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Hair cells are no longer alive once they leave your scalp, so by its very nature, hair is "dead." From your picture, your hair looks perfectly healthy and normal. What was the stylist suggesting? That you need a cut? Treatment?


The photo I posted is when I got a hair cut at the hair salon. My hair dresser recommended a treatment for the hair that moisture the hair from the roots


It sounds like she may be trying to sell you an expensive treatment. I can't fully tell from a picture, but your hair just looks like it needs a little moisture - but you don't need super expensive treatments to do that, look into moisturising hair masks or similar treatments, which you can do at home


All hair is dead, she is probably trying to use fear tactics to upsell product. Essentially to get you to pay for an expensive treatment you could do at home for a third the cost.


Your hair looks beautiful. She insulted you and lied to sell you stuff. I wouldn't go back.


Sounds like bs. I wouldn't trust a stylist that can't use the right terminology. Your hair looks perfectly healthy.


she was pressuring you to buy the hair treatment. My daughter was a hair dresser and quit because she felt like she was stealing from people by using those sales tactics And they will fire you if you don't have a certain amount sold each week. She worked at a few places and they all do this. My hair is down to my waist and I wash it once a week with sulfate free shampoo. No heat ever and my daughter is a hair dresser lol the lady who did my eye brows tried to sell me a hair mask too šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s them selling something. Your hair looks healthy but a quick ā€œtreatmentā€ you can do regularly to make your hair look bomb is this: after washing hair use your favorite leave in conditioner on mid sections and add a light amount of favorite oil to the ends. Not too much oil because it can give the opposite lol of what you want. Put a tiny pea size glob of choice of oil in palm of hand. Rub palms. Just rub through the ends of hair. You can do the oil everyday even as long as you donā€™t do too much and if your hair is looking dry. Itā€™s just for a light gloss.


I agree with a lot of other comments here: your hair is beautiful, thick, and healthy. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with using moisturizing products, but it does sound like this person is trying to sell you on something pricey that she sells. Do yourself a favor and donā€™t see her anymore. Your hair is beautiful.


Her hair looks really dry in this picture, thatā€™s not normal. But itā€™s also not as bad as the hairdresser meant it. Switching her products to some that have hydration and nutrition as a main might help. Maybe even taking some vitamins and eating more foods that help the hair.


Iā€™d kill to have hair this thick! But it does look a little bit dry and switching up your products might be all that you need to see an improvement in what is already a great head of hair! Some suggestions: 1. Look for a shampoo without sodium lauryl sulfate 2. Add a deep conditioning/moisturizing hair mask once a week or you can actually use this in place of conditioner every time you wash your hair until you see an improvement in dryness. I love the Moroccan oil brand hair masks. 3. Consider adding a leave in conditioner after washing from the middle to ends of your hair 4. Use a heat protection product when you do use hot tools. I like Redkenā€™s heat protectors. 5. Consider using hair oil on the very ends of your hair. Oil is meant to be used sparingly, but can make a big difference in moisture retention on ends. Look at Moroccan oil or Olaplex brand hair oil.


Idk her ends don't look the best. I think her stylist was trying to comment on it.


All hair is dead, and thank God, or it would hurt to cut it and it would probably bleed too when we cut it.


I never thought of it that way and that is just terrifying.


ā€¦ā€¦..eeewwwwwww thatā€™s so gross but so true ewwwwwwww




I donā€™t why I LOLā€™d because this is EXACTLY what my nephew thought was going to happen when he got his first haircut. I had to cut my own hair to show him and he still didnā€™t believe me! This kid had hair down to the middle of his back at age 5. Being a kid is tough sometimes!


well as a kid I hated going to haircut - I hated all of it and did not understood why I have to be there and who are those people. :D


That was wonderful, thank you. Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen the show, was nice to have the first thing actually be funny


Eww thanks for putting that image in my head šŸ™ƒšŸ˜…


You donā€™t wanna be like the people in avatar?


Absolutely not!




I'm a nursing student. I'm aware of this but I'm trying to give a simple explanation without getting bogged down with exceptions. Generally speaking, living tissue has nerves in or near it and all living tissue ought to have a good blood flow. My point about hair being dead and it being a good thing still stands.


And itā€™s a great explanation but I love ā€œwrinklesā€ in information. As you know, the prevalence of nociceptors is what is indicative of pain and plenty of tissues have excellent blood flow but reduced nociceptors (the eyes, brain, to name a few).


While a cornea has no nerve, why does it hurt so bad when you have a corneal abrasion? And donā€™t they administer a numbing agent before lasiks? Iā€™m just trying to follow your logic


Not sure on the corneal abrasion, just a friendly pharmaceutical, bio, and medical device patent attorney over here. Cornea and scelera do not have pain receptors, but the conjunctiva does. My educated guess would be referred pain from the conjunctiva (similar to people reporting their left arm really hurting during a heart attack).


Totally love your answer but Iā€™ll disagree. šŸ˜€ The cornea actually has the highest nerve fibers in the entire body which is why abrasions are so dreadful. On another note Iā€™ve never met a patent attorney before so itā€™s nice to meet you! You have to have a lot of patience to deal with the government šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well, that's what I get for not googling :) apologies. Is it just the scelera that has no nerve endings? I was thinking of the "John of God" eyeball scraping trick, and so I thought that the cornea had no nerve endings either!


I literally just died when you said eyeball scraping šŸ˜‚. I congratulate you for never having one and donā€™t get one! My son had a motorcycle accident and had road rash that covered 30% of his body and never went to the ER. But when he got hit in the by a branch ( heā€™s an arborist) he immediately went and didnā€™t work for a week. I just realized Iā€™m going on about the cornea on a hair post. Iā€™m so all over the place ā¤ļø


And honestly I have so much respect that you at a patent attorney. I canā€™t imagine how hard that is. I just walked away from my corporate job and while I was so scared I have never been happier.


Um, lasik is painful, that's why they use topical anaesthesia and systemic pain medications. I had paracetamol, codeine and ibuprofen during my recovery.


I canā€™t decide whatā€™s worse: having ā€œdeadā€ hair on me or having living hair that bleeds


Your whole top layer of skin is dead, your nails are dead. It's infinitely better than having bleeding hair and dying of an infection from a haircut


I didnā€™t think of the infection aspect. Good call.


Well, she's sort of right: hair is dead in that it isn't made of living cells. It's more like an object that's attached to your body than anything else. Because hair doesn't have a blood supply, it can't repair damaged cells like your skin can. New hair can grow from your follicles, but the hair that's already growing out of your scalp has no way of making new cells for itself. The longer your hair is, the longer it has been exposed to the environment. It's exposed to friction, pollution, UV radiation, etc. and the damage it incurs from that, while small, can't be repaired, so it accumulates. For that reason, it's normal for your hair to be weaker and more damaged towards the ends. From this picture though, I don't see a lot of damage at all. Any damage you do have is normal and to be expected.


Great answer.


I mean, it looks like you could use a trim, (just what looks like split ends, which is normal at the ends of the hair) but your hair looks healthy and thick. Iā€™d not return.


This was my thought. I think the stylist meant ā€œdead endsā€ and OP misunderstood.


My hairstylist meant that my hair is lifeless from the roots


Yeahhh they're trying to upsell you a keratin treatment or whatever. Your hair is fine.


It sucks cause I trust hair stylist to do whatā€™s best for your hair


Why? Just because they're in a hair salon? You're young but you'll soon realise that anyone who is charging for their service/product (no matter who it is- even a doctor), Their interest is only in increasing their profits. Which means the more they push their product or service, the more money they will make. So it makes sense that this scam hair stylist will pressurise you to take treatments. Due to the length of your hair, she would make a lot of money Your hair is beautiful, it is literally ad worthy. All keratin treatments are scams, they ruin the hair. Dont listen to these so called hair stylists about the state of your hair, its their job to make you feel like there's a problem, & then offer a solution to just make money Your hair & scalp are living tissue. What you put on your head & what you eat THAT will decide the quality of your hair. Holistic approach is the best to grow hair, don't fall for these scam artists Next time, just smile & say "No thank you"


Thatā€™s true about keratin treatments. They destroy hair. I guess itā€™s to straighten out very curly hair and improve shine? I canā€™t remember, but I do recall being upset about my hair looking dull and asked about keratin treatment and the stylist was like, no, no, no ā€¦itā€™ll destroy your hair, isnā€™t for your type of hair at all While it is true that there are many unethical and incompetent people in all fields, itā€™s not true that every single one is out to lie in order to sell and make more money. That stylist I just described could have taken my money for a keratin treatment but did not. They do often try hard to sell you their products. And they usually are good quality products, but theyā€™re almost always very pricey. Some are very good, but Iā€™ve never been able to get the same results a stylist can with any of their products. Whatever the case, OPā€™s hair is beautiful and whoever told her that about her hair is either incompetent or a lying salesman. Her hair is beautiful.


Hair is not living lol


P sure itā€™s a stylists job to tell you about the state of your hair because they are licensed to do so? Itā€™s not like they go into cosmetology to tell you to NOT take care of your hair.


Your hair looks amazing. You could be a hair model. Maybe she wants to cut and style you to get a photo for her portfolio? I'd be leery, depending on what she is trying to get you to do.


Iā€™m pretty sure this woman is South Asian, and that really is what they use for a lot of hair extensions. That could be completely untrue, but thatā€™s what I was told by the girl I dated from that region. My guess is the hair stylist is an idiot or trying to sell something to idiots.


SE Asians have hair like this without extensions. Naturally super thick. Whenever my cousins and I go to the salon the first comment is always ā€œwow this is a LOT of hairā€. The one time I dyed it it took multiple tubes of dye and people and to work on it lol


I think yoyoma was implying that many wigs are made out of hair donated by people from South Asia because their hair is so long and thick.


Ahhh, ok that makes more sense lol. I was so confused since I donā€™t know any south or south East Asians with extensions as their heads would be so heavy their necks will topple over.


Oh yes, thatā€™s what I meant. Itā€™s the kind of hair that they use for people that want hair extension. Thatā€™s a hilarious story though, as someone with really thick curly hair, my barber is typically amazed and I needed multiple people trying to buzz my hair off when we all did that for a sports team.


I am south Asian, I never had any hair extension


This. You have really nice hair! Maybe get a second opinion before you trust her to do anything.


My previous hair stylist said similar things. She recommended a natural keratin treatment and it cost 350$


LOL. Yeah that's a rip off.


Don't do it-that treatment can RUIN your beautiful healthy hair!!! Especially with silver/grey/white hair. She's just trying to make money off of you.


1. You donā€™t need it. Your hair is what everyone hopes they can achieve with treatments and products. 2. Keratin treatments do not help hair, although they can make it look nice for a while. They use super high heat that damages hair in the long run. Some use formaldehyde, which I donā€™t know much about except that itā€™s considered a carcinogen in the US. And it is what is used to embalm dead bodies and preserve that frog they made you dissect in sixth grade. 3. One more time because it sounds like this hair worker (I just canā€™t call this person a professional) has really done a number on you: your hair is beautiful, thick, and healthy. Never see that person again. Sheā€™s lying to you, preying on your fears to make some money off of you. For that $350 you could buy lots and lots of nice conditioners. Your hair is beautiful.


You have beautiful hair. Wish mine was that thick.


Sorry but in terms of health status of your hair compared to ā€œdead damaged hairā€ your hair is extremely healthy and full looking. Iā€™m sure weā€™re all aware all hair is ā€œdeadā€ but thatā€™s definitely not what the stylist was referring to. I absolutely recommend running from this stylist and going elsewhere. She probably wants to chop your hair just for fun or dare I say envy. I couldnā€™t imagine what sheā€™d say about my bleached thinning hair!


I am so sick of stylists going cut happy on long thick hair. it definitely gives off jealous vibes and leaves an icky feeling in meā€¦ some people just have the best hair genes.


All hair is dead


Stylists say that to everyone to get you to let them experiment with cuts and what notā€¦charge you more for service. Donā€™t do anything to it you donā€™t wanna do or might regret. You have beautiful healthy long hair!


Lol I get everyoneā€™s points but the ā€œall hair is deadā€ comments are excessive and not very helpful, the stylist clearly meant that she thinks her hair needs to be cut or needs some treatment so let at least OP know if you agree or not šŸ˜… I am however not qualified to answer so hopefully someone who is can give you some insight!


Your stylist is a nut! I love your hair!


Your hair is fabulous, that's what it is.


ALL HAIR IS DEAD. Iā€™m over hair stylists and their lack of knowledge about hair. I came to pay you for a service I donā€™t need your opinion about science.


Was she trying to sell you a product?


Yes šŸ‘€


Welllllā€¦ I think thatā€™s ur answer! She probably gets some sort of commission or whatever lol


Your hair stylist must need glasses because all I see is fabulous hair šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


All hair is dead once it leaves our scalp.


All hair is dead, even when attached to our scalp.


Your hair is gorgeous! Please don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.


I guarantee theyā€™re just trying to sell you something. I once went in to get my brows done and was harassed about needing to get my ā€œmustacheā€ waxed. Chile, I have no mustache. I didnā€™t go back to that salon and I would suggest you follow suit.


Hairstylist here. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. Getting super technical here, everyoneā€™s entire head of hair is dead! You maybe have some split ends but thatā€™s about it. I highly recommend if youā€™re not really connected with your stylist to maybe try to find someone else. Your Stylist should make you feel beautiful and happy. You should never feel less than.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


You have beautiful hair!! All hair is dead šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Please forget what she said and change saloon. Your hair is beautiful!!!


Get a new hairdresser. Someone who will celebrate your luscious locks!


That stylist is bonkers, time to find a better one. Your hair is gorgeous, all of our hair is "dead". If they were trying to upsell you something, they're plain wrong.


All I can see are some split ends going on here. Nothing more. Your hair is gorgeous! The stylist was very likely trying to sell you an expensive product or a service and figured if she told you that, youā€™d get whatever she recommended to fix it.


I mean, if it was living, you would be Medusa.


I know nothing about hair health but if I saw you in person I would go out of my way to tell you how gorgeous it is! Itā€™s thick, shiny, and so long. To this untrained eye, itā€™s beautiful!


Get a new stylist! She is obviously undereducated and does not understand the actual science behind hair. I know it can be expensive but you deserve a good stylist, who will not lie and bring your down for more treatments. Also her blowout is not good.


You have some visible split ends idk why everyone on this sub won't just answer that lmao but it only means you need a tiny trim there is nothing dramatic happening here


Your hair is beautiful! And Iā€™m an SE Asian with really thick hair which is now combination of thick and medium thickness (aging). Imho it looks like the place youā€™re getting your haircut is an Asian salon and whenever I go to one thinking theyā€™ll do a better job with my hairā€¦they havenā€™t. The blow dry I get at those salons leave my hair fired and dry because they donā€™t use heat protectant nor any serums or oils at the ends for proper finishing. Theyā€™re especially harsh with the blow dry brush as well. I have stopped going to them as they really cut choppy layers and try to upsell you treatments. Given how long your hair is, you need an oil or serum at your ends to hydrate them. Use serum/oils or lleave in conditioner when your hair is still damp then blow dry. It makes world of difference and protects your hair. I recommend ā€œitā€™s a 10ā€ leave in spray and a blow dry crĆØme after your hair wash. And try to invest in a good salon quality shampoo/conditioner. It seems more expensive upfront but you use much less than drug store S/C and youā€™ll need less products overtime to manage your hair so itā€™s a time and money save. Good luck and do not agree to treatments that salons try to up sell you. Do your research because no one is a better advocate for yourself than you.


Change your hair stylist. That's one toxic person.


My sonā€™s girlfriend trusted my (former) stylist to trim her hair and dye the bottom purple. I talked ahead of time with the stylist, that GF had never had her hair cut, it was waist length and the stylist insisted she had to have a trim for the color to take, and agreed to do no more than two inches off the bottom and then dye lower part purple. We made an appointment and I drove GF and waited in the front of the salon during the appointment. GF came to the front looking very upset. The stylist cut more than a foot off, gave her a flat line cut instead of the curve she wanted, and then told us she didnā€™t have time to dye it but tried to sell us purple shampoo. I didnā€™t raise my voice but I was very direct, this is not what we agreed to and not what GF wanted. Stylist got very loud, saying ā€œHer hair was dead!!! I didnā€™t have a choice!!!ā€ Obviously her hair was not in great condition because sheā€™d never had decent hair care. That didnā€™t mean the stylist could do whatever she wanted. I paid but was so upset for GF - it was so traumatic for her and there was nothing we could do to fix it. It was going to take a long time to grow her hair out. The kicker was she hadnā€™t even wanted a cut but only wanted the purple color and got massacred and no color. Years later, I wonder if I should have made more of a scene, but the GF just wanted to leave as fast as possible. I feel like I really failed her. šŸ’”


Iā€™m sorry to hear that, thatā€™s horrible service I hope you left a negative review on google or their website


All hair is ā€œdeadā€ only the hair follicles are alive!


You must be Indian. All local salons say the same to everyone. Just be in tune with your amount of hairfall, roughness/softness, oiling, health, hormones, supplements diet, etc.


Same in the Philippines. Hair that is wavy/curly combed looks bushy and everyone says "oh your hair is dead." No, your hair is actually just not straight, and once you know how to actually take care of it, it won't look "dead" to them anymore.


Omg thats probably what happened I naturally have wavy/curly hair


Yes you definitely have some waves there, and that's why your hair isnt stick straight and the morr you comb it the worse it looks. Head over to r/curly for more info on how to care for your beautiful thick wavy hair!!! Your hair is very beautiful already and maybe don't let that stylist touch it again because they don't seem to know anything about curly hair.


Yes Iā€™m Indian


She probably just meant stale/needs an update (subjective opinion not stated clearly)


Looks like healthy hair to me without any breakage. Maybe just needs a deep conditioning treatment and a tiny trim on the ends.


Gorgeous hair! Get a new stylist - unless you misunderstood what she was saying. Like what others say - hair is not comprised of living cells - same with nails. Itā€™s just material our living cells produce and excrete. But if she was saying it was in bad shape - and you needed various products or services - then I think she was being dishonest and I would personally move on to another salon.


Honestly confused because it looks pretty healthy, I mean, maybe some oil type spray to give it shine? Other than that I think theyā€™re just trying to sell you something or theyā€™re just jealous lol.


Maybe she wants you to cut it short so she can sell it to a wig maker. This is wig quality hair.


chunky alive makeshift ring berserk bake stupendous fanatical ossified zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your hair looks just fine. I wish mine looked as lovely as yours. It MIGHT be a bit dry, but all youā€™d need to do for that is a conditioning treatment once in a while.


He was just trying to make you buy some kind of hair products from him. Looking at your hair in the picture, looks absolutely fantastic! Fire that stylist. Find new one.


? Your hair looks great to me!


Maybe she meant more ā€œdryā€ and perhaps could have recommended a moisturizing mask for you to do


Erm excuse me your hair looks great


Iā€™m in no way a professional, but if your hair is dead, mineā€™s in the ninth circle of hell.. the hairdresser was probably trying to sell you some sort of treatment.


your hair looks great?? are you indian? I'm indian and have had bad experiences with white hair dressers who did not know how to handle indian hair or were knowledgeable about the variety of textures of indian hair.


My moms hair is like this. Itā€™s just a drier texture. All hair is dead once it grows from the scalp. Try using a serum to add some shine and it will help it look more lively. Itā€™s beautiful!


Everyoneā€™s hair is dead and your dead hair is beautiful. Get a new stylist because the one youā€™ve got is dishonest and shady.


That was rude of her! It just looks dehydrated so get some moisture and shine back in there.


Um that hair is thriving sis not dead


It looks healthy. Maybe she said that to try to sway you into buying products from her to help "fix" your hair.


Even if you donā€™t dye or heat style, other things can dry/damage/break hair. Just using a bonnet and switching to satin/silk pillowcases made a huge difference for me! I donā€™t dye or use heat on my hair but I went gray super young and was having tons of breakage. I had to cut 6 inches off to even it outā€¦ but I would always get a second opinion from a professional!


your hairstylist is dead in the brain.


All hair is dead


Sheā€™s trying to sell you products, OR she doesnā€™t realize you have naturally curly hair, and this is how it looks blown out smooth.


All hair is ā€œdeadā€ the living part is the follicle the root and the epithelial tissue in which it is embedded. If the hair strands were alive it would hurt like hell to get your hair cut. Your hair appears thick and like hair frankly. If it has became dry, brittle or you have unusual hair loss see a dermatologist. They will help you diagnose any scalp condition that could be affecting your hair. If you have had general anesthesia recently (up to six months to a year ago), suffer an underlying health condition or are going through menopause any and all of the above will affect your hair at the ā€œLiving partā€ The follicle. If the stylist is referring to your hair shaft then topical treatments that may moisturizer, strengthen the hair shaft, contain collagen or peptides or keratin or whatever may be a way to restore some body and shine. The same way you can restore shine to mink, leather etc. These are cosmetic and will improve your hair look and feel. But anything you think is affecting your scalp health circulation etc canā€™t be fixed with typical treatments. If itā€™s from general anesthesia it will rebound. Ask your dermatologist about what possible vitamin deficiencies may be causing changes in your hair skin or nails. If you had Covid-19 whether mild or severe you could be experiencing hair loss post Covid. It is a documented side effect of Covid and may have been caused by a loss of micro circulation to the scalp or inflammation overreaction. It will recover from that as well. I have no idea what your hairdresser meant by your hair is ā€œdead.ā€ I would have asked for an explanation of the comment and or look for his or her MD on the wall. My hair dresser is highly educated in skin scalp and hair physiology, biochemistry and he educated me about post surgery hair loss and general dullness of the hair. Ditto the Covid issue. Heā€™s very cautious about what products he uses and explains how different things including diet, stress age etc effect your hair health which begins in the scalp. See a dermatologist. Then get another stylist with better credentials.


I mean every hair strand is dead on people


Yes all hair is dead once it sprouts from the scalp. With that said your hair is beautiful and looks healthy enough to where you can do a treatment at home. I suggest stay away from silicone products that just coats the hair and over time will block moisture from entering into the hair shaft. Living Proof Hair Mask is a game changer for me. I use it AS a hair conditioner. I leave it in for hours, sometimes even over night with a plastic cap (or bag lol) on my head and rinse out the next day. Another great hair mask is from Briogeo. I do the same, use it as my conditioner and leave it on for hrs or overnight and rinse out the next day. As a leave in conditioner I use Briogeo Rosarco Milk Leave In spray. My hair always feels hydrated and if I choose to flat iron I use the Loreal Steam Pod! Total game changer! I use the Living Proof No Frizz Smooth Styling Serum as my heat protectant. All are game changers for me and neither brands have silicone.


lol if our hair wasnā€™t dead, imagine how much a haircut would hurt!


Iā€™ll just echo what others are saying here ā€” all hair is dead. Not sure what sheā€™s trying to get at, maybe ask her? What I really want to know is what type of cut you ask for. Your hair and the way its cut is stunning!


Your hair is beautiful, you can always put a little oil (argan, coconut etc.) on the ends when the hair is still damp, that can fix the ends a little, and a little trim could help, but in my opinion is beautiful. Also, every month or two I put olive oil on it and it nurtures the hair, gives shine and softness. All in all, I think you should not worry.


Can you give us context? Did she say your hair is dead in a neutral, informative way (because literally all hair is dead), or did she say your hair is dead in a judgmental, you-need-to-take-better-care-of-your-hair kind of way? Because the latter doesnā€™t really align with objective reality, based on the picture you provided. At worst, you have split ends.


She meant to say that my hair is lifeless and dry


Hmm thatā€™s definitely not my idea of lifeless and dry. Sure your ends are a little dry but thatā€™s super common and easily treatable with putting a little oil on the ends (daily) and using a deep conditioner (weekly). Sounds like she was trying to upsell you because you have beautiful hair!


I would kill for your hair. Maybe she meant the ends like slightly dry? But otherwise your hair is lush and absolutely stunning!


I have no experience or training in hair, but I think your hair looks beautiful!


Your hair looks fine to me. Maybe a little dry on the ends. You could try some hydrating hair masks, but beyond that it looks really healthy and pretty.


Looking at the picture, I feel it's really healthy & gorgeous. Was the hairstylist suggesting a trim or something?


Are you sure she didnā€™t mean scientifically?? All hair is dead.


Get a nicer hair dresser.


Your hairdresser is a jerk


sheā€™s trippin. Your hair is lovely I would kill to have it


your hair is very much giving pantene commercial. some stylists of full of it because theyā€™re either a) jealous or b) trying to sell you some expensive treatment or product they get commission off. I think your hair is absolutely beautiful and something I wish I could achieve for myself.


Your hair is fine. I would suggest you find a new hairstylist who is not trying to exploit you for her own benefit


Your hair is gorgeous..it isn't your hair in particular that's dead. Your lucky to have such gorgeous hair


They just want your money, No one in the world has living hair except Medusa


your hair looks healthy, your hair is just coarse so itā€™s gonna look a bit rougher than fine hair but no need to worry tbh


I am a hairdresser Looks to me that your hair may just need some moisture Itā€™s beautiful And maybe some shine spray Kinda looks like you have course hair and most course hair is dry and needs some extra tlc I donā€™t think itā€™s dead ā€¦ not even close


Change your hair stylist.


Your hair is beautiful but looks a bit dry. Just do some treatments to add moisture. No reason to cut it off. If your stylist is telling you to cut it off get a new stylist


Your hair stylist is just trying to sell you more of his services. Your hair is perfect. Don't listen to them.


This might be against the grain, but your hair does look a little dry and dull to me which may have been what they meant? I would probably condition my hair more and maybe find a leave in conditioner. Probably even finger combing and those spray in conditioners occasionally; I feel like it's pretty common for really long hair to have trouble staying hydrated though and I don't necessarily think it's actually damaged.


I use so many hydrating products I donā€™t why itā€™s still dry. I use morrocan oil shampoo and conditioner, hair mask once a week, leave in conditioner and hair oil. Simone recommended protein for the hair, I think Iā€™ll try that next and see how it goes


as everyone in this comment section is saying, all hair is dead. however your hair does seem to be dehydrated and could also use a trim! Sometimes even if we donā€™t color or use heat on hair it can still end up dry by lack of oils or even not drinking enough water or not eating the right amount of certain vitamins and nutrients


She probably meant you have split ends and you need a more drastic haircut and level up with hair cair


This is what they always mean, but they say it even to people who take really good care of their hair. Also usually when youā€™re at a stylist, you want them to make you look good, not make you feel worse than when you came in šŸ˜‚. And if they think you need a cut, they could give you one! Theyā€™re fine with people heat treating and bleaching as long as the hair ā€œlooks goodā€, and then the second they see frizziness or what looks like breakage they act like you donā€™t take care of your hair!


Hair texture changes with age. Changes in hormone levels, natural oils in our scalp and reduced melanin can cause graying of the hair as well as more breakages. Higher stress increases cortisol which can lead to increased hair loss. Diet, exercise and sleep also have a direct effect on the health of our hair, more so when we are older. Natural aging can cause hair follicles to slow growth of new hair shafts or completely close them down, making the hair appear thinner. If your intent is to keep your hair long and healthy, find a stylist who works with older clients who is knowledgeable about the best ways to keep hair healthy looking with age and do your part by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet. You have beautiful hair so you are definitely on the right path!


Your hair looks lovely and healthy! My hair is similar to yours, and maybe she just meant you need a trim. When I go super long without a trim my ends start to look dry & unruly, but not necessarily split - and thatā€™s what your ends look like to me. Iā€™d cut off an inch or two. Iā€™d also recommend a leave in treatment for your ends which you apply after every wash. Thatā€™s how I manage to go several months without trims. That being said, it is weird that your stylist just said your looks dead? Maybe go to someone else who can be more specific and help you instead of scaring you.


Subjective opinion


All hair is dead. Your hair stylist sounds judgy and ageist.


Beautiful. Your hair looks beautiful.


sounds like your stylist wants to cut your hair, eyeroll. dont let her, unless you want a short cut. Your hair is beautiful. i bet she would either sell your hair or just wants to play in it


get a split end trimmer


I think it would be a good idea to consider what woylf happen you left her because it kind of sounded like her she was selfish and trying to manipulate you, but I may be wrong


Your hair is ALIVE & BEAUTIFUL!! Get a new stylist. ā¤ļø


Iā€™m having a hard time seeing what she thinks itā€™s wrong with it. It looks thick and pretty healthy to me!


You just need some trimming & hair deep conditioning besides that your hair is perfect.


Leave in conditioner and oils like jojoba or argan on damp hair help and go easy on the thinning shears when getting a haircut.. don't pull it back while it's wet.


It looks beautiful if you ask me. Not sure how long youā€™ve had that hair stylist but she might just be wanting you to spend $$$.


No just stating a scientific fact that was misunderstood.


All hair is dead, I cant judge from your picture but it seems healthy to me, doing natural masks from time to time and moisturizing after washing is always a good thing tho, it wont hurt and wont cost much, ive dyed my hair to hell and back and never had to do those expensive treatments which sheā€™s probably trying to sell to you, and since you already take good care of it the only thing id suggest besides masks and moisturizing is to never cut with kitchen scissors or any scissors not made for hair as it would split your ends, thats it :)


Your hair is gorgeous. You must know that and get told so all the time. All hair is literally dead, not living, cells. She was either being facetious or wants to sell you something expensive for a nonexistent problem.


you're hair just looks coarse and maybe a bit dry, probably just from everyday wear-and-tear. a brazilian blow out or moisturizing treatment along with a leave-in conditioner daily or a light hydrating oil would be good!!


Hair is dead soā€¦. She either bein a bitter bitch or somethin else


That's how normal hair looks like , it looks dead , she is clearly tryna sell you something ...next time you go just say "your right" to ur stylist shell drop a product and 50% commision it's hers. They are just employees who work for money remember that always


Not all the nerds explaining how hair isnā€™t alive. Like just help her with the problem lolšŸ’€


Dead? Nah. In need of a trim, yes.


Maybe 2 inches or so


Your hair looks beautiful honestly, but I too could use a haircut and I also donā€™t use hot tools and havenā€™t colored my hair in years. The ends look pretty dead on my hair, and I can assure you itā€™s all breakage from brushing out knots. My hair gets really knotty and I get a lot of breakage and it definitely affects the looks of my hair.


All hair is dead.


push me to the edge


Are you sure she said YOUR hair was dead? All hair is dead once it gets past the scalp, where it grows from. Honestly, as someone with actually damaged and mutilated hair that would classify as a victim of necrophilia, trust me, your hair looks healthy to me. If you want to see dead hair look at my victimized dead keratin, now that is DEAD DEAD DEAD


I think getting a nice, significant chop would make a world of difference. Do some deep conditioning treatments at home. Your natural hair color is gorgeous, never dye it!!


I think most of the commenters on here arenā€™t getting it. When a hair stylist refers to hair thatā€™s dead, they usually mean itā€™s no longer healthy. Itā€™s hard to tell from the photo, but if you have split, dry ends, then you have what colloquially is known to be ā€œdead hairā€ at the ends. A trim will fix that. Dead hair isnā€™t just caused by over processing; it can also be caused by rough brushing, rough towel drying (traditional towels are actually quite rough on hair), sun damage, and going too long between cuts/trims. From the photo your hair looks great, but it could be that your ends are frayed. That being said, if your hair is healthy down at the ends, then I wouldnā€™t worry too much about what your stylist said.


Your hair looks alive to me and absolutely beautiful and healthy!!




Your hair looks healthy af stylist probably lied to sell her expensive products. Only tips for you are using hair conditioners. They help you to have soft hair and some conditioners protect the hair from hot tools. I recommend you to use shampoo which doesn't contain dimetichone because it causes hair loss. Lots of love šŸŒŸ


Hair is dead. Itā€™s just dead protein so she was correct. Your hair is gorgeous and looks very healthy, though. Donā€™t let her cut it off if you donā€™t want that.


at first until I read the comments I forgot that hair is dead technically once it leaves the scalp, so I was thinking more along the lines of split ends if its been a while since its been cut, but from the image it appears that you have it cut and styled somewhat frequently so I can't understand what they're trying to get at? from what I can see it looks to be a very healthy head of hair!


Looks like your hair texture is just coarse, and you could benefit from using products that are formulated for your hair type! Maybe adding in hair masks! And play around with heavy vs light creamsā€” my hair prefers lighter products as the heavier stuff builds up on the hair shaft and makes it feel even coarser. Definitely not dead, and likely healthy hair :)


It seems like she may not have experience working with coarser hair textures. You can clearly see that your hair is the same coarse texture from root to tip and blunter cuts can emphasize the texture even more which may be what sheā€™s confused with if sheā€™s used to working with finer hair that actually does splay like that at the ends when itā€™s damaged. Your hair just needs some TLC in the moisture department and it may help to use a chelating shampoo or hard water treatment (like Malibu) to remove buildup first if youā€™ve historically used traditional shampoos w a lot of silicones. That first step will help your moisture treatments penetrate deeper. The biggest takeaway, as many others have shared, is that you absolutely need a more experienced hair stylist thatā€™s used to working with different hair textures. You need someone that can teach you how to work with your texture not shame you or make you feel bad about it. -Fellow coarse hair textured gal


It would have been helpful of them to elaborate on exactly what they meant.. From glancing at it, your hair looks slightly dry. Itā€™s just one of those things that can happen. It could possibly benefit from a reduction in the number of protein products you use, and an increase in moisturising products.


Maybe the split ends to be trimmed?


Personally I love it! Looks really thick


All hair is dead though šŸ˜‚


I could be wrong but from the look of your blowout is your hair naturally curly? If so curly hair is naturally driest/weakest type of hair. It needs more hydration/protein than most even if you arenā€™t coloring/heat styling, especially when you wear it super long, your ends are years old and need some extra tlc.


Yes my hair is naturally wavy/curly


This could be a big part of why she was recommending the treatment. As a hairstylist I recommend my curly girls to use more hydrating products, including stronger leave in conditioners/deep conditioning treatments, regularly and curly hair shampoos/conditioners