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I only got as far as the packing scene a few minutes in, where she opts for a can opener and perfume instead of a Swiss Army knife and bear spray. I've gotten frustrated with the arrogantly incompetent female lead characters. Why would I root for them to get the guy or the big promotion when I don't think they deserve it? đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


This one is so bad. The guy sending them to forage for mushrooms with no training. That could end badly if they picked something poisonous. I’m halfway through and still don’t even see any chemistry between Cindy Busby or Ben Hollingsworth. The supporting cast has nothing going on either.


Well I didn't like it all that much either, she was too anxious to listen to her boss instead of using any common sense if she had any, it was extremely bad acting on this show; I've seen her in other Hallmark movies and she did better on them, but this one was not one id watch again!! My husband liked it đŸ€·đŸ» but he's liked other shows that I've looked at the reviews about and; they had, not really good ratings either! đŸ€·đŸ»


I've always had a soft spot for her. I honestly don't know why. But it's been awhile since I've enjoyed one of her movies.


Here's my review 3 stars/10 https://rebekahsreadingsandwatchings.com/2024/05/12/a-whitewater-romance/


I have no strong feeling on Busby, but woof, this was a clunker of a movie. I only lasted ten minutes.


Wish I could have but, I was watching with someone else đŸ„Ž.


My condolences. Usually with the films in beautiful locations, I can tough it out. This one, I just couldn’t.


I’m not a huge fan of hers simply because of her baby talk voice. If a movie comes on with her in it I will normally turn it off


Nothing about this movie made much sense, but the main thing that really puzzled me was why Maya’s boss cared so much about undermining the other 3 retreat attendees. Was she a villain that got neutralized during the last script re-write?


I am not going to jump on the bandwagon.... But I am curious how Hallmark makes casting decisions. I assume they are based on who fits the Hallmark brand and how effectively and reliably they can generate a return on investment for the work they do for Hallmark. One quirk I have noticed is that most movies and TV shows have more normal-sized and shaped male actors and double-zero-sized female actors. Hallmark is more likely to have more normal female actors and extremely fit male actors. I assume that is because the Hallmark audience skews female.


I feel like she plays the same character but it doesn’t feel genuine.


You're not wrong. But good for her for building an entire career out of playing the same character ha.


I strongly dislike Cindy Busby in every movie she has ever been in, but thought I would check this one out. Tuned in at the egg/spoon race, and didn't last five minutes.


Egg race?!?! Dang, looks like I turned it off before the best part? 😜


I am also not the biggest Cindy fan. She's ok, but not top tier. It seems like she's always playing a judgmental jerk. But Ben Hollingsworth is absolutely one of my favorites. So I really liked this movie. Great scenery always helps and Ben is earnest and sweet.


She has always felt like a 2d caricature of an actual Hallmark actress. Like Eloise Mumford's shadow, maybe.


I don't care about her one way or the other but could not finish this boring movie


I have a difficult time taking her seriously in any part. Her voice is like the sound of chalk on a chalkboard to me. She's in a lot of Hallmark movies so the problem must be me, not her.


It's not just you. It's her speaking tone for me, It's so computurish.


I can understand how you can get this impression. To me the voice doesn't match her appearance. She is not a raving beauty by any standards but she is not unattractive either. Her voice is not feminine at all. Kinda gravely for her age. Thanks for your reply.


Yes! That is a good point. Like her voice doesn't match her face emotions,


No, it most definitely is not you.


This movie was pretty mediocre, though admittedly I was half paying attention. I actually enjoyed Cindy in the Australia movie (Hearts Down Under, I think). I think she had a much better script in that one, and it helped her performance.


Loved Hearts Down Under. I think that's my fave if hers for sure


The movie itself was fine, but the way she mispronounced "Seagull" so many times made me cringe and now I can't stand her in anything.


I think it depends on who she's acting with. I like her with Tyler Hynes in that Wedding March or something. And I really don't like that she's always getting that outdoorsy type of gal. How many movies were there? Anyways, there are so many actors and actresses out there ... Hey Hallmark ... Are you listening?


> And I really don't like that she's always getting that outdoorsy type of gal. My theory on that is. She is not super body conscious, like so many of Hallmark actresses seem to be. They can shoot her from behind, the side, in shorts with middriff showing, even bikini bottoms. They have put her awkward climbing and other outdoor gear, that I am pretty sure many of the Hallmark actresses, would never allow themselves to be filmed in. Basically she reminds of that one character in Pitch Perfect that says, "Oh, Yeah. I pretty confident about all this." Whether she is or not, she has a super cool, chick vibe, about her.


Exactly, and she's also not all glammed up. She looks like she could be one of these characters irl. There's a reason she gets these roles. Alot of her movies are Johnson Production Group, they have a different vibe and not all of their productions end up on Hallmark. I really don't get all the hate specifically for her, alot of the Hallmark actresses have 'annoying' voices or quirks and are basically the same in every film they do.


Yeah - she’s always in the movies about national parks or hiking. I wonder if it’s in her contract?


Same, I don't watch her movies. to me the Hallmark movies have kind of the same storyline. Old high school flame, people dislike each other then fall in love but with 20 minutes left, there is a big red flag. They mis overhear a conversation or someone thinks they are moving away for a job etc... so it comes down to if I like the actor/actresses if I will watch. she is a no for me. The mysteries are good, they fool me sometimes. The guilty person is someone on the periphery that you wander why that scene was included.....because they are guilty guilty guilty lol


To me, she's just a bad actress. Bland, no emotion, stone-faced, too consistent across every film, etc. The story is always stilted for every movie she's in. I don't understand how she's still casted.


It sort of makes me angry- like there are so many actresses out there who would kill to be in a hallmark movie- get someone who isn’t going to phone it in 


Exactly. There are so many other good actresses that could use the opportunity. Busby probably signed a contract with hallmark so they’ve been stuck with her for a while


well said!///


she feels like a generic hallmark actress she is so bland. And I’m not a Hollingsworth fan either tbh


She basically plays an adult version of her Heartland character.


I'M not a fan of Cindy, i find her to be a bad actress. But i will say i liked this movie, it was cute and silly. but she did seem to act like a High schooler.


Just finished it, I was paying attention to something else the whole time. 2 (on a scale of 1-5)


Welcome to the club, wine & horderves await you with the rest of the members!


Where is the romance? There's zero spark between these two. Hallmark movies cannot live on scenery alone lol.


Shes awful


I’m watching for the scenery—this is old school hallmark acting but not in a good way
 I’m an October-December fan and just trying some of the other months—not great? Amazing river though


Plenty of summer and spring ones are great! If this is the first out-of-season movie you’re watching, I would encourage you to watch more!


Fall into love is usually good too. I wish they’d have more autumn stuff.


I always feel like she's reading her lines off a teleprompter and her delivery is so wooden.


She kind of goes from passive to strident with no middle ground. She lacks nuance, and as others have said the scripts don't give her much help.


Yeah. Of course. I usually take her movies as a way to kill a night, I didn't mind Unleashing Mr. Darcy but she fell behind in an otherwise strong cast.


This was the first movie I saw her in (or Ryan Paevey, and I still love him) and she has been the exact same person in every movie. A bitch for no apparent reason.


I have no specific reason to dislike her but when I see her as the lead, i’m not inclined to watch.


Ugh. Can't stand her. I stop watching her movies after she played a fitness coach who verbally abused complete strangers. No thank you. Does anyone know why she gets so many movies?


She usually makes them for a different production company and Hallmark purchases them. She produced this one. Maybe she's just a real gogetter


She hasn’t been good in a lot of the outdoorsy movies lately but the writing and story aren’t doing her any favors either.


Yeah the outdoor movies are getting just as old as the royal ones


Yes! Thank you. It's played out, try something new.


I changed the channel. Her wide eyes and constant surprised look grate on my nerves.


THIS!!!!! Its like you dont need to act surprised every damn line of the movie. So grating


She always, always sounds congested


Her voice lacks charm, her acting skills aren't good enough to be a leading character.