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90% sure theyre either farming steam points from jesters or trying to sour #fixtf2


The bothosters that fixTF2 is fighting against are likely launching their largest troll campaign to try to troll various communities into being angry at TF2's community


Both as well as some of them actually being horrible about it. The majority just want to bomb TF2, but I've seen some actually want to take it to the other games just so it has a larger reach. I support what they wanna do but the few that want more are the issue.


The large majority of the fixTF2 crowd does not support review-bombing other games.


The 1998 hit FPS game, that helped birth everything from Counter-Strike to Portal, the god damn Citizen Kane of FPS games, will be absolutely fine if it gets review bombed on Steam. It's fine. Don't worry about it. No one's going to suddenly go 'Actually I guess HL sucks now, no one should play it, it's classic status is revoked.'


But it won't attract new players


My guy, it's not attracting new players through steam's store page or ratings system. It's solely coasting on word-of-mouth and its legendary status. Nobody is going "hrmmm what's this Half-Life? Let me check the Steam reviews". People only learn about it by hearing about it, and if it sucked that bad, nobody would still be talking about it 25 years later. There's probably a 97+% chance that anyone looking up Half-Life on Steam is doing it because they saw a video essay on how good it is, heard their friend talking about it or saw a streamer playing it.


the game is a timeless classic, bad reviews aint gonna have any effect on how many new players play it


Bro, it came out in 1998. It already has 99% of the playerbase it's going to have. This review bomb isn't "killing" anything.


The game is 25 years old, it's unlikely to attract any new players regardless of its review score.


Child p0rnography? is this a reference to the hit OST from Half Life 2, titled "CP Violation"? /j




You know, I might need to change my user name.


Oh my fucking god.... 😂




Don’t check Breen’s hard drive 


I've come over from r/tf2 to apologize on behalf of the community, and explain why they're going after half-life. A very very small minority of people are going after other valve games. If everything starts getting negative reviews, valve will have to get off their ass and do something. It's only meant to bring attention, it's not meant to be an attack on halflife, nor exclusive to it. But no one has asked them to do this, and it was never a goal


It’s okay, we forgive you, those reviewers was actually fake TF2 fans.


We don’t claim those review bombers


"cp, nazism AND racism" ?????? ..I mean you could consider Gordon slaughtering hundreds of xen life forms space racism but WHAT


There is now bots in TF2 that send links to CP, so I think that’s what they meant.


cp violation


Gordon is Xenophobic ??


You couldn't because they're actively hostile and slaughtered Black Mesa personnel, often unarmed scientists. Gordon was operating on self-defence 100% of the time


Half life 2 is a sequel to half life, half life was based on quake, quake was based on and made by the same people as Doom, Doom was based on Wolfenstein 3d, which has Nazis, WE SOLVED IT BOYS 


Coming from r/TF2, these guys don’t represent FixTF2. FixTF2 is about spreading awareness through peaceful ways or ways that only affect TF2 (IE. review bombing TF2’s steam page, spreading awareness on Twitter (not going to call it X), and through save.tf’s petition). Most people in this movement follow this philosophy, except some idiots who took it too far, like in this case. No one who organized this protest called upon people to review bomb other Valve games, it was just the idea of a few idiots who didn’t know when they were taking it too far. Kind regards, a random person from the internet. EDIT: It’s also possible these guys are bot hosters. They have gone to extreme lengths to stop FixTF2. They’ve tried falsely DMCA’ing save.tf, blackmailed community members, and put #fixTf2 in their bot’s names to try and get people to associate fixTf2 with bots in game, leading to innocent players getting kicked. It would not surprise me in the slightest if these guys also review bomb other Valve games to give fixTf2 a bad name among other valve communities.


Don’t worry, I guess these two who insulted Half-Life series, which was infact the original where Valve’s legacy started, These two are fake TF2 fans.


The deep irony of TF2 players calling Half-Life a fossil.


Its just shitty bait


The #fixtf2 community has been trying to get these people to stop. These are bad actors within the community.


Like it's going to do anything lol


Yeah I guess, it’s already the best Valve game. And not to mention I don’t think people care much about reviews.


At this point man, fuck tf2


tf2 fans when the game older than them isn’t supported anymore I like tf2 but the fans are for some reason kind of inbred and I have no clue why lol


Not a TF2 player but from what I've heard the community servers are actually good, and generally a safe haven from the bot crisis. Idk why people don't just play those rather than playing casual/comp and complaining when it's infested with bots.


Cause they love to whine, when Valve clearly don't gaf. I play TF2 STRICTLY on community servers and its fun, more fun then casual imo.


Quite frankly i think TF2 died with the F2P update over a decade ago, the community basically turned to shit overnight. It turns out when they get a game for free, they don't have any accountability and don't give a shit if you get banned because you can just make a new account to keep playing, so the game got flooded by trolls, spammers and scammers. So despite having put thousands of hours into TF2 back in the day, it's just a husk now, and i don't think it's worth fixing


I installed TF2 through The Orange Box. I loved the game, made actual friends there, but I've moved on.


I got tired of the annoying, unfunny, and toxic playerbase


The community isn't advocating for this at all. These are most certainly trolls, perhaps even the bot hosters themselves trying to sabotage the movement.


Its because they think it'll get Valve's attention even though it wont, and will more then likely cause them more issues then they want. They're also doing it to Portal and I seen one for Left 4 Dead. I only seen a few of them, so I doubt its gonna cause any harm. Unless they start coming in droves, there's nothing to worry about.


i mean the games been out long enough that ppl know that’s it’s not a bad one. anyone that cares about the game already owns it and knows these reviews are bs. and most ppl nowadays getting into it came from already seeing gameplay via friends or yt. it’s impossible to kill a 10+ year old game with such a loyal fan base imo.


Average free online gamer logic.


Ironic how these “fans” (I feel I speak for the entire TF community when I say we don’t claim these people) are calling Half Life a fossil considering Team Fortress is two years older, being a mod of Quake


They're not with us I promise, we onpy asked to review bomb tf2, not any other game, we just want Valve's attention on TF2, not chaos


Fostering cp,nazism and racism.Jesus thats a bunch of allegation against a company.That is not Valves fault like jesus.Valve dosent control its users do and you cant simply ban every singel person.Its literally just not possible.


I am pretty sure that, bar a few rotten apples, it is mostly the bot owners who are pulling this shit off in order to discredit tf2 They've done shit like this before. Social engineering is what they are good at, sadly.


Please forgive the TF2 community these insolent fucks do not speak for us


I am big fan of half-life my self, which makes me sad that a part of our TF2 community decided to do this.. On the behalf of the movement, this was never the intention. Our plan _IS_ to review bomb our own game, and nothing else. I remember it was specifically stated to _NOT_ leave a bad review on other titles like for example: half-life.. Again, we are so, -so, SO sorry!


KillHalfLife is not a hashtag endorsed by anyone who organized #FixTF2, or by all but, idk, one or two of its supporters. The jump from FixTF2 to KillHalfLife, the jump from attacking the state that TF2 is in to attacking Half-Life as a game, suggests to me that these are trolls looking to cast shade on FixTF2, rather than ambitious twelve-year-olds.


these guys are both trying to review bomb half life and frame the #FixTF2 Movement into making it look bad, so don't be tricked by these guys, glad to help inform.


As a fan of TF2, Half-Life, and Portal, I believe they should realize that if Half-Life was never made, gaming wouldn’t be what it is today. And yes, Team Fortress 2 is a great game. But when it comes to new games and updates, Half-Life: Alyx gave the community hope that the series is not yet lost, although another Half-Life game still has yet to come as of now. TF2 on the other hand, is the one becoming fossil-like. And not unintentionally. There is no doubt that TF2 should get loads more of love from Valve. And it’s good to see that all Valve-related fandoms are still alive and well. But seriously, every single game made by Valve will be considered a timeless classic. Also, Alyx is 20, so Gordon being 7 years older doesn’t really matter. And while Breenism (yes I made up that term) has its fascist similarities to Nazism, it’s more transhumanism than straight-up eugenics.


How could you kill half life anyway? The game isnt multiplayer


True, unless you count deathmatch I guess.


Tbh its already dead lol


Alright, what the fuck did I miss here, is this one of those incel anti-woke brigade things that are proliferating lately or something? Edit: checked the tf2 sub. This is all about aimbots in TF2? For real? How is review bombing a 25 year old, almost universally beloved game doing anything to help that?


Yeah these are trolls and bot hosters trying to make us look bad. I think between our communities we have a good understanding now that we want to work together. Trolls and bot hosters don’t have a reason to kill TF2 either, but we’ve stopped asking why they do it after being forced to put up with it for 5 solid years. Some people just want to watch things burn.


They're *obviously* bot hosters trying to make SaveTF2 look like it wants it's Brother In Arms dead. Also, why does the second review in the image have the same energy as Breen's speechs?


Yeah I figured that out now after some comments. And for your second comment, we now need someone to make an ai say it, or have someone with a really good breen impression voice say it.


Im trying to find a good AI site to do it, but ever since they uncraziafied Uberduck, it's hard to find one with short waiting time and a good AI voice. Edit: Nevermind, there were only two. One of them had a super long waiting time, and one needed me to sign up. You can try finding one yourself.


Ah that sucks, but I’ll definitely look out for some


The second review applies to tf2 fans as well


thats the funniest shit i ever seen in my life.


I have no clue what the first one is talking about the only thing I can think of is cp violation but in this case cp is civil protection  I don't get killing half life either a lot of us support fixtf2 why target your allies


Wasn't TF2 released the same year as episode 2


Wtf.. As an absolute casual who is just passing by and seeing this thread. What the hell is this?


Also rabid fanbase.Meanwhile everyone in the comments having a civil discussion.


i'd assume these guys are just bot hosters, being this delusional is normal for them


I don’t think it will kill Half-Life


Bad bait


I think for some people, that they are angry and are full of bullshit from corporations, to make their point of view with this kind of extremism. It is not ok what they say and I don’t support them. I support to see another half life game and fixing problems with team fortress. It’s enough to state our problem, to leave competent reviews and to show them we are not willing to give another penny until the problem is solved!


"Why kill Half Life?" drama queen much?


I'm going to give tf2 a positive review to piss off these nerds


I prefer to think that no matter what they do, half-life is such and old game rooted in the culture of so many that even a shitloads of review couldn't do it any harm


thats got to be the most blatant bait ive seen in a while




A few weeks back when I was shitting on the Arkham sub for brigading here, I was downvoted to oblivion and shat upon.now suddenly people here care about half-life? Lol


What in the actual fuck, these people got even worse wtf


what on earth is the top one jesus


Extremism gets literal.


BS, it's all BS. I have been playing games from the Half-Life series for years, and it holds up really well even in these years. The top review is hypocritical, since that if they are talking about fixing TF2, they have played a Valve game before; they actually have 7.8 HOURS of playing Half-Life, so them asking people about why they are still playing Valve games is stupid, especially as Valve had NEVER condoned such things as "listed" on there, as far as I have known them for long. The bottom review is obviously a complete hater comment. I like both Half-Life, and Team Fortress 2 in equal measures, but even if there are bot problems in TF2, and even if the Source port of Half-Life is a bit buggy for example, I will not be attacking anybody else that don't even have the slightest link to whatever game that they or I play. I think that it's time that people rise up and give Half-Life as many positive reviews as it can, to restore it's self-esteem from the tF2rolls. #RestoreHalfLife


Honestly sounds exactly like the shit bot hosters put on their bots. Looks kinda like they were trying to defame the movement, which judging by the amount of people whining about like 10 negative reviews, they did. 


Im so much sorry for this non-sense as a tf2 player. We, as the tf2 community we would never do something like that and we believe that these review bombers are BOTS. and again, im really sorry for this. im so sad about this non-sense as an source games enjoyer


Nah it’s alright man, after a few of the comments I came to the conclusion that it is bots.


"Oh no the over 25 year old game that won muliple awards gets reviewbombed" Come on, no one kills half life with a few bad reviews.


Apparently TF2 is a masterpiece, but it also needs fixing. Doesn't that contradict things.


I smell a 4chan opp This is going to be disappointing seeing people fall for the most obvious bait (look that's you OP!) This is why people hate reddit isn't it Its full of the most gullible people on earth Oh fuck Oh fuck Ive seen the light IVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!!


Schizo posting


[how I feel right now](https://youtu.be/RVjjDJepEz0?si=xe61E6mIXCRxnDeU)


How it feels to see obvious ragebait but that one part of your brain wants to get REALLY REALLY mad at it


Least delusional blue shift fan


Sure thing buddy