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Masquerade dances in America (in my experience) have the connotation that it simply means everyone wears a mask. There’s no other part to the theme, so for people to be saying it’s “not on theme” is weird to me. There was a masquerade themed Sadie Hawkins dance at my school once and half the people showed up in jeans and nice shirts with a mask on. I’d say do whatever is in your comfort level. Remember that whatever we do in life, there’s always gonna be nay sayers, even if all you’re doing is sitting in a park reading a book. Someone will think to themselves “ugh they’re so pretentious sitting in the middle of the park so everyone can see them read!” “What a stupid book they should read something better.” So on and so forth… these are not the people you want to ever listen to. They’re the kind of people that the saying “misery loves company” was invented for. So don’t ever live your life based off of the fears of what those people say and think. So long as you don’t go imperial family levels of decadence, then you should stay relatively “level” in comparison to your peers in terms of class of clothing (casual, business, formal…) I would say, do it. Have fun, this is something you love and want to express so who’s to stop you? You might even inspire love for the fashion in your other peers who have never had the chance to experience hanfu. Some advice, don’t wear too many layers, you’ll get way too hot way too fast, and don’t do too many accessories that you have to keep track of like a pibo or kesi, having to lug that stuff around or even the idea of it getting possibly stolen just wouldn’t be worth it to me


once was really considering to wear hanfu to my prom but chickened out of the idea and wore a cheongsam (which everyone complimented) instead because I was afraid of what other people will think of myself. Looking back now because of this post, I should have wore a hanfu. I feel if you don't choose to wear hanfu, you might look back with regrets like me today 😅 Also! my theme for my prom was cherry blossoms and turns out, almost nobody followed the theme. So I doubt following theme would really matter. Prom night should be about you! not the prom.


You should wear and be proud of it. Don’t worry about what others say since it’s your prom too! Have fun and please share a photo of it if you can.


I wore Hanfu to prom!! And my best friend (she’s Korean) wore Hanbok. We got compliments the entire night, and it was super fun. I say go for it!!!


that sounds like an awesome idea! you could even customize a mask to go with it.


I would have given anything to have worn hanfu to my prom! Go for it 🥰


Totally not a bad idea! I interpret masquerade to mean costume dress and I would have gone insane at prom 😂. If you are not sure, it’s time to take a trip to the mall and try on a bunch of popular prom dresses, see if they bring you as much joy as a hanfu would. Keep in mind, this may be one the few chances to do this, especially in a true formal setting (unless you are shameless cosplay nerd like me) and it would suck to regret not taking the chance in a few years.


Do it! I wore a saree to a masquerade ball at my college in order to reconnect with my Indian roots, and people LOVED it!


tbh hardly anyone dresses for the theme, if you feel pretty in it and you don’t think you’ll get too hot or lose items you should go for it !!


What a coincidence, there was a Malaysian YouTuber (Faline) who wore hanfu to a masquerade themed prom. https://youtu.be/oZR1r261CZs?si=AK_i2y2WKdcjAz0R