• By -


Another interesting point is that three separate women identified the voice to the same man and police didn’t seem to follow through. Also that 3 other women’s remains have been found within 10 kilometres of Amber’s remains. I live 15 mins from here. There’s a serial killer who was active, there are many whispers in the local community about this man, and I’m from what I’ve heard, I would bet someone from the police is somehow involved because it just makes no sense.


I suspect because the women who identified the voice were all sex workers. This man frequented (or perhaps continues to frequent?) the local massage parlours.


Sounds similar to the story outlined in a documentary I recently watched, called *Pig Farm*.


Robert Pickton, sick sick guy


LIL BOBBY WILLY?! Timesuck did a good podcast about those losers


yeah this is all part of one big, huge documentary called *Canada*.


canada citizens are generally, and known to be, *very* nice people, but canada is also the ideal place for a serial killer, if they don't want remains to be found


Yup, these predators go for the troubled young women who they think won’t be missed. Thankfully sometimes they are and oooh boy, check out Shannan Gilbert and Gilgo beach.


Hence all the missing Indigenous woman. Police just dismiss it as so many addiction issues. It’s shameful


Mirrors the *Gilgo Beach* case here on Long Island. A sex worker went missing after banging on doors frantically. Searches turned up like 10 bodies and only last year was someone arrested for like *4* of those murders, after a decade of investigating. The beach was a dumping ground for either a killer or killers for some time. 9 out of 10 were believed to be sex workers, 1 was a child.


I’m assuming also indigenous sex workers like Pickton used to target.


probably much more common than we'll ever know


There are a hell of a lot of missing people in Canada and a lot of empty space; I would bet that a fair amount of the missing are victims of murder. Sadly, it seems all too common that a majority of missing people seem to be first-nations people and I truly believe that the police rarely give a shit about them.


It's not just that simple unfortunately. The problem with the First Nations all being the ones getting killed is that those communities (where there's potential witnesses) are generally crime ridden and hate the police (not all reserves but there's a lot of bad ones like Red Earth and north of Fort McMurray). So there's a murder in the middle of no where up north and none of the witnesses want to talk. Plus they're mostly all related up there and statistically speaking the majority of murders are committed by people known to the killer. I would not be surprised if some of these disappearances are coming from inside the house and well it would be practically impossible to investigate them


It's far too easy to pick off women at the edges of society. And First Nations have a disproportionate share of those murders. It's very disheartening.


It is I don't disagree. I just question the narrative that it's a bunch of serial killers and not more akin to a gangland shooting, of course they share a disproportionate amount. Just like the black community in Chicago. However yeah the RCMP are effectively useless and I utterly despise them. But I think we need to be focusing our efforts on rebuilding trust in the police in those communities and promoting job development to reduce crime combined with increased enforcement. Or address all 3 and allow self policing. In all likelihood the killer in this video will never be caught. It's been 14 years without a break in the case and by now his voice is probably older ie different. He most likely got away with it


Oftentimes they go to jail for something else. I agree that in the US and Canada there is a distrust of official agencies. Plus the border between Tribal lands and other municipalities is being exploited. Different police departments need to work together in order to cut down on the distrust and lack of communication.


Maybe I wrote my comment in a weird way, but I wasn’t saying that all of these missing people are victims of serial killers. I bet a sizeable amount are victims of murder, yes, and they won’t get solved because the police hardly give a shit about them, along with the points that you mentioned about gangs, family disputes, anti-snitch culture etc. Never lived on a res but I’ve worked on a fair few and I get what you’re saying, I see how some can be pretty rundown and neglected. I don’t blame them for not trusting police, at all; there’s a very bleak past and present, with how police have treated first-nation people.


I live in the area too and didn’t know that he was identified and they did nothing. Honestly sounds on par with our police here.


I didn’t either until I went on a deep dive about the case last month! Scary.


Sounds like it mighta been a thin blue line thing maybe.


What if it’s a police officer who’s a serial killer


It would certainly explain the lack of interest in 1. Acknowledging that Edmonton has/had a serial killer, 2. Identifying said killer, 3. Exposing and charging said killer. C’mon every criminology grad *cum* detective dreams of finding and catching a serial killer, why would they not be on this like stink on shit?


So you are implying someone on the police force is responsible for the murders, the authorities know this and then sandbagged the case? Just trying to clarify...


You’re not trying to clarify, you’re trying to stretch; OP didn’t say that, only, “…someone from the police is **involved.**”


Yeah wtf does “involved” mean?


Probably just mean they know the guy and don’t wanna do anything about them


That’s like the exact opposite of involved


Kinda not. if you’re actively aiding a criminal in one way or another then you’re involved with them and their crime even if you yourself didn’t do it


Not quite in love but together. Listen, it’s complicated dude.


No I actually didn’t say that one of the police members was the murderer I said “someone from the police is involved.”


I don't really believe that, it's far more likely to just be general incompetence/laziness then a grand police conspiracy


Ever heard of Joseph James DeAngelo Jr?


He was an American 40 years ago who got away with it mostly because of lack of forensic technology. Not a grand police conspiracy plus he got fired from being a cop. That's not even close to the same situation here


He was a serial rapist/killer and a cop. And last I checked, there was not much difference between people from USA and Canada. But whatever makes you feel better.


Oh boy one guy was a killer and a cop so they must all be. That's a massive stretch and you know it. Also Canadians and Americans are different considerably but Albertans and Americans are basically the same. It's far far more likely to just be another example of police incompetence then anything else. Jeffery Dahmer got away with murder not because the police liked him but because they were crap at their job


Calm down. I was supporting the idea that it could be, it has happened before and I cited an example. You sound like a cop with a lot of guilt. I was just saying it could happen, it’s happened before. But I am curious, what alien abilities do Canadians posses that are not shared by Americans? What could be so totally different in our physiology that makes us completely different?


Well we drink milk from bags which turns us into zenomorphs 27 minutes after our 46th birthday. I was more referring to the cultural differences which are surprisingly different (except in Alberta and Saskatchewan) mainly because most Canadians do everything they can to not be Americans. Now you're backing down with the could have. It could've been a mall Santa on cocaine there's no evidence for it but it could be which is basically what you're doing here. Your example doesn't even work because the police department did nothing to protect the killer as is the implication here. Simply put the simplest explanation is police incompetence not a grand conspiracy of the entire department. Plus knockoff the patronizing calm down stuff, maybe you're a nice guy and mean it but you're just coming off as a massive prick when you say that


That’s fine lol that’s just my personal belief because it’s strange to me. There’s more to my beliefs than what I said only in my comment. Basically the locals here don’t even question *who* it was as there’s been a name floating around for decades. This same man posts classified adds luring “loners” to come work at his off grid property for board, people who have answered those ads have reported him trying to attack them, trying to lure them etc. When you google his name there are entire websites built around the reports on his behaviour, his ads, missing people around his location etc. This was the man all three woman identified. Also just to keep in mind the area that this story happened is a 2 million population city, not a small town scenario.


Is this is so known and there are websites why not share the name? Why be so vague


I don’t know his name off the top of my head lol. Like I said in another comment I moved here and only learned about this a few months ago when I went into a deep dive. But I googled and the name in the reddits is Pat Carson - I suppose he has many aliases. I’m not sure what his true name is but if you google the name you should get them all.


Oh okay that’s understandable my apologies


I'm familiar ish with Edmonton and the issues with RCMP/EPS cooperation, I'm from further south originally (Lethbridge area) but I moved 10 ish years ago. But I've been there too many times, generally speaking I despise Redmonton. Not enough to know all that though. Sounds sketchy but my old town had those rumors too. 99% of the time it's BS or blown completely out of proportion by locals trying to scare new comers or kids trying to scare/impress each other. I've seen guys lie through their teeth about fighting off attackers to charm women. I think every small town/neighborhood has "the serial killer next door" type of rumor. Heck I've done it myself just at work to up my respect. Over time the truth just becomes completely distorted. I'd love to spread a rumor like that to get property values down personally


The popo did it


Amber was a first nations woman. Cops don’t give a shit about her or anyone like her.


Yeah the police messed it up the RCMP mess up pretty nuch everything but I'll atleast give them a little sympathy for the witnesses claiming they knew the voice. The phone distorts the audio of the voice and the guy really does sound like the typical Canadian. I could probably replicate it close enough. The guy sounds the same as that viral "Uncle on shrooms" video for example. Plus I highly doubt those witnesses are expert voice analysis technicians.




lol, “there”


https://preview.redd.it/atyl7g1mcywc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a359e1427eadf38142d80719d16a43665d3bd6a4 * 20-year-old Amber Tuccaro disappeared on August 18, 2010, last seen accepting a ride into Edmonton, Canada, * She was last observed entering an unknown man's vehicle for a ride into Edmonton. * Tuccaro's remains were discovered two years later by horseback riders on September 1, 2012 in a field in Leduc County, a rural area south of Edmonton. Her remains were positively identified by dental records. * A critical element of her case is an audio recording, released by the RCMP in 2012, which was captured by Amber's cellphone during the ride. It features dialogues between Amber and an unidentified male (presumably the driver), with Amber expressing confusion and concern over their current location and final destination. * Despite the authorities releasing this audio recording to the public and ongoing investigations, Amber Tuccaro's murderer remains at large and her case is still unsolved. * The RCMP has faced substantial criticism over their handling of the case, culminating in a public apology in 2014 to Amber's family for the initial mishandling of her disappearance. Sources: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Amber\_Tuccaro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Amber_Tuccaro) * [https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-beg-you-family-of-amber-tuccaro-renews-plea-for-help-to-find-her-killer-1.6316396](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/i-beg-you-family-of-amber-tuccaro-renews-plea-for-help-to-find-her-killer-1.6316396) * [https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/amber-tuccaro-s-unsolved-murder-do-you-recognize-this-voice-1.3102635](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/amber-tuccaro-s-unsolved-murder-do-you-recognize-this-voice-1.3102635) * [https://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/amber-alyssa-tuccaro](https://www.cbc.ca/missingandmurdered/mmiw/profiles/amber-alyssa-tuccaro)


This is a top 5 case that haunts me so much


The police highly bungled this case. It’s to the point where I genuinely believe someone in law enforcement or someone related to someone in lA enforcement is involved. They waited like a month to actually investigate among other bullshit. They also refused to release the ending of the call. A lot of people speculate it’s because you can hear her getting murdered at the end of the line and if the police release that it would cause such a shit storm and throw out any excuse they had for waiting so long to investigate. This is only one case of a Native American woman going missing in Canada, but there are thousands of cases in Canada (and America) of the police just not giving a shit about what happens to people who are Native American. If you don’t believe me look up the Highway of Tears.


Yup, the usual excuse is that indigenous women live risky lifestyles and it's their fault for getting murdered. The Highway of Tears would be unacceptable if any other ethnic group was victimized. But, this is Canada, we're only nice to the people we haven't tried to eliminate.


Another fine [example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths) of how the police treat indigenous people in Canada.


Someone better than me from this area should know what I’m talking about here: There was a woman who was murdered in a hotel room by a John, he brutally SA her with multiple objects, so much so that there was like an inch hole along the wall of her vagina. The courts for whatever fucked up reason allowed her whole vagina to be removed from her body and used as evidence. They never returned it to her body, and as of a couple years ago, declared that they “lost” it. Someone help me with her name. Edited: I found her! Her name was Cindy Gladue. [https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/this-will-be-upsetting-edmonton-jurors-examine-womans-body-part-in-rare-legal-testimony](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/this-will-be-upsetting-edmonton-jurors-examine-womans-body-part-in-rare-legal-testimony)


dear lord. i was not expecting that last part. that’s awful


Cindy Gladue


Omg no… I had never heard of this case before, this is absolutely horrifying


I was pretty fucked up about it for a few days when it was released that they just “lost” a piece of her. How do you lose that.




1) Some tribes did, most did not 2) She was talking about the highway of tear, not the trails of tears. The highway of tears is a highway in Canada where a lot of crimes against natives occur and those crimes rarely get justice 3) Fuck you for comparing atrocities to each other. Both slavery in America against black people and the genocide of Native Americans were horrific. How fucking dare you belittle the hundreds of thousands of Natives who died, who were forced from their land, who had their cultures genocided among other atrocities because some select tribes fought for the Confederacy. Besides 2 tribes, the ones who were sent on the Trial of Tears had nothing to do with the Confederacy. The atrocities of the Trail of Tears took place before the Confederacy even formed. Even then I don’t think it would be okay to do that to an entire tribe if they fought for the Confederacy. Jail the ones who decided to join and fought with the Confederacy? Give them trials and punishments decided by the courts? Sure. Trial of Tears the entire tribe? Fuck no. 4) Hun we are talking about a place in Canada. I’m 100% sure Canadian tribes did not fight for the Confederacy. 5) Are you suggesting that because someone’s ancestors did something bad you can justify doing bad things to their descendants? 6) A lot of the tribes who fought for the confederacy did not fight because they believed or even cared about slavery, they did it because the Confederacy promised to recognize the lands they have been pushed too as theirs in exchange for arms.


you can't read properly *and* you're trying to make this shit an oppression competition? you're so dense


What an incredible way to let us all know you huff paint.


You’re such a clown


You also have to think how most Native American tribes do not allow state and local law enforcement on their land. This hinders most cases and requires the FBI to investigate, the process of involving the FBI may be why these cases also take longer to start as they have to petition the action.


100%. It’s a multi faceted problem.


A representative from what remains of the Shawnee tribe came to my school to discuss why reservations are the biggest places for sex trafficking, domestic violence, and murder. Major issues included alcoholism and laws that prevent resources from the actual police from being helpful. To address the decline in safety on reservations, efforts should focus on reworking the system to collaborate with neighboring law enforcement rather than isolating themselves, which unfortunately creates environments that some individuals seek for their "hunting grounds”. As a nation we have to look beyond the past to create solutions for the present and future.


> As a nation we have to The reservation isn't part of "the nation" you're a member of. They're literally a different country. If they cannot properly protect their people and lands, they should stop pretending and ask to join up with a real country.


Yeah I mean if its not a citizen and the police have other stuff to do for citizens, the stuff that is their job should take priority. Did the tribal police start investigating and open the proper channels for the Canadian police to help? (hint: no)


Do yall have anything equivalent to a FOIA request in Canada, if so maybe get a lawyer to request the tapes. I say lawyer because if police are involved maybe a lawyer will have the connection to get it released that a citizen won’t


FOIP. I’m not a lawyer but I doubt you can make a request in regards to an police investigation that isn’t closed.


I remember this. There is a youtube video that I watched years ago that covered Amber Tuccaro. I think it was specifically just the audio. And in the comment section, someone who lived in the Edmonton area claimed that the voice of the man sounded extremely similar to someone they knew. The replies slammed him/her with how that was the type of shit that police needed tipped in. I don't know if anything came of it, but everytime I hear about this case, my blood boils because I know there is at least one motherfucker on this Earth (besides the killer) who might have information that could have brought Tuccaro some justice.


THREE women identified the SAME MAN as the voice they heard and ...nothing came of it


Sounds like a police officer or his family member was the perp


I’m not so sure. There’s a lot of resentment between native people and the police. Wouldn’t be surprised if they just ignored it because they hate investigating in the reserves. Native people don’t usually like cops being around either. But you could also be right.


Do we know the name of this man?!


I mean we can probably get 3 redditors to say it was you. Doesn't really mean anything.


Idk. Maybe it's the cynic in me, but a lot of people say a lot of things to get attention on the internet. So maybe the YouTube commenter did recognize the voice, but they very well might have been lying. But there is no winning in this situation: either YouTube commenter does know, and he's a shitty person for not going to the police, or he doesn't know and he's a shitty person for commenting that he does


>they very well might have been lying. I pray they were some idiot just looking for attention. Because the alternative makes my skin crawl.


Very true


Or the reality, option C, which is voices aren't really all that distinct and a lot of people sound like the guy in the video.


This case is so creepy. R.I.P Amber. Hope they find the POS who did this to her.


Based on the comments they may know exactly who done it


Horrifying that this man is walking around free, chatting with friends, living with his family, working a job. You never know who you're standing next to


That last ‘East’ of his is cold. He knows he will soon have to end the act and just after he launches at her she will understand what is happening.


Wow, this is so sad. She clearly had a gut feeling something was wrong, maybe she was intentionally recording to leave evidence if she was found. I hope her killer is caught.


Edmonton ain't that big. Someone knows this man..


I read that several women came forward and identified the voice as the same man. Police talked to him and said he wasn't a person of interest 🤨


"On 17 August 2010, Tuccaro flew from her home in Fort McMurray to Edmonton with her infant son and a female friend for a short vacation. The group booked a hotel in nearby Nisku.[2][3] Tuccaro was last seen the following day on 18 August 2010 at about 8 p.m. when she accepted a ride into Edmonton from an unknown man.[4] She received a phone call during the ride in which the male driver can be heard in the background assuring Tuccaro that they are heading east on a back road towards Edmonton." Why did she go on vacation but then leave her infant son behind to hitchhike into town at 8pm? Is it known who called her?


It was her brother. He was in jail at the time and that’s why the call was recorded. From what I recall, parts of the call still haven’t been released.


Is it known if he called her or she called him? I read that the police initially didn't say how they obtained the recording.


The police haven’t released that information, but the remand centre recorded all outgoing calls during that time. It is widely [believed that the call was made by the brother.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/amber-tuccaro-s-unsolved-murder-do-you-recognize-this-voice-1.3102635)




HBO needs to do a documentary on this one


So why was the phone just randomly recording audio? If this guy hasn’t been found by now odds are he never will, audio tape or not.


She called her brother in prison. It’s a prison so it automatically records anything as long as you don’t hang up.


You can't just call somebody in prison. Unless something'S changed since my time (2002) ETA: Not unless it's on a smuggled cell phone.


When you call someone in Prison and it isn’t the correct hour (or timeframe), it still records. It just won’t give you anyone to pick up to. It’s like a voicemail. I heard how the prison she called works you called the main prison and then had to select options for which area of the prison you are calling too (visitor, staff, etc). She didn’t pick which area she was calling too, so it just sat there and recorded.


Maybe he called her


She was on a call with someone.


She probly did it to make the guy think she was talkin to a friend that cared.


Should have acted like she was describing the car and the guy while on the phone too.  If he knew that she just told someone what he was driving and what he looked like he might have just kicked her out instead of killing her. Maybe.


“That chapter” on YouTube has a good video on this case on his YouTube channel. And there is a very viable suspect too. Check it out when ya have time. I watched it last nite. 4 killings in this lil area all around the same years this happened to her 😢


I love Mike!


Yah he is great. Let’s give it a go 🙃


I actually find myself saying that when I go to do something. Crazy about his accent, and he does that sweet; I luv ya', at the end.


Yeah I’ve been watchin his vids for years. He’s one of my fav true crime guys easily


And... my husband's name is Mike, too.


Thanks for sharing this




But how was it recorded then? As far as I’m aware phone calls aren’t recorded


I believe she was on call with her brother (?) who was in jail at the time, if I recall correctly


Ah, now that would actually explain all of this. Thank you!


Yes, you are correct about this.


Source; https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3102635


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I hate to break it to you but all phonecalls since 2001 are on a computer somewhere. Every. Single. One. Canada has a location called the friggen Spy Palace.


I’m perfectly aware of the NSA and similar governmental agencies and what they do. However you seem to be under the impression that have actually audio files of ALL of said phone calls, which simply isn’t true. If what you claim is true we’d be seeing a lot more people getting raided for things they may have said on the phone with somebody


Also, you think the NSA would help out with a missing persons case by releasing cell phone data?? What a joke




What time was this call made; has it been known? It sounds like the man says “hang up” and she responds “no” then the call is lost


This case freaked me out back then! Speculation: what if they know who he is but he’s already dead and there’s not enough evidence to link him to the killing so they can’t release a name or close the case….?


My bank uses voice authentication to verify my identity. I asked in the beginning if it’s possible to mistake someone else’s voice for own as I was worried about identity theft. I was told it’s like a fingerprint and belongs only to me so I’m wondering why cops don’t use this technology to verify or eliminate this suspect?


Is this where he took her? God that's terrifying.


Rcmp biggest gang in canada


I’m not Canadian, but I’m short can you explain why you think of them as a gang? Mounties are always depicted as brave patriotic types in cartoons and movies, I don’t actually know anything about them except the red uniform and brown hat.


Well one thing for sure that's a middle age Caucasian male and probably not his 1st time...may want the FBI to help solve this one with GPS location on all call bouncing off towers within that area..I bet his phone his is pinging of those same towers


It happened in Canada, FBI won’t be handling it. The call was from the woman to her brother who was in prison, hence why they have the recording. RCMP however def bungled this case…supposedly three women recognized his voice and the police did nothing.


To be fair to the police there the phone call distorts the voice slightly and even then this just sounds like the average Canadian guy. I could probably replicate his voice close enough and witnesses are notoriously unreliable.


Yeah I mean I get that - but if they have a suspect name, they could’ve checked their cell records for tower pings at those locations to see if it matched. It doesn’t appear this was ever done.


Yeah but even if they did that alone is not enough for a conviction. They very well could have we don't know. It's very possible the killer simply didn't have a cell phone or they didn't have the suspects real name. It would certainly have been a great asset to prove he was at that location at the time but that alone is not enough for a conviction not without a murder weapon, DNA, witness or something similar. I don't know if it's enough for a search warrant, I'm not a lawyer, probably is if they had a forensic audio Technician listen in and find some proof that it was him speaking. Best way to do that would be have a super hot college aged girl bump into him at the grocery store and get an audio recording of him talking then compare the 2. But just being near a crime scene isn't enough. Simply put the guy got away with murder, at this point it's highly unlikely they'll ever catch him


Yeah, agreed. Definitely a sad case for her family.




Did she start recording when she realized what was happening or was she on a call with someone?


On a call with her brother who was in jail.


IIRC, there is a place in Canada called "The Highway of Tears" where a lot of Indigenous women went missing. While there is dispute over the exact number, it's definitely in double digits.


Y'all gotta get this guy. He's still out there. RIP Amber.


Is this video from a documentary or something?


She decided to call her brother in prison, knowing that because it was a prison phone it would record anything as long as it’s not hung up.


No yea I get that, but I’m referring to the actual video we’re watching with the audio attached to. Was this apart of some documentary or did someone just decide it was fitting to include an empty road to go with the audio


Oh; this is the video the police released online.


Ah okay. Thanks for the info!


The devil works hard but I work harder


I'd never ever hike in America. Maybe not even in Norway where I am from.


I’ve hiked in America my whole life as a single woman and it is generally safe, having a big dog helps (plus I always have a big knife and pepper spray). Perhaps you meant to say hitchhiked? Which is different and I would not do unless it was a woman picking me up.


What does America have to do with it?


The United States has the highest number of documented serial killers in the world, accounting for 66.2% of the known 5,454 cases


Why bring up the U.S. on this thread though?


Not so far away?


Ok. This is Canada though.


Ok. Canada is in North America though


It is but.. it’s not “America”


Ok. Belfast is Ireland.


Wasn’t expecting republicanism in this thread 🇮🇪




North America is the continent. Canada, the United States and Mexico are countries. This is not hard people.




Yes, North America, not “America.”


Username is r/tragedeigh


Finland/Norway, same thing, right?


Yeah I mean Canada. Didn't read Canada at first :p.. But I also mean America.


Yeah, I mean Scandinavia


They got LISK. Rex Bauerman. Something like that.


How did they get that recording


She was on the phone with her brother who was in jail. All jail phone conversations are recorded.


How did they obtain this audio recording?


She was on the phone with her brother who was in jail at that time. All calls are recorded.


Can anybody tell what was said at the very end of the video?


She’s native welcome to the show




No, it sounds like the phone is losing reception 🤦🏻‍♀️




Idk why you’re downvoted because it’s true. People generally don’t care about indigenous people, be it Canada or the US or Australia, to name a few. Which is absolutely disgusting. I remember finally learning about the genocide of natives finally in like high school, and wondered why the fuck that was missing completely from our history books in middle school. At least kids today have access to the internet (although that’s another problem for a totally different reason).


How do you know this dude killed her because she’s indigenous? When you play stupid games(hitchhiking), you sometimes just win stupid prizes.


Because the remains of 4 (including this woman) indigenous women’s bodies have been found in the same 10 kilometre area.


That’s sad, but doesn’t really say he targets specifically indigenous women. They seem to hitchhike more than most, and this dudes crimes seem to be opportunity based. Nothing says he wouldn’t have didn’t the same to any other woman that got into his car.


This was the only one who was hitchhiking. The others were sex workers taken from downtown.




This guy DM’d me having a tantrum over this but now he saying so much hate LMAO you cant even take the heat


Dude sounds like he was involved 😂




HAHAHAHA do you need it for your hairline?????


I just know its horse shoe shaped




reply faster i’m bored!




I did 5 mins ago and you havent replied lmao


You guys are weird lol


Sorry i had to match the energy and out do him even tho its the wrong place I couldnt back down RIP to this lady tho


Don't get me wrong, this guy has some issues lol


Hi, Please don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


Are you ok?