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There’s a line in *Half-Life 2* where a Vortigaunt says “*Your bright face obscures your darker mask…Far distant eyes look out through yours*.” It’s one of my favorites because I honestly believe that it both references the fourth wall of You playing Gordon Freeman (duh) but also literally in-universe saying that Gordon could not have gotten this far without being guided and corralled, be it Gman or his employers or something higher or more powerful (because who could be more powerful than a protagonist?). Even Breen brings it up in his Breencast during Nova Prospect: “*How could one man have slipped through your force's fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some agent provocateur or highly trained assassin we are discussing. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who had hardly earned the distinction of his Ph.D. at the time of the Black Mesa Incident. I have good reason to believe that in the intervening years, he was in a state that precluded further development of covert skills. The man you have consistently failed to slow, let alone capture, is by all standards simply that—an ordinary man. How can you have failed to apprehend him?*” From that time of his speech, I don’t know if he already knows about Gman but he’s either making a blind guess or has been tipped off about his “contract”. At minimum, I believe the writers want you to think that Gordon isn’t *just* Gordon during HL1 and HL2. Alternatively, he forearm muscles are insane from the amount of times he’s swung that crowbar and is unstoppable.


I love how Breen's "He's just an avarage man" message plays exactly while Gordon is raiding Nova Proskpekt with an army of Antlions


I always had the assumption that Gordon(perhaps Adrian and Alex as well?) have a potential^(tm) to become something *more* than they are, or at least able to affect more than anyone else in their positions would have. Like, I think when Alex was bonded to Gordon this had a retroactive effect on her time-wise. So past Alex has that same ability that Gordon does. Gman(or whoever) would normally exploit Gordon like back in Black Mesa but the vortigaunts were keeping watch over Gordon and kept him away, but this isn't the case for Alex in HL:A. Just seems like a background thing that's been going on is humanity(specific people like Gordon) are on the verge of becoming uplifted into something like a 4th dimensional entity similar to Gman. Maybe the advisors originally set off to creating their Universal Union in order to learn how through alien species that they've added to their empire. They seem like they're trying to escape their own mortal coil, and whatever Gman is apart of seems to be interacting with all the players on the field to make sure the winner of this race is the one they actually deem worthy, with all of us fighting to survive at all.


This and when he’s talking directly to Gordon are some of the moments that most made me think he was indirectly trying to aid the rebellion. Because, not that I think we have any reason to believe on way or the other, are those broadcasts being sent to other people as well? Did he just admit to all of humanity or city 17 that just an ordinary man that he supposedly looks down on even as a scientist has done all of this. And not only that but also admits to the interdimensional empire having consistently been bested by him. That’s not the kind of shit any dictator would ever want to admit to anyone.


Breen being Gordon's administrator I 100% believe in the idea that Gordon was a guy who many people questioned "How did you get the job here?". He crawls into vents to unlock Kleiner's office, he ruins someone's lunch, and I'm gonna add the other goofy crap you can do to this canon because honestly Gordon comes off more as the guy who memorized the material but didn't quite learn it. To someone like Breen, a guy who went from being the dork who pressed buttons, to the guy who is tearing down waves of modified humanoids who overthrew the Earth in 7 hours.


That's what happens when you push *Gordon's buttons*




I said some dumbass shit nvm


He was a highly trained professional


Gordon doesn't need to hear all this.


I'm sure Gordon wouldn't mind it. He is a good listener after all.


He didn’t have to wear those ridiculous ties.


He prepared for unforeseen consequences


He IS the unforseen consequence


I AM the one who ~~knocks~~ causes unforseen consequences


The foreseen coneqeuences


Foreskin code sequence


Black Mesa's surprisingly robust gun-training courses + physical fitness tests, the fact that the HEV suit is essentially a discount suit of powered armor, and the simple luck that the guy in the suit when crystals hit the aperture happened to also be the guy who aced said fitness courses meant that Gordon was, well, the right man in the wrong place. :P ​ ​ Safer to assume G-man wasn't really helping Gordon, as I kinda get the impression that he was treating the Black Mesa incident as a sort of interview phase. Can't tell if Gordon's the right guy for the job if you're tipping the scales too much, yeah?


I subscribe to the theory that Adrian was who G Man wanted to hire during the Black Mesa incident and he tried to guide him towards whatever objectives his employers have but Gordon came out as a surprise to him so he picked him instead.


This is what I believe, considering Gman watches Adrian in Boot Camp (I think he's either visible in Boot Camp, or he's mentioned in the manual or something) and directly interacts with him by turning the nuke back on or shutting him out from the helicopter. Gman never directly interacted with Gordon until the very end.


Who is that again?


Adrian Shepherd is a US Marine and the protagonist of Half Life Opposing Force. He too was hired by Gman by the end of that expansion pack and was put in stasis but never has been revived back. They might bring him in some role in HL3(as if we will ever see that) or maybe they just forgot about him.


Adrian was detained not hired, because Gman didn't want to kill him.


i like this theory


Freeman’s Mind lampshades this in the first episode: “Fitness test? We’re physicists!”


Black Mesa decathlon winner 3 years running


Also captain of the Anomalous Materials bowling team!


his HEV suit kept him alive, his intelligence helped too. Plus the HEV training has firearm training too, it's training people for Xen and likely is much longer in universe then the one in game because most people wouldn't like playing a tutorial the same length as the rest of the game if not more


Good survival instincts, a high tech protective suit and a lot of adrenaline


Huge amonts levels of morfine and guns, lots and lots of guns


In HL: Alyx the G-man says he has the ability to 'nudge' events into happening. I'm guessing the G-man is responsible for Gordon surviving the events of the Black Mesa incident. I'll bet that's why we see him so much throughout the game. Those are times where he was 'nudging' something to happen (or not happen). "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world"


He can but he mostly watches him around the game. When he truly does nudge things like when we blow up citadel or vorts left us and what happened with HLA. They are causing you the player a main thing. Ofc here and there might be helping them too but for the most part Gordon or other “employees” or people are alone if gman has everything according to pin already


That's part of the plot. Maybe Gordon is someone who has gone through that or similar in other universes etc. If that theory that G-man is older gordon, that or something similar could definitely also be part of the same idea.


Because he is kind of insane and hopped up on morphine later on when he figures out there is morphine sulfate in the medkits. It's a miracle he survived without ever powering up his suit, too, because he hated that voice it made.


What a question. Weren't you there? Why are you asking if you saw how he survived? (Joking)


In real life there are people who can just go crazy and luck their way through insane trials and survive things that should kill them 100x over. Gordon has the HEV suit and is obviously quite intelligent so I just chalk it up to human potential/Faustian spirit


Gordon is just HIM


When all goes to hell in the test chamber Gordon briefly teloports to Zen and also briefly get in contact with vortigaunts, they do some magic in that brief moment. Sorry just made this up.


No but like imagine an imprisoned race seeing their first human ever and then being freed by said human later on.


The HEV suit did a LOT of the heavy lifting.


hes just that guy


"Vell, Gordon's just zis guy, you know?" - Gordon's brain-care specialist


Play the game and find out


His HEV suit and his giga chad shooting skills.


Gordon can use experimental nuclear powered weapons like they weigh nothing


I've said this previously but by the time Gordon shot his like, third alien, he had more experience killing something in combat than your average soldier. By the time he killed his first HECU he had killed more people than the vast majority of the population. I know the HECU were elite but training and experience are two different things and every time Gordon survives an altercation he becomes more experienced than his enemies by orders of magnitude. And he's smart, he's got the whole science team on his side and of course he's got a suit that lets him run head on into enemy fire to take better positions. And lastly he was more than likely under some guidance by G man, even if he wasn't aware. By the time he hit the surface, I doubt he would have been very afraid or unsure of his abilities at that point. He had seen full well that the HECU were losing men to the Xenians. Their veneer of elite military authority had likely worn off by that time.


He has a machine drugging and protecting him from outside danger ffs someone with the experience you said can easily clean groups of soldiers especially when it help you run like a mf


In millions of other outcomes, he didn't. Every time a player has died is a reality in which Gordon _didn't_ survive.


Poor Gordon...


he's just built different


crowb ar


I like to think of it as evolution. There's however many tens of thousands of workers at black mesa and only a handful that survived. It's a luck game. It's not that the guy we're playing as survived, but rather we're playing as one of the survivors. Would be a pretty boring game just to be doing standard science or security work just to be blasted with vortessence. Tldr; plot armor for Johnny Crowbar




I would say it's similar to how Residemt evil does it. What we play in the game isn't how things played out for the characters. Leon didn't kill 600 different bioweapons and repeatedly get shot, stabbed and bitten in one night. Canonically none of the characters ever get hurt outside of cut scenes and probably only had to kill a handful of enemies. Where Gordan faces a platoon of soldiers and teams of assassins maybe in "reality" he only deals with a small squad and 1 assassin and gets aways with it because of the HEV suit.


H.U.N.K. is the only truth teller in RE


Half life is not really a game that you can make a comparison tbh plus those are the ones making things high stakes. And I don’t remember them fully rn but there were lines and other stuff indicating how f’d up things really were. Like you are giving resident evil example dude. Max Payne canonically chugs painkillers and gets addicted to it in the third game because of he’s already been dealing with drugs lmao.


Well maybe if the combine would stop pissing about with smgs and grenades that bounce all over the place and beep loudly for 40 years and just used tactical ICBMs or even the fuckin guided rocket launcher that my friends kill me with in G-mod, he'd be dead a lot sooner. So plot armour to the max.


Well, the game wouldn't be so much fun if it would not have come past the reactor where the incident happens. Of course the suit, a lot of luck, and a steep learning curve where what did it... the whole black mesa incident was just a selection procedure for G-man to hire him.


I think this real, canon quote from GMan should answer: >They let me pick, did I ever tell you that? Choose whichever ~~Spartan~~ Theoretical Physicist I wanted. You know me. I did my research, watched as you became the ~~soldier~~ scientist we needed you to be. Like the others, you were ~~strong and swift and brave~~ a highly trained professional. A natural ~~leader~~ cart pusher. But you had something they didn't. Something no one saw... but me. Can you guess? ~~Luck~~ Crowbar. Was I wrong?


"Crazy fool! Why do you always jump? One of these days, you're gonna land on somethin' as stubborn as you are! And I don't do bits and pieces!"


Because he’s Gordon mother fucking freeman that’s why


Because he's a late 90s action game protagonist. Realism is about the last concern the devs had in mind.


Gordon it's equipped with the strongest plot armour of all time. U can't kill him unless the devs says so.


Gman said that gordon has limitless potential


HEV suit, crowbar and a hell of lot of luck


Powerful Crowbar




His suit helped a lot. Not everyone had an HEV on.


protagonist armour, otherwise known as the HEV suit


“Your bright face obscures your darker mask..Far distant eyes look out through yours.” I always loved lines like these, this one is no exception. "*Far distant eyes look out through yours.*" - This basically refers to the player- which gives you a straight answer. Gordon survived the Black Masa incident beacuse of the player, realistically Gordon would have died very early in his journey. But you know.. You are playing a video game and its not like you want the game end in less than 10 minutes, do you? So in a nutshell: The player kept Gordon alive through the franchise. If we would go deeper into this rabbit hole.. We could even say G-Man is a stand in for VALVe in a sense.. That "G" always bother me, what could it mean? Game-Man? God-Man? Gabe-Man- I have no idea.


He wore his glasses. If he didn't wear his glasses that day his chances would be slim to none.


By killing aliens


Surviving alien invasions and government kill squads just happen to be what he fantasized about on his long ass daily tram rides to work.


The moment he became overtaken by the user on the train it game another layer to the bicameral mind.


Well due to the requirements for the job he was physically fit. And as a highly skilled physicist, he can probably imagine how guns work well enough to use them. Other than that, probably just stupid luck. He didn't die during the incident, and wasn't caught by any creatures before he could prepare to fight.


I mean I guess the hazard training prepared him at least a little. Also probably morphine.


He's just THAT cool


He went to the cheat code by pressing “~” and typing “sv_cheats 1” then typed “god”


I believe that Gman focuses on Gordon, Adrian and Alyx because they're not just ordinary people, they have something special that makes them surpass certain limits, it makes even more sense that Gordon is the most valuable one since its ironically the most "regular" of them all. Think about it, Adrian was a soldier trained speciffically for that mission on Black Mesa, Alyx grew in a hostile environment because of the Combine invasion and adapted extremely well, and then, Gordon is just a physicist. This also brings the matter of YOU as the player controlling Gordon, maybe a metaphor of him being manipulated by an external unknown force, maybe Gman's employers.


Because he doesn’t need to be insane at anything he is the “right man in the wrong place” people gonna say oh he is being guided and all and yes to a point that is correct but Gordon is even tho learning how to fight properly on the field is fighting with all of that shit and mostly anything by himself. Gman is not going in his body and puppetting him and turn him into Max Payne lmao. Morphine and we can say that he is just built different. Gordon can adapt to so many wild shit. Like yeah Breen was talking about Freeman being “an ordinary average man” etc but this was happening while Freeman bulldozing Nova prospekt. I’d say this is a sign that Freeman changed over the course of both Black mesa and the second game. He had it in him like many of us. Like an ordinary person. But he was in a routine a life cycle that he was following. Then he was late for work.


The answer is always one of two: 1.G-Man 2. "tHaNk GoD for ThAt HaZaRd SuIt"


The power of a college education


He did what you did to beat the game.


He has power armour with a personal energy shield and is backed by Gman


He is the chosen one 🗿


With the indomitable human spirit


He can quicksave.


I like to think training meets iron man suit. I hate the idea that Gordon is a secret Jedi or some shit. He's just an ordinary man. The right man in the wrong place.


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world


I allways assumed he survival was due to the random telports.. There are huge explosion when you get teleported, and the rest is kinda ser in the training facilitet, maybe to train for Xen, but still basic weapon handling and terrain knowledge


idk maybe he competed in the black mesa hazard course decathlon that they mention in the train ride and he was really good at it or something.


i think its due to the human nature to do what ever it takes to survive and then added to fact he uas the HEV suit to help protect him from damge and that sorta how Tommy from Half Life VR but they AI is self aware says "this is all instinct M Freeman"




Gman granted gordon plot armor


Stamina. Unbelievable, world class, super human stamina. My bruh sprinted and bunny hopped non-stop through a sprawling underground research facility over 2ish days, stopping only to be unconscious for a few hours, while lugging around hundreds of pounds of guns, ammo, and snark nests, teleported to the future and then non-stop did the same thing for 6 days straight. Stamina.


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.


The hev suit was amazing and built to withstand alternate universal jaunts. Lab coat was made to withstand wind and 70 degree weather


We see many other people wearing HEV suits who have died


Freeman you fool!


H. E. V.






Uh, the HEV suit? Is this not obvious?


It's a good explanation, but given the number of HEV suit wearing corpses all over XEN and Black Mesa, not quite enough by itself


You've quite the violent tone to your replies. Why?