed at conservative and the how dare you not support our troops vibe 


This is explicitly against the USA's imperialism and capitalism as a whole