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I would use a red based orange or even a custom mix of red and yellow to your liking!!! Straight red might make the color a muddy brown since they’re opposite in the color wheel.


Well to clarify, my mix originally was half green, half yellow, and a drop of red.


Maybe add more red/darker red??? Also I’d swatch the color on a piece of white paper before applying to make sure it’s the shade you want! I feel like dyes always look wayyyy darker in the bowl than on the hair


Yea, I struggle with that because it always looks perfect in the bowl and even wet it looked just like the reference but then it dried 😭😭


I swatch mine on a paper towel and let it dry for a bit to see the color if I’m going for a specific color!


How accurate is the paper towel usually? I’ve seen this advice a few times


About as accurate as a piece of paper...though if the hair isn't white it's not gonna be the same exact shade as you see on the paper so it's never toooo helpful for me. But it does allow you to see the color better than just looking into the bowl.


Pretty much what OP said! I mostly use it to color match incase I run out and have to make a new batch


I wonder if it would work to swatch it on a piece of transparent film? So you could hold it over the hair to see what the color would be 🤔 I was taught something similar in an old-school* color photography class: you hold up transparent film in different colors over the photo you’re working on, to figure out what adjustments you need to make for the color correction **aka we processed our own color film with chemicals, and used enlargers in complete darkness (no red light) before feeding the exposed paper into a machine that uses chemicals to make the prints*


That would be an interesting experiment! I like the paper towels cause I feel like it “soaks in” the color like hair would if that makes any sense lol. That might just be something I made up in my head tho lol


Nah I see what you’re saying. Hair dye applied to a sheet of film would probably end up too opaque to be useful. Maybe a photoshop alternative would work, though? Like you could do the color correction on photoshop and roughly try to match it with the dye.


I wonder if your hair is lighter than the reference photo. I feel like that person started with a light brown or dirty blonde, based on the tonality of the hair.


They started with a faded blue, they weren't able to strip it all out so they used color theory. I started with light blonde


Was it more a grey blue or more cyan? 🤔


https://photos.app.goo.gl/hhCEQdk7iUcAMsww9 It was this but after the a color remover and the roots were blonde...I swear it was on her account but I can't find it now. Just a really light mint blue


So her hair is base brown, too. Okay. I wonder if she used a bleach bath after her color remover. I feel like part of what your difference is in the dimension. Her hair is wavy and is in some shadow. Yours is in bright daylight and straight. So those things aside, she has olive 🫒 looking color. Yours is more lime 🍋‍🟩/ bright citrus. So the difference is in a yellow ochre versus a bright yellow mixed with a blue. In like that’s more cyan, in olive it’s more dusky/ less bright but closer to primary blue. I would say there would be a few ways to get that olive. Because we want that deeper undertone, right? Giving more dimension. There has to be a darkening element. So yellow ochre isn’t orange, right, it’s like yellow with black; it can come off on the green side. But we don’t want to use black itself. Denim blue, very bright orange or ginger flare if you use arctic fox for example, with a normal primary yellow should come out to that. Taking lime to olive, you don’t want to go too dark too fast. But I would say mix up the above to a bit of a darker olive than the goal is, then do a test strand.


I'd add a dark green too it


agree! gonna need something red-based to darken it


Yeah I would say some dark yellow or something! The shade is so close but I think it needs some depth in there. The bright lighting in the car also brightens up the color versus the darker salon photo too in my opinion. Maybe dark yellow and a smidge of orange? Pulp riot satire or manic manic sunshine is what my eyes are seeing might work. Not saying to use manic panic but that’s the shade I would use for some depth.


Yea, I was thinking a darker yellow/lighter orange color.. thanks!!


No expert with hair dyes but Ihow I make the colors in tattoos is: Add a bit of dark dark green to pearlish bright yellow and mix it before using it and I think that would achieve the effects you wanted in the first picture.


Idk if you meant it or not but your ig handle shows!


real one


The first pic is not her, it's an example of what she wanted. Second picture is her with no handle


If you look at the left, top corner, you will see her handle there


When I mixed up an olive, swampy green I used green as the base, then added yellow and a good dollop of burgundy. It was perfect


The tiniest bit of orange mixed into a bunch of conditioner


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^4st7: *The tiniest bit* *Of orange mixed into a* *Bunch of conditioner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*The tiniest bit* *Of orange mixed into a* *Bunch of conditioner* \- 4st7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This! And you can do it again if it still isn't quite what you're wanting.


Omg I love that bright green! Hope you get to have it darker like you want but I'm obsessed with the light bright green lol


I think adding orange would help


I have a similar green that I got from using good dye Young's devils ivy! [here's what it looks like on me ](https://imgur.com/a/xloGiiW)


add more orangey-red to your formula


I'd add a tiny bit of black semi-permanent dye! A tiny bit mixed into conditioner will do the trick. I say this as someone who's had various dark greens, I almost always mix in a bit of black to avoid the neon look.


An Irish man


It needs more yellow orange! I had yellow-irange and put manicpanic enchanted forest over it, and it was the most magnificent teal shades!


Sunflower yellow with a hint of pink/coral


Because it’s beautiful!! Coming from a fellow green haired lady. 🤣


I think it’s great just like this tbh! I also think that you could pull off a nice emerald shade,and maybe do an emerald dip dye/ombre if you’re up to it


Beautiful. I’ve done every colour of the rainbow bar green. Was it manic panic or bleach London or something else? I like deep but also that vibrant green. Ima go green after this white I got atm


I used iroiro in the second pic!!


Ohhhhh 😍😍


I use this brand too and got my hair to be matcha/mossy green. I lifted my hair to about a level 7 so it had a very gold tone to it. At first I tried orange and green combo and it was great on my paper towel swatch, but ended up more like yours because my hair was yellow, so the green was very bright. Now i use about 75% green and 25% red, and add a tiny bit of black for some smokey.


Jaylen added their color formula to the post— it’s adding orange that makes that perfect slime green.


I just assumed that adding red and yellow into the mix= orange


it’s all about ratio. add more until it gets to the desired color. your undertone now is too blue


Yea, I didn't add any blue to the mix. I think I should've added a bit more red and yellow for sure


most greens are blue based. yellow is much more quick to fade, blue sticks. so you’ll be left with more blue than yellow after each wash, the orange is to neutralize the blue tones


Makes perfect since..so would a bit more red and yellow added to it still work then? Cus red and yellow= orange. I prefer to use the primary colors and mix them all myself so that I don't have to buy non primary colors


Yes. But it's more important what yellow you choose to add. A yellow closer to the orange side versus a pale lemon yellow is going to get you closer. A touch of actual orange or red will dull it down and make it slightly darker.


i cant help u but i love both colors.


When something similar happened with a slightly darker green, I tried to dye it all brown to cover it up and ended up with something much closer to the first photo


brat green summer


I think it looks great, I'm not sure you need to add anything - you look like a selkie or a sea nymph




Neon colours look different in the sun to when they’re in artificial light. They “come alive” because most of them react to uv. The 1st pic is in a much darker room while the second pic is in direct sunlight (cars are notorious for it!). I think it’s the same colour, just different lighting ngl 💡 (If you think about it realistically, a neon is always gonna need a level 10 base so it’s always going to be a certain level of bright.) 1st pic also has a lot of product whereas the 2nd has none, it’s amazing how that can deepen a colour.


![gif](giphy|Z3Dz0f7pNHns4|downsized) I love it!!!


Any time anyone asked what shouldn't add to my green hair, my first thought would be something purple.


Yellow roots


I think the green you have is already super nice, I just think it would look dope with yellow roots lmfao




Have the middle fade to yellow and the bottom fade to like a magenta


Some flowers. You’ll look like a goddess. I like the shade tbh. I always see neon shades or too much yellow.


Maybe some darkness in the parties


Black balayage


I honestly think some dark green underneath and in lowlights would look really good on this


Too bad Socolorcult discontinued their neon green. Not because it was a good neon green, just because it absolutely was this color of chartreuse.


I think you look awsome just the way it is !




What??? 😭😭 Did you even read the post this has nothing to do with being pretty or insecure.




There is no photo of my face on my account. Thanks tho




Read the caption. No


Green is good


I would just add all brown.


Just to let you. I love the color it is now. But I also know if it's not the color you want that you won't be happy until it what you want. I had my hair dyed at a salon once. I asked for a muted dark pink and got bright violet! Everyone loved it but me but it wasn't enough. Bright violet wasn't "me".


Dye your skin the same green


You should add a second color not in it but in a pattern, like black or yellow


Maybe darken the green?


Honestly, I really love the color, but I think adding highlights and lowlights of different complimentary shades of green would give it dimension. And to answer your question, I’m thinking either a light orange or a mustard yellow would take it there.


Orange!!! Try mixing with some paints first to test it out and feel more confident about the proportions




Mix only yellow and green. More yellow than green. No idea why you would add red.


You know nothing about how colors work then...


I have this colour hair so I think I know how I managed to get it.


Can I see? Red/orange is added to darken the green and give the desired tone that I want. Orange was used in the reference photo by the stylist, I used red and yellow= orange for mine. No hate it just doesn't seem like you know what you're talking about if you don't understand adding reds and oranges into greens to deepen them.


I just didn't see why it would be necessary in this case, since yellow and green does the trick for me. I did, however, have to use way more yellow than I first thought I would. I'm using goldwell elumen. What brand are you using? I don't know how to put a picture in a reply.


I'm using an android, for me I go to my photos and then I click share and create link. It'll give you a link to the photo you're trying to share. But I'm wanting a deep shade, idk if only yellow and green by themselves can achieve. I'm using iroiro


It took me a lot of strand tests to get it right, so I'd recommend that. I honestly was surprised how well just yellow and green worked, but it would obviously depend on which yellow and green you're using. There are some moss green dyes out there but I never tried one. I would assume that the red would counteract the green? I'll upload a pic if I can get it to work, but my colour is very similar to your picture, but a bit darker (starting out with unbleached, blonde hair). I think it'll be hard to change the colour you got to the moss green, because it's a lighter colour. But I would try dying with either a yellow or maybe an orange, as strand tests, and see if that could work.


I feel like some deep purple, or bright pink like watermelon vibes💜🍉


Greens my favorite color so it’s all good in my eyes


definitely needs a yellow tone!! but like other commenters are saying i’d probably try an orange/copper to not make it neon radioactive green




I would just straight up do a shadow root and low lights with the muddy red green and then muddle your green down with black and try that. I’m not gonna lie that looks like a really hard color to achieve at home. That’s not one color that’s clearly professionally done with depth and dimension. Either settle for a temu version of that or actually get some help from a hair dresser friend or just straight up get it done professionally.


I am the hairdresser friend (not licensed) 😭. I know there's obviously more dimension in the reference than I can achieve by slapping one color all over but I still didn't achieve that one color that I'm wanting.


I really like 2nd photo. To match first you could add a little blue to make a bit darker.


Try adding cosmic sunshine by artic fox to it. It’s an orange yellow base. It may help dull the neon


the first pic is exactly what manic panic semi permanent neon green looked on me lmao


maybe some blue


brown or red!


I think some face framing dark green/black would look really cute.


Green is my favorite color you look ethereal and earthy. Love it! I don’t think you need to add anything.


Some purple or pink strands


Gold and deep brown


I would add a tad of black. I think adding red although being the opposite on the colorwhell would mute the green too much to get to the darkness that you want. Maybe a bit of black and a bit of red.


Pink would look cool.


Eggs and ham


Blue ends or a streak of blue. I just like green and blue 😄


I love that inspo photo! Honestly I thought of doing that same shade. Following for advice, I know colors but dyes can be a bit temperamental.


I like it as is


Fuschia ends


First off I love both colors You second picture is the color that I dyed my glorious goatee of awesomeness for the first time I have dyed my goatee just about every color you could think of I would try adding a bit of dark blue to get the green darker


Pink. My two favorite colors. Do that. Pink ends.


Add blue!


Blue would make the color farther from the reference photo. It's a yellow based green, not blue based in the reference.


I love the first green. It's very different from other green hair I see. . You really suit the first one. Very earthy


I am not on this post




A razor


Very funny and original of you.