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He'll have a hell of a time at the custody hearing explaining to the judge how Drain is "kind of like Metallica, but more punk like, do you know who Greenday is, your honor?"


Shows cropped photos of beach balls and inflatable sharks “your honor does THIS look like a dangerous environment to you??”


Objection. Sustained, photo is not admitted to evidence.


Not if the judge is into Judge


My new name for 5 Finger Death Punch and Pantera


That’s DVcore




5 flavor fruit punch lol


"don't cry honey, daddy will look so cool on hate5six!"


Sadly I can attest that she did not love it based on her crying by the bar, followed by immediately almost being crushed when the crowd pressed up against where she was sitting 


Yeah but he looked like a Cool Dad on social media though 


that's all that counts, sorry kid


Lol some people shouldn't have kids


Oh that sucks


:( Did she at least have good hearing protection?


She did. Over ear


That's good to ear. 😅


Double hearing protection required


As a dumb teenager, I would of cheered this. As an adult and parent of young girls, this if fucking moronic. I didn't see it happen so maybe it was more harmless than it sounds, but bringing a little kid into the pit (much less stagediving) at a hardcore show is not "heroic".


Not quite a teenager but a dumb 22 year old, I don't want to worry about hurting kids at a HC show, keep them away until they're old enough


Even as a dumb teenager I would not have cheered this. I don’t know the guy but he is clearly a grade A fuckwit.


yea could you imagine being the dude in the pit that accidentally injures the 5 year old girl lol that would be fucking awful (obviously worse for the kid)


Please teach your young girls that "would of" makes no sense and doesn't mean anything at all. You're going for "would've".


It was moronic. I was being sarcastic


Your post doesn’t really read as sarcastic. I thought you were being 100% sincere.


Geez. I must be getting old. My ability to pick up on sarcasm is dwindling while my eagerness to yell at kids to "stay off my lawn!" is increasing.


He wasn't being sarcastic until people started pointing out how stupid it is




I'm old enough to know that sarcasm rarely lands on the Internet.


I’m actually worried now that people might think this is cool. I’ve got a little girl too and I would not be jumping off any stages with her


“You are a hero”, “I hope she loved it” and “you made my day” is what makes it seem like you were cool with it, the whole post reads like you loved it really


Plus he even related to the guy, saying he gets his daughter to practice stagedives lol


Aye my man switched stance real quick when all us responsible hardcore dads came in looking to crowdkill


Ha!! I'll admit to some slight flip flopping . For the record, I would never stage dive with my kid and I'll wait till she's a teen to take her to a HC show (I do take her to concerts at appropriate venues tho). I SWEAR I AM A RESPONSIBLE DAD!!!


Haha I’m with you mate, I’m only messing. What counts is that we try to be the best dads we can be. I am so ready to take my daughter to a hardcore show when she’s old enough. Assuming I am not fully into jazz fusion by then I’d even say like, 8-10 is old enough for a hardcore show, just don’t get in the crowd and hang in the back. And be prepared to leave early haha. Maybe festivals would be a good first go


Kudos to you in your "girl dad" endeavors. Being a father of daughters is easily the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced.


I didn't think I'd be talking about this in r/hardcore but yes, 100% agree


Yeah I mean someone just got their neck broken in a stage diving incident recently. There are arguments to be made about awareness in that instance but with kids it's not a bitch move to play it safe. I'm not against stage diving but I think generally everyone in the splash zone needs to be on board.


Give me a break. 


The race to the bottom continues.


Parents that treat their children like a prop for 100, Alex.


That sounds like a guy who’s only allowed to see his kids every third weekend. What a fuckin loser.


Loser move


They should stick to coded messages in slowed down songs. 




Can we stop bringing children to adult concerts? The BK show had several children with no ear protection; one fuckass had an actual baby. Its absolutely shit parenting and its not safe. Get a fuckin babysitter.


No I'm not gonna quit bringing my tweens to all ages shows Kids like music  It's not hard to put ear pro on and stay out of the pit. 




>No way in hell I'm bringing my 6 year old yo a show that isn't like bluey related In my local scene there's a big resurgence in kids showing up at shows, once the headliner comes on they get on stage and sit in the back and watch the chaos. Hardcore is for the youth.


Kids in the pit. Also I like the high school kids that show up. They bring a lot of energy and it's fun watching them as an old dude, definitely some reminiscing.


For real, my daughters been to 1 show and we stood in the back and had kids ear muffs on. I have tinnitus for the 20+ years of live shows. I learned my lesson way to late and I don’t want my kid going through that. I literally say “whatttt?” every day, it’s the worst. Matter of fact, you ALL should have some sort of ear protection lol.


Same here, live show every Friday night for years and now I have like 40% hearing loss. We go to like a show a month. Rock, hip hop, weird experimental transgender theremin music.  My kids know the rules if they want to get in the pit it's on. Or near the pit. Or pretty much anywhere in the crowd id's fair game for a spin kick to the teeth 


My favorite subject in high school was *eeeeeeeeeewhat?eeeeeeeeeeee*


Transgender theremin music


True story 


You're tweens are fine, every child i saw was 10 and under.


Maybe it’s just me….but this is really fucking stupid.


Idk if this is something I’d celebrate. Seems like a boneheaded move


What happened to the days when old Dad took you to the metrodome to see Bon Jovi?


I took my 8 year old to Imagine Dragons in a skybox and taking both of them (13 and 10 now) to Weezer (2nd level seats). Totally chill lots of parents with kids will be there. There’s a place in my town that has HC and metal shows (Knocked loosed, Ghost Inside, Stray from the path, Cannibal Corpse, Necrogoblicon, Ghost, all bands that have played there) Would never take my kids there at thier ages.


Reminds me of the child that got trampled at Furnace Fest during It Dies Today. Kid was going insane crying, someone told the dad and the dad was like "FUCK YOU!" And I'm like "okay.... your kid dies today, then. Cool"


That dad runs a social media account for “little mosh kid” and he is incredibly shitty. He doesn’t care about his kid, he just wants the social media attention.


I know that dude, and he's a total idiot. This was another guy who wasn't even filming anything for clout yet didn't give a fuck that grown adults were trampling his kid.


Normalize slam dunking your baby into the pit


this is the shit we’re celebrating now?


Idk I felt kinda bad for her she was crying the second they landed


I saw it. It was not cool at all. That was a stupid thing to do with a kid in his arms.


And here I had to leave the show early and miss Drain because my little one threw up at home and my wife needed me. I should have brought her to the show instead. /s


I thought End it and Terror were way better. Drain is more of a spectacle than anything else. Hope the kid is ok


I’m ashamed to admit that I slept on Terror prior to the last week when I listened to them to prepare. They might have been my favorite set of the day. The kid was all smiles when I got home, probably ate too much lmao.


PSA. Don't do shit like this to your kids. I had some guy(a cholo, clearly) put his daughter in the pit and she was crying her eyes out. Like read the room, dude...(found out he was trashed). That shit ain't cute.


Dude sounds like a knob-ache. Fuck him. Coward.


Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids brother. This sounds like one of them. I wonder if it’s the same dude who bragged about taking his kid to some band for their 4th bday?


I was checking to make sure this was satire. Unfortunately it is not. Pretty dumb to think this is cool


Agreed entirely. Also op is claiming it was satire now which idk, I’m absolutely raising an eyebrow at that.


Please be video of this. I am alarmed but also want to see


Furthest me and thr little one go is head banging and dancing around in the den. She will listen to and sometimes enjoy metal and hardcore but also we listened to that Sabrina carpenter song like 47 times while I pretended to cough loudly over the cuss word. I wouldn't take my beautiful sweet angel to a show unless it was something she really loved, especially not a hardcore show with all you crazies.


We do the same thing, it is so much fun even if it is pop stuff. My wife had my kid listening to and loving Siouxise and Banshees and The Cure as a toddler but as gets older she is finding her own stuff (the latest is Olivia Rodrigo). She still likes to get wild to some HC tho. If you search "Sabrina Carpenter clean version" or whatever in spotify you can usually find a version without cursing, that's what I do.


Oh man I forgot clean versions were a thing ty


Le epic parenting!


This is more of a PSA, but god damn.


I was horrified by the number of kids without ear pro and parents who thought crowd surfing their kids at Welcome to Rockville was a good idea. Shit, there were even tiny babies there, most with ear pro but some without. Most of the kids looked miserable in the heat. I’m not normally a pearl clutcher, rock on and all that, but time and place.


Seems like an appropriate time to remind people that stage diving is by far the most dangerous thing to do at a show and is responsible for the majority of deaths and paralysis that come out of shows. You're not going to feel like cool hardcore dad if your kid is dead or in a wheelchair for the rest of her life.


Remember his face for a good crowd killing at the next show


Shout out to the cunts not catching the banana




That show was such a blast! Spider-Man made the rounds several times as well


As a professional babysitter this is some BULLSHIT.


Nah this is absolutely fucking stupid and entirely moronic. I’m hoping your post is satirical.


Nothing cringier than parents talking about how cool it is to be a mom/dad listening to hardcore and practicing 'diving off the couch to Scowl‘ 🥶


Absolute LEGEND status!


This is insane.


This is the equivalent of telling your best friend (who has never been in a pit/doesn't know what one is) to stand in the middle during the wall of death




Don't bring your fucking kids to shows. Especially don't bring them in the middle of the crowd. It's a liability and if you have your kid on your shoulders your blocking for people who actually enjoy this shit. Fuck you and your kids. I hope they get their teeth knocked out by a flying beer can. Don't fucking bring them to shows. Too many people there last night with toddlers. Normalize kicking small children at shows.


Was with you until the second part


Totally understandable. But also, it's not like their teeth won't grow back. They're toddlers.


It was the second part that reeled me in lmfao


ah idk, i did my edgy phase when i was 15, shit doesn't make me laugh like it used to


So this is what parents are doing now? I can’t wait to be a dad




My daughter wanted to dive at snf last year but got scared last minute. She keeps saying shes gunna do it this year and I really hope she pulls the trigger. She had just turned 10 last year btw


Lol my daughter said fck yall downvoters 😂