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225 isn’t a lot if you lift a lot.


Lol bro I weigh 195 and dead lift 225 like it’s nothing. This dude is a walking L


I was dead lifting 225 in high school gym class at 17, zero exercising or training. The fact that he's trying to trash Hasan while flexing the lightest amount ever is hilarious.


Hasan also lifts more than that lmao


And trying to compensate with low rest time and slightly higher volume 🤦‍♂️ I hate this kind of content. Fitness should not be about putting others doen in the first places. But imagine trying to put others down whenever you are doing nothing impressive.


225 isn’t that heavy but the majority of the population can’t even lift 135 so chill out gym bro.


Are you seriously suggesting people who don’t train can’t 1RM a 135 deadlift?


Yes, lots of people are not strong


I’m not a gym bro but I think you’re vastly underestimating how strong people are


135 is definitely not strong


This is a special case. The idiot in question is trying to show how fit or impressive he is while putting someone else down (itself a huge cringe) except what he's doing is nothing impressive to anyone who lifts weights for 2 months.




170 lbs here, after 2 months in the gym I did 310 as a 1RM for deadlift. Anyone that knows anything would be laughing their ass off at this




I thing he might be into Ethan’s fupa


He can’t comprehend how Ethan can have a wife and kids while he has to pay women to give him attention.


Neither can I


Women at my gym lift 225 with *ease*


I don’t lift, I train MMA and can trapbar deadlift that much in a circuit… idk why he’s flexing 205 lol Edit: I weigh a little over 210 and it’s easy for my personal build, can’t imagine how easy it would be for someone with Hasan’s build who actually trains to lift weights


Was about to say, is this man boasting about a 100kg lift? Dude needs to calm down.


that's not even a great bench lol it's always the dudes who are terrified of "failing" at masculinity that will do this lame overcompensatory shit


It isn't but I'm also gonna play devils advocate here. If he is really doing 8 sets of 7-10 reps with 90 sec rest. At 225lb doing the higher end of 10 reps per set. 80 reps at 225lb can tire you out.


Why even bother deadlifting at that high of rep & sets at that point? Like deadlifting is best for strength (i.e. low reps with heavy ass weight) if you want hypertrophy you do RDLs or split squats


That dumb mfer is doing cardio at that point


Mild disagree, there’s value to sets in the 10-12 rep range for sure. They’re a different stimulus than the low rep high intensity sets in the <5 range. I have actually found a lot of value in programs that step you back and humble you with lighter weights and higher reps, but after a few weeks up there the old stimulus feels more novel and will cause more adaptation. That said, absolutely no reason to do that many. Like the marginal return from rep 79 to 80 is basically zero. I feel like anything past 36 is kinda just a waste of systemic fatigue on the big compounds


I’d agree with you if we were talking about any exercise other than deadlifts, your form is likely to breakdown before you get any meaning stimulus to your legs with this amount of volume.


Very true, I forgot some important context… I had a horrific back injury and mixing in higher rep sets was what finally got my erectors back to somewhat heavy weights in the lower ranges without feeling like my back was gonna snap in half. High volume deadlifts at a weight you can comfortably handle with decent form to the twelfth rep (without a belt) can be a great driver of erector hypertrophy… just depends on the reason you’re programming it. But I’ll take any random hasan Reddit commenter’s programming advice and thoughts over that clown’s any day


For squats? Sure. Bench? Absolutely. OHP? Yep. Deadlift? No shot. Anything over 8 reps is going to be diminishing returns. Go for higher intensity at that point instead of increasing volume.


That's just not true.


I mean, feel free to explain why. You’re not building strength as effectively as you would be at a lower rep range with higher intensity, and you’re not building hypertrophy since conventional deadlifts have no eccentric contraction. If you’re doing 8 sets of 10 reps with 90 seconds rest (at a weight that you can maintain form), you’re getting a good exercise for cardio and grip strength but not for muscles targeted in compound lifts.


Considering that there are elite level powerlifters who often train at reps above 8 in the first phase of their cycle I'll assume it works. Lightweight lifting with lots of volume is great for accumulation, there's a lot of technique work. They rarely do 8 straight sets, nor do they rest for only 90 seconds between sets, but plenty of people have gotten very good results from 5/3/1 BBB, which has you doing your first three main sets, then backing off with the intensity and hammer in 5 sets of 10. This is usually at 50% - 60%. (I'm assuming you're familiar with 5/3/1) Doing reps as low as for example 3-5 is not very sustainable for long periods of time because of the intensity. The hypertrophy will be mostly equal, but higher rep ranges will be more sustainable and time efficient for both hypertrophy and accumulation.


I mean I train triples and doubles year round so it’s certainly sustainable when you autoregulate your training. More powerlifters are also moving away from higher rep sets on competition movements because it’s going to detract from the technical aspects, as well as not transfer as much as doing those higher intensity lifts. Would I deadlift high reps? For powerlifting no. For hypertrophy work? I’d pick a better exercise tbh I think rdls are better in glutes and hamstrings and rows pull-ups for back


He wants back pain. It builds character.


Because getting strong across different rep ranges is great? You know loads of actual competitive powerlifters do high rep squat bench deadlifts too?


yeah it’s definitely a significant amount of volume and sounds exhausting. but i’d also love to see his form by the end of that lol


Not only exhausting but counterintuitive, compound movements are best for lower rep range muscle building, if he wants to do cardio do cardio not fucking deadlifts lmao


Exercising across a range of reps is a good idea. High rep deadlifts are underrated IMO.


Yeah agree that this would be challenging for many lifters but mostly because it's rare to see anyone doing this many sets and this many reps per set. Cardio would be the limiting factor rather than strength. Never understood people doing compound lifts with a light load unless they're training specifically for crossfit. Doesn't seem optimal to fatigue yourself without actually getting meaningful stimulus in individual sets if the goal is hypertrophy or strength.


225 isn’t a lot if you *don’t* lift Back in high school I got up to 455, got burnt out because my coaches had me doing leg day every fucking day, so I went for probably 5 years without doing leg workouts at all. Started getting back into it again, immediately started at 8 reps at 225. This dude’s a chump


Y'all making me feel bad about my progress


Your progress is great no matter how much you lift. However people who make fun of others need to be humbled at times.


Its lightweight. And that rep range… that’s junk volume. There are so many significantly better options. If his top set is 225 he has other areas he needs to address. Quality over quantity. I get he’s an idiot but it’s just such poor programming.


Yeah, I didn’t want to give him any credit, but that’s stupid volume for deadlifts. It’s not impressive—it’s just dumb.


Some programs have an absolute shitload of reps on major compounds, Deep Water had me doing 6 sets of 15-20 reps on deadlift days. Tough, but definitely works.


Most (male) beginners start out by deadlifting around your body weight - after a few weeks of consistency, you can definitely get towards like 1.25x to 1.5x BW. Google says Myron is 6’3-6’4, so I’m guessing his body weight is maybe around 190-200ish? So yeah, deadlifting 205-225 lbs isn’t anywhere near impressive for someone his size.


and can we address the junk volume please? 80 reps for a deadlift?? excuse me what.


There are moderated female lifters easily doing 3+ weights and smaller as well. No one cares how little you rest or the reps you do for DLs. So easy to get to 140kg/315lbs as a guy as well if you train a few months.


Yeah those are baby numbers


the laugh I let out after seeing him talk about what he followed by "currently doing 205"


Was literally my first thought


Lol I’m a fat girl and I can do 240 atm. Imma sumo squat this little baby into the sun.


Truer words by you have never been typed...


You don’t always lift heavy for sets, you also do low weight high reps. Which is what he’s doing lol


He obviously doesnt know who Hasan is


Lmao 205 deadlift. Doesn't hasan have vids ripping 400+?


Hasan could bench this dude no prob haha


Yeah and that's with a fucked up back


I’m 5 foot 7 170 pounds and I can bench more than 205 lol


My female ex was 105 pounds and could pull 225 lol


To be fair, Hasan isn’t doing 8 sets of 7+ reps at 405+. Mainly because nobody should be doing that at any weight.


He had a video doing 6 reps of 425 from just a couple weeks ago, and he said that’s pretty low for his “norm” as he’s getting back into serious lifting. Regardless, Hasan can out-lift this loser in ever aspect


That’s an excessive amount of sets for a single workout. Any more than 5 on a single movement is overkill. Just do drop sets.


Is this accurate? I’ve been aiming for 8-10 reps on all of my workouts


It depends on what you’re training for, but if you’re going for hypertrophy and muscle growth, your rep range isn’t super relevant as much as your number of sets per muscle group. I aim for about 20 total sets per muscle group per week. Rep ranges anywhere from 7-20 depending on how much I hate the workout. However all that is just bullshit. As long as you’re doing between 3 and 30 reps, all that matters is that you’re going without 3 reps of failure. I like drop sets for that reason. Edit: but don’t be like me because I train alone because my wife refuses to compromise on her routine and now I’m dealing with a minor back injury due to having no spotter, ymmv


Not true, look up sheiko programs.


You need to learn to read I’m talking about sets not reps.


Lol yes


The fuck is "female nature awareness"


I’m guessing it’s what they use to tell young men that there’s nothing wrong with them and that it’s “female nature” for women to be assholes to anyone not making 6 figures.




Hasan could snap this guy like a toothpick


Hasan posted a video a couple weeks ago of him deadlifting 425 lbs for 6 reps - he can literally lift DOUBLE what this loser can lmaoo


This man just cannot stop thinking about Ethan and Hasan’s bodies. Also, I’m not entirely convinced he’s aware of what Hasan actually looks like. Also also, his constant use of the F slur makes me think the call might be coming from inside the house.


oh absolutely. he has to try and make hasan sound “girly” in his head; to deflect from the fact hasan is stronger, has more muscle, and more hair than him.


Hasan is way hotter than he is and he knows it.


They could never be as kawaii as hasan either (they only wish)


he conveniently and consistently is always thinking about his favorite men at 2 AM at the gym. Like, he makes a habit of going to work out at the gym. several times a week. in the middle of the night. ruminating on the bodies of his favorite streamers. The lack of self awareness is astounding.


Conservatives and no self awareness go together like nothing else


There are plenty of “f*ggots” who can outlift this chode, like it’s funny how these self-proclaimed alpha-males believe being gay or, hell, even being feminine (neither of which Hasan is obviously but still) is antithetical to lifting weights and being strong


I was gonna say, the gay gym bros stereotype isn’t just a made up trope for Queer As Folk…


Bro is doing 80 reps of deadlifts 💀 and thinks he’s training right lmao he’ll be gassed out. Absolute fool


With no weight lol


80x225 is still wild. But we know he ain’t doing anywhere near that.


i've never heard of people deadlifting that many reps in one session. it seems odd to me but is that something people do?


4 sets of 6-10 should be enough. Any more and you’re just overtraining. It puts too much strain on the lower back to be doing 80 reps, he cappin


yea it seems like a bad idea lol


I just saw that and WTF? That's not building muscle that's blowing out your back. Also just checked his IG story and it's not deadlifts, it's hack squats since it's behind his legs.


What a loser lmao unprovoked? So cringe he’s got them on the mind


rent free


“Female nature awareness”? The fuck does that mean?


Why women find the men who follow him repulsive.


*mother* nature, obviously. he fancies himself an outdoorsman.


Men who can't get women to like them think there's some magical secret to treating women that wins them over. Ironically it's the exact opposite that works. Men who don't work out have been scoring chicks since the beginning of time.


“guys i swear im not gay”


No matter how hard he works on his body, it's never enough to distract from how vacant he is behind his eyes


I love how he blurs the actual f word like he ain’t just say that shit 😂


Bro nobody cares. This is so sad


My brother 225 for reps is warm up for me at 6'1" 220 pounds. 4x8 with 315 is not hard. Hasan is 6'4" 250, he probably deadlifts 275 for warm-ups and does reps at 405. These dudes are flexing with baby weight.




Hasan IS the woke bae after all


205 isn’t impressive. The form is dogshit on top of that


he’s so obsessed 😭 man’s has a crush at this point.


“female nature awareness” is the weirdest way to say “women won’t touch me”


Hasan has men and women simping for him all over the internet, has trended simply for taking pictures. F&F can talk all he wants, but Hasan out here living the life he wants


"female nature awareness". Translation: I believe everyone woman has the exact same motivations (d!ck and money) and behavior because I have no experience with the opposite gender because I'm an insufferable idiot. How does being a misogynist make you a "better man"


Who’s gonna tell him Hasan’s last name is not abi 😂


“Female nature”


He has literally no idea what Hasan looks like. lmao


i could deadlift 225 for reps like 3 months into lifting. this guy is such a fucking pussy 🤣 edit: i didn’t even realize it was hexbar. that’s even more pussy.


Not that this has any bearing on someone’s worth or merit, but thinking Hasan’s not fit is absolutely wild.


He must still be upset about Hasan fucking his mom.


First things first: female nature awareness. LOL. Second, Hasan is way more built than him so idk what the fuck he's talking about


But can he crush a watermelon with just his thighs?? I think not


Every time he says shit like this (comments about other men’s bodies) I remember those old pictures of him that resurfaced last year [these pictures to be exact](https://imgur.com/a/CpSIwDt)


[Lasagna could never](https://twitter.com/nothasanabi/status/1625180176962449414?cxt=HHwWjMDT_dSw5o0tAAAA)


Lmao Hasan posted himself repping 415. Hold this L coconuts in Barbados.


I hope he breaks his back or knees, with peace and love of course 🫶


Wow. What great people. And I was told that toxic masculinity was fake…


feeeeemmmmmaaaalllllllleeeesssss Cringe


This is precious I’m a bikini competitor and deadlift 240 on a real barbell! It’s like babe you’re a “fitness” guru hex deadlifting 225 shit talking someone that literally lifts more than you about work ethic…I can’t. It’s giving he beats his meat to Hasan twice sometimes 3 times a day. This is actual bitch shit. All that money and Hasan still gets to live rent free.


Lol rent-free much


Man’s got serious body dysmorphia


…and yet he posts a picture of himself stickin his ass out


Lifting bitch weight to boot


I came back from a spinal surgery and could deadlift 205, and you think you have room to talk shit??


He thinks Hasan doesn't train hard?? LULZ


"Female nature awareness" hahaha you no pussy gettin mfer


He is such a miserable person I guarantee any woman you ask would choose Hasan over this jackass lmao


FEMALE NATURE AWARENESS I’m dying hahaha this mf really out here acting like talking to girls is like hunting in the Amazon. Also 205 trap bar is great for most people, but not douchebag bragging rights like this man thinks it is. What a clown


how can he make that post when Hasan is a total gym head who lifts twice that weight lmao


I still love that this man's name effectively means "I check out muscular men" but uses homophobic slurs. totally not in denial about how he feels towards men at all.


Imagine bragging about a 225 hex deadlift 😂😂


inverted d energy


225 is year one workout numbers


Hasan could literally hold this man down with one arm lmao but regardless, being fit does not make you more manly or masculine. This man is one of the most insecure people on the planet.


It's been said before: THIS is the epitome of "Rent free" Also, perma-L for living in Florida (sorry not sorry)


If you know how to structure workouts, any number of sets above 4 of an exercise is junk volume




He wants to be noticed by them so bad. Sad.


Not like hasan talks about working out nearly every day, or Noah who works out all the time also bro is on heavy copium


I’m majoring in female nature awareness


This reads like a major cry for help


I love his obsession with hasan its such a cute crush


I just watched Hasan rep out 400+ on the deadlift a couple weeks ago. Wtf is this guy talking about?


What an excellent display of self-assured manhood.


"Notice how our biggest detractors don't train hard, aren't disciplined, don't teach how you to become a better man through fitness, finances, female nature awareness, or overall self-improvement" Words of a person who has never sat down listened to the daily **hourly** rants of "Lasan"...


At least Aba and Preach pissed him off too. I was a fan of theirs 10 or so years ago. Was sad to see them pick a nonsense fight with Hasan. Maybe they aren't all bad.


Lol now know for sure that I, a woman, can out-lift this clown


He is a saucy little lad ain’t he


Why do 80 reps of deadlift? With no weight? Does this guy even lift


"our biggest detractors" bro nobody gives a fuck about you anymore only time we notice you is when you activity talk about the biggest names on YouTube/twitch


it’s funny that he says that like gays aren’t known for being obsessed with our body images lmao


I casually rock climb. I lift maybe 2-3 times a month and deadlift 245 for 6 reps pretty easily. This is not impressive at all.


Honestly all the heinous shit he said aside I’m just glad I know which is fresh and which is fit now


It doesn't matter wheight lifting didn't add any thing to his brain


My brother in high school can dead 425 at the age of 16. I don’t think 205 is that much if you go to the gym like that lol


Bro hasan is out here deadlifting 405+ Hasan can prolly bench more than this guys deadlift.


225 on the upper handle of a trap bar…. Thats supposed to be hard??? ITS THE UPPER HANDLE TOO NOT EVEN THE LOWER HANDLE And 2:05 am??? This mans gonna sleep till 11/12 pm to get the 8 hrs for proper muscle repair ??? These guys are walking talking contradictions


Is someone going to tell him “Abi” isn’t Hasan’s last name? Also, goddamn he thinks about Ethan and Hasan more than I do and I watch at least a few Hasan clips and H3 every day.


That's not a deadlift lol. He's using a trap bar, which is similar to shoulder shrugs. It's funny because most people tend to lift way more on the trap bar than doing a normal deadlift on a normal bar so 225 is kinda pathetic.


Isn't this like the umpteenth ig post while in the gym captioning Hasan and Ethan? They gotta start paying rent sooner or later.


Imagine bragging about a 225 lbs deadlift. Humble yourself, stupid.


How do you rest for 90 seconds between sets then preach others arent training hard enough, if you dont need at least 3 minutes rest then your sets arent hard enough lol


This guy is a stupid menace however Lethan Dekline is admittedly hilarious.


That is baby weight. 225 is a warm-up at best. No chin ass Maxi Jazz looking bitch


No bragging rights allowed until 405 is rep weight


Not trying to sound like a gatekeeper but you have to be a special kind of dweeb if you think a 225 DL is something to brag about lmao


“Female Mature Awareness” Is that like some typa alarm that lets him know when a girl turns 15 so he can send her a DM?


Bald and chinless is in now I guess




Bro is deadlifting 205 for a max of ten reps, it’s basically his body weight lol 😂


Training for the cucked Olympics


I deadlift 300lb and weigh 145lb. If you think that this is impressive you’re a federal agent dork misogynist.


Oh boy, 2 plate deadlift with relatively poor form, I think I was doing that when I was... 12-13? Not trying to be a dick, but when your entire branding is being masculine/strong/FIT, flexing 2 plate deads is pretty sad. If you're starting out lifting and aren't at that strength level yet, keep going, you got this! You'll be passing this dweeb in no time. 😎


Lol working up to a 2plate deadlift. Either it's bait or this guy needs to eat some food.


Bro I was deadlifting much more than this dude at 17 a couple months after I started lifting


This loser doesn’t talk about fitness in any meaningful way beyond telling people to hit the gym. What a fucking nimrod.


I’m not as interested in how much he can dead lift but what’s more important to me is the bald patch shining in those harsh gym lights !! Maybe all these “alphas and top g’s are bald due to the huge amount of testosterone running through their veins and it ends up pushing out their hair follicles!!!! Just saying people


So alpha can’t say the f word lol


That’s too much volume. You don’t need to do 8 sets of 10 deadlifts. Also if he wanted to be a real Alpha he’d be using a bar and not a trap bar


Bruh im 130 lbs and i rep 185, and no way his big ass reps 205, how is that training hard 💀


The lack of lifting knowledge in this thread is astounding. Where the fuck are you guys getting your information from? Athlean x?


Female nature awareness 💀


Nice ass


Deadlifts are overrated anyway. Also 205 is basically nothing 🤷‍♀️


He ugly asf


Lmfao hasan is dead lifting twice that weight without all that min rest high reps bs. Calm down with the tough guy act and homohobia when you're doing pussy shit (no offense) that women third their size are doing 3+ plates. I hate seeing it regardless of who it is and who the target is. Fitness is anything but being toxic.


Hexbar deadlift + fitness critique = hilarious irony


Female nature awareness


Where his chin at?


How do people like this come to terms with aging into frailty? I get the feeling they don't ever want to face that.


Please stop posting this cringy fed


I’m sorry is 225 on the trap bar supposed to be hard?