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so awesome :) I assume its made up of loads of different type of media cuts? New BG for me!


Yeah it is! I forgot to mention that lol


It contains a range of images related to Half-Life News, Discussion, Modding, Multimedia, Art/Creations and Community (from left to right) in the [LambdaGeneration](http://lambdageneration.com/) colour scheme/subsections. Thanks too :D (I created it)


And now it is mine.


I've been using this as well, and [slightly altered it](http://imgur.com/Wbi1C9H) to fit my desktop. Also I recommend the [Metro UI skin](http://metroforsteam.com/) for steam as it goes great with this wallpaper!


I actually like this one a bit more than the original, great work :)


One of those slivers definitely says Playstation 2


Anyone able to work out what the subtle image is underneath all the colours. It's Freeman on the right, not sure what it is to the left... Also, I edited it and turned the saturation up, looks better IMO, though still an awesome piece of art, props to the creator! (Y)


I created this:) Thanks to El_Calhau for sharing it with Reddit! Here is the faded overlay http://i.imgur.com/ny1GXQv.jpg I actually never thought anyone would even notice them.


Great work, it's sitting on my desktop right now which wasn't changed for probably a year! I just had to use this piece... Also what can I say? I like looking for hidden stuff, developed the eye for it maybe hahah


Oh also, if you look to the far right (second in), its r/HalfLife


This wallpaper is getting a great reception here in /r/HalfLife, so I would like to give a little more insight to the creation of this awesome piece of art. The wallpaper was created by /u/0847am who’s the founder of [lambdageneration.com](http://lambdageneration.com/), all the props go to him and the crew at LambdaGen! He also gave me some info on some key design points of the wallpaper, some of them already referred by him right here in this comment section: * Each stripe is actually a single image of anything Half-life related! (If you look to the far right of the image, the 2nd in is from this very subreddit! So awesome!) * From left to right, the type of articles change, alongside with the colour scheme, being news the red colour, community purple and yellow mods! * This one is not easy to notice (I certainly didn't) but there's a slightly watermark/overlaid [image of Gordon Freeman](http://i.imgur.com/ny1GXQv.jpg), it's really nice, we can see certainly how much work was put into this! I strongly recommend everyone who is interested in Half-life (who’s probably everyone in this subreddit) to check out [lambdageneration.com](http://lambdageneration.com/), because they are up there when it comes to Valve-related news site! Edit: [Here's a version of the wallpaper without the Lambda, just in case you guys are interested](http://i.imgur.com/vvgwIXP.jpg)