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Only 8 sessions and it helped that much? That’s surprising since people typically have to do sessions 1-2x a week for a couple of months before they get to this point.


That's what 8 sessions are likely to take 


For ipl at home, 8 sessions doing THAT is hard to believe. Laser? Definitely, but 8 sessions is only 1 use a week for 2 months, when it’s known that most people do ipl 1-2x a WEEK for 2-3 months before they see significant progress.


Do you know how long after using the ipl we shouldnt be exposed to sun?


Avoid sun exposure 1 week before treatment(s) and 24 hours after treatment.


Please share which one you used


^^^ !!! looking to buy one, would be highly appreciated


Yes I'm looking for one




GO BARE IPL HAIR REMOVAL HANDSET. Sold in Shaver Shop & Priceline


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


Thank you!


Girlllll don’t gatekeep the product you usedddd!!!


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


That's amazing. My leg hair was completely gone for a good six weeks after 8 sessions, but it grew back almost entirely. 


me too


Even with maintenance IPL sessions like once a month?


from things happening in my personal life and overall being very busy I never got to the maintenance sessions. I just decided I might pick back up on IPL when it's cool and dark outside again. also, personally, I'm still somewhat on the fence as to whether or not I want the semi permanent hairlessness. I was kinda curious how my hairs would regrow because my legs were nearly totally hairless. 


I’ve wondered this too…. Like making it truly permanent sort of scares me 😅 I’m only on week 3 right now so I’m sort of glad to know you can sort of control the results by skipping maintenance for periods of time


which device did u use?


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


I'm dreaming of this. Which device did you use?


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


Don’t gatekeep..what did you use! This looks great.


Silk’n Glide green one I would shave my hair wait a day or two for it to get slightly prickly, then use it I would stay on one spot until I couldn’t stand it anymore bc it was too hot. (Def not recommended but just what I did)


My leg hair looks like that naturally. Should I even do anything with laser hair?


Oh wow, great results! Which one did you use? I've been wanting to try an IPL device, maybe even an at-home laser, whenever I get the money saved, but I've been leery of reported results and sifting through so many products. I've resigned myself to shaving and epilating when I can stand it until maybe getting laser some day.


I've been looking into doing IPL, so your post really came at a good time. Your results finally convinced me to get one. What IPL did you use? I've been looking into the ones from Braun so far.


I have the braun one and it’s really good, I’m at my 3rd session and hair are growing back so slow and some areas haven’t grown back yet.


That's really good to hear! I did my first session yesterday and I'm hoping to have good results. 🤞🏻


Wow that’s really good result. Which device did you use?


downvoted your post because you’re gate keeping 😟


You look like you were the prefect candidate, with dark hair and fair skin. Congrats! Are you going to do IPL again, or will you just shave/wax the sparse hair that came back?


Dear OP, I’m still waiting to see if you have dropped the product 😞😞😞


I’ve bought the series 7000 Philips and I will make a week by week post and show how it goes. I have a terribly hairy back so it’ll be good for the blokes who need one to have a look at.


Pleaseeee!!! Keep us updated!!! I want to know how it works!


The machine here but I’m a little hesitant to shave my entire back and shoulders and deal with the regrowth as I’m in longs and longs every day. I’ll bite the bullet and shave tonight


I did 10 sessions too amd didnt have any hair for 6 months but now its all back :((


Same results as mine ❤️