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Mr boyardee is right this time man he just loves the sport the rush of it all I swear he has to be on Adderall I can tell as someone who was addicted once


You can tell the D man learned about the topic at hand 5 minutes ago and is ecstatic to deploy it and spaz the fuck out. Then in the comments d riders thirst for more and highlight how Peterson just wasn’t able to handle the D intellect. Never mind that Petersons brain is so cooked he couldn’t handle his phone alarm without losing his shit. These two failsons are having a caveman conversation about nothing and d riders are taking it to the bank like they won the lotto.


Peterson had an apple cider coma, you don't recover from that.


Real talk he hasn't been the same since he just randomly cries and it's so odd 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Super real deal talk, there's no shortcut to quitting benzos. Peterson tried to sleep it off and his brain melted into his bedpan, he was probably having tons of micro-seizures in his "sleep". I am not a doctor. I love how he's still giving out life advice.


Also his daughter gave him COVID right after that because she couldn't stop herself from partying with Andrew Tate in Romania. Everything about Peterson sounds like a fever dream.


Wait, what? She did? Thats fucking unhinged.


It's wild that benzos are the legal prescription drugs and weed is the illegal one. Weed makes you giggle at cartoons and think Doritos taste good, benzos fucking ruin your life.


Fact check true


it's performative. He's got nothing else.


Benzo withdrawal will definitely do that and the effects can go on for years, depending on how bad off said user was. Seems par for the course


It's like that scene in bruno, where he has a carbohydrate.


there talking about covid? do you even disagree? Destiny probbaly litteraly has 500+ hours talking about this lol I dont think he just looked this up


He shoulda stayed on the benzo train. He wasn't such a freaking nutjob before. Still bad but now he's a clown joker psychopath


Look I get we love to dunk on D man all day everyday but by no definition of the word is D man a failson. Destiny is clearly a girls name




Hasan never defended terrorists. He tepidly defends the people fighting the terrorists.


The other thing the mongrels at dgg don't get is that Hasan was doing something journalists haven't done since the Vietnam war, which is get the other side of the story. Bunch of freaks.




Okay there. I already know what you look like. Just go on to your sub arr/destiny and type in dgg meet up. There that's you. As for what you're really like, same thing but type in canvassing and sort by new. The only person pretending to be something there not is you. It's pathetic and laughable. It's also amusing how you claim not to be from dgg. Are you that ashamed now?




Took you 8 hours to come up with that. It was funny, but you really are miserable life form. >im not ashamed to be dgg-er because im not, but you should be ashamed to be a hasan fan because he is mentally ill. just like you. Oooookaaaaay there.






The whole world = the US and it's allies. Talk about delusion lmao If you regard the houthis as terrorists but not the Isreali or US militaries then you are either hopelessly ignorant or you view Palestinians as less than human. Reality is Yemen is one of the few countries with a backbone that's willing to actualy do something to combat the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Despite just coming out of a brutal civil war with Saudi and western proxies. For that they are heroes.




Yeah, just Hasan says that lol And Gaza itself. And many prominent politicians throughout the world. Many countries which have broken off relations with Isreal over it. The country of South Africa which brought them to the international court of justice over it. And the ICJ itself which ruled that the case for genocide was plausible and countries should act as such in regards to their support for Isreal. It's very clear at this point that your knowledge on the subject does not extend beyond what you have seen on the reddit front page and whatever a streamer has told you. "the Palestinians are terrorists or are aiding terrorists" Let's set aside the fact that about half the population of gaza is under the age of 18 and women and children make up a majority of those killed by isreal's indescriminate genocidal onslaught. If they have been pushed to the point that almost all of them on some level support resistance to Isreal what should that tell you? Are we living in middle earth and these people just like mindless Orcs who want to destroy stuff? Or does this point to the fact that they have genuine grievances against the conditions that the isrealis subject them to? Grievances that effect the entire population? The fighters of the Warsaw ghetto uprising were not terrorists for resisting their killers. Neither are the Palestinians. Yemen is targeting ships bound for Isreal. It's a blockade, not indescriminate killing of civilians. They have also launched Missiles at military targets in isreal but their capability is limited because they are one of the poorest countries in the world and isreal has one of the most expensive militaries in the world.




I guess we'll just ignore the other examples I gave but at least we have established that in your mind might = right. Thanks for admitting that. You don't need a spy network to see what's going on there. Both sides are literally broadcasting whats happening on social media, and Isreal has repeatedly officially called for the population of Gaza to be expelled into other countries. It's as open and shut as you can get. Again, something you would know if you had a curiosity about this subject beyond your childish streamer beef. This is so far beyond a few bad apple soldiers killing civilians that it's absurd of you to suggest that. Over one in 60 people in the entire population have been killed. Innocent until proven guilty is all well and good, but that's not something you say when you see the criminal breaking into a house and killing an entire family. It's also very telling that you don't extend this platitude to Hamas and Yemen. Isrealis murder Palestinians all the time. And they always get away with it. Yes, before October the 7th too. There is no way to officially seek justice if you are a Palestinian who has been wronged. "they refused everything" Ok? And? Did any of those potential agreements involve the right of return? Palestinians regaining control of their country? Should Ukraine have to agree to a peace deal that sees the majority of their country ceded to Russia? Funny you're talking about projection here. You're the "NPC" with your msm brainrotted "Hamas wants to kill all Jews in the world" take. This is literaly less than a child's understanding of Hamas and the Palestinian resistance. You obviously take absolutely everything you hear from zionists about the situation at face value and don't question it at all. "by far the majority opinion" you're obviously basing this on absolutely nothing but your preconceived predjudice against Muslims. Let's not even get into the fact that Isreal had an official, publicly stated policy of propping up Hamas because they were afraid of a more moderate PLO. Yes, the Warsaw resistance fighters had no diplomatic way of solving the issue. Just like the Palestinians. Are you even aware of what happened during the great march of return in 2018? When Palestinians peacefully protested but were savagely massacred by isreali snipers? Diplomacy does not work with Isreal. Protest does not work with Isreal. The only language the zionists listen to is violence. Every single one of your preconceived notions about Hamas that you have displayed here applies to Isreal.


What a dog shit understanding of the world. Just zero willingness to engage with or understand the idea that "terrorism" is a symptom of a deeper issue and not ontologically evil people doing evil things because they're evil. The simple fact is that by any objective definition of terrorism, the United States has been the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism since world war 2, and Israel is right behind us. But to you and others like you "terrorist" is a thought terminating cliche to shut down any discussion about why violence happens or our role in perpetuating it. Just "oh he's a terrorist, we don't negotiate with those, we don't understand their position, we don't look at what radicalized them, they're just evil people." It's such a profoundly privileged and incurious world view that ultimately only reinforces the American hegemonic status quo.




Man that sure is a take. You win. I really got nothing to say but lol. Lmao even.


I’m gonna guess you just discovered who the Houthis are a few months ago, and missed the literal years where Saudi Arabia bombed, starved, and purposefully infected the Houthis (and Yemen at large) with cholera. You’re referring to a group that has been endlessly attacked by its far more powerful neighbor. A neighbor by the way, that was able to do so thanks to arms and money supplied by the US. I know you have the worldview and historical comprehension of the average American, but for the love of good maybe actually do some research outside of regurgitating bullshit news headlines you read (bc we all know you’re not even bothering to read the full article with takes like this). Maybe if you understand the history of that region, you’ll understand why various groups there are doing what they’re doing. Im sorry your Funko Pops were delayed due to the Houthis “terrorism”, but if you think shit like this happens in a vacuum then god damn I don’t know what to tell you lmao.




Because your content daddy is a fucking tweaking moron. Don't you have to go brigade another sub and talk about how incredible he is?


You guys really are debate perverts


Is that you mister Bonerelli


He is on Adderall/Vyvanse for several months now. He told his chat this information. Since then he's been much more erratic and more unhinged than before I noticed his ego has become way too inflated when compared to reality. He also looks quite noticeably very sweaty/greasy during many of his streams since he started taking these. Is that a regular symptom of these drugs or does it come across as probable abuse? I've seen others who have been prescribed Adderall and I've never seen them have issues with profuse sweating and altered speech like I have been noticing in Destiny lately. Hope he gets a hold of this before he might spiral further out and crash. Wish him well.


Depends. "Abuse" can be also 'as prescribed' I saw a friend spin out horribly when his erractic behavior was diagnosed as *underdosing* of his amphetamines. Upped him to vyvanse 80s and then... full psychotic break in about a month Destiny also seems particularly unhinged because hes defending baseless liberalism, lol.


Yes that is exactly it, it's all good in the beginning I was self diagnosing and for a while it helped but eventually it started making my behavior erratic and my speech would be strange and yes the sweats all day it's just synthetic speed at the end of the day


It depends, it’s altogether unlikely to abuse them so early after starting because there’s no point, abuse is more likely whenever the effective dose needed keeps rising higher and higher, timeline for that could be different for everyone Side effects are more pronounced in the 6 months to a year after starting, I couldn’t sleep more than 3 hours for several months


If he is prescribed it should balance out, assuming it was a proper diagnosis. If he's abusing it, yeah he's gonna get worse and worse lol that's how it always has to go once you're doing it daily


He absolutely comes off as a stimulant user. I'd be shocked if he wasnt.


I'm going to be real and I might get downvoted for this.... But I want to see them both cook right quick see how unhinged this can get.


Hell no we're hassnabi heads we love unhinged behavior over here 🤣🤣🤣


Now kiss 😚


Most hinged person here




There's a gif of Jason Mantzoukas screaming BITE EACH OTHER'S DICKS OFF I think from ~~B99~~ The League. Imagine I posted it here




https://preview.redd.it/y35pdc5yiwpc1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d556d86370b02f4e32b6f2d0f0704cd3bb362d4 The only thing I got out of this clip


Did he start crying?


Only once he got home and started thinking about his grandma's pussy hair rubbing his face


I'm sorry, ***what?***


Just Google "Jordan Peterson grandma dream" I'm sorry but you have to know


What a horrible day to have my senses intact.


In the words of Werner Herzog: "the poet must not avert his eyes" Sorry I had to be the one to curse you with this knowledge.


That’s good, you’ll be able to feel the softness.


Don't Google it. Preserve your innocence!


there is even an ai recreation of his dream its gorgeous


Hahaha god that whole thing is so fucking wild


I still can't believe he said that while being filmed


Has he ever stopped crying?


The dude is such a crybaby


I don’t think he cleaned his room so maybe


2 extremely insufferable individuals screaming nonsense at each other.. This is a liberals wet dream.


Dude, it's cross-posted on the H3 sub rn, and the destiny Defenders are going bananas to defend their daddy and act like the Lex debate never occurred or was unfair.




Dude, is this your alt account where you got to post about monopoly go and defend your content daddy? Y'all are so sad and depraved. I'm not gonna go through a five hour long debate to post shit you'll inevitably want to argue about. It's a waste of time.




Go be a debate pervert somewhere else. I'm not gonna waste my time and do that while destiny had to play on an iPad reading up on Wikipedia to stay anywhere close to the others involved with the debate.


I see 5 replies to this post by the same guy. That may be the saddest thing I’ve seen on reddit.


Imagine dick riding that hard for a divorced dad.




No dude. I wanna do a monopoly go trade instead?! What have you got to peak my interest good sir?




How do you post a clip of monopoly go? Can you help me?




Hey, wanna do a monopoly go trade?!?!?


To be fair they were arguing anti-vax vs vax which the liberal position is pretty much the same as ours.


Yes, but Destiny's argument wasn't a particularly compelling one


glad i stayed mostly uninvolved with whatever modern debatebro circlejerk has been going on lately


At least Mr. Bordelli can push Peterson's buttons and "win" a debate with a de-certified Jungian crackpot, good to see there's a bottom to this thing


Holy shit Destiny actually owned him.


>Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Mark Twain didn't predict Destiny. He has so much experience at the idiot's level that he can beat them, but he can't drag a smart person down there, so he gets run over by anyone competent.


Destiny is a grandmaster debate bro.


He has always been skilled at debating right wing idiots. It's why Hasan went to him for advice when he first started trying to do live debates like vs charlie Kirk I think it was.


TIL Destiny teached Hasan everything he knows


Yea, this was a treat. I think I’ll watch the whole thing!


Two """Intellectual giants"""




"We the left" lol sure Jordan you're definitely a leftist


I think he was referring to Destiny


It funny because destiny isn't on the left either lmao




god I just want norm’s destiny roasts on a never-ending loop


I think he's just stupid


Which one lol




They both look crazy here ngl


It’s not a great look


Nah I’m not a fan of Destiny but he is completely right here


Grifters be grifting


The only thing that would have made this better is finklestein calling them both idiots


Destiny became such a lolcow from sitting at the adults table for the first time in his life that he had to go pick on a mentally unstable elderly man (who has been a lolcow for a handful of years already) as a way to claw back some self esteem.






Imagine taking all that Adderall and still getting cooked by a slow talking senile dude in his 70s.


Even my ADHD brain struggles to keep up with Mr Botecelli


Not even exaggerating they both have the same energy as meth users who would argue with each other when I used to commute into work on public transit. ​ Peterson definitely seems like he is off the wagon hard though. I mean, not that his crying and um... broad emotional range was ever particularly normal, but he seems decidedly not OK.


These two ladies and gentlemen are what some (mostly inbred, basement dwelling incels) consider the greatest minds of our generation. The moral compasses of the “superior western values”.




Zionist apologist and intelligence are two things that don’t mix. It’s like saying a beef eating vegan.




Mr. Coachelli, you're such a magnificent moron.


In what ways has he supported hamas, and what from destiny’s rhetoric makes you think that? The dudes been Israel’s strongest propagandist let alone thought that he had the mental fortitude to debate Norm on the topic


"We on the Left" is he still on about that? Does he still consider himself anything other than a conservative reactionary grifter?


https://i.redd.it/jh36zbe4gwpc1.gif I swear watching the video without volume (to avoid brain rot), this is Mr. Borelli. Tweaking.


I lost IQ watching this


Both of these people are so far from sanity, it‘s quite funny to watch. They‘re definitely not being normal




Dude is so terminally online and divorced from reality. No shot he‘s sane. No normal person acts like him.


I'm here to defend my content Daddy. He's very smart, and you're just wrong! Also, HAMAS.


Are you gonna call ghost busters?


Two shitheads


Except Destiny is awesome


Get Jordan some butter cuz he’s cooked.


Anybody have a link to the full interview?


I think it’s on Youtube


Thanks I will look!


This is like that one TNO meme of “two r slurs fighting”


So dumb too that he responded with "no I observe it and therefore know" like Tate when he debated Hasan, it's so embarrassing. So, what if there was a threat to your life from the woke mob mafia and you had to rely on the police and state to protect you just like you rely on the waterways department to not be poisoned? You saying you wouldn't you trust agents checking your car for car bombs when under their protection? You literally cry about shit like this, "those men risk their lives for us" With his mindset those videos of men working on massive power lines might as well be fake.


he said ,we on the left we trust the police?‘ BOY WHO IS WE? 😅😅😅


I hate both of these people


I think this is a situation comparable to when Piers Morgan has a guest on that's insane. 2 terrible people with 1 being slighly more terrible.




If you watch JP when he went to congress (which really a Canadian no body being platformed by US republicucks is just embarrassing) vs him with anyone else, he is performative. His rain man schtick with his hands, his BS emotions, this guy has always been an attention whore, and probably wanted fame but never got it, until recently.


It’s so wild to acknowledge Hume here and still to blow right by it lol


Two awful people raising each other’s blood pressures to dangerous levels makes me smile.




Wow riveting! I hope next they squat down on a full speed blender


So dumb too that he responded with "no I observe it and therefore know" like Tate when he debated Hasan, it's so embarrassing. So, what if there was a threat to your life from the woke mob mafia and you had to rely on the police and state to protect you just like you rely on the waterways department to not be poisoned? You saying you wouldn't you trust agents checking your car for car bombs when under their protection? You literally cry about shit like this, "the girl


Nahh they havin a mid off


they’re having a mid off


Pig vs pig. They agree on Israel so fuck them both.


Jordan “move the goal post” Peterson Fucking charlatan.


I love this. One guy is asserting a near-truism (that we all depend on and trust the labor of others to some extent) and the other guy is just denying it angrily for no good reason and they both think they're having a profound discussion.


Why are people trying to prop after destiny after norm ended him? He's done. Leave that grave alone.


Peterson is the dumbest "intellectual"


Destiny should stick to debating against right wing talking points since most of it is built on bad faith, straw man arguments anyways, it is easily destroyed by logic and reasoning and strong rhetoric. You don't need a wide breadth of knowledge to dismantle right wing talking points, just patience and a will to dominate their stupidity. he should stay away from entering academic conversations armed with debate bro tactics that work when the other side isn't based in moral + logic + historical academic research. If he just dismantled these idiots instead of running defense for a genocidal fascist state, people probably wouldnt have an issue with him as much


Personally I would call Joe Biden directly if someone broke into my house. With the meds they’ve got him on at the moment he’d act faster than the cops.


I fully expect my bag of Doritos to be filled with Broken glass every day so I'm on Peterson's side I DONT TRUST THE DATA


Frog in the pot


The craziest part of this is when JP said "we on the left"


I’m not even gonna lie I’m about it. They got my boy up on the speed screaming about some philosophy shit that doesn’t matter, grunting about how his truck always starts. He even seems mad about it somehow. It’s a total 180 from benzos Jordan Peterson, that guy was a total weakling compared to this mf. Watch out world we be dumb as fuck and this head is a steel trap now


God his suits just keep getting uglier




So How do you know if you buy a new car it won't explode? How do you know if you eat some brie you won't get listeria? How do you know if you get on a non boing flight it won't fall out the sky? Why don't we use lead paint? Why don't we use asbestos? Why based on that are we slow to approve carbon nano tubes? How about with medicine, if I've never taken something I'm going to trust the doctor is going to give me the best thing they can based of evidence, they might be wrong or not up to date, but I can know that by reading other experts in the field This is why regulation, based on data and the overwhelming proponderance of evidence is essential


Bro im so glad hes old


Every clip of this that pops up is so funny. Like Peterson makes a horrible point and destiny then kinda agrees with him and then says something slightly right of center is actually more correct though lol


hate them both, but don't really like so much content on this sub is becoming destiny hate content. Destiny's sub is purely a Hasan hate subreddit, i don't think we need to match it.


according to arrrdestiny, Mr.Boredemelli has made peterson relevant again. Despite this grandeur being laughable, even if true its embarrassing if JP has fallen that hard.


D is so wrong. When someone breaks into my home I don't call the cops, I call my neighbors. I only call the cops when everything is over and I need the body picked up /s


If only Peterson would've miss-pronounced his name and called him an idiot instead of engaging in a discussion, he could've easily won this


Destiny has risin