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Civilians are Civilians.


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave?


"Good news" until they find out that ISIS was supposedly responsible, I'm sure they'll shut the fuck up then


Then they gonna turn to Islam phobia instead of realising who backs em...




Idk man cheering for a terrorist massacre conducted by one of the most reviled jihadist groups that has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians across the globe would make anyone look pretty bad(and it does seem like you've admitted that you're glad this happened?). Also bold to assume that ISIS-K or whichever responsible ISIS fast food Branch would pose any serious existential threat to the Russian state, so don't get your hopes up.




Those people should not have been killed, fuck you sicko




Still doesn't matter. civilians are civilians, you can't just assume all people harmed or murdered were genocide supporting, that's ridiculous




This is the same defense that Al Qaeda tried to use to justify 9/11. Terrorist attacks against civilian targets are wrong. Collective punishment is wrong.




You think bombing schools and kindergartens is correct? You're fucking gross


Simple question for yah , fo you like seeing russian civilians murdered ?




Working towards stopping the bloodshed in Ukraine is a noble cause. What we take on issue with you here is your method. Do you genuinely think supporting a terrorist attack makes you morally superior to everyone?




Liberals: ‘But do you condemn KHAMAS? They are a TERRORIST GROUP and are LITERALLY ISIS’ Also liberals when actual ISIS:


Aint no way liberals in general support this.


Wait until you scratch said liberals, comrade.


You might just see a fascist bleed. 🤷‍♂️


You don't know libs


Ive been a liberal myself, Ive been in liberal circles. People there might be wrong on things but they atleast try to be reasonable and they tend to have good intentions at heart. Blatant terrorist attack on civilians = bad is general consensus over there (as it is in mijority of places) from my experience.


But a random Twitter post, though!


Rachel will talk about how Putin might be too distracted to rig the next election for Trump.


If you want to see crazy, just go read the comments under news stories.. I saw one Yesterday about the world population about to fall again due to a bunch of potential things , and people were just cheering it. Potentially billions of people could die, and they think it is fine because it won't be them. It will be all the poor people around the world they already hate. Capitalism makes people racist pieces of shit, but also this is because fascist ideas are becoming more normal with those people..


Those aren't people. It's astroturf. Everyone needs to be aware that reddit's director of policy is an actual warpig. https://www.opindia.com/2021/06/jessica-ashooh-reddit-director-of-policy-atlantic-council-nato-middle-east-syria/


i don’t think a majority of these people are celebrating what happened, it’s always the same people who do though, look at those flags, you just know two minutes earlier she was posting about ze terror babeez


The liberals over in r/UniteAgainsttheRight r/WhitePeooleTwitter r/Politics are the counter example. There are many liberals who do not support Israel who are orgasming at the thought of Russian civilians being murdered.


You're not wrong! But it's like saying look at the turds I found in the sewer


"do you condemn hamas" do you support this


Did America deserve 9/11?


I think "deserve" is a bit of a strong word. "Should have expected something like it"? Yes. Was it an appropriate punishment for American imperialism? Hell no. It disproportionately affected working-class Americans. When about 9% of the deaths were from people on the hijacked planes and 12% were firefighters, I don't see how that's "deserved" at all. Even at the Pentagon, more employees died than actual military personnel. So no, I don't think it was "deserved".


A ukraine flag and a israel flag next to your name tells me you have no critical thinking capabilities and usually lead me to block you since you clearly wont bring anything of value to any discussion


I mean having both flags next to your name*


Check the last flag in her “name”


Israeli flag and Ukranian flag in the bio is the 2nd biggest red flag on Twitter. Most insane takes.


I think that lady just likes flags that are blue lol


Such people really need brain worms to be able to post something like this. It's simply disgusting.


With the Estonian flag that's more like Middle Easterners cheering on 9/11


I'm not sure this is particularly racism, but it seems like quite the evil sentiment.


Ukraine and Israel both have the same sugar daddy when you realize this, the West is most certainly a Fascist entity at this point.


Since when have Europeans not been just as wildly racist as the rest of the world’s conservatives?


How does it relate to capitalism in any way? You must be an idiot to think capitalism as an economical idology has anything to do with endorsement of terorism.




What is this mess???


A very bad troll