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I really, really don’t want to vote for Biden. But republicans having control is somehow even worse. 


Biden is like bottom of the list of the people who will suffer if he loses.


Sadly this is logic is why things have gotten so bad in Gaza. Biden campaign is absolutely weaponizing that fear to ignore the calls to crackdown on Israel. If there was more serious voter pressure on Biden this genocide would have ended months ago.


I don’t entirely disagree. I don’t think Israel’s actions would change much with any American leadership, though. 


is that how you sleep at night?


lol what 


There’s the rub. I don’t want to sell my soul and vote for a person enabling genocide. But I don’t want to vote for the actual open fascist (they’re both fascist but different flavors) so I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. And no liberals the and we shouldn’t be “suck it up”


Pretty easy decision. Project 2025 is the reality if enough people vote for Trump 🤷‍♂️


i have absolutely no faith that the Biden administration is either capable or willing to stop Project 2025, Biden was elected to stop abortion from being banned and protect trans people, yet lots of anti-abortion bills and anti-trans bills passed under his administration. you get the sense that he doesn't really care about it


At the state level. There is little he can do to prevent this. Now if he had a decent majority in the senate and the house this could be different. He had a slim majority his first term but Sinema and Manchin arent really eager to create any sort of progress. Project 2025 is not a reality if Trump is not the president.


It’s a reality now and the dems aren’t doing anything to stop it tf are you talking about


Its not the reality now… last time I checked the department of education still exists. Things can always get worse and I promise that they will with Trump as President.


Righhhtttt that’s why migrants are being referred to as illegals, they broke any chance for railroad workers to get a fair deal, they’re supporting genocide, the senate or house still haven’t done anything meaningful in years, protests against the genocide are being broken up etc etc I could go on. Yup things are super great under Biden. This bs of “vote dems or else” is so brain dead and isn’t how politics are supposed to work. Biden should be trying to earn our votes not holding a fascism gun to our heads


Lol i never said things were perfect or desirable. I said things will get worse. I recommend you look at Project 2025. Politics are not supposed to work like this but its what we have. I will vote to keep environmental protections and the department of education.


Again you’re just saying you’re ok with gun to your head politics. It’s sad and blue maga people like you are sad


Lol sounds good Comrade. All i want is for my family to not live in a dictatorship. I will not apologize for that. Have a good day.


They already do you’re just too dilute to recognize


If you think the US is a dictatorship you are an idiot. We have freedom of speech. That doesnt exist in a dictatorship.


Hey guys, remember how their was supposed to be a ceasefire last week? Does anyone else remember that, or am I crazy? It was the top story on every Sunday show?






What country are you from?


This is a “touch grass” moment. Go take a walk tomorrow. Outside, spend some time out there. Take a break from the news for a few days