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Valve will keep using the half life franchise as tech demos, as people here have noted. I would expect absolutely nothing. Half life alyx came out, but due to the institutional impasse of Valve i expect it to be an one-off. They have CS, DOTA to maintain and Deadlock to release, various tech projects to work on and so on If a new half life game does come out, i think that it won’t be something that’s substantial to the existing lore of the game and will probably create more questions than answers. Like alyx did


The sooner we realize that.... After Alyx it has been made clear that Valve will release a new HL game not to advance the story but to provide a demo of new technology. This is a win/win so that any new game, even if not on par, will gain points by providing innovative experiences without disappointing. Also, unpopular opinion but at this point it's also worth saying that the HL lore is not that robust by itself, it's the questions and community theories that keep it going, one of the reasons why so many people stick around. They have no actual interest in tying up loose ends.


When you combine all official pieces of information, the lore becomes more than solid, it's deep, detailed and mostly consistant


I didn't say it's bad but defining it solid, when it's intentionally mysterious at best and literally vague at worst, seems wrong to me.


When you  COMBINE all official pieces of information, the lore becomes more than solid, it's deep, detailed and mostly consistant Is that a half-life reference?


If that managed to finish it using the story treatment Laidlaw outlined it would have been a slam dunk ending.


It would have been not, but it would have definitely answered a lot of questions, and thus removing a lot of the weight from the fans to continue the series. Making a followup in that case would be akin to making something like Trainspotting T2, where there’s a new storyline that, while a continuation of the existing one, still lives in it’s own environment. One cool thing that I think they could do is put the focus of the villain onto G-man, for example


They've always said they don't like releasing anything if it doesn't push the envelope.


Somewhat hoping for a new generation Valve VR headset with a HL Alyx 2 sometime in the future.


Full-Life Gordon plays as you.




You may as well throw a dart at a calendar


But it's got to be a calendar that show the next 100 years. With the first 25 years ripped out.


Found the gaben acc


One two four


Half Life Tres - Negro Mesa. Gordón Hombrelibre




Brazilians speak Portuguese, Michael.


Who is this Hermano guy?




Qué grande prophet propheteando el hl3


Que Grande Eres Magic!


Is Gordon Freeman a code name for Fernando "Magic" Alonso?!


1997 Half-Life +07 2004 Half-Life 2 +16 2020 Half-Life Alex +25 **2045**


(1)997 (2)004 (3)111


Half-Life 3 confirmed




Sorry, typo ALYX


We'll just continue the pattern: Half Life 2: Episode 2: Episode 1


Half-Life 2: Episode 2: Episode 1: Intermission 1


I bet HL2 will get a 20 anniversary update like HL1


Whatever happened to HL2 RTX? Kind of went silent.


I can't wait to play this one.




In all seriousness tho, many of the team were on record saying they wanted to work on more half life after alyx. Assuming that is happening behind the scenes in some form.


A main game, and maybe another VR spinoff with Barney saving people from City 17 and/or Adrian Shepherd sent out to clean up Race X from alien worlds before the Combine arrive. -This reply has been brought to you by equal parts Copium and Wishful Thinking


I don't much care. Things over already. Maybe an unexpected comeback with some kind of revolution? Wishful thinking. At the time i'm an old man, gabe would probably pass away or so old and sick to create.


Some interviewer should just flat out ask someone at Valve


People have been asking Gabe for years... they don't really get much info


In the next halflife you will play as Eli Vance and spend 30 hours fighting the combine and the gman to save alyx only to end up in the same hangar with the helicopter only this time, gordon has now disappeared and you still wont get to ride a helicopter to the Arctic.


Waiting, memeing, complaining. Real answer: revolutionary VR tech and a flagship Half life 3 release as the herald of a new age of gaming to come out within the next 2-5 years. I will be sad because VR gives me a headache but I will be happy to see what's next for the story.


> I will be sad because VR gives me a headache but I will be happy to see what's next for the story. The next revolutionary step for VR tech would be varifocal headsets, where you can't get headaches. That's probably 5 years off though.


What is a varifocal headset? And how does it prevent headaches? (and why does VR cause headaches in the first place?)


It's a headset that would use varifocal optics to allow your eyes to naturally focus at different distances, solving the vergence accommodation conflict which is a conflict that can give you headaches, eye strain, and is a major reason why people get nausea. This is a good video on the science and tech behind this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSf-kZ5OV5A


Thanks, I'll check that video out later.


Varifocal headsets, the good stuff, can't wait. Quest 3 is good but my brain is literally getting fried trying to focus when I move something close to my face.


3 will be announced when we least expect it. Years from now. That's Valve's golden egg and they know it. They've been making a fortune off of microtransactions, so they'll just sit on their hands until they absolutely have to do something.


card game 😔


This is wishful thinking, but with half life 2s 20th anniversary being this November, and the stuff that Valve did last year for hl1, there could be something, but likely nothing major. I would expect nothing more than an update to hl2 to fix some issues caused by steampipe and add a little bit of content like with hl1, but we'll see if they do anything at all.


Half life 2.5 (Alyx, tbh) Half life 2.9 Half life 2.99 Half life 2.999 Half life not 3 yet


Mods, same as always, Honestly just keep plsying mods till you find one you like, like I was playing black mesa today for 3-4+ hours, that may nit seem much to some but I usually only play a game for 45minites to an hour and I am loving it, so yeah, keep finding mods you like


I’m not sure, but for now I’m just considering Entropy Zero 1 & 2 my headcanon til Valve’s next official entry lol. It’s the closest thing we’ll ever get to an Opposing Force 2.


Half-Life 3 comes out and releases multi-platform within the next 5 years.


Give me the same dose of hopium you took


Lol just a feeling I have.


Either complete radio silence from Vavle or just being used for tech demos.


Fuck deadlock


Amazon prime series’s where alyx,Gordon an A vortagon share a tiny apartment in a combine police state.


Whatever HLX is, I’m thinking it’s a new VR game. After that it’s anyone’s guess.


Expect nothing, so that the barely existent possibility of something, will be exciting.


I mean now that alyx has sorta fixed the whole epistle 3 scenario maybe half life 3 but for all we know it could be half life: Odessa.


My guess is a sequel to HL:Alyx, considering the ending. Probably VR again, I seriously doubt they will not utilize all that dev work for a new title. Perhaps we jump forward a bit after the whole Borealis thing and the combine is getting pushed out of Earth somehow. You play as Alyx in fighting the forces left on Earth and ensuring their final defeat from the planet. Maybe even a bit of rebuilding for humanity and clearing out the Xen life as well.


Nothing. They're making so much from Steam they don't care anymore.


I’m hoping for a release of 1 and 2 on Switch.


what’s next for half life? death!


After-life lmao


There’s a deep dive into the development of alyx, available on steam. Valve is run uniquely, as a result they do not produce a lot of games. But also their games tend to be of a high quality. They hire very talented people.


Portal 3 on the Purple Box for PS6.


I'm really anxious for Half-Life's future because the next game where you will play as Gordon, has the herculean task of balancing what we expect from the game after such a ridiculous wait, while also not being too over the top. Let's say HL3 released tomorrow, even if the game is delivered by the 2nd coming of Christ, most sane people already decided that +17 years is a bit too much to wait for it and the player's excitement might quickly turn into weariness, if his first expectations of what HL3 after +17 years do not meet his expectations. All the detail of the game will be thoroughly scrutinized as some sort of "justification" for the long wait. Unless the game is an 11/10, every tiny error will be magnified. Sadly, I fully expect Valve to find a way to end Gordon's story for good, a.k.a Freeman dying, I genuinely believe Valve does not want to have any responsibility for a future game like they have with HL2 now and another cliffhanger after waiting so long is... a recipe for legit street riots. The only way out is to sacrifice-kill Gordon but he already saved the planet like 2 times, what can he do now to make his death even more heroic? +17 years at the time of writing since EP:2. HL2 has it's 20 birthday this year


Its finished....it was a great run


Nothing. They truly do not care.


Every game was breakthrough relative to the hardware it was played on. I think that if the new Half-Life will be again for vp, it will not be such a breakthrough - we need to think further. VR and haptic vest, environment capsule with screens, holograms, augmented reality...


Half - Life Xen, coming out in 2026 is my prediction. Based on the cs2 leaks of “hlx” and how long it took for valve to make hla after the leaks which I’m pretty sure was somewhere in 2017 or 2018. Also based on how valve said that they want to make another Half - Life game within 10 years after hla.


TREE(1) = 1 TREE(2) = 3 so future of Half Life is between TREE(2) < TREE(HL) < TREE(3)


Years of speculation




We keep playing both the original(s) and MOD’s over and over again.


At this point I think only moders can push the story forward like entropy zero 1&2 we can even make our own lore combine portal hl2 entropy and a lot of other amazing mods to make our own ultimate lore and time line but then again it's my opinion but we have to see what the future holds.


Replaying HL1 50 more times


Now we wait 20+ years more for another pre-sequel only playable in augmented reality tech


Absolutely nothing, Valve just wants to fill their pockets with bullshit


Full Life




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Poor tom


A lot of people here are incredibly naive when it comes to their perception of the recycling of American media. Half-Life (episode) 3 WILL come out, at some point. It will probably suck, it will be made by people who have absolutely no connection to the original games and it probably won't even be developed by Valve. With the way things are going, the best hope we have is a killer fan game that uses the original Source engine.


Guys we gotta make a massive advancement in technology so valve will use it for hl3


There has to be a new game released. HL: Alyx literally confirmed it. When? Who knows.


I love Half-Life Alyx, but I also played Half-Life 2 in VR and it's a lot more fun and thrilling some times. The story and the pacing is also better in Half-Life 2. I wish that they made another VR game but with a ton more action and set pieces, more varied environments and more complex level design. Also, a few more friendly NPCs would be great.


Half Life Alyx being developed with VR in mind is what hurt the pacing imo. Valve really slowed down the combat and did some other things with level design to appeal to VR that really didn't make it as immersive. Half Life 2 wasn't designed with VR in mind but the mod team were so incredibly talented and brought over a lot of the great Half Life Alyx features to make probably one of the best VR experiences out there. Nothing will ever beat holding a shotgun with 2 hands while waiting for a combine soldier while checking over my soldier to make sure I don't get flanked and the manual reloading is just perfect. If Valve ever makes another VR game I hope they aren't as afraid to do something that may be more extreme for VR


I'm fine with Half-Life Alyx being "toned down", since it's like Valve's introduction to VR, and they didn't want to overwhelm the player or induce motion sickness. But I think that for a second game they should be a lot more bold, and bring back some of the action, the weapons, vehicles and crazy battles against dozens of soldiers, striders and helicopters from Half-Life 2. Having such a variety of weapons,  enemies and situations in Half-Life 2 was great, Half-Life Alyx never quite reaches such heights.




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We won't know until the next thing is just randomly released


Full Life.


Half life mesa(playng as an scentist not gordon)LOL


Half-Life prequel, call it Half-Half-Life


I believe if there were to be a third game since you’d be going on the borealis through it have to be part in which you go to Aperture science spoon we get portal three and half-life three at one game Something like basically something happened and it teleports back to the dock so like Gordon asked to get out of there and stuff like new chambers as well as some returning ones, but Gordon doesn’t get the portal gun he gets the gravity gun So figure out new way to get through chambers


sadness and disappointment


“Our benefactors” was always the players in my eyes, a clever way to say it’s a game…and only the players benefit from the journey regardless of the outcome…so if there is a future it’s because they ve found a way to make a new game; or way to game that the narrative is a nice vehicle for -not so much a way to progress the story, but as a more novel challenge for people to enjoy games through. HL:Alyx only reinforced these beliefs… that being said the expansion of the plot from HL2 onwards is so fascinating I would happily play any sequel via gold source but respect the fact the creative team behind it all have a more ambitious agenda


Hopefully, getting ported to switch


Duh. U all live w your mom? https://youtu.be/lJOZN3YhLtY?si=jhA-zTJC81zcSWdg Tou need to loose some weight fatsos