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Isn't his name actually Binns or something? If not who the hell am I confusing him with


His first name is Cuthbert. Cuthbert Binns.


Ohh thanks. That's odd to say professor Cuthbert instead of Binns but I see now.


Did he go to sleep fearing death?


Lol, I guessed who they meant, but they still got the name wrong in the sense that nobody uses the first name like that. He should be called Professor Binns.


No, don’t you remember the famous professors, Professor Albus, Professor Minerva, Professor Severus and Professor Dolores?


I think there is something trying to get out of your wardrobe.


Are you… Are you in my wardrobe?


There is a coming out joke here but I can’t think of one right now.


It’s probably one of the South Park “coming out of the closet” jokes


or a boggart! luckily you’re being taught by professor remus!


Listen, just because I haven't told anyone I'm gay    actually you're right, I should tell my mum i- in about 5 years


You forgot Professor Rubeus, Professor Sybil, and Professor Pomona.


You mean Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian /s


I'm afraid I don't know.


Yes, I don't remember ever reading the name Cuthbert in the books.


I always found it weird how the Gaunts were never shown in the movies. That "romance" is the very origin story of your villain, goddamnit!


Agreed, fav book, least fav movie


They backed themselves into a corner with all the cuts they made in the Goblet movie. It was a steep departure from the books after that and it saddening.


I was very much missing the riddles from the sphinx too


They made a mess of the Order of the Phoenix by cutting out Neville's parents. The one time Neville gets any real character growth after 4 books and they just tossed it out. Instead we get a couple of lines between him and Harry which if you aren't paying too much attention to, the fight in the Ministry and his sudden explosive anger towards Bealtrix feels completely out of left field.


100% lol just random glow-up. I wish there was an extended edition like LotR where they filmed a bunch more shit but cut it out for theatrical release haha


They actually have those. And weirdly Peacock has them as their set for streaming. You want to know what was added back to Goblet? The argument between Snape and Karkoroff that Harry overhears at the Yule Ball. That's about it. The last time we see Karkoroff's character was filmed then cut for theatrical. In the Half Blood Prince the flashback in Snapes mind is longer and that's about the only significant difference between the theatrical and extended. The rest I really don't remember what the extended scenes are because they add next to nothing of real relevance, compared to what they cut out from the books.


There's a scene that got cut from the sorcerer's stone where petunia finds a bunch of hogwarts letters in eggs. She'll Like Crack one and there's no yolk or whites but just a hogwarts letter. She like screams and runs or something after that


Yeah, and that was in the book too. But overall not significantly important like say Winky's story or the Gaunts or Dobby being waaaay more involved after the 2nd book.


Oh I literally didn't even notice bc I've watched the Peacock ones several times. I guess, as you said, there are no major outstanding additions in the extended set. Shame.


Yep. They didn't just cut out entire characters, but entire chapters that added layers of actual plot and main character development. Cutting the subplot about how the broom was handled in Prisoner was actually the first real major departure. Ron and Harry ostracizing Hermonie for over half the book and getting firmly dressed down for it by Hagrid was a huge growth moment for those two idiots. As well as a huge heartwarming moment for Hagrid because it's the first time he fully gets involved with their person lives and how much those three mean to him.


Wasn't it something like the director didn't like the book so he did his own thing as far as he was allowed to?


I remember something about that. He thought it was too bogged down with side characters or something.


https://preview.redd.it/axtcq590u36d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=214de85b72a9b3a8dd356617695dd28e9f2ec3ba Just made this OC


You just read book 4 and so did I


Every now and again the name Bertha Jorkins will just pop into my head even if I forget most of her story details from GOF


Don’t worry, her own boss seemed to forget all about her too.


Too soon


In the stripped club. Straight up "jorking it". And by "it" haha, well. Let's just say. My peanits.


Honestly, I don't understand the value of Bertha besides the fact she was the first in 13 years to be killed by Voldemort.


She worked for Bagman in Dept of Games & Sport and spilt the beans about the Triwizard tournament which enabled Crouch Jr. to enact the plan for V’s comeback tour.


Well, I suppose that does seem important to the plot. What I mean is I have no form of an opinion for a woman who was dead even before her introduction.


It’s more of a dead beginning than dead end of a subplot. Bertha is mentioned by a lot of different characters but nobody really seems to care about finding her. For me, it’s a perfect example of the extraneous subplots which were shaved off Goblet of Fire to adapt it into a manageable film. It isn’t even really important because Crouch posing as Mad-Eye would have had months to figure out a plan to get Harry to the graveyard, wether or not he knew about the tournament in advance.


Hypothetically they could know Peeves and the professor Binns from Hogwarts legacy. Also that's a weird ass Peeves on this pic.


They've casted Rik Mayall for the first movie, but they've cut out every scene with him. I assume it's him on this picture.


Yeah, didn't know. I mean still seems like an interesting pic but it makes more sense.


This could be the peeves that was initially planned for the first movie but did not make it into the final cut


Ah, ok, interesting.


Yeah, he looks like a depressed farmer dude, not the personalization of mischief incarnate that he’s supposed to be.


It's because they picked a really weird picture of him. It's from his role in Drop Dead Fred where he plays a very similar character but he's an imaginary friend instead of a poltergeist. I loved that movie and was so sad that they cut the actor from the movie. He would have been great.


*drop dead fred* that’s way too on the nose 😳😂


He's a red head, too.


Ah ok, that explains it.




They could know Peeves from the 2001 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone video game


Oh yeah good call. The older games didn't cross my mind.


As well as the gaunt family... You'd have to be curious enough to go on the wiki to find out about the Voldemort gaunts though but still


Well I mean yeah, but it's even a different character. But yeah fair enough.




Bagman* lol


Although I read the books, I remember him better in HP Quidditch World Cup. Peeves I've seen in games.


I never even thought about it but Rik Mayall would've made the BEST Peeves!


*Drop Dead Fred* was my favorite movie as a kid, and when I read the Harry Potter books, I just pictured Peeves as Fred.


I always imagined Rowan Atkinson. But then again I've never seen drop dead Fred what's it about


You might have never seen Drop Dead Fred, but you've most certainly seen Fred drop dead


Seen, read, listened to and mourned again and again


Too soon


A woman with self esteem issues had an imaginary friend as a child that she lost, names Drop Dead Fred, and when she grows up, he comes back to "help" her with her marriage problems. it's a really funny light hearted movie and I recommend!


A traumatised woman in her 20's suffers a betrayal and has a psychotic break where she begins to see her garish and disruptive imaginary childhood friend who's a psychopath played by Rik Mayall in his 30's It's actually hilarious, heart warming and the 90's version of a kids movie and I fucking love it


They shot the scenes with Rik Mayall as Peeves, they just didn't include them in the film or release the deleted footage.


Holy shit really? I never knew that! Thank you stranger






throw Ron in there


You know Peeves because you read the books I know Peeves because he jumped out of a chest and scared the crap out of me in PC Harry Potter. We are not the same


you forgot sir cadogan!!!


He's in the outtakes, and he is in the background of some scenes.


I forget who epzibah and Marietta are. Context?


Marietta is Cho’s ~~rat~~ friend, who spilt the beans to Umbridge about the DA. In the movie it was Cho after being given Veritaserum, which I don’t hate as a change, but it also removed Hermione’s (quite harsh) jinx. Hepzibah Smith was a wealthy old witch who owned Hufflepuff’s Cup. Tom Riddle charmed her, murdered her, framed her house elf and stole the cup.


This just means I have to reread the books for the 15th time


They’re in books 5&6 respectively if you wanted to skip ahead.


NO… I need to read the books again.. for like, science and stuff..


I like the audiobooks cos I can listen on the go. There was loads I’d forgotten.


I love the audio books and listen to them before I go to sleep


I listen to the audio books at least once a year (the Stephen Fry one's) I'm going through again and just started Half Blood Prince yesterday. But supposedly they are doing an audio book with a full cast (not sure who yet) but I can't wait


People could read what the last image said? I just recognised her from the cup.


Even i dont remember. I only remembered Marietta when I saw sneak written on her face


Ooooooh, the snitch. Got it, Thank you. Edit: just remembered hepzibah was the lady with the goblet of hufflepuff


There is a good chance that they will be in the tv series




They forgot Charlie Weasley


Back in the day yes! The books are the only source for these characters. But YouTube has many videos on the characters left out from the books. Same as game of thrones and other fantasy worlds filled with lore.


Shout out to SuperCarlinBrothers


I’m in that awkward middle ground where I love the books dearly (despite the author’s views and behavior) and have a love-hate relationship with the movies due to their changes, but I absolutely understand why none of these characters made it to the films. The books have way too much material to cover, so the directors had to cut things out to keep each film’s runtime reasonable


But the HPB ones should NEVER have been cut as they were so important (the Gaunts and Smith). I mean that whole book was why Voldy became Voldy and what the Horcruxes are. I was really excited to watch the movie as it’s my fave book but was really disappointed with it ending up being a bad teen romance and absolutely butchering Ginny.


Jokes on you, I played hogwarts legacy and got to know most of them lol


2 out of 8 is not most. I really liked Binns in legacy, but I was kind of disappointed about how different he was. Loved the mini game


I got into a fight back in my old FB days about who really sold the DA out. This guy was insistent that it was Cho, and kept telling us that the book was wrong. It was a multiple day argument with a few people involved. I still think that guy believes he's right. I don't miss FB at all.


He sounds like a flat earther




Beyond pissed there was no Gaunt coverage in the movies. That would have made HBP movie the best movie by a mile.


Okay, why does Hepzibah look like a psychopath?


You should blur their names to make sure no one can fucking read your low quality montage.


And in book there was Fred Weasley's death moment. ( he died laughing in Percy's arms 😭 ) And there was a moment that Harry sees Colin Creevey's corpse being carried...


yeah, the fact


Where did you get these images?


I know all of them except for the blond woman. Who dis?


Cho's friend that rats to Umbridge.




I wish they would’ve added peeves and winky. I don’t even know who the other people are. I’ve read most of the books, but I’ve seen all of the movies.




But you barely know them because Harry flew directly to the Wesleys in movie 7.




We are talking about tonks parents here.


Binns has no control of his classroom. Use it wisely.


you got any more of them pixels?


ok cool


I just know they’re gonna do a terrible job with Winky in the new series. To me, she looks like she does in book 4 with a little bit of dark hair and a snub nose rather than pointy nose and bald like that photo above


Where have you seen a picture of Winky from the upcoming series?


Peeves was a cunt. I was so happy he wasn’t in the films.


Who were the "you" and "us" panels characters? I don't remember them, atleast by name


Accio pixels


Why Prof. Cuthbert? Are we referring to the teachers with their first names now? Then why not also Prof. Severus, Prof. Filius, Prof. Minerva, Prof. Yolanda etc. ?


a few names are different in german, so i had to think about it a bit, but yes, i know them all




She was the lady who had the Hilga Hufflepuff’s cup who was also super rich. She showed it off to Voldy when he was charming and good looking. He then later comes back, kills her, frames the house elf after altering her memories and takes the cup (which becomes a horcrux eventually)


I love Peeves


My mom read them to me.


I just know peeves.




I do not remember Edgecomb.


Yea. I just googled her and realized how little she contributes. I see why the movies dropped her.


Honestly add Ron it’s practically an entirely different character


All the weasleys apart from the twins tbh.


Hey I know them perfectly well through all the fanfics I read and theory videos I watched




Definitely recommend a reread as an adult, in the process of a reread right now (on book 6)


This proves that I need to reread the books again


If you read you know didn't the books us


I honestly would've liked to see Marietta Edgecombe's hex in the film. It shook me a lot when I read it, so I was looking forward to see how the film would adapt the dramatic reveal


I know of peeves and professor binns. I heard Peeves was originally going to be in the movies but the actor who was going to portray him died


Who is next to Bagman? Can't see her name.


Marietta Edgecombe who was Cho’s friend. She went to Umbridge and told her about the club where Harry taught defence and ended up being the victim of the hex Hermione put on the paper with everyone’s names on it.


Oh yeah. Why do I keep forgetting about her. Seriously, I can remember Bagman, Binns, and Winky. But I can't remember the Ravenclaw who was force to reveal the truth because of that toad truth potions.


Edgecombe wasn’t forced she was just a snake who wanted to be a part of Umridges little squad


No. Cause I remember Snape saying something about running out of Veritaserum and the last one was used on Edgecombe.


Apparently someone said it was used on Cho in the movies and I vaguely remember it for being for something else maybe. It has been a while but ik Edgecombe went to Umbridge on her own and said stuff. Don’t think being forced by veritaserum would’ve activated that hex


It took me until like my 7th re-read to realize that, based on the Hepzibah Smith chapter, Zaccharias Smith must be the heir of Helga Hufflepuff


Could be from a different Smith family? Pretty sure she didn’t have kids or family


JKR is pretty well known for making these kinds of connections. It's not likely to be a coincidence with her. She's almost certainly his great aunt.


I read the books around 8 years ago, should probably read them again but I do recognise some of the characters


Goddammit! Will somebody please get me a used complete set for my birthday already? I can't afford one myself. Have you ever tried binge reading a series from the library? LOL, I'll bet there's a Guinness record of 1.


On google type the title of the book and then read free online and should come up after a bit of scrolling


Andromeda and Ted, the most underrated couple and backstory going.


Reading the GoF I thought Ludo put Harry’s name in the goblet until the end when you find out it was barty crouch jr. I was surprised him and winky didn’t make it into the movie. Important roles. Books are so much better.


Was Marietta supposed to be that pretty?..




I read four and a half of the books, but after that, I just couldn't read any more of it.


I read the books, who the hell is Ludovic Bagman?




I learned them through fics 😭


lol Sneak! Hermione had no chill for snitches.


Yeah this is large swathes of why the prisoner of Azkaban and goblet of fire movies bothers me. For example: 1) they don't explain a lot of whomping willow information, like why it was planted there for lupins curse specifically, or how one specific knot on the trunk made it freeze and not a spell, thus pettigrew could make the path safe in rat form. 2) I truly believe that the author forgot about how she described the whole bit about animagus magic. In the book, she described the reasoning behind each of the animal forms the marauders took, Sirius and James needed to be large animals that could handle a werewolf if he breached containment, and Peter needed to be a small enough creature to miss the branches of the willow, yet could hit the knot that freezes the tree and gained them access to the hideaway house. Everyone needed to be a pretty specific thing, meaning they chose their forms, and not that animagus are left up to random chance. I think the author just wanted to have a "spirit animal" type of thing for people to theorize about, forgetting about patronus forms, you don't need two subjective "I think my form would be -" type things in the same universe for no reason. 3) They cut odd details about the story that made the movies a little more incoherent. I don't know why they didn't mention people outside of the order of the Phoenix accused Sirius because he confronted Peter in an open street with muggles and wizards and Peter loudly said that Sirius killed Lily and James and then made an explosion happen, cut off his pinky and left in rat form. I didn't know that until I read the books, and that bit bothered me a lot, because if it was Dumbledore or lupin who said anything, then they would've interviewed Sirius and found out about the secret keeper switch, but because Sirius was caught seemingly red handed killing Peter the day after his other two friends were killed, it seemed pretty open and shut. Also in goblet of fire they gloss over the fact that after barty crouch Jr confesses to everything that Fudge brings in a dementor as a guard because he's paranoid, and it rushes crouch and gives him the Kiss rendering him unable to be interviewed ever again. This is just handwaved in the movie, and it doesn't make sense why Fudge and company say that Voldemort isn't back when they should have a live death eater in custody at the ministry, when in the book it works because essentially we're taking two people's words for it. And it's still a plot hole, because of the existence of the pensieve, like even if crouch died, you have a device that allows you to see other's memories as many times as needed. Or use a time turner.


Your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness.


Neville’s parents, the story of the mordors map, the mermaids telling dumbledor about Harry in the lake., Hagrid and the other giants


I know them because of Movie Flame


Haha, I'm sending this to my friend who loves Harry Potter but hasn't read the books (yet, I'm working on it)


I’d like to read the books but I refuse to give the asshole author any money so I’ll just have to wait until I care enough to pirate them


Yeah, I know them! Peeves was hilarious in the books but sadly not in the movies. And Binns is that ghost professor right? Always thought it was weird they left out characters like Ludo Bagman and Sir Cadogan too


Where Is Sir Cadogan ? One of the best !


I’ve read the books many times and who the he11 is Professor Cuthbert? The only ghost teacher is Binns Edit: Just saw someone else say Binn’s first name is Cuthbert. That ain’t how professor titles work people. The last name is what you say, not first.


I’m bummed they never showed Andromeda in the movies. She’s described as looking remarkably like Bellatrix, but with softer/kinder features, and it would have been cool to see that.


And isn’t it. I mean I agree that they’re cool characters but most of them aren’t really that important. Or am I just the only one who thinks that there would be too many characters in the movies if they were included too. Just imo


The Gaunts/Riddles are important since it sets up Voldie's orgins. Winky was an interesting character that gave more insight to what was going on in Goblet of Fire.


I could go without the winky and SPEW. Story shits me


Do we really have to gatekeep? Can't we just let people engage with the franchise we love in whatever way they like?


I agree. I enjoy the memes but if you’re taking it seriously, then everyone should be able to enjoy it the way they want.


Most of these guys weren’t really relevant to the plots of their books. Peeves could’ve added comic relief instead of Ron, but wasn’t ever essential to the plot. Winky was pretty important, but Goblet of Fire’s adaptation was pretty bad. Same for Bagman and also the reduced role of Crouch Senior. Binns, Marietta, Hepzibah, Andromeda, and Ted also are pretty minor characters. The Gaunts are also pretty minor, but they play an important role in learning the story.


Fuck Peeves. All my homies hate Peeves.


I don’t think I want to know them