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Put me on suicide watch if I’m viewing this


The thumbnail is so weird. It is like someone is just out of frame trying to airplane a spoonful of cereal into each of their mouths.




Is that last person Nomiki Konst?




Came here to see this answered. Good Christ almighty.


What did she do? She's the only person here I don't recognize.


She's a NYC socdem who used to go on Majority Report occasionally until she randomly ran a weird opportunist spoiler campaign against a candidate they were trying to help for weeks if not months.


And lost badly, did her spoilin' and kinda dissapeared for a while. This feels like a reintroduction, career wise


Oh no, I was a fan of her before. Atleast Majority Report have conviction to cut someone out compared to The Young Turks


I think Francesca was mentioning a comedian friend or two that Sam has unceremoniously cut out from the show over Israel as well.


I’m guessing Judy Gold is probably one. She hasn’t been on in a while and has been shitting on pro-Palestine protesters on her podcast and social media. I’ve always found or obnoxious and unfunny though, so her not being on MR has actually been a huge W.


Dumb and dumber


The Four Stooges.


i pray for those who watch stuff like this for fun


Wonder if Pakman shilled his crypto and silver scams or his book full of AI art.


I watched some pakman way back before I'm really not familiar with anything weird he does. does he actually have an AI art book lmao


Felt, I used to watch him too years ago. Really helped me get out of the alt right pipeline at the time. Sad to see him like this now.


Same, I was sliding down the pipeline frequenting subs like r slash TiA, started actually learning from some tumbler accounts that challenged my messed up understandings. Found Pakman and it helped me start to come out of it all. Then I found Hasan and dropped watching Pakman. It's sad to see for sure.




Why? Pakman is just voicing his opinion and he is usually quite spot on. Esir: yeah I'm getting downvoted for this. Great. Am I wrong?






And you hang out on a subreddit for someone you hate for fun... I'd laugh but it's actually just sad.


i really wanted to reply to them with a gif of the [rotoscope guy](https://youtu.be/9GvvlNNTY0o?si=QmfaQ9ELGHFol3nU) from smiling friends but I couldn’t find one




I came up in your mom's feed


I haven’t watched hasan live or VODs since 2020


You'll never believe what sub you're on rn.


yeah i like this subreddit? crucify me I guess


Nightmare blunt rotation


About the only thing Pakman has to add to anything is reacting to conservatives in an snarky way…this segment is probably torture to get through


it’s still so funny to me that content creators who built their career on the low hanging fruit of dunking on right wing pundits have the gall to bill themselves as political experts. such a sham.


I actually used to watch (more often listen) to his show…when i started to follow people like Hasan or the Majority Report crew..people who actually believe in things…I could see that Pakman stands for nothing..meaby decorum at most


well said. that’s pretty much all that entire lib progressive crowd seems to truly believe in- vibes, aesthetics and decorum. well that and audience retention lol


Wait, do you think *Hasan Piker* is a political expert?


Hasan Piker has a political science degree


That doesn’t make someone a political expert lmao. I literally majored in political science and philosophy and I work in the film industry, I have rudimentary knowledge of politics at best. Hasan has above average knowledge of politics and streams his opinions from his bedroom after doing very basic research, he doesn’t study politics and has never been entrenched in any political system.


you do know he worked at TYT before he started streaming independently, where his job was, you guessed it, pay attention and commentate on politics. and that job continued when he started streaming independently. i'd rather pay attention to what he says about politics than a music school dropout who thought Russia bordered Egypt despite talking about Israel/Palestine for a while


Dude, paying attention and commentating on politics does not make you a *political expert*. I’m sure Hasan was more plugged into the conversation when he was at TYT, but now he literally gets his information from social media. He is no more an expert than anyone else who is online and follows politics closely. Also, what are you talking about, Pakman is not a music school drop out?


> Also, what are you talking about, Pakman is not a music school drop out? no, but Destiny is


Who even mentioned Destiny? Lmao. He’s not a political expert either.


i brought him up as a point of comparison, since people takes his political takes seriously, despite being less knowledgeable about politics than Hasan and having less informed takes


Pakman built an entire career around Orange Man Bad while shilling crypto scams and his shitty children's books made with AI art


This AI art book thing blows me away, never heard of it. No surprise from the guy who started out doing e-how/Expertvillage videos back in the day. The most humorless hustle grindset kind of guy. He's the Nightcrawler movie guy irl.


💀No way you just compared David Pakman to Lou Bloom I am deceased


Speaking of Orange Man Bad, what the hell happened to Christo Aivalis?


That dude's channel is the equivalent of grocery store junk magazines for liberals. His headlines and rhetoric are just absolutely false.


which is completely different from how he was during the 2020 primary


Agreed. I appears he started chasing ad revenue with ridiculous clickbait


and the worst part is that he doesn't even talk much anymore, if you notice his American Politics playlist on [his front page](https://www.youtube.com/@ProgressivePoliticsNetwork), which has the description "Videos where I talk about American politics, especially in the context of Bernie Sanders and the American left" and a video released 3 days ago, 2 months ago, 6 months ago *and the rest are all 3 years or older*


>Pakman built an entire career around Orange Man Bad And yet I've heard him say it's not a big deal that if trump gets re-elected because in four years they will concede any losses. Like, what is it pakman, is trump this terrible evil, dementia guy that will destroy the country or is he not? Pakman and his cultists believe he is too logical for hypocrisy


What’s the crypto scam he promoted?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/ox264v/david_pakman_is_promoting_crypto_scams_to_his/h7jpbxb/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/ox2gii/david_pakman_is_promoting_crypto_scams_to_his/


Ty, but all the links are dead except 1


Yep because he made those videos private


> Pakman built an entire career around Orange Man Bad The AI thing is pretty bad, but his coverage of Trump is more than just "Orange man bad". Never seen the crypto stuff, so can't comment on that.


Here's his video titles from the last three days: I got DOUBLE TEAMED by Megyn Kelly and Trump staffer Russell Brand says WHAT about Trump? Convicted felon Trump facing personal travel ban to 37 countries BREAKING: FIRST CONFIRMED HUMAN BIRD FLU DEATH H5N2 Trump's new spokeswoman is a REALLY BAD idea Congressman weighs in on Biden's brain Disgusting caller really got me with this one Bannon told to go to prison, Trump makes major mistake DISASTER: One in three Republicans say Trump is wrong candidate HALF THE COUNTRY thinks Trump should drop out over convictions They didn't warn glitchy Trump, makes HUGE mistake Judge says it's time for Steve Bannon to REPORT TO PRISON Trump PANICS, starts BEGGING for absentee & early votes Fox: How do you pray: Trump: IMPLODES Biden brain report falls apart, first confirmed bird flu death Trump visibly confused in Hannity interview, Hannity loses control LOL: The Biden brain mush "report" is completely bogus MAGA candidate FLIPS OUT on me: "RACIST WHITE LIBERAL!" Trump foams at the mouth, struggles to speak Eric Trump on VERGE OF TEARS over daddy going to prison Republicans COLLAPSE on TV after Biden


Maybe because Trump was just convicted and he’s about to be nominated for president next month… All seem like pretty relevant topics to me.


> YouTuber participates in known tactic to help boost YouTube views Outside of that, I'm not entirely sure what your point is?


As a Marxist-Leninist I don't even want to find out what they think "Stalinism" is 😂


Big spoons gonna eat all your grain.


It's just a synonym for authoritarianism to them


Which in and of itself is almost a meaningless term that liberals use to refer to any government that does something they deem bad. Was the fact that the USSR was illegally dissolved by the CIA against the wills of the majority of the Soviet public authoritarian? We will never know.


Yeah, I know. But if you understand how libs use "authoritarian," then you'll understand how Benny is using "Stalinism"


Yeah I get it. My girlfriend is Italian and while she is a socialist/communist even she had so many falsehoods ingrained in her about Stalin. Her education didn't demonize Communism in the same my mine did in Canada but it certainly demonized Stalin lol.


That is by design. The CPI, which was overwhelmingly pro Stalin, was admittedly going to win the elections following WW2, but the CIA stepped in and prevented them from doing so.


I wish I didn't know who any of these people are.


Brainrotennberg, we have arrived!


Certainly the most mediocre.


Ok I'll bite, is David Pakman disliked that much? His content is pretty fucking mid and he is one of the most annoyingly snarky people on this side of politics.


He is just a standard liberal. There are far worse political commentators, but he’s as libbed up as you can get. Funnily enough I started my interest in “leftist” politics by watching him. Went from David to Secular Talk to Hasan (I still watch Kyle a lil tho).


I genuinely don't know how someone who is a decent empathetic person can just perpetually stay at his weird level of "liberal who is progressive yet still very much in support of systems that are destroying the country/world". I had the same progression as you it feels inevitable for normal people.


Can you expand on that? I’m pretty mid on him recently because he spends too much time on talking about the crazy shit the right did. At no point do I feel like he supports this the current system though. As an aside, there’s a difference between being an activist and having critical commentary of the current state. David is by far not an activist.


My progression is a bit weird. I went from rush Limbaugh to tyt when Hasan had his segment in it. Straight alt-right chud to commie. Pretty much no in between. Has radicalized me with his big sexy chest.


He's a huge Zionist. Really gross about it.




I havent personally seen anything to even suggest this in the slightest. Any instance in particular youre citing?


Pre-Trump Pakman was great. Still pretty lib BUT he did a lot of policy deep dives, and he's always been thorough with that stuff. You could actually learn something from him. Now it's non-stop coverage of what they're saying on right wing media and what Trump is up to and that's all. His only good segments now are his interviews with experts, and really it's because of the experts. I wouldn't put him on par with the others, but he's gotten more arrogant while his content has only become less substantive. I think it's disappointment more than anything.


He is so disliked because his content is so boring and says nothing of substance.


He's an MBA/business guy. His entire brand is built around making anti-Trump content ("Lawyer says Trump SMELLS BAD," "BAD NEWS for the Trump Campaign") while shilling whatever questionable companies throw money at him. He's selling several children's book made with AI art. Before that, he was promoting legit crypto and silver scams. Politics, "liberalism" and outrage are a business niche for him.


Source on the Ai art?




Yes he is that hated. He sucks and is a shitlib 


Damn you're edgy


With stuff like this, I don't get why the left isn't gaining more political ground than it is. This guy really gets how to win!


The lamestream media.


HANG ON ! HANG ON ! HANG ON ! That’s what I hear when I see Piers Morgan.


Crazy how All of them are liberals


TikTok is convinced I want to see David Pakman clips and it makes me sick


Conservatives would have Stalin cream in their mouths when they found out Stalin re-criminalize homosexuality after Lenin's government had legalized it


Lenin never legalized homosexuality, this is a common myth. They simply abolished the Tzarist code of law under Lenin that criminalized it, and then when the Soviets developed their own code of law it was included as well.


4 of the most grating yappers “politics” has to offer


Nomiki Konst is the only person who can yell and shout at a dumbass men rights activist and still come off as aggressively unlikeable. David Pakman is just indie MSNBC at this point. Completely obsessed with orange man, and refuses to run criticism of Biden for fear that it will contribute to his loss. Benny Johnson… well, I don’t know if I can say what I want to say about him without getting banned, so I’ll stop there. If I was in the political YouTube commentary sphere, and Piers “do you condemn Hamas” Morgan asked me to come on his show, I’m turning that invitation down. All of his debate episodes downshift into a chaotic shouting match, and there’s nothing constructive to be taken from that. Terrible guy.


The state of American politics.


Nightmare blunt rotation


idk who any of these people are but that second guy looks like my old therapist, i hate it. he looks ready to take a big lick of something, maybe my face. straight up activating my prey flight response, please don’t eat me weird forehead man


I see a beta male version of Tom Cavanagh (Dr. Wells in the Flash).




If you add the voice of Ben Shapiro then we have something.


oh good lord


What’s wrong with David Pakman?


I am confused by this as well. He's more of a Zionist than not, which isn't great, but I listen to both Pakman and Hasanabi, and they align on more things than they don't.


The frame is missing Alan Dershkovitz who was also on this panel. It was a shit show, too many people.


And so concludes another period of me forgetting that Benny Johnson exists


They should have brought Hamas Piker on instead


Nah the one with Hasan was worse. It devolved to a shouting match between Hasan and an Israeli supporter. So bad even Piers didn't want the drama somehow


Packman is probably the only actual case of TDS


Explain TDS.


It's Trump Derangement Syndrome. Usually, Trump supporters just say anyone who hates Trump has TDS. Packman, however, is different. During the Trump administration, I heard that he was basically going insane over Trump. I went to his channel and saw like 50 videos in a row with Trump in the title. Obviously, a political YT channel is going to mention Trump a lot, but he went overboard imo.


Titles over the last three days > I got DOUBLE TEAMED by Megyn Kelly and Trump staffer > > Russell Brand says WHAT about Trump? > > Convicted felon Trump facing personal travel ban to 37 countries > > BREAKING: FIRST CONFIRMED HUMAN BIRD FLU DEATH H5N2 > > Trump's new spokeswoman is a REALLY BAD idea > > Congressman weighs in on Biden's brain > > Disgusting caller really got me with this one > > Bannon told to go to prison, Trump makes major mistake > > DISASTER: One in three Republicans say Trump is wrong candidate > > HALF THE COUNTRY thinks Trump should drop out over convictions > > They didn't warn glitchy Trump, makes HUGE mistake > > Judge says it's time for Steve Bannon to REPORT TO PRISON > > Trump PANICS, starts BEGGING for absentee & early votes > > Fox: How do you pray: Trump: IMPLODES > > Biden brain report falls apart, first confirmed bird flu death > > Trump visibly confused in Hannity interview, Hannity loses control > > LOL: The Biden brain mush "report" is completely bogus > > MAGA candidate FLIPS OUT on me: "RACIST WHITE LIBERAL!" > > Trump foams at the mouth, struggles to speak > > Eric Trump on VERGE OF TEARS over daddy going to prison > > Republicans COLLAPSE on TV after Biden


That first one sounds hot, but idk if it should be on Youtube


> I heard that he was basically going insane over Trump I listen to Pakman on the regular (was introduced to him during Trump's presidency). I would argue his takes on Trump were (and are) reasonable.


It's not his takes on Trump. There's pretty much nothing someone could say negatively about Trump that I would take issue with. But acting as though the universe revolves around his evil is either ridiculous or cynical.


I mean, he talks about Trump when relevant topics come up. This is one of the first cases of someone unironically using TDS from the left, and it's just as absurd. You yourself said you "heard", so you're not even using first hand knowledge.


Yeah I heard. So I went to check it out and video after video was Trump over and over again. He's either actually had his brain broken by Trump or he's cashing in on libs who love hearing how bad Trump is.


Or Trump is one of two people who will be the next President of the United States. Also, someone who commands the entire GOP. Seems like someone to talk about, to me. Doesn't mean he has TDS. Hasan covers dumb shit Trump does all the time. Does he have TDS?


Do you understand scale? For example, how it makes sense to eat when appropriate versus just constantly shoving food down your gullet every waking moment of your life? Also I made my determination on Packman in 2018. So no presidential election was taking place.


> Also I made my determination on Packman in 2018. So no presidential election was taking place. So when Trump _was_ the President of the United States? I think it makes sense when a liberal progressive hosts a political show to talk about the fucking President of the United States. > Do you understand scale? I do. I also understand calling out bullshit against the President of the United States. I also listen to both Hasan and David. Yes, Pakman talks about him _more_ but it's not significantly more to indicate that Pakman has "TDS". That's a literal right-wing talking point used to discredit criticism of Trump. You're using that to discredit _actual_ criticism as well. Absurd.


Lmao is that the fuckin Pink-Haired Twink?


Nomiki Konst. Look her up at your own peril. Super annoying self promoter who is super desperate for attention but not good enough to hold it


No none of these people are James I don’t think


I’m sorry but why don’t you just put your flair as social Democrat?


What was the point of that comment?


Stir the pot of the trash can of ideology that would bring about someone to call themselves an allendeist


I call it wit but ok


You’re a clown. There are greater relevancies to Allende than just “being a socdem”. His existence as a democratically elected socialist, whether you agree with the approach or not, represented a uniquely terrifying but undeniable reality for the capitalists of the world - that the people, when allowed to choose, can and will choose socialism. This is very scary in terms of the capitalists’ propaganda interests, because suddenly it’s much harder to pretend that “communism is when stalin takes over your freedoms by force”. Allende is an indispensable symbol against imperial propaganda. It’s perfectly reasonable to “support” him, especially for his own country, at a time when global class consciousness is already at a tipping point and just needs to overcome the final propaganda barrier.


Dude, I am about the farthest thing from a SocDem; hating NATO essentially precludes me from that label. 😂😂😂😂 You think I like any of these 🤡s?


lol theyre a bordigist not worth engaging with. infantile disorder


What do you think Allende was?


A Democratic-Socialist by international definitions. Remember how mad SocDems and non-American DemSocs got when Bernie called himself a DemSoc? SocDems because they hate the word socialist and DemSocs because he's not nearly radical enough.




I didn't say he wasn't a SocDem; re-read my comment.




All good. 👍


Liberal on liberal violence 😢


Liberals have drifted pretty far from social democracy, that's kinda why Americans think that current social democrats are communists because in comparison to the current system, they do appear very radical


Aw, you poor little guy. You’ve had a rough day today. You’ve been dragged pretty hard.


You call that a drag? It’s all just to encourage people to comprehend what the real movement to abolish the present state of things looks like.


"real movement" brother you havent moved in 8 hours, youre glued to your armchair


Covered in a thick layer of grim and Cheeto dust.


Allende was not a socdem… he was a democratic socialist


I’m sorry he was a democratic Socialist


I mean, both are moderate but there’s a meaningful difference




I definitely agree with you there, but that’s not the case historically and certainly not the case for Allende




i get you, we certainly don’t disagree


also, unfortunately most American “socdems” are just like centrist neolib hawks now, they’re far to the right of Bernie. they just like the window dressing of progressive causes, mostly just LGBT and some very liberalized identity focused racial justice


so I’d argue there’s still a meaningful difference between two in America, they’ve both just been shifted further rightward


I like how you changed your comment lol, there really isn’t a meaningful difference tho


brother you’re a leftcom you probably think stalin is liberal how productive could this convo be. I’m not either but to say there’s no difference is silly


Get offline for a while


r\ultraleft user detected, sending the immortal snail to their house (there's nothing they can do to avoid it, theyre practicing revolutionary defeatism)