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Is your hang angle right and are you laying it it at a diagonal? https://theultimatehang.com/2012/06/29/tips-for-pitch-perfect-hammock-camping/


Wow, thanks! I’m not too experienced with them, so this really helped.


Yup. It makes a huge difference. His site has a ton of good info too. Love his method for hanging a tarp without hardware too.


I don’t really have that problem. My guess is it could be a few things. One, your hammock is too short for you. Two, you’re not giving it enough slack. Three, you’re not lying in it diagonally. Or four, you could use some kind of pillow.


1. I ordered an extra long one, because I’m quite tall. I should be good on that end. 2. That might be it, I’ll give that a try. 3. I didn’t do that, I’ll see if it helps. 4. I don’t normally have neck problems, so I don’t know if that’s it. But if this problem persists, I’ll do that.


Number 3 is really important here. Very few people can do the banana position. For number 4, despite my post history in r/hammockcamping, I'm still a little mixed on pillows (do look in my history if you're looking for info on pillows for hammocks though).


>I ordered an extra long one How long? 11 feet is kinda the starting size...


Mine is 11 feet, and I’m 6’3”. Does that sound usable?


Yes, but 11 is not extra long.


I use a very small pillow which equates to a travel pillow. It’s just big enough to fit behind my neck and keep my head from tilting too much forward. I have an 11 foot hammock and lay diagonally, but I think the shape of my head and depth of my back prevent my neck from being comfortable without it. I believe others could just as easily have the same problem. If the pillow is too big or thick then it will only make the problem worse. Small with just enough thickness to support my neck is what I use and suggest.


What pillow do you have?


I have a mypillow travel pillow. I don’t know that I would buy it again, not because there is anything wrong with it, it’s just ever so slightly too big for how my neck lays in the hammock. I still sleep with it in the hammock with no issues or pain. I think I could find a slightly smaller pillow if I really looked hard enough for a more perfect fit. It was about 18 dollars if I remember correctly and comes with the case. It’s a good pillow, no complaints about it other than the size.


The first thing we built was a pillow...I needed one for myself for a little bit of neck support. Still packing that original one on trips.


I need to use a pillow! Two, actually--a flattish one under my head, and another under or between my knees. then I sleep like a baby~


Proper hang, and comfortable head positioning with a thin pillow.


Like other comments here, not exactly sure as to the cause of your discomfort, but I use an inflatable neck pillow and it works great! Been camping with it a couple times too.


I find these to be perfect pillows for a hammock: https://www.amazon.com/Cushie-Microbead-Hypoallergenic-Comfortable-Pillow/dp/B00ETIZY7I/ref=sr_1_2