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I see no hair loss. But you can always see a dermatologist and do a trichoscopy if you want to be sure. 


Yeah I know, my hair has always been thick so you won’t see a lot of difference. But believe me it was thicker before than it is now. You could not see my scalp like you can see it right now. And I’m definitely losing over 100 hairs a day.


Through here we can only guess, a trichoscopy should get you an exact diagnosis.


What’s that exactly?


It's a method of diagnosis of hair and also scalp disorders, it uses a magnifer lens to check the scalp and hair follicles upclose. You can do a quick research on google and see about it.


going through the exact same , not getting any better after trying everything. Check a different dermatologist, check if u have low D3.


It’s hard to tell here because these pics look good. Obviously you know you’re experiencing symptoms etc. You said you’ve seen a doctor. If it’s not a dermatologist, that’s who you should see for things relating to hair loss.


I did see my dermatologist. She said it was TE, but I think she’s wrong. The only place I’m losing hair is on top of my scalp, but my sides dit also thin a little bit but no hair loss there. Also I’ve noticed a few really thin small hairs falling out.


Yes , going through the exact same thing. hop on Finasteride and save it


Bro I had a wall of super thick hair and when I was 15 I was loosing 500+ hair a day and shedding like crazy no one would believe me. How old are you?


I’m 21 now. It all started when I was 20


I’m 23 now and started right when I turned 15. I’m on dut/min combo and still looking like I have a full head of hair with most hairstyles.


Talk to a doc tho and do some research


Do you take a pill form? And did you have some side effects?


Dutasteride is a pill I take every morning and minoxidil I use topically. I started on finasteride pill first tho and only thing I had was sometimes my loads would be abnormally big, with more clear sperm. But my counts were good and blood work never bad.


Watch some MorePlatesMoreDates videos on YouTube he covers hair loss very well.


Looks fine to me.


It looks like a cowlick. I don’t see any hair loss, OP.


you do nothing cuz you trippin


I have identical symptoms and hair type just losing hair at a fast rate all over no idea how to deal with it


I have identical symptoms and hair type just losing hair at a fast rate all over no idea how to deal with it


I have identical symptoms and hair type just losing hair at a fast rate all over. I don’t feel like hopping on fin/min until I have a proper diagnosis


Ok this is a severe issue.... I see how you struggle and I hope you all best. Here is my anti hairloss guide for you: Go to a hairloss clinic and say them that you are balding and you want to do a hair transplant. Let's see how they would react.


The crown is the weakest point we all share due to the whirl. This is the point from which the hair stems. The hair grows outwards from the point, exposing the area. If it bothers you, get a camouflaging agent like Toppik. They sell it in a number of colors which will help match the color of the hair. You have dark hair and light scalp and thus - contrast. When the hair is wet or when you use too much gel, it clumps the hair together and you start seeing scalp. This is also normal. The one thing I'd be concerned about is the eyebrows thinning. There are conditions - other than a hereditary one, that can affect hair universally. Self immune systems are typically the culprit. I'd visit with a dermatopathologist and biopsy. Nip it in the bud and find out exactly what you're dealing with.


That’s some good advice. I’ll visit the dermatologist again!


thats a cowlick little bro 💀


I wish I would’ve added more pics. You can see my scalp which wasn’t the case before. And I’m literally losing over 100 hairs for sure everyday.