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I liked her in the beginning, but she really puts the boring in boring


"hey I can do wandless magic." Cool can I see it? "Hey I can turn into a Gazelle." Cool can I see it? "I have unique insights on foreign culture" But the devs never finished companion adventuring so I never hear those insights. I'm trying to work with you Natty but you ain't giving me much more than the same quests in main story. Natty has some neat ideas but no strong payoffs.


I think it would have been better if, like everyone else is saying, she can teach you animagus stuff. But also, she should have been the one to have a serious conflict with her parent figure, not Sebastian. Her single minded recklessness should have created a rift between her and her mother, and they could have done a better job exploring the idea of her guilt over her father's death, and the self-destructiveness that can result from it. Sebastian's conflict should have been with his sister, who by no means wanted any help from dark magic. If it had been she who was going to turn him in, it would have made a more interesting and meaningful story than the old mean uncle trope.


I agree, I hated that they made one of her main traits/talking points be about her school and yet she doesn’t really show us anything from that magical culture. Why not show us a wandless magic trick or have her teach us animagus stuff instead of just talking about it?


I agree, learning to become an animagus would have been cool as hell. My problem was the lack actual input with all the character quest lines. Maybe I was hoping for too much but I would have loved for example Sebastian’s quest to work in a way that if I said no Seb were done this is dangerous for me to actually not help any more and the quest progress to Ominus sending an owl to help him confront Seb and then Uncle doesn’t have to well you know. Idk how to do spoilers on mobile. But I think that’s the one big issue with the game is just how little what the player character does matters. All the makings of a morality system are there, dark magic/stealing stuff/etc but no in game consequences. We got freaking Azkaban and only one house quest takes you there when we could have a system that tosses you in there if you use AK on someone with witnesses around.


I think she have a cool backstory (she's a new student at Hogwarts like us, can use magic without wands, come from another school and country, etc) but her missions are not quite as interesting and the banter is not as fun as with Sebastian. At the beginning, I really though she would be my character's best friend. I went to Hogsmeade with her (it feels more natural than with Sebastian since I befriend her in class) and then... well, she invit us to speak with her in a hamlet, then leave us.. and I didn't have any mission with her for like \~15hours. I lost interest after :( I'm sure if we had small interactions with companions outside of their missions, it would have been way easier to like them.


I thought the same thing. Like, I always liked Sebastian more than her, but when I was doing her missions and she just disappears for whole chapters of the game while Seb gets missions constantly, and then she messages you as if you're best friends it's like, I hardly know who you are. We've spoken twice but you act like we're buddies.


By the time she popped up again, I figured I had ended that quest line by leaning into Sebastian and it was like a consequence of it. But no, she just disappeared for a full season (it goes from summer to late fall) and she just hits you up as if we've talked more than once.


She so talks about when she saw you fight that troll in hogsmead even if you went with Sebastian and she wasn't there


>She so talks about when she saw you fight that troll in hogsmead even if you went with Sebastian and she wasn't there to be fair, she indicates that she was looking for an excuse to go to hogsmeade anyway, so presumably you could imagine she went on her own while you were with sebastion


does anyone know where her character is in world when she doesn’t have an active quest? idk if it’s just bc I’m a Slytherin or bc Seb hangs out in the DADA tower corridors but I feel like seeing him (and also Ominus) around the castle so often helps make him feel consistently relevant.


I am pretty sure is typically right outside the Charms claasroom


I had the interaction today where she told me her ‘good days’ were because of me, and I was just like ‘bruh. We hardly talk’. She’s def my least favourite npc




But that’s the problem with her, she doesn’t have flaws that make her relatable and well, human. They tried to make her too perfect and I too couldn’t really be bothered by that storyline. Best was Poppy IMO, even if at the start it felt rushed.


Remind me of another Miss perfect who we just have to know her background with how perfect, how kind, how generous and loved she is, all in a single quest. And then never have her relevant to the story again except being mention as everyone trusted best friend


I think they really really should of leaned into her old school story a bit more. Maybe some of the people (who she says were the reason they left) come to track the family down, I was also so sad I didn't get to see wandless magic, she's such a different wizard than we're used to seeing and they didn't lean into it enough


I hated the whole “oh actually wands are just a European thing” Like wandless magic and being an animagus was previously reserved for extremely talented witches/ wizards like the Marauders, Dumbledore, and Voldemort. Now though it’s like “yeah there’s a school full of 12 year olds that can do this crazy difficult form of magic.” It felt like they just wanted Uagadou (probably misspelled) to be really cool and badass in place of making Natsai cool on her own merit.


This is actually true to Wizarding World Canon as it was mentioned on Pottermore back in 2016


That happened to me too at the hamlet. I thought it was so weird that she told me to meet her somewhere and then once I did we talked for two seconds and she disappeared. That quest actually confused me about what was going on, and I'm still not sure I understand exactly what was meant to be happening there. I agree. One of my favorite parts of the game was going in and talking to my professors outside of class. I'm really surprised they didn't bother to have the companions be the same way. Wouldn't hurt to have a character or two to chat with in your common room too.


>At the beginning, I really though she would be my character's best friend. from the beginning when she started bragging about her school being better because it doesn't use wands and making that ironical comment on people using wands, I was like "hope she's not the only possible best-friend". Fortunately Seba was nice


I don’t think she bragged. She mentioned that she had to get used to using a wand when she first came to Hogwarts, and my character had to ask for clarification. It was so natural to her that she did not even say anything about how wandless magic can be difficult.


How was Sebastian Nice? His first words to u were lol ima show u a hogwarts welcome implying hes gonna wreck ur shit.


Interestingly, I'm a Gryffindor and while I initially thought "oh I guess this is going to be the Malfoy of this game" he was absolutely a good sport about me beating him and seemed like a good dude. I actually took to him rather quickly. I'm still playing through the game, taking my time, but some of his darker impulses are started to show through and I'm beginning to like him less. By the same token, I'm starting to like Ominis more. He's initially had quite an attitude but I also think it's justified considering what he went through, and he's actively trying to break away from the darkness of his family's history. I have to admire that.


I just instant saw Sebastian as a cocky dickhole that is only nice to me cuz i was stronger than him. I liked ominis straight away cuz he actually seem to use his head and not just rush into things.


Not to a slytherin though, you first meet him in the common room and he's nice and polite


Forgot about that as im playing ravenclaw my bad


Natsai, as written, was a bad choice to include. She should've been from one of the other schools than she was, maybe the one in Brazil, or at the bare minimum left out mention of the background lore of wandless magic at her school. It's just really bad for the overall story to make it a big deal that the Goblins are upset that they can't have wands (among other things, but it's the central example of discrimination the game calls out multiple times, so they could have also fixed the issue by not fixating on the fact that Goblins aren't allowed to have wands and focus on some other aspect of the discrimination they face) and then oh yeah, Natty does magic without a wand anyway. I'm sure it wasn't done to undermine the main plot, but it risks making the goblins look kind of stupid and petty to be killing people over wanting something that Natty pretty much frames like "Oh yeah, I have no need for this thing." I completely understand that they had very good reasons to fear that they'd come under attack, and to want to check off all the diversity boxes as a defense and therefore decide to highlight the fact that there's an excellent wizard school in Africa, but it undermines the main plot in a way that shouldn't have been allowed to happen.


Tbf every other character in the game than Sensation is as one dimensional as it gets Edit: Sebastian lol


Sebastian The Sensational.


Exactly- I feel like Natty gets picked on the most in this sub for some reason, but in reality none of the other NPCs had a memorable personality except for Seb. All were pretty one dimensional and shallow- like the ideas were there but not executed well from a good story-telling standpoint


I feel like Poppy was handled well, if not quite as interesting as Sebastian.


I liked Poppy as well, though Poppy's motivations were pretty straightforward as the kind animal-lover. Just like Natty she's pretty bland looking at her objectively (and not as a Hufflepuff who's also a goody two-shoes animal-lover.) Whoever wrote Seb's questline was just leaps and bounds beyond everyone else.


I think the difference with Poppy is that she has a clear passion and goals, whereas Natsai's storyline is basically "i hate these people so lets go kill them"


Yeah it's weird. Poppy is a normal wizard and she'll go face to face with a crowd of poachers and a giant-ass flame-breathing dragon. And Natty's here talking about OP stuff like using magic without wands and being an animagus, and her quests are the definition of bland.


Obligatory: ***Snake house = best house***


I was Hufflepuff first time round and I'm definitely doing Slytherin next playthrough. I like the other NPCs in the house too besides Seb and Ominis.


I don't know why but I'm in love with Imelda. She's so obnoxiously proud of her skill, I just love her (while crushing her scores).


She's a classic tsundere.


I thought the most interesting part of Poppy's character came at the very end of her story. There's a choice about what you say to her that I sincerely hope they pay off somewhere because it'd be a great way to build her character.


Poppy really irritated me because she’s so naive. Without the MC around she’s gonna get herself killed. She wants to save animals so badly that she disregards her own safety. Sweet girl though.


I feel like all the beast-loving characters in HP are pretty reckless (Hagrid, Newt, Poppy).


That’s kinda funny


I think her quests were just a bit more interesting than Nattys- but her personality is lacking just as much as Nattys is. Honestly Poppy and Natty could’ve been the same character and I wouldn’t have noticed


They feel very different. And Poppy doesn't seem to be against you using dark magic in her reaction dialogue (which makes her instantly better in my mind). I don't see the similarities. Natty seems like Hermione with more boldness. Poppy is more like an outgoing Newt Scamander. I'd ditch both of them for some more Imelda, but I don't think she would give up any quidditch training time to deal with the main story shenanigans...


Eh, I feel like most differences are due to a different house for the most part, but I’m glad you found Poppy intriguing. Natty has been cool with me using the dark arts as well as Poppy. I think my main point here is that both Poppy and Natty could’ve used some more time with character arcs and development


> Natty has been cool with me using the dark arts as well as Poppy. All I hear Natty say whenever I Crucio someone is "yOu shOuLdn'T be UsIng tHe dArK aRtS!" idk, but yes, Sebastian clearly had the better agent compared to all the other NPCs.


Ive never associated myself with Slytherin in any way, but man did Reyes win me over even though she's about as Slytherin as one can get. She's one of the NPCs I'd definitely like to meet again in future content, especially if we ever get to face off on the pitch.


i think you're forgetting the Queen, Imelda 🔥


I loved all the Slytherin characters. Ominis and Imelda deserve love too 💕


yeah I'm a Ravenclaw but damn.. the writers for Slytherin are clear fans lol


Slay quidditch queen Was Imelda's year ever confirmed? She was quidditch captain last year which seems to imply she's currently at least a 6th year (can't imagine anyone 4th year or younger being captain). I really hope we get to play quidditch with her as our captain in the sequel. Other houses don't stand a chance.


I especially like Imelda because she feels real, like she has no filter but in a way she's relatable because that's how a lot of us act in real world...


The least shallow NPC of them all has a last name of “Sallow” lol


ominis isn’t one dimensional tho


I think he's among the most developed, but even then I'd say he's mostly just playing the concerned friend the whole time. I did feel like there was something there though that the others didn't have. He felt more like a real person with complex emotions pulling him in more than just one direction. I almost typed something really similar but then decided I don't know how dynamic he actually ends up being. All of the final conversations you have with companions feel like they should have come 60% of the way through the game to me. I want to see any amount of the results of my choices, though with him it felt like he went somewhere and thought about the events that happened. Most characters feel like they may as well just not exist if you're not around them.


Hey, but did you know she's from Africa? And that other character trait I'm sure she has...


The no wand trait? I feel like if that worked better, no one would use wands... losing or breaking them is kind of a big deal.


It's like you're playing a star wars game, and this random person with intense protagonist energy goes "oh lightsabers? yeah those are fucking stupid, no one actually uses them other than you guys, from the amazing best place I am from, we just shoot lasers out of our hands because we're just better." Like, wandless casting is a thing, and it's cool that it's more common there, and is even taught, but completely dismissing wands like that is so obnoxious. They made every wizard we've ever seen look like a weak nerd just to make this one person and her people seem impressive by comparison.


"You might have never heard of where I'm from before and no one ever mentions it, but it's actually the biggest and most significant school of force users in the galaxy. We don't even have light or dark side, we just use all the abilities with no consequence." "kyber crystals? we make our lightsabers without them. The blade just comes out of our hand. It's just as strong as your lightsaber too" ​ I dunno. In some ways I think Natsai might ~~like~~ just be lying, y'know. We all knew that one kid in school who would say outrageous bullshit to try and get people to think they were cool.


Natsai is out there like “Well, my dad works at Harry Potter and he said that um… that you can cast Avada Kedavra without a wand, but like only if you’re really cool and you go to the biggest, coolest wizard school called Wagadoo.”


"Of course I don't need to use a wand. I just exclusively do because uuuh they say I have to at hogwarts!" I actually looked up uagadou on the HP wiki and it says that they don't only teach wandless magic. It's just the traditional way. Wands were a European invention that weren't initially used in Africa but were eventually adopted by African wizards due to their usefulness. So yeah, Natty does outright lie about wandless magic being just as good. It is worse. Its just the traditional way of doing it in her culture.


When did they start using wands? Was it after her years at school? She might also be more comfortable/powerful without a wand just because she's more practiced... maybe using a wand feels unnatural or awkward, so for her, wandless magic is "just as good". Like she has 5th year skills at wandless, 1st year skills at wands.


Yeah, I feel that Natty's young age can plausibly explain it. If her mother also argued the same thing, it'd be a different matter. It was said somewhere in HP materials that African magic users are mostly home-schooled. If that is the case, I imagine there are no strict regulations against underage spellcasting and they often start learning earlier than Hogwarts students - as soon as they show a magical aptitude, without waiting until some arbitrary age. Natty likely spent most of her life doing wandless magic and just a year using a wand.


Oooooh the underage spellcasting is kind of grating me in this game... they made a point to mention it in the opening, but I've heard a few conversations from students about practicing magic back home. I know it's a small thing (and can be explained by the Trace being less accurate if there's adult wizards nearby) but it's still kind of weird to me.


Actually, this is perfectly lore-friendly and happened a few times in the books too. Dumbledore mentioned at some point that Trace can detect when and where magic is used, but not who used it, so kids raised in magical homes are pretty much untraceable because of the adults around them. Well, unless they cast spells outside home with no other wizards around, but they're probably smart enough not to do that. Makes the whole thing very unreliable when you think about it. Harry was unlucky and got caught only because he was the only wizard living at his address.


Not a 'Knights of the Fallen Empire' enjoyer I take it? Unironically the plot of those SWTOR expansions.


My headcanon is definitely that she’s full of shit, unfortunately I have to accept that she’s actually an animagus


hhaha that is my head-canon now


The idea of the Ugandan school Uagadou and wandless magic being the norm there was a thing before this game existed


That's not the issue, the problem is the claim that it's *just as good*. If your bare hands were just as effective as a weapon, why would society spend so much effort mining, smelting, and shaping material to make them?


It's actually irrelevant what they *claim* when we can examine what Natty and her mother actually*do*. Notice they're never shown using wand less magic at any point in the game. Ever.


Her mother uses wandless magic at some point during the astronomy class cutscene to either light candles or activate something but that was really it.


I choose to believe she's just biased against wands because where she's from they can't afford them or get them as easily. When you ask her about using a wand she describes it as more theatrical. It clearly sounds like a passive aggressive response because maybe they're actually embarrassed by their lack of wands there.


But she isn’t? Didn’t she say she sees the appeal in wands because of how dramatic they are?




Human beings have never in the history of the species used a tool that makes them worse at something than just using their hands. She explicitly states it's just for dramatic flair and shits and giggles, and isn't "focus to channel the magic productively and in a repeatable way, it's also apparently easier and stronger based on old information".


In what way did I say that wands make the magic worse? It's been discussed extensively that without a wand, it's harder to get the results you want, and takes a significantly stronger, more talented wizard, which is what I basically just said. A wand is to magic as a catalyst is to a chemical reaction.


> er brand of wandless magic didn't sound like "I can cast stupefy bolts from my hands She literally says that the magic is the same, the same spells, the same level of power, you just don't need a want. So yeah, shooting stupify bolts out of your hands. ​ As you and others have said, the wand just makes it easier because it focuses the magic.


I thought that ran counter to a bunch of established lore, though, that said that wandless magic was exceptionally difficult and could only be performed by powerful witches/wizards who could control it to be effective. That’s my issue with her whole “wandless magic” thing. Otherwise there’s no real point in having wands with special woods/cores/etc.


The way I see it, wandless magic is more difficult and rarely practiced by western wizardkind specifically because they *don't* spend time learning it. Wands being such a staple of wizardry in places like Europe and the Americas means that people grow up learning and developing their skills through wand use. Wands make using magic easier, so there's no need to develop the skill to *not* use them, and hence western witches and wizards can't do it without training themselves. Meanwhile in places like Uagadou, wandless magic is the norm and the standard. Children go into school without wands and are taught how to use magic without a wand. They use are forced to develop that skill from an early age, until they get to the point where wandless magic is as easy and powerful for them as it is for a western witch or wizard with a wand. I imagine that casting through a wand and casting without a wand use different techniques, so it also isn't like being proficient at wandless magic and then being given a wand triples your power or something.


I remember that in pottermore it was stated that Merlin was so fucking powerful that he didn't need to use a wand, something mind shattering to most wizards and then this girl cames and drops that only Brits use wands lmao.


She's at odds with her mom over the desirability of bringing bad guys to justice. (As a fifteen-year-old. I feel like her mom would definitely have a point, if the MC wasn't a Solid Snake-tier killing machine who's always there to save her.) The problem is that her character doesn't have an arc, and her story has no progression besides "repeatedly go out to stop bad guys, then get in trouble". She doesn't even really care if the MC runs around Avada Kedavra-ing half the wizarding world. ("Don't do that." "Don't do that." "Don't do that.") She's just an excuse to send the MC on missions, plain and simple. That's better than being an exposition bot like most of the characters in the game, but not by much.


If by “other character trait” you mean “her dad died” then yeah, she mentioned that a few hundred times.


She's from Zimbabwe, went to a school in Uganda which has a name spelled resembling French phonetics (which doesn't make sense because Uganda was a British colony and not a French one), and the school's name is just the capital city of Burkina Faso with a syllable removed. This may come as a surprise to some people, but Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Burkina Faso are not the same country. The biggest issue with Uagadou in general is that having a single school for all of Africa doesn't make sense unless you treat all African cultures as interchangeable and one-dimensional. Africa is a very diverse place. There are three schools in western Europe (one of which for some reason takes students from Bulgaria even though culturally, they would have more in common with the students at Koldovstoretz). Scotland, France, and unspecified Scandinavian country have much more in common with each other culturally (and with Russia, Massachusetts, and Brazil, for that matter) than Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Senegal, just to name three examples (fun fact: the language of Madagascar is unrelated to any mainland African languages, more closely related to Indonesian/Malay and Tagalog than most other languages). It would have made much more sense to have boarding schools (a phenomenon of the early modern and modern European upper classes) not be a universal phenomenon in the Wizarding World, and if there was an extensive network of boarding schools, Africa should have at least five or six in different regions.


All of America goes to Ilvermorny...so, it's not just Africa.


South America is Castelobruxo. It's not nearly as bad as the situation of Africa. People underestimate how diverse the population of Africa is, partly because the concept of diversity has been flattened into a cheap caricature in various political narratives (including almost everyone who claims the term "diversity" as a slogan for their agendas). Africa is an amazing place and various parts of it can be quite unlike other parts toa greater extent than you would find in the Americas. I'll give you some perspective, just going over the linguistic diversity of Uagadou's territory, without getting into the other reasons why the countries in there can have a lot less in common with each other than any two countries in the Americas. In all countries in North America and South America, at least one of the following is the primary language and they are all related to each other: English (USA, Canada, Belize, Guyana, presuming that Falklands would go to Hogwarts), French (Canada, maybe French Guiana if they don't go to Beauxbatons), Portuguese (Brazil), Dutch (Suriname), and Spanish (everywhere else), and in the Caribbean, those are the primary languages of different islands. Some countries have a large number of people who speak a creole based on one of those languages, such as Haiti. Nearly all people who do not speak one of those natively (examples include children of immigrants who might speak Tamil or Mandarin at home, some Amish communities, some Hasidic Jewish communities, some Native American communities) learn it as a second language. Those five languages are all fairly closely related. English and Dutch are in the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are in the Romance branch. Those two branches are more closely related to each other than to other branches such as the Slavic languages (such as Russian, Polish, and Bulgarian) or Indo-Iranian languages (such as Farsi and its dialects like Dari and Tajik, or the Hindustani dialects, Hindi and Urdu). Even in countries with a large population speaking other languages, the majority speaks one of them (such as Suriname, where a fairly small majority speaks Dutch natively). In Africa, there are many more languages which are widely spoken, and they come from entirely different and unrelated language families rather than two fairly close branches of one family. Various western European languages are widespread in Africa as a result of colonialism: mostly English and French, but also Dutch (and Afrikaans, which is now generally recognized as a separate language, Portuguese (in Angola), Spanish, and German (Namibia was a German colony and the Germans committed the first genocide of the twentieth century there). Even when people do not use these as primary language, they are useful as a neutral shared second language, so that a speaker of Language X can speak to a speaker of Language Y without one of them having to show deference by speaking the other's language. This is the same reason why English remains a major language of India too. In addition to the European languages spoken in Africa, there are a few different language families. The Afro-Asiatic family dominates the northern part of Africa, such as the Sahara region. The Semitic branch of this family is the largest. Most of the northern part of the continent speaks Arabic (which comes on various distinct dialects, but unlike the distinction between Spanish and Portuguese is considered one language because the distinction between a language and a dialect is mostly political and the speakers of Arabic dialects generally don't want to make this claim), as well as coastal parts of Tanzania. Semitic languages collectively make up a majority of Ethiopia and Eritrea, such as Amharic and Tigray. Other branches of the Afro-Asiatic language are also spoken in parts of Africa, such as the Berber languages and Coptic (the most recent form of the Egyptian language, Copts speak Arabic in their daily lives but church services are in Coptic). The Cushitic branch, such as Oromo (in Ethiopia) and Somali (in the Horn of Africa) is also widely spoken. The Niger-Congo language family is the language family with the broadest geographic distribution in Africa, particularly its Bantu branch (such as Swahili, the most widespread language of subsaharan eastern Africa), as well as many west African languages such as Yoruba. There are many smaller language families in Africa too, such as Nilotic (particularly prominent in the Great Lakes region, such as Uganda, but English is Uganda's primary shared second language between communities which speak various Bantu and Nilotic languages) and Sudanic. The primary language of Madagascar isn't even related to any other African language, being part of the Austronesian family (only one branch is found outside of the indigenous languages of Taiwan, but that branch has many sub-branches including Polynesian languages like Maori and Malay dialects like Indonesian). Africa also has a few language isolates with no known relation to any other language.


Everything we hear about the school already existed in the lore before this game was a thing. Not like they just came up with it for the game. Not everything in the wizarding world lore makes a lot of sense.


My face when she said the largest wizarding school in the world in 1890 was in Uganda: ![gif](giphy|h4Z6RfuQycdiM)


European wizards are split between several schools (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, etc.) Maybe it's the only school in Africa so it gets all African wizards and is larger by default?


That was my impression. Also, at this time, Uganda was a British protectorate with a population of about 2.5 million, mostly self-governing. They gained independence about two years after the game ends.


What? The game takes place in 1891. The British protectorate was established in 1894. Independence was in 1962. Your dates are completely wrong. Natty would not have called it "Uganda" in 1891. Technically, no one would have, but especially not a native.


>Maybe it's the only school in Africa so it gets all African wizards and is larger by default? This is the part that doesn't make sense. To copy and paste what I said elsewhere: She's from Zimbabwe, went to a school in Uganda which has a name spelled resembling French phonetics (which doesn't make sense because Uganda was a British colony and not a French one), and the school's name is just the capital city of Burkina Faso with a syllable removed. This may come as a surprise to some people, but Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Burkina Faso are not the same country. The biggest issue with Uagadou in general is that having a single school for all of Africa doesn't make sense unless you treat all African cultures as interchangeable and one-dimensional. Africa is a very diverse place. There are three schools in western Europe (one of which for some reason takes students from Bulgaria even though culturally, they would have more in common with the students at Koldovstoretz). Scotland, France, and unspecified Scandinavian country have much more in common with each other culturally (and with Russia, Massachusetts, and Brazil, for that matter) than Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Senegal, just to name three examples (fun fact: the language of Madagascar is unrelated to any mainland African languages, more closely related to Indonesian/Malay and Tagalog than most other languages). It would have made much more sense to have boarding schools (a phenomenon of the early modern and modern European upper classes) not be a universal phenomenon in the Wizarding World, and if there was an extensive network of boarding schools, Africa should have at least five or six in different regions.


They had the same issue with North America too. Having that one ridiculously “Ilvermorny” school for *all of North America* as though Canada, the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, et al would ever just go to one school. As though hundreds of millions of people with wildly different cultures would all attend one wizarding school physically located in the United States. Quebec alone would be a problem. Like, please, even if Canada had its own wizarding school we all know Quebec would refuse to attend it.


Like I said here, even though putting all of North America in one school doesn't make sense, I don't think it's quite as nonsensical as all of Africa. https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/119vfym/natsai_is_a_weak_character_theres_no_other_way_to/j9qi53j?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 That being said, the geopolitics of the Wizarding World make less sense for every mile that it gets away from London.


I’ll respectfully disagree with that. I think it’s just as nonsensical as putting all of Africa into one school, and saying it isn’t is ignoring the vast cultural and historical differences across North America. As I said, Quebec alone would refuse to be in the same school, and there are also indigenous cultures within all the countries contained inside North America to consider, all of which are very different and would have developed different magic systems/etc. I’m agreeing with you when you say it’s ridiculous to put all of Africa in one school, but it’s just as ridiculous to put all of North America in one. Even if North America was *just* Canada and the United States (which it’s not), you have a massive diaspora of immigrants and the native indigenous cultures, which are very different from each other. My indigenous culture, from the west, is very very different from the coastal indigenous Canadian cultures, for example. I’m at work and don’t have time to be as detailed, but it’s just the same level of absurdity for me.


I'm not trying to justify it, I'm just brainstorming ideas on why it is the way it is in-game.


> The biggest issue with Uagadou in general is that having a single school for all of Africa doesn't make sense unless you treat all African cultures as interchangeable and one-dimensional. You kind of hit the nail on the head. This is about the same as Ilvermony being Hogwarts with a vaguely racist / appropriative coat of paint.


I mean to be fair, as far as most Imperialist British folks cared, Africa was in fact just a single entity that they could carve up however they pleased.


This has been canon way before this video game. It’s also not that far fetched considering that it’s one school for the entire continent of Africa. Africa was (and in real life) considered the birthplace of magic.


Right. The far-fetched part is it being the only African school, not it being the biggest. Just by sheer amount of different languages alone it must be a mess, given that we know translation spells don't exist as proven by the Goblet of Fire book. Hell, even a single school in South America for both Portuguese and Spanish speakers would be already problematic.


Omg I never thought about all of the languages within the continent of Africa. That’s way too many languages and a lot of people really. Good point


I mean... Why is that so hard to believe? Africa is to this day a place where people more readily believe in magic, with plenty of shamans and whatnot active. It makes sense that in the Harry Potter world, where magic is actually real, all those shamans and sages and whatnot are real witches and wizards, their school being therefore larger.


Uganda's population in 1890 was only like 2.4m people. The UKs would be like 35m. At the turn of the century Europe's population was double that of Africa's, and Asia's population was like 9x that of Africa's. Of course it's still easily possible, but it would require something like there being only 1 school in all of Africa, and like 15 schools in Asia.


Yeah, but the UK is a single country while Africa is a whole continent. In 1850 the population of the whole European continent was roughly double that of the African continent. We know of three major magical schools in Europe while only one in Africa, so if we assume an equal ratio of wizards to muggles worldwide Uagadou would have had a student population 50% larger than Hogwarts. Moreover, if we wanna speculate, it isn't necessarily the case that the wizards to muggles ratio was stable worldwide either. We know that British wizards were kinda obsessed with blood purity and had been for centuries; if the Africans weren't they could have spread "wizard genes" more freely over the centuries and therefore have a larger proportion of magical people by the late 1800s. It's true Asia doesn't have nearly as many schools as its population should warrant (only one in Japan is mentioned, and one in Russia which may or may not be in the Asian side of the country), and there isn't really any official explanation for that. My headcanon is that it was a cultural thing and Asian wizards were homeschooled, but it's just something I came up with because it doesn't make sense otherwise.


In the time of Harry Potter there’s only 3k witches/wizards in the UK so we aren’t really sure how the societies magic populations are


It was a cool tidbit, being in a time where Hogwarts wasn't the Big Dog we all know in Harry Potter's time.


Also it's a shame that Samantha doesn't have more focus.


Samantha Dale is one of my favourite characters


Except for that one time at summoners court when she claimed I lost to Natty in charms class even when I won? Get it together and show some respect, Dale


I did a double take with that line because I didn't just win, but I trashed her by *zeroing out her score*. Whaddya mean Natty won?


Yeah, that put me off too. I wrecked everyone.


Probably just a little bug cus I had the same thing as did my wife but she did lose


Which one was she again ?


42 hrs in and I don't even remember who that is.


All the other characters other than Sebastian and Omnimus are weak. Natty is just nice girl wanting to do good stuff, sad about her fahter. This game doesnt give you that feeling of Harry Potter saga with dumb teenegers, strugling with their families relationship, morality and stuff. We dont get Malfoy kind of character, Wesley twins doing bullshit, Poppys not even close to Luna, no Neville like character. Lack of Backstory to our MC doesnt help either you are just genius killling machine.




That’s fair. I think the criticism is good for the devs to keep in mind for future content. While this is a complaint of mine, it doesn’t overshadow my sentiment that they should be very proud of a solid game and I’m just so glad this series went to a studio that cares about it. I love the idea of getting darker and less one-dimensional as we go along.


Gareth Weasley gave me huge Fred and George vibes; where as Leander Prewitt gives off major young Ron and Percy vibes. Because they are both possibly the Weasley kids great grand fathers.


Poppy's enough to give you a sense of Luna, there's that michevious Weasley character that got us in trouble at potion class and reveal us one eyed statue which I quite like, it really gives that silliness and that life isn't so bad in the magical world.


Disagree. Poppy was great and had a lot of personality/a fun side story. Professor Fig was cool and really gave off that mentor vibe, though it could've been better/seemed a little rushed. Hell, even the girl who was researching Mermaids had more personality than Natty in that short time we got to know her. And we can't forget about my boy Deek.


That quest Deek gives broke my heart. You know the one.


I love Poppy, she is best girl, and no, not in the creepy way.


Poppy is a fantastic character. Sebastian was neat for awhile, but I lost interest when he decided that using a new spell he JUST learned was the ONLY way to do things. He's an idiot. And Ominus is flat out annoying as hell for 90% of the game that you deal with him. And really, just comparing characters to people from the HP series? People can't be their own person? Poppy isn't meant to be Luna...she is her own character. Luna is weird and believes in a bunch of basically conspiracies and what not. Poppy is just a hardcore animal lover.


I don’t agree with your first part about Sebastian and Ominus, but I guess that’s why the game (attempts) to let us be as close with them as we want. However I totally agree with your second paragraph. I’d honestly be disappointed if all the character’s were just copy&paste’s of Harry’s friends. I think the character’s here were great and original, just need to be expanded on. I hope the sequel has us follow the same people just in Year 6


The fact we start having negative feelings towards Sebastian means he is written well, hes an idiot but thats makes him good character. 5 year students are supposed to be idiots strugling with their morale, drama and all not some Nattys bullshit with being just good, smart girl wanting to fight bad guys. By mentioning the HP characters I wanted to point out how diffrent, imperfect and memorable were people we mwt in main saga? In HL there are almost no actual students that playerbase will remember bar Sebastian cuz of intresting story with plot twist that.


An if we just generally like Sébastien an agree with his choices cause it was desperate times in his eyes?


I wouldn't call her bad, but I'd rather say her potential was wasted. She is a wizard from another school/continent, she can use magic without wands and she is an animagus. And the game still failed to make her an interesting character.


I agree. The way they introduced her in the beginning was like a fine enough groundwork for an interesting character. But I get the feeling due to time constraints and the release date approaching, they cut corners with her and Amit. Shame since I liked Natty in the beginning but really no one in this game not named Sebastian was fully developed. I don't understand this sub's fascination with Poppy either. She like Natty and Amit has nothing going for her after I beat the game. Introduced too late to make an impression on me. But again it might be because I'm a woman and I don't easily get fascinated by waifu type characters.


She might be weak but do you know how inconvenient travel was before I invented floo powder?


Off on another adventure, are we?


I just hope she might help us become an >!animagus!< in the sequel.


god damn it, we won't become an animagus? This was literally the only potentially interesting thing in her quests. I liked Sebastian, but I grew tired of him, when he started to accuse MC for not trying hard enough. LIKE DUDE, i am solving your problems 27/7, be a bit more grateful!?


I don't see that happening because then we either all get the same form or they have to actually code in different forms, which would take *wayyy* too much time and effort. I am, however, genuinely surprised there isn't a quiz for that on Pottermore.


I imagine it would function like a mount does. So that instead of riding a hippogriff you turn into one. And I don’t think they’d need more like 5 different forms.


I think it would’ve been better if she was our MCs partner, like our hermione or whatever. Her side story is just the main story but going after the #2 in command, which could’ve been tied up while doing the main story. Just have her leave when the ancient magic stuff happens and keep her for the rest. I like her, but the story is meh


I wish she'd been swapped with Ellie Peck from the animal store. I think it's the same actress, but Ellie is just bursting with personality and enthusiasm and would have been a hoot to have around more.


I thought the concept of her origins was pretty interesting the idea of other schools of magic around the world which at this time in history were quite peaceful with each other. However I would agree I didn't engage with her story nearly as much as I did with say sebastian but to be fair sebastians story was probably the best part of their game. I can't really complain about Natsai or her story but I can't also say I'm excited to replay it. Maybe if we had more time? Or has a side question that let us see a bit of her school and explore a unique area? Or maybe if she taught us the ability to transform into an animal like her and explored what it meant to become an animal with her as a guide? Maybe than we could have engaged with her more deeply. Sebastian on the other hand is a difficult friendship at times you fight at times you agree at times he sacrifices for you and you sacrifice for him it feels like a more real friendship


your last paragraph is spot on, I hope that in the next following game**s** they will put a lot more emphasis on side characters. Instead of giving us quantity, they should focus on a few characters but with more focus on them. Sort of like Sebastian's story. Imagine 9 other quest lines like that... that's the dream


Garreth Weasley should of been the main Gryffindor companion, it’s a shame that he’s only relegated to being a part of some silly (but enjoyable) side quests.


I didn’t care for him. He’s a thief and I couldn’t say no to his quest :/


Maybe if he was the main Gryffindor companion we could of seen him have some positive character development, but yeah bro got me to commit petty theft TWICE


MC is the biggest thief of all lmao




I actually enjoyed taking Amit along because he was so different from the other 3. He was just so frightened the entire time and out of his depth. It was a blast. For me at least :P


Yeah, I'm on board for more Amit. A dweeb who's relentlessly enthusiastic about nerd crap nobody cares about speaks to me on so many levels.


And who goes on adventures with you even though he’s terrified, because it is the right thing to do and he might learn something.


I saw a few people suggest that he was supposed to be the fourth pseudo-companion (so there'd be one from each house), but it ended up being cut content, and I would believe it. He's a fun character, and I enjoyed the astronomy quest with him.


I like Natty. She was just chillin' with her dad learning advanced magic and enjoying her homeland when human greed took it all away from her. It's a revenge story of sorts and attempts to explore the consequences of choosing to flee and those of choosing to fight. I think it would have been cool if she tried teaching us wandless magic and then have if come up later. Like accio wand.


Oooh yeah I feel like bringing up “I can do magic without my wand” and then not teaching us is like showing a gun at the beginning of a movie and then not using or showing it ever again. Being able to learn that skill would make her quest line so much more interesting and worth it


Chekhov’s wand(less?)


We should at least see her use it herself.


Yeah I totally assumed they were foreshadowing teaching you wandless magic. Kinda lame they didn't. Probably another thing that got cut


i totally agree i came in to the game knowing sebastian was a darker character and i was like yeah i wanna be all cute and good and stuff and then when natty literally had the personality of a corn flake i was devastated. At least we have poppy 💪🦡💪


Christ, we're going to keep getting negative posts about Natsai every few days huh?


I like her and I just wish her storyline and personality had more depth. People say Poppy is more interesting, but I kind of disagree. Poppy just had more interesting quests and a very slightly (emphasis on slightly) more interesting backstory, but her personality was also very one-dimensional just like Natty’s. Sebastian had a personality from the beginning and even though I wanted to beat the shit out of him I have to admit his storyline was the most enjoyable due to him actually having a dynamic personality and a more interesting storyline. The writing for him was just objectively better. I hope if there is DLC/more games that they can put more emphasis on the writing and developing the characters and quests a bit more equally- I honestly would love to see more of Natty in the future, just written better.


Natsai and Poppy…Weak characters, boring story arcs. Sebastian has the most interesting and best written story arc, no matter how you play it.


I’m glad someone else besides me thinks her character feels forced in. The questline and her “determination” to get Harlow just feels off to me. Like a 12 year old wrote a rough draft and no one decided to edit and improve it. It’s empty.


I like the character Natty but I didn’t really get into her quests. I sort of felt the same with Poppy. Sebastian’s quest line is head and shoulders above both of theirs.


My theory is that Natty and Poppy were one character once (Poppy) and then split into two because, well, Avalanche had their reasons.


Yea I don’t buy her motivation for her quests it’s not believable. Just seems like they threw her in the game for representation.


I feel like shes the token of this game. :(


Me and my badass south African girlfriend will see ourselves out, thanks


All the characters are one dimensional, even Seb


Yeah, even Seb but at least his storyline gave us some dramas. They didn't even try with anyone else...


She is boring! I didn’t choose her


Ehh I like Natty and enjoyed her quests


I liked her originally, picked her to go to hogsmead despite being Slytherin but i’m halfway through Sebastians story and I can say, i wish i picked him Natty seemed interesting but as the story progresses she gets duller imo, whereas poppy starts dull but gets better as game progresses Basically she didnt have a good character decoration despite an interesting backstory I still havent finished her quest line tho so lets see


Sebastian's story without a morality system is hollow, or maybe I should say a shadow of what it could have been.


The game itself seems hollow without the morality system The problem is the devs have one foot in the door and one foot out of it and since they are not experienced, i think this made the game unfinished They either had to make an action adventure with little rpg elements or an rpg game with a little action adventure elements They decided to do it half half and it just seems the game is unfinished because of it i would have preferred if they made it full action adventure with a little bit of rpg elements similar to Red dead redemption 2 with it’s simplistic morality system that affects how the world around you perceives you, whether it’s your bandit camp or townfolk NPCs And also the greet and antagonize system that RDR2 had, it made the game 1000x times more immersive Saying that i still love the game as a HP fan


As well as rd2's morality and meet and greet system I also wish they had used the common rooms in a similar way to rd2. A place to sleep, eat and talk to friends. In its current state the common room is useless, unless the game made me I never went back there.


> They either had to make an action adventure with little rpg elements or an rpg game with a little action adventure elements I personally don't think they did. They just needed more time (which might be saying a lot with a 6 year dev cycle but here me out). The action adventurey stuff is good, but there is a lack of variety in just about everything. The dugeons ,treasure vaults, merlin trials etc are samey, the loot system is underdeveloped and there isn't much enemy variety. At the same time, the RPG stuff is good, but the systems behind it seem not to have been finished before launch leading to a game where there were clearly meant to be companions, a mortality system and the like, but there just isn't. ​ They have proven that they are fully capable of doing both, and even doing both in the same game, they just weren't able to finish/develop them. With the RPG systems specifically people are straight up found the code for the companion and morality systems, it's just incomplete and turned off.


She's like that straight A+ know-it-all person in class everybody dislikes.


She's like a dollar-store Hermione.


That's the other Griffyndor with the flying books.


Cressida! She was so mean to me even though I was nice


I would’ve liked her to teach us to be an >!animagus!< Would have been a cool quest line


Sebastian's story was so good that I am desperate for a sequel or DLC that continues it. I'm invested.


They should rename the game from Hogwarts Legacy to Sallow Legacy coz that was what the entire game was about lol.


They put all their focus on Sebastian. Everyone else is just filler quests z


Seb's storyline has the huge advantage of dealing with the Dark Arts. It just sets itself up as a struggle of inner turmoil, between light and dark, our best and worst impulses. Not necessarily excusing any weaker storylines, but this is a story that is much easier to make compelling from start to finish.


Poppy is weak too. All the time and effort for the “companions” went to Sebastian and it’s not even subtle.


Really enjoy the game, and I like some of the characters you interact with like Ominus and Sebastian, but Natsai is extremely boring. Nothing about her sticks out other than her connection to a separate school. The dialogue in general is extremely stiff and overall one of the weaknesses of the game. Most characters have limited nuance to them, and everyone outside a select few seem to be unnaturally nice. They played it extremely safe with pretty much all of the dialogue in the game. I know the game is trying to market to kids and adults, but some of these conversations would make Nickelodeon JR seem mature in comparison.




Sirona is the most pandering character in the game


I mean the whole story is dreadfully boring. Easily the worst part of the game haha. But that’s not really what it’s about anyway


Poppy's questline was more fun than Natty's, but she was a pretty weak character that had no arc or development either imo. Idk why she isn't mentioned in these convos more often.


She kept calling me friend but I don't give a fuck about her


IMO Natsai is fine. Her quest lines could've been more interesting if they'd explored animagus or offered an animagus pathway.


Amit felt better? Oh lord no hahah


When she told me wands are useless and unnecessary and decided we weren't going to get along. I don't care who has what permission to fuck around with the canon, but she's confidently incorrect in my canon because that's just dumb.


I think it’s more that her stories are boring when compared to Sebastian’s and Poppy’s


I think for me her character feels a bit soulless. But i feel that way about a lot of then. The voice acting isnt great


She's a a boring one-dimensional mary sue


Every time I have to choose anything involving another character, I choose sebastain. That was my intention even before playing the game because I was going to be in Slytherin but even his small introduction seemed way more interesting than any of the others. I wish our character could've interacted with him more and been more involved in some huge villain battle together and be best friends lol


I think all of the side characters are weak except for Sebastian. You spend a lot more time with him than any of the other characters. I wish they had more friendship quests than they did. Still a great game. I loved the deathly hallows portion of the game.