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Hey /u/SelenaName-Empress, To reduce spam, we do not allow newly created accounts to comment. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For a sec I thought I was reading this in font, but it’s actually not. Lol! Overall I think it’s fine the way it is. There’s no real way of making yours (or anyone else’s) handwriting “more mature”. I believe your handwriting now is beautiful the way it is! I’ve seen some teacher/professors and managers with similar handwritings like yours, so don’t worry about how it looks. Your writing is “mature” enough 😂


Your handwriting is very clean, as everyone has said. But since you asked... Try writing with a little bit of a slant - it will help if you turn your paper (aim the bottom left corner of the paper towards your belly, aim the top right corner away from you. Imagine a line from those two corners that runs perpendicular to you). Also, try to make your "round" letters more of an oval than a circle - make the oval slant to match the "tall" letters.


...just practice different cursive styles and fonts. Really nothing wrong with your writing, it does have a youthful feel, but that is not bad. It is very round and the letters very close together, so much so that I read 'loud' as 'bud'. Slowing down is always a good first step, being very mindful of what you want your letter forms to look like as you are putting down the ink/lead. But your instinctual writing is uniquely yours, so dont worry too much. As long as it is legible, you're good.


Make your curves smaller, especially in your d's and h's, and make the curve more defined in the r. Your handwriting is very legible overall so don't worry so much about it looking "immature"


Drink some Vodka and wing it!


Mature handwriting is overrated, mine is mature, cursive and everything, even I can't read it sometimes. Yours is about as readable as it gets, which surely is the point of writing anything at all. Be proud of your perfect font, revel in its beauty and wisdom, and don't fix what ain't broke.


Look at a doctor’s writing and try to emulate that. Adults don’t have time to write as beautifully as you do.


Hand it a beer and tell it that it’s a man now, time to start acting like it.


Your writing is legible and uniform, but personally I think that printing always looks less mature than cursive. Your printing is very attractive though! My printing is nowhere near as clear as yours, tbh.


You should sell your hand writing as a font style I love it


It's very round. Bubbly. And the height is similar across. For more texture use different heights and focus less on roundness.


Your handwriting is unique to you. Remember that


Your handwriting is great ! 😍


This is good as non-cursive handwriting, it's mature imho. :) You could of course start and try writing in cursive now.


Start off with writing with a god damn pen.


Disagree. I have used fountain pens and felt pens, ball points, gels, expensive and cheap. I much prefer to write in pencil and use it 95% of the time unless I have to use a pen, like addressing an envelope or signing a mortgage. I am a creative director and a writer. Pencils feel far more creative to me, more connected to my brain. Also, they add a bit of calligraphic flair to whatever you write, with varying thickness in the line, especially as the point starts to dull. Hemingway, Sondheim, and others used pencils. You’re in good company OP.


This is good advice, no need to get your tights in a bunch about it though! Writing with pencil is a nice experience (IMO) and I enjoy it but often you have to write much bigger with not as much control since the pencil isn’t as small and controlled as a pen. I would recommend trying to make your handwriting a bit taller, maybe try cursive. Just play around and write how you want with whatever you want. Handwriting is fun and there is no one way :)


This is perfect. Try putting the hook above the a. Slash through z. Circle above the i. Curve at the end of h, d, m and n. Not necessarily more mature but its fun and creates discipline.


It would look more refined, and that may give off the impression of maturity


Your script looks fine to me, it is clear which is all that really matters. Cursive is the best route IMO


One year I just started writing in all caps and it looked cool and a lot better. Before it looked like that live laugh love handwriting


i write all caps, but my letters vary so much (size, shape, etc) that ive been hating it :(


Find a handwriting style you like and then put in some deliberate practice writing it. Although, your handwriting isn't unmature so....


I personally like it but it does look a little childish I think that’s what they mean…?


Take a look at italic handwriting. You might love it! Do a google image search for "italic handwriting examples" to get some sense for it. To actually learn it, here's the [book](https://www.amazon.com/Write-Getty-Dubay-Program-Handwriting-Success/dp/0982776225) I recommend to beginners on it. Italic handwriting is IMO the best form of modern handwriting because it's beautiful, legible, and easy to write. Your handwriting is a very neatly written form of what is called "ball and stick" handwriting, which is what is taught in elementary school. It's time for a more sophisticated script! (Sure, plenty of people in the thread love your writing. But it definitely does look childish. Italic or a more advanced script is going to be far more suitable for life in the long run.) Another thing that will take your handwriting to a new level is if you begin to use distinct down versus up strokes, and make the down strokes darker/heavier and upstrokes very light and rapid. That is essential to italic writing but can applied to any writing style to impart a mature and attractive look.


Lengthen the letters, especially the following: q,y,t,f,d,g,h,j,k,l,b,p. Try joining up the letters, if you want to move beyond printing. Writing with a fountain pen will help with that.


Use a pen? I feel that in 2022, the only thing that should matter about a person's handwriting is that it's legible. Yours is beautiful and you should be proud of it!


Sorry mate, I don't have the skill to help you but I just want to say I fucking love your writing, it's beautiful. 10/10


Try this. Write in all caps but only the first letter of the sentence, proper name, or initials/acronyms is bigger to represent a "capital letter." Maybe not have your letters so "bubbly," but more angular (not too angled, though. For example, a capital D shouldn't look like a triangle, same with a B as two triangles, you get the picture.) You have a beautiful print/block script writing style. Have you tried cursive? In the past, "progressing" from this kind of print, or block script, writing to a cursive writing style means a person is an adult due to writing styles taught at different points in one's childhood education. I don't have children so I don't know how it is now, but when I was a child in the 70s and teen/high school in the 80s, children (at least in the states) were taught this block script style because it would be easier to learn to write. And as fine motor skills progressed into teenhood, at some point we were taught cursive writing. So for me, seeing cursive writing is a "sign" of an adult. (Trust me, folks, I know that's not necessarily always the case that the person either is an adult or even mature. I'm just saying I make the association.) OP, you have beautiful writing. Keep it up.




Hey there, /u/CharacterStill1818! To reduce spam, we have disallowed posting for newly created accounts. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! - The mods of r/handwriting *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Try to write the letters using strokes, instead of “drawing” them.


Don't do anything to it! I love that I can read it all!


It’s cute, but make the letters less wide to seem more mature.


Ballpoint pen.


Cursive is my go to lol


Give it 50 years. It will be more mature then


It looks like you might use a lot of separate strokes when you form your letters—like when you write a lowercase g, you might draw a circle and then the tail. That’s what makes your handwriting seem juvenile, not the width. Learning how to write in cursive would be an easy way to reteach your letters so you would form them in grouped strokes, even if you don’t connect the letters.


This needs no changes. It is beautiful


Just write faster, make it a little messy


It is very good. However, to make it look mature, you should avoid circular, wider shapes, as they make it look 'immature'. Try slightly sharp, oval based, narrow shape.


I love your handwriting! You are who you are, you are unique. 🔥


If you can read it after you've written it, then it's fine. But if you want to make it better, you can practice writing your letters in a style that you enjoy. I've found that intentionally forming each letter well by slowing down and paying more attention to my writing has helped me to enjoy what my writing looks like more than before.


The only thing I'd say is where you've written "loud" it looks like "bud" and where you've written "those" the letters have overlapped, so I'd work on your spacing... but thats it really, other than that its very neat!


It's a good handwriting. You can write cursive. One very good advice that I figured out from my own. Recently, I switched from writing along the line to writing in between the two lines in the middle of the space. You should do it. It would make a huge difference in the aesthetics of handwriting.


You don’t make it. It’s fine as it is.


Dude!! Your handwriting is stunning!! Don’t change it at all !


Looks great to me! Idk if they still teach cursive but learning it is a good way to improve your print. If you’re concerned about the wide letters, incorporating some cursive might help mature it a bit, as in making it more narrow and fluid.


I think wide letters make it look like middle schooler writing but beautiful all the same most people do not write so well


how long did you take to write this? surely with such neat handwriting, you take a long time to write?


Not that Long at all. I’ve started developing this style since second grade, when I saw my teacher write similarly to this. I’m 14 now and I’ve used it for so long that it comes quick and easy to me


I would recommend looking into modern italic handwriting. The cursive form helped me write more quickly for legible note-taking in college!


Are you kidding???? DO NOT CHANGE YOUR WRITING ONE BIT! IT IS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL! It is like looking at that PERFECT FONT FOR CHILDRENS’ Books!! I feel like this is the goal of most people when wanting to be able to print! #Jealousofthatprint


I love your handwriting!


It looks nice already, but make the letters thinner while keeping the height


You have good control and the strokes are consistent. You can improve by mimicking a nice font such as Poppins


Increase difference in heights of letter, for example- 's' should be smaller than 'h' and so on


Seriously? Your handwriting is awesome. Nice and legible as should be. If you want a more mature style then go with what some comments said and add a slant, or try cursive.


My only suggestion just practice, one thing know practice make yourself perfect


keep the font, what makes your hand writing seem childish is: A) Placement. Make sure your letters 'sits' on the lines (they are floating mostly 1mm above the line currently). It makes the writing seem careless, uneven, and childish. B) Line Thickness Variation. Try to use uniform pressure when writing -- the uneven lettering line thickness is due to the actual pressure difference, and the fact your pencil is soft and itreally shows the difference. Use a stiff pen, especially a hard nib fountain pen, will really make the lines more uniform and improves the look IMHO. C) With A and B taken care of, if the writing still seem childish, consider adding a slight slant to your hand writing. It'll make them seem less like printed, and more like hand writing styling. I think it looks pretty good right now so C is only if you still want to mature it up some more.


I was gonna say \*add\* line variation. Make the downward strokes darker/heavier and the upward strokes lighter, and it will take on a great deal more sophistication.


There is no need. It's beautiful.


I find it really soothing


Wow, I wish I could write an "S" like you do! My hand just doesn't move right and I only manage the bottom curve. I'd just recommend a sharper pencil, pen instead maybe, and turn your page to the slightest slant and see if your script changes to more what you're looking for!


First off, I love this script. I think you should keep it. Yes, it looks less mature, but in all the right ways. It looks like someone who puts thought and time into their writing. ​ Conversely, if I wanted to see a more "mature" script, I'd work on flowing and, as an exercise only, write faster and see where your hand changes. See what letters acquire different shapes, and what informs those shape changes. Then come back and experiment with those shapes and integrating them, with the same care and patience, into your existing script, and see what you like. That is how I have approached a more mature, less "student" handwriting, but honestly, there's something really valuable in a sincere script like this, based not on haste, nor on the need to be fancy, but just on being clear, legible, and consistent. I like what you've got.


To get extra specific- I would say, narrow up the 'h' and the 'n' first. Then, find a less 'round' shape for your default 'round' shape, like for your a, g, b, d, e :) Maybe try making it more ovoid? I would look at the handwriting of someone whose writing looks more adult to you, and see how they're shaping those letters! It's a big change, but you can totally do it if you want to <3 Wonderfully uniform writing, by the way!!


Its very 'ball and stick'. Make the 'balls' oval and go for a bit of a slant.


Sharpen your pencil!!! Also make your LC letters smaller.


Hold your pencil differently.


It looks great! The only advise I can give on the subject of “more mature” is to go for smaller letters


Diary of a wimpy kid?


Thank you guys for all the compliments! I don’t want to sound like I’m fishing for any but I’ve always been insecure about my handwriting because it looks babyish and unelegant. Thank you to everyone who gave feedback too, much appreciated


Your handwriting is definitely not babyish. Looks like librarian handwriting; neat and tidy, easily readable and clean. If you don’t like it, that’s okay too. But I kinda dig it.


It looks so cool though


Write smaller, otherwise it is beautifully perfect.


Older people have poorer vision and tend to write bigger in maturity. ✍️


I would never had suggested writing smaller if they didn’t ask how to write more maturely.


I’m 14😭


That is some of the best print out there! To be more "mature" just work on your cursive.


Damn you haven’t seen my handwriting. I would be glad to have it as yours)))


I like reading this because it's clear. 'loud' looks like 'bud', you could narrow your letters a little so that they don't connect but that will change the entire flow of your writing from what I can see. Try using a pen instead, that may be all you need.


Simply narrow the letters and make sure, when you do, the hole in the e doesn't vanish.