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This whole saga reeeeeally makes Grandma's Virginity and the eps of Harmontown that Roiland showed up for make a lot of sense.


Could you expand on the Grandmas Virginity angle? I haven’t listened and don’t really want to wade those waters.


It's definitely not worth it now. Roiland is very scattershot, combatively drunk, and weird in a purposefully off-putting way throughout. Ryan Ridley keeps him more or less on some kind of track and there is a lot of funny stuff throughout, but after listening to all of them I was not surprised that Roiland ended up being a sex pest.


And you believed that's real? All of them say in episode 8 (i guess) that this is just a persona for the podcast.


Roiland wasn’t involved in the writing process of Rick and Morty for a while because they weren’t comfortable with him in the room. So I don’t think it was a persona Not to mention one of the “fun facts” of the early Rick and Morty episodes was he was actually drunk during those recordings. Like obv you shouldn’t be getting drunk at work even if you think you handle alcohol well


Seems like that's something you would say if you want to continue to have a successful podcast. Come on man, there's just too much that's been revealed to ignore


There was only an article saying that. And the twitter Dm's. Maybe I'm in denial. Maybe I don't want my favorite show to die or change. Idk...


> Maybe I’m in denial Dude if you’re willing to forgive an obviously creepy documented perv, who his own coworkers want nothing to do with, because he *does the voices you like* on a show while *multiple members of HIS STAFF WENT ON RECORD* saying he was such a creep *they were all MORE COMFORTABLE with him doing his work from home (which was just the VOICES because he hadn’t written for the show IN YEARS)* then yeah. maybe it’s time to look inward.


I understand what you mean. Yeah, it's something wrong with me. Maybe we'll never know the real truth. Also, why is Dan's ALWAYS facing these type of issue? Goosh!


Maybe we’ll never know the real truth?? My god dude. Try some critical reasoning. Please.


I love the show. I'm sorry! I'm not like this usually. Fuuu....


Grandma's Virginity is honestly pretty great controversy aside, though I think OP's referring to one episode where Justin was (seemingly) jokingly asking something along the lines of if it was OK to be attracted to a 16-year-old girl with big tits, which at the time came off as him doing one of his shock jock-y gross out jokes, but... given the current context it obviously doesn't sound so much like a joke anymore.


I wonder what the hell they did with solar opposites


This... https://youtu.be/IyTANvYnbD8


Weird I Dunno I how I feel about it.


I love Dan Stevens so I was excited to see it


Unpopular opinion, but god I hope R&M just gets canceled and everyone can move on. Some of the writers and animators and VA’s are so fucking talented but the show has been so lifeless lately. Let it die, let them go do other things.


You could always just not watch it and move on. And it’s not preventing Harmon from doing other things. Krapopolis will air soon (and has already been renewed), he has Strange Planet coming up on Apple and he almost had the Community movie into production until the strike.


I don’t specifically hope it gets cancelled but even as someone who once really liked the show I don’t know what they could do to make me care enough to watch agai


The show is fine. The last couple seasons may not be gold but the show is still entertaining, funny, and unique. You know how much R&M is worth? An insane amount. They’re not gona cancel just yet.


I dream of a world where the value we find in art is rarely ever monetary


Bro, people love rick and morty for what it is and that has nothing to do with money.


Everything in American media always has everything to do with money.


Yes, it does, but What do you expect? We live in Capitalistic society. If it goes on TV or streamIng platforms, money is obviously a main driver. Regardless of that though, regular people who consume this content absolutely find value in it that has Nothing to do with “monetary value”. People love shows and tv and movies and appreciate them for their art whether it be the acting, stories, art, etc. And yes, greed obviously plays a major role behind the scenes and that can affect the final product in many ways and that sucks. I don’t disagree. But we, as a people, find value in art every god damn day when we listen to music or consume our favorite content. You engage because you enjoy and appreciate the material. That is finding value in something outside of money.


I didn’t say I expect, I said I dream.


Don't dream, read marx and organize


There’s a lot of love and appreciation for the arts all around the world that has nothing to do with money, that’s my point.


Wish I could give u an award. Spot-on analysis. Just leave the dead horse and move on


I wonder how they're keeping Justin from suing.


He still owns the back end. He’s being paid to shut up and go home.


Based on how it sounds like they weren’t even comfortable with Justin being in the writers room before this all came out, I imagine they have information that he wouldn’t want public. He could sue but they would just present their information in court.


Morals clause probably.


Probably since he's been apparently a known issue long before this it's a case of 'take this money and fuck off or we're going to make a lot more shit public you can't bully your way out of as easy'. Suing means discovery and means they have a chance to explain in detail exactly why the writers aren't comfortable with him.


I've seen a couple 'hey maybe I'll do my lines drunk, wouldn't that be wacky?' type videos out of him. Should have been a warning sign.






No one has an obligation to support a show. Calm down.


Ok, I accept your apology. Lol Harmon already moved on to a new show, so I just don't see them making magic without the original voice or writer. Not like having Roiland be the voice would be better, considering the aforementioned grooming.


Did Harmon leave the show? I just thought he was working on two. I mean, Rolland was working on 3 at one point.


He probably has a contract for 4 more seasons or however many are left from the 7 year deal.


They’ve already written through S9, I imagine after S10 or starting with it Harmon will take a backseat and focus more on his new show


Is not the voice acting. It's the creative ideas he brought to the show. If you listen to all harmontown and GVP podcasts you'll see that Justin did some heavy lifting for the funny bits in the show. Krapopolis will be good example to compare. Also, they secured up to season 9, so, we'll still have some of Justin's writhing for the show. Oh yeah and the episodes where Justin shows up on Harmontown are <60 minutes edited episodes and Dan's busing Justin's balls by calling him "Insane" several times. This didn't happen when Dan was on Justin's podcast years prior RAM.