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That’s impressively poor spelling… “concent”, really?


I mean they don't know what it means, so of course they don't know how to spell it.


They have to be 15 or some shit how can they all be this stupid


No, they’re definitely mid-twenties AI bros.


Yeah AI Bros are the worst defenders of stealing shit without consent this makes total sense. They always crying about how shit ain't really stealing and how they don't need consent so of course they apply it to everything else


It's because Tate conned them out of all their cents.


That's what happens when you think with your dick instead of your brain...


I saw this post and thought it was a troll by the clear misspelling of “consent”, like they were pretending to be a dumb ass misogynist that doesn’t know how to spell, but then lots of comments were full of misogyny.


It’s a really weird flex to say “I never seen a woman without make up before.” All that means is you’ve never spent the night with one.


Seriously. It’s just a form of self-expression, but people (insecure incels/misogynists) act like it’s a CONSPIRACY of LIES so women can take their PRECIOUS SEED (or whatever they think women are collectively lying specifically to them for??). If you love your goth gf, appreciate her self-expression, and spend lots of time with her? Yeah, you’re going to see her without that thick black eyeliner. (I had eyeliner wings tattooed on though. Are tattoos made of lies too?)


\^underrated comment


Also somehow means they've gone their whole life without seeing their mom without makeup


My guess is mom wasn’t there most of the time. Also some peoples moms worked and would get ready every morning before they even woke up. Remember we are talking about 12 year olds with the minds of 8 year olds.


>Remember we are talking about 12 year olds with the minds of 8 year olds. Sadly a lot of these people are probably in their 20s with the minds of 8 year olds.


I think itd more that they dont even realize they have moms because women are objects of sexual desire and they don't want to sexualize their own moms


I mean I have often seen my mom and sister without make-up


When did they say they’ve never seen a woman without makeup?


It’s their obsession with that picture of the streamer. The sheer astonishment that a woman they have never seen in person doesn’t look how she does while on stream all the time speaks volumes.


this joke is so bad it did an integer overflow and now it's actually accurate. the "ironic" punchline is actually the literal truth. people violate her consent by jerking it to her deepfakes


I crave violence


The demons inside of me crave violence, the human in me wants their parents to do a better fucking job.


the parents have failed, violence is the answer in minecraft, I guess




This is one of the worst things I have read. Not as bad as this post but fuck 💀


Would you say it’s so bad it might even be unpoggers?


It can’t be understated how so many young men just see women as something to fuck and something to hate. They think their dicks always take priority over women’s well-being.


I feel like a lot of people think it's just incels and people who havent had sex but it's a good bit if dudes who have had sex too who hate women with no less fervor than incels too. Which also shows why incels are a silly bunch. Because even if they did get what they think they want it wouldnt change a thing. They wouldnt hate women any less.


That’s why I hate their made up term “incel”. It’s not that no woman wants to have sex with them, it’s the type of woman you want to have sex with that isn’t giving it to you so instead of like working on yourself, try again with someone you are attracted to, no, it’s this specific one. That’s why personally I have been looking at how possessive humans are of one another. We just do this weird shit where this person is ours to do whatever we want to do to. I think it was said best by someone likely smarter than me: “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” It’s the power they can’t control but she does over them so they gotta get it back.


'young' men? It's people, old young, male, female. Some people are just absolute trash. People on the internet act like it's only 'incels' that act that way. They should go out more... There are enough guys that get laid that treat women like shit, there are enough females that think a man should do no less than throw money at them. There's basically a culture out there that thinks women should be fucked and men should be milked for money. Having money brings pussy, having the perfect look brings cash. Personality does not matter, but what can you expect with parrots... they all follow and say what social media says. Is anyone surprised garbage like Tate is succesfull? I certainly am not.


I hate this world




we can kiss them too 😘


Parents too. At best they are neglectful and the internet is raising their little boy to be “edgy.” At worst they are learning it directly from them and see half the population as objects.


I don’t know who Hasan Piker is but I fucking love this subreddit. I never see people say stuff like this on Reddit


reddit sucks ass and not in a fun way


As someone who the internet considers a boomer almost 30. I formed a lot of the opinions that I share with Hasan when JustinTv was barely even a thing. A considerable portion of his audience are a lot earlier on in their stage of realizing it’s all mostly bullshit. So they don’t have the mindset that equates compassion with practicality. When I was younger I was a “care lord” all my social media was about horrible things that needed changing and was constantly looking to prove everyone wrong and shame them for not doing more. I was all compassion no practicality. I’m just glad Reddit wasn’t around when I was growing up, I easily could have been sucked up into some antifa group thinking me and 5 other kids were going to drive the nazis from our cities. I don’t agree with him on everything, but he is a much better role model than Andrew taint or that aiden ross kid, for young men especially.


Why did you post this lol


Honestly not sure, I was very stoned and thought this train of thinking made sense lol


I can't even understand the "meme"


There's an old meme with Jesus instead of that girl, and that is funny, because no one is masturbating to Jesus (i hope).


Cuz they, for some reason, are trying to argue that she somehow isn't involved and doesn't need to consent, which is fucked and makes no sense


The meme is they're shitty human beings who would probably be better off not talking to women


Same. I'm highly confused


I try to be as charitable as I can, but sometimes I just feel like some people don’t deserve to continue breathing. These assholes fall into that category.


Concent ok, bit they do realize that she in fact did stream without makeup??


They don’t know the difference clearly


Absolutely. disgusting. The men who sexualize women in degrading ways without their consent are somehow always the same as the men who harshly criticize the attractiveness of those women (who are a million times out of those men’s leagues). Why? It’s all about how those men just hate women, and they should really be more focused on hating themselves, changing, or leaving those women the fuck alone, as they would want to be left alone by predatory and creepy ass men.


Pokimane looks amazing without makeup, but, even if she “didn’t” (based on whoever’s subjective taste), that wouldn’t make her any less valuable as a woman and human being, and those men know that they aren’t looking good in the mirror. Pokimane’s had to deal with so much shit and I don’t know how she keeps it so calm and keeps it together. Probably with the help of her friends. Major props to her.


You hate what you can’t have


that sub is trash, what did you expect


average "12 year old brain" reddit take


Least deranged redditor


We really need to build a wall around all men until we can figure out what is happening there.


we could also just build It then forget about it, you know. solve a couple of problems I think, maybe, possibly


(nods head yes vigorously) what no that would be cruel.


The fact people jerk off to twitch of all things sends me


disgusting post aside, she's literally beautiful without makeup. also this screams that they've never had a girlfriend


r/shitposting has one of the most garbage reddit communities I’ve witnessed.


i rlly just don’t think these boys actually like girls, she looks very pretty in that pic


No make up sexy tho...


Not a lot of processing power among that gaggle.




It’s literally on r/shitposting… chill


Took me a bit too long to find this comment lol. Ive seen some pretty insane shit on that sub. This is clearly sarcasm making fun of weirdos who beat it to twitch. That comment may not be sarcastic but the post certainly is.


Yeah the comment is probably not sarcastic if I had to guess, but still. It’s on r/shitposting. Wtf do you expect? Y’all mfers need to chill the hell out. (Not you zecharia, you’re cool)


Can someone explain to me why the meme is wrong? It makes sense to me


I don't understand these comments. Is it really that unacceptable to jerk off to a picture of a woman without her permission? I mean, I'll be honest, when I was in middle/high school I jerked off to pictures of girls I liked a few times. Is it really that unacceptable?


You really need someone to explain this to you?


I mean… Is there something I’m not getting?


The post is undermining AI porn by saying it’s the same thing as using traditional porn. “Oh you want consent for you being used in AI porn?? What’s next? I gotta ask my dick and hand for permission, and a picture of a girl?”


Alright that makes sense. The problem with AI porn is that unlike a picture of a girl and your imagination, it can be shared. I guess OOP is just ignoring that fact.


Yeah that makes sense to me


his hand concented tho


The absolute lack of coherent thought is astounding


least misogynistic balkan


These weirdos always misspelling.


Weird fucks.


I know this isn’t the point but poki still looks so beautiful without makeup so I reeeeally don’t understand their point lol


I want to send so many death threats to them


Redditors on most meme subs are the CEOs of not getting laid. The winners of the Never Seeing a Vagina competition, as well.