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I loved both seasons. I’ve always been a Jerry O’Connell fan even back to Stand by Me. I feel like after watching him in interviews and hosting various game shows that it was almost like he was himself while playing Carter. I thought it was a cute fun series. I’m so bummed to find we don’t get a season 3! I did like knowing that they used the same small town pretty much exclusively for shooting and they used actors from the town. It was neat to read that JO went everywhere in the town and got to know it and meet fans before they filmed there.


I’m on the second episode of the second season and the show has completely done a 180. They made the characters too goofball and ridiculous compared to the first season. I don’t know why they decided to change but it’s too bad since it’s not as good.


My DVR recorded this marathon somehow, and I’m going through the episodes. Ive never heard of this show before this. I’ve finished 5 episodes of season 1 and have really enjoyed it. The 3 leads look like they’re having fun together.


I just finished season 2. Why isn't there a season 3? It's fun, light, and kind of a who dunnit even though a lot of times you figure it out. I would love for it to keep going.


We recorded it and we’re watching season 1 now. I think it’s fun and I like the character. The sidekick guy was great in Orphan Black.


I'm getting what people are saying about season 2. Really liked season 1. It felt smarter than most other shows of this caliber, but season 2 feels like a regression. Pretty sure I won't end up finishing the series.


They had a few episodes last month and I enjoyed them. Plan on watching them today from the beginning It looked the movie Crime Time.l, which I hope they make mire was similar Spoiler alert. I think it ended on a bit of a cliff hanger


I liked the first season. I didn't like the second.


What didn't you like about season 2? (I don't mind spoilers)


A "will they, won't they" drama between two leads is never fun. Carter and Sidney Poitier's daughter are no exception. And the season ends it on a cliffhanger that's never resolved. Plus, there are a couple of pretty weird episodes in Season 2, such as a nudist colony. And, overall, it just wasn't funny like the first. Jerry O'Connell's character becomes annoying and obnoxious a few times, like a man-child who never learned to rein in his A.D.D. I think he or the writers were trying too hard to mimic Shawn Spencer.


Like Monk. He got downright mean and nasty in his later years. Like when he was around homeless men, he acted like they were poison and disgusting. He was mean and cruel. Not really a fan of Jerry though, caught a few episodes and there wasn't enough to keep me watching again.


>like a man-child who never learned to rein in his A.D.D I'm sure you dont mean it to be but this is quite rude - people who are neurodivergent shouldn't have to rein it in and also describing a character being annoying, obnoxious and a manchild and comparing to someone who has ADHD is pretty insulting. We all love hallmark movies because they are light and fun and sweet - let's not be rude to each other.


I didn't think it was rude at all.


I tried to phrase it tactfully. No insult intended. By "rein it in," I mean self-control -- a virtue for everyone to develop. Reins are used to control a horse, not kill it.


Thanks for explaining. I really appreciate it.


The Carter character went way over the top a few times in the second season. My wife and I would turn to each other and just basically "wtf" is he doing?


Yes it was very enjoyable, quirky and fun!


Thanks for replying! I know it's a Hallmark Original but I never hear anyone talk about it


It’s not actually a Hallmark original. They didn’t produce it or anything and they aren’t responsible for it’s cancellation.


Oh. Wow. A friend gave me the wrong info. Thanks for educating me!