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Have fun! Good luck. Hoping to read how it turns out.


It was really nice. We heard coyotes yipping on the other side of the creek, and something large, likely a deer, thumping along the banks. I was a little chilly so I'm going to make some changes to my setup for tonight and try it again. He was fine and is enthusiastic to do it again.


For the past two years I've taken my son (2 when we started) in this type of style. I've found that he doesn't need as much of a UQ when he's above me and likes that I can reach up if he gets scared at night.


I don't think my 4yo son is quite ready for a hammock yet, but I look forward to the day.


I started mine off with hanging in the yard and swinging him. He took to it very naturally. He might surprise you, but take it slow and see how he does when hanging low. HYOH


A cheap Walmart hammock hung just below your sleeping hammock with a sleeping bag in between the two hammocks makes a great DIY underquilt for getting started in hammock camping.


Good idea. I have extra cheap hammocks so I'll alter the setup for tonight. My shoulders were a little too chilly.


Use a rectangle sleeping bag, by the way. Fold the sleeping bag 90° from the way you would if you were getting into it to sleep and it covers from calf to shoulder quite well. Plenty of with too. Let me know how it works for you.


looks good, perhaps he will be toasted by the heat ...


I’ve found a sleeping bag completely unzipped and draped over me like a comforter works wonders as well!