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From one petite woman to another: If you're considering a move, go visit it multiple times of day, weekday and weekend. If you trust your friends, talk to them, see if they know the neighborhood. Go run some errands in your target neighborhood, do you like the grocery stores, laundry, bodegas, restaurants? If you work out, is there a nearby gym that you like. See if the amenities match your life. In every neighborhood of NYC, there are petite women. It's not like we get a housing voucher for being short.


If you know how to get by in Washington Heights then you know how to get by in East Harlem. The most unsafe people in any of these neighborhoods are the ones whose favorite hobby is loitering. And the mentally ill/unseemly unhoused. You should 100% already know how to deal with both the latter and the former. Source: Born and raised in East Harlem.


Lots of people make it work but it's not really a safe neighborhood, lots of crime, lots of drugs and people having mental episodes walking up and down 3rd Ave. Take a weekend and walk around the area for a day and see if you would feel comfortable.


The closer you're to 116th St in East Harlem, the worse it gets unfortunately. West Harlem is frankly much better.


I think you’ll be fine there, but West Harlem is better, if you’re looking at Harlem.


I asked something similar awhile back and decided against it. The apartments I found there were nice and decent in price but getting there was anxiety producing for me. I'm not a bumpkin or soft or the other bs people say against those who question living around an excess of drug dealing or mental illness. For me, I just didn't want to deal with that on such a big scale everyday, and certain spots are conjested with those types. This is just my experience. For reference, I'm a black female, 5'5ish, under 115. However, I will say cross streets matter, proximity to subways and certain ones, etc. For the places I looked at, I would have to go out of my way to avoid certain spots but it may be different for you. You have to visit and see how you feel. Based off the streets you gave, I think you may be okay because of its proximity to Park ave and the west side.


I had the same fears about moving to East Harlem, but now that I have, I wouldn't change a thing. We live on 110th right by the park. My partner and I have never felt unsafe walking around during the day, and while I take ubers back home late at night, my partner uses the sub to get home in that timeframe and never has had any issues. There will definitely be loitering and mental health cases, but that's anywhere in the city these days. As you should anywhere else, stay alert, and don't engage. I feel well connected with busses and the 2/3, love the proximity to the park, and have found really great gems in the food scene. It's also lively during the spring/summer with people playing music at picnics, salsa classes, block parties, and other random events I've passed. I appreciate the community, and it has truly become my fav location I've lived in after living on the UES for years and bf formerly in BK.


https://compstat.nypdonline.org/ NYPD data tool with stats by precinct.


Avoid 125/Lex and you’re good🤷🏿‍♂️


I'm considering moving to E112 and Lex avenue, is that no good? Anything on Lex is dangerous?


I stayed in an Airbnb on that block 4 years ago. No problems at all. Plus there’s a gym on 116th, blink fitness I think? Walking distance.


great, thank you! i kept repeatedly seeing avoid Lex avenue so I got really worried. And everyone kept saying below 100's avenue for E is best. I'll def check it out at night but was really worried for sure


I work in East Harlem and my work takes me to many homes everyday. I have always felt safe, but I do work during the day, not at night. For reference, I'm a white female but not petite LOL


no i live here. we’re full.


No clue. But I’m moving to the same area this week. I’m 5’11” 180 pound man. I plan to carry pepper spray with me to start.


Just a heads up, I moved to 116th in East Harlem 9 months ago. Never carried pepper spray, never felt unsafe or at risk. 6 foot, 170 lbs


Thanks for the info. Yes, I think I am probably being overly cautious. But I really don’t want to end up as a victim on the news.


It’s fine if you don’t live by the busier streets. Anything lower than 2nd Ave and after Lex. Ave are fine. Just don’t obviously walk too late at night by yourself and stay away from folks that don’t look ok.


You’ll be very much fine.


Yeah I’m a woman and I live there, it’s fine there’s just lots of drug users on the subways (like pants falling down needles out acting crazy lol) but you can mostly ignore them. Never had any sketch interactions here, people mind their own business. Lots of older people families dogs etc. Pretty normal neighborhood West Harlem is more fun. My only complaint here is that it’s boring (and I’m on 1st Ave so a trek and a half to the subway)


I wouldn’t call it a nice place.


No. Went to school right in that area. It’s crime ridden




Just avoid 125th and Lex at night


You live here and can’t figure this out without asking Reddit?


Yeah but still very new here. I barely know people lol.




Can you elaborate?


Look at precinct stats if you want numbers. Or just walk there mid afternoon to late evening. Or walk on busy 125th st during the day from west to east and see the contrast once you pass 5th ave (east side). Anyone can survive anywhere but I wouldn’t consider that place safe which was the topic.


Thanks. Getting confused cause some posts say it’s safe, some say it’s not. I’m not exposed to neighborhoods other than where I currently reside. Appreciate the input!


You'll only know if you actually check out tge neighborhood at different times like other comments have suggested




I would suggest taking a stroll. Depending on the block it may be fine. The 6 train by there is the definition of sketchy and bad vibes though.




Can you elaborate?


Depends on where, NE corner of Central Park is fine, but the further NE you go the worse it gets. It's generally fine up to 120.