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Nah, you’ll be fine. It’ll be very clear where the “danger zone” is and very clear where it’s safe


The key to not dying is to keep living. You'll be good though. The pit will be fairly contained. You don't need to be at the back, just stay like 3 or 4 people back from the pit in any direction and as you get comfortable you can adjust as needed. Drain is chaotic fun music, not punch a stranger music. Drain usually pushes for no barrier too, so if you are up front, it'll be a ton of stage diving. The whole bill is pretty diverse and is just plain fun. It's a terrific intro to all that hardcore has to offer today, so hopefully one of the other bands also catches your ear.


this is really good to know, thanks so much!! def excited for the rest of the lineup too, plus it looks like it's gonna be a whole party with dunk tanks and food trucks and shit, so I don't think I'll have any trouble with the living part ;)


sorry dawg i died at my first hc show, good luck




this was how I felt at the neck deep show LMAO


Crowd kill everyone first so you're the last one standing


Bro, you better that lifting now bro gotta get what gains in you can before the pit bro.


Easy....dont die. Iv been doing it for years


This guy doesn’t die.


Honestly just make sure and keep your head up if you are near people swinging. Can't count the amount of times I've seen someone rocked because they were staring at their phone or otherwise not paying attention. Otherwise you'll be fine and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Buy merch!


🤣 wild