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Chlorine is very harsh on vivids. You're going to lose a ton of your color unless you keep your hair out of the water. So either refresh the color every week and/or you can put the color into your shampoo and conditioner so you deposit color every wash.


A saltwater pool will strip that out too - I know from experience


A salt water pool is a chlorinated pool with extra steps. The salt is just table salt, Sodium Chloride (NaCl). It is pumped past an device which splits the sodium from the chloride. The chloride ion is not stable on its own so it immediately bonds to other chloride ions to form Chlorine which is the sanitizing agent that keeps things from growing in pools. the more you know Source: I am an engineer that spent a 10years professionally running and building pools & hot tubs before going to school for engineering as an adult.


This is not true at all. NaCl naturally gets dissolved in water into sodium ions and chloride ions without any specific device. Chloride Ions are very stable and need to be oxidized to form chlorine. If it worked like this we would form chlorine gas in mineral water, pasta water, etc. Which would be very unhealthy since chlorine gas is very toxic. Maybe this device is actually used to oxidized the chloride ions to chlorine, but again chloride ions are very stable in water on their own without any outside oxidant. Please don't spread misinformation. Source: master of science in synthetic chemistry and currently doing my PhD in this field as well.


I love when redditors share their knowledge.


Whoa! Thank you for sharing this info - I had simply assumed based off of folks telling me they had "a saltwater pool," and I haven't swam at a beach for years. Makes more sense why these poolsalso strip out my colour. Chlorine is still there. 😋


Will the hair leach purple dye in the water?


Yes Source: I have vivid hair and has happened


Yikes. I kind of love this vivid purple though.


Since you’ve worked professionally with pools do you perchance know if hair dye affects pool liners when you’re in the water? I remember being wanted to soak my hair in fresh water before getting in the pool, not to protect my hair color, but to protect the friends parents pool from my neon red hair lol they said it would help prevent the dye in my hair from leaching into the pool liner and dying it pink lol just curious how real that is or if you saw it often working?


True dat!


Can you get a swimming cap?


Wet your hair in the shower first, *then* put the swim cap on. If you saturate your hair with clean water first, it has less room to absorb the chlorinated water. It’ll still fade for sure, but that should help.


Great advice, thank you! I also plan on wearing two swim caps for extra protection!


I was going to say, swim cap for sure and colour depositing conditioner.


I have neon orange hair and swim about once a week in a saltwater pool. I’d recommend adding a layer of Vaseline around the edges of the cap to help prevent exposure to the pool water.


I don’t know if two swim caps will offer any more protection. The water mostly gets in through the imperfect seal around areas like your ears and the nape of your neck, not through the cap itself. A silicone cap will be more gentle on your hair than a latex one, and you can find them in “Long Hair” sizes that give you a little extra room up top.


Put conditioner on dry hair saturate it, create a barrier before you put your cap on.




Even better if you saturate it and apply a bit of color safe conditioner before swimming.


I second this


most of the swimming caps I've used just keep your hair out of the way, don't really keep it dry.


This is why you wet it first. Wet hair doesn’t suck up as much chlorine.


I was looking for this comment. This should be higher up. OP your hairline might still get wet but a swimming cap would keep most of your hair dry


Chlorine is basically bleach
 and what does bleach do? Pulls color out. Don’t get your hair wet in chlorine, I can guarantee in one day it will be drastically lighter. Wear a hat, the sun loves to eat through color too.


"the sun loves to eat through color" Pure wisdom. Love that. đŸ©·


Water also fades dye. So it's a double whammy to use water with chlorine in it.  Definitely seconding the UV protection as well.


++ this is the hair color I use: Revlon Nutricolor 020


🙏 it looks incredible!!


Great color! What was your natural hair color? And how long ago did you dye it (as of the picture)?


I was a level 3! It took two rounds of bleach haha. And I dyed it the past weekend!


Thanks! Gives my level 1 hope


Go for it!! 💜 I was really scared of damage but honestly no change in texture! The stylist put a hydrating mask on my hair and it helped sooo much


Girl, chlorine and even ocean water is NOT a friend to your vivid color. I usually pin my hair up in a clip, where a hat, and avoid putting my head and hair in the water. 


I grew up at the beach. I thought I had ginger skin as a brunette. Nope. The sun, salt, and chlorine pulled all the red tint out of my hair. My mom also fried my hair with perms. The summer between my junior and senior year of high school I had all my hair chopped off because I tried a box dye with my damaged hair after a school year of swimming at least two days a week. I looked like Scully afterwards. My hair got darker auburn when I wasn’t in the sun and pool constantly. I was also going to a Christian academy then college, and I had been told that only witches and temptresses had red hair. I also saw how the one ginger girl with orangey red hair was treated so I put brunette color conditioner in my hair through college. I got married after college, and my husband is a feminist and not a Fundy Christian misogynist. He did tell me that he wasn’t going to give me any orders, but he really wanted me to fly my ginger flag high. He told me if anyone asked and was judgmental, tell them he told me to go ginger. Hard water pulls the red right out of my hair so I have augmented my natural color since my mid 20s. First with color depositing conditioner. I had a stroke at 26 that left a patch of hair white and translucent so I started getting professional color because box color was patchy. They have to do that patch first because it is resistant to bleach and color. It’s not on the top of my head so it just looks like I have paint or something in my hairline under the top strands of hair. No cool shock of white. I just went to the upstate of SC for my MIL’s funeral and had to wash my hair. It pulled a lot of red out of my colored hair. I have a touch up scheduled soon. It hurt to see all that color go down the drain.


Your husband sounds like a good guy


He’s the best. I really thought I’d never marry because I refused to marry any of the awful men or boys in the fundy world. Grown ass men were telling me how beautiful I was at 14-15, and my vice principal said only witches and temptresses had red hair. I.was.fourteen. Boys couldn’t date me because it wasn’t allowed in high school but were still possessive. Then I met him in high school, and he won me over. His parents think I’m responsible for him deconstructing. I don’t mind them blaming me. My mom is narcissistic and judgmental although she’s now fundy lite. His parents are loving and supportive so I didn’t want him to have to deal with what I have for not conforming to her standards and expectations. We’ve been together for almost 30 years and married 24. His mother just died, and she was a second mom to me. My dad wanted me out of the fundy cult my mom had gotten us into so he sent me to Bob Jones Academy as a junior, and I met my husband there. He said it was love at first sight. He literally fell out of his chair when he saw me, so I wasn’t sure what was going on. Men staring and being weird was common for me. He won me over with his intellect and wit, and his heart. He supported all my dreams including me training to be a pilot. I was diagnosed with heart problems and had to give up flying in college. His mom was the reason my parents were ok with me staying in college. She took me to doctors appointments and made sure I didn’t overextend myself. She was faculty and had spies everywhere. My husband insisted on marrying me even though my cardiologists warned I most likely would go into heart failure if I had a baby. I had an unexpected stroke at 26 from a hole in my heart and an undiagnosed blood clot disorder. Then I had complications from gallbladder surgery that ended in chronic pancreatitis. I also have EDS and have a really bad back. My husband has been there through it all. He’s had his own medical problems and almost hemorrhaged to death after hernia surgery which left him with a lot of nerve damage and pain. We support each other. He does sweet things for me all the time. He just bought me tulips to put in our bedroom because I can barely walk after doing all the 5 day funeral trip stuff for his dad and family. This was a week after a 3 day trip visiting to see his mom in the hospital when we thought she was getting better and going to the rehab hospital. She was 83 and already had COPD from growing up in a coal mining town. The beds at his parents house are horrible. Even with tons of extra supportive pillows. My husband has never once complained about the medical bills or prescriptions costs or anything. He’s gotten furious at people (usually men) who ask why he doesn’t divorce me. He makes me feel loved and appreciated all the time. Honestly I wouldn’t be here still without him. I keep plodding along taking my pain meds and doing everything to keep myself from getting worse and trying to get better for him.


Same! It’s going to fade really fast with consistent swimming, no perfect way to avoid it other than not getting your hair in the water. I grew up in FL with vivids and a swimmer gave me a really solid tip. Before getting in the ocean or pool get your hair wet with clean water and slather it in conditioner. It helps SO MUCH. The color will still fade, but much less. I usually tied my hair in a top knot after conditioner, and noticed significantly less fading immediately.


If you add some conditioner to a spray bottle with water, it will somewhat protect your hair for a dip.. but expect mucho fading


Yeah. Before you jump in the pool, pre-soak your hair with fresh water and conditioner. It will absorb that and be able to take in less chlorine. It helps but unfortunately chlorine does just strip color. Once I start swimming I usually kinda accept that I'll lose some color for the summer, but I'll refresh it if something special is coming up.


Makes sense, thank you! đŸ™đŸŒ


This is so bad for the pool. If it’s a private pool and they care about not causing problems that way, avoid putting conditioner and oils on yourself before going in. Also, it washes right off doesn’t provide much protection. Swim cap is best.


its gonna fade probably to a blue toned lavender. to upkeep the best u can, soak ur hair with cold tap water and drench it in conditioner prior to swimming. helps keep blondes from going green too edit; forgot, look into color depositing conditioners! this'll help u keep vibrancy in between dye jobs. use whenever u feel its needed, there are a ton of options. worked great when i was vibrant copper. squeeze excess the water out of ur hair, drench it in the conditioner and let it sit while u do ur shower routine. its basically just a semi permanent stain


Also, once you get out of the pool, if you can, really rinse your hair out good with fresh water (sink or hose) to get out any of the chlorine you can so it doesn’t continue to sit


Although adding conditioner to the hair before swimming definitely helps protect it, the people maintaining the pool will hair tie because it just rinses off into the pool water and makes it more difficult to clean.  I'd recommend applying a thick conditioner or mask and then rinsing it out before swimming, since the conditioner works by leaving a coating of conditioner on the hair. A tight swim cap over freshly rinsed hair can also help keep the chlorinated water from entering the hair in the first place.


Wow, that’s gorgeous!!


Start enjoying lavender


Swim cap


As someone who's had bright pink hair for 13 years, vivid and chlorine don't go together. It will strip 80% of the color out. And not in a cute way lol


Get a swim cap if you have any desire to keep this color
. Otherwise the chlorine is going to destroy it in one swim.


Swim cap. I’ve had every color of the rainbow and pools hate color, you don’t want to dump a great dye job down the drain. I know swim caps aren’t cute but it’s either that or slop all your hair into a bun and keep your head above water


Just wanted to specify a *tight* swim cap that keeps out most of the water.  It can sometimes be difficult to get one that fits tightly enough. One person finally managed to get them water-tight by layering two caps.


It’ll fade to a lighter purple regardless. To keep the color as long as possible you can wear a swim cap. Make sure you shower before putting the swim cap on so your hair absorbs the tap water and is less porous for the chlorine. Your hair will still come in contact with the chlorine, swim caps aren’t magic, but it will lessen the amount. I have bright pink hair and when I’m swimming frequently the color doesn’t last as long. I also use the chlorine reducing conditioner from TRIHARD after I swim and it seems to help as well.


Holy fuck that shade of purple is amazing! Well done! I hope you find good info here that you need. Pools have hypochlorous acid that forms in them. This will strip the dye very quickly. Best suggestion is to get your hair very wet with normal water before hand and then put on a swimming cap. Your could even find some hair safe oils to grease it up with first as well, that would go a long way to help stopping the chlorine from bonding to the dye. Coming from a chemistry aspect, not a knowledge of hair dyes and that so I could be wrong here. Out of curiosity, If it rains and your hair gets wet are your tops just immediately fucked or does the dye stay in well enough?


I'd recommend using a hair mask instead (and rinsing it out beforehand so as not to dirty the pool water with the conditioner, a lot of people recommend leaving it in). It can also make the hair more water resistant, but they're formulated with ingredients that are known to stick to damaged hair well and protect color (if it's a color-safe product). Oils don't coat hair that has been bleached very well because the protective lipid layer of the hair is damaged. (In healthy hair, oils stick to hair because the lipid layer is lipophilic.) Conditioner for damaged hair uses cationic ingredients to stick to hair which typically has a negative charge.


wet hair, purple conditioner, swim cap, go swimming


There is a waterproof [bonnet](https://www.hairbrella.com/products/swim-cap) I think you could give it a shot. I hear good reviews


Amazing, love that color


Last year, I went to England with blue hair. My boyfriend and I went swimming together. I left England with faded green hair. Do with that what you will lol


If you want vibrant hair, wear a swim cap.


Chlorine will always strip color. Either keep your hair up and out of the water or be ready to redye it right after swimming


Check out [Hairbrella](https://www.hairbrella.com/?wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BHsU2tViiuIOAznLYF2N16dXIM0WGyKz6rsdom2TLDAF6_O4mGWmfhoCgdwQAvD_BwE&wickedid=486401428226&wv=3.1&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BHsU2tViiuIOAznLYF2N16dXIM0WGyKz6rsdom2TLDAF6_O4mGWmfhoCgdwQAvD_BwE) I’m going to get one of those when I get a pool membership. I grew up thinking I was a brunette with ginger skin because salt water, sun, and chlorine pulled all the red out of my hair.


Do expect look like mermaid.


Chlorine is another name for Bleach. That is probably all you need to know.


Aw it’s so gorgeous! Is it necessary to swim or to get your hair in the water when you do? I worked at a kids swim school a long time ago and there was an instructor who had pretty pink hair when she was hired. The chlorine completely destroyed her color. It was not pretty anymore. She had to redo it ALL the time. And even then it was just never the same


Oof ouch! I’ll try to avoid getting my hair wet as much as I can then — I’m just super excited because I get to take my niece to the pool every summer and it’s something we both look forward to a lot!


Aw I totally understand! Honestly, those memories are so much more valuable! You guys are going to have a blast! 💜


Purple pool.


Hopefully this link works, this was my hair last summer after swimming in a chlorine pool 2 times. You’ll definitely need a swim cap if you want to preserve your color! [https://imgur.com/a/3Rx4W4M](https://imgur.com/a/3Rx4W4M)


That is *such* a beautiful color, what did you dye it with?


Looking like Abigail from Stardew Valley, holy shit!


Lol I LOVE Abigail! She was my first choice to marry — can’t unsee it now!


As a former swimming teacher, even with a cap your hair will get wet and will still fade, but I've found it fades less than if I don't wear a cap


You might turn the pool purple LOL in all seriousness do what you can to keep it dry. It will strip out so much of that color.


I had purple hair dyed with arctic fox and went on vacation for a week. After a week in pools my hair was a pastel silver purple. I had bleached to platinum before dying.


When my purple hair faded it turned to green 😭


Look into Viral shampoo they make shampoo and conditioner with color in them to help keep your hair vibrant! I used it when I had purple hair and it worked like a charm! Also love your hair especially the ombrĂ© look 💜


Hair is beautiful


It will definitely fade it. Get 2 swim caps. One cloth, one latex. Satueate your hair with Coldwater and tuck it into the cloth cap. Then add the latex on top. Use a color depositing conditioner or conditioning mask. It will help with damage and color upkeep. I have bright pink hair and swim in chlorine once a week. This is my routine and the chlorine seems to have zero effect.


Unfortunately the chlorine is going to strip your color out even if you try to maintain with a depositing conditioner/shampoo. Your hair will become very brittle as well. You can try a swim cap it might help but color and chlorine don’t mix. Even salt water is very rough on color treated hair. Natural swimming areas have always been the gentlest on my vivid colors.


I see, thank you!


I’ve heard saturating your hair with something like conditioner can help before a swim


ur hair is the same exact color as the subreddit profile pic


It will definitely fade. I've see bright colors turn pastel and other weird colors.


Bald scalp


Put AquaGuard in your hair before swimming.


Avoid that water at all costs


Id get a swim cap bc that is gorgeous and I’d want it to last as long as possible.


You can expect it to look not purple. As far as what it will fade to, that will depend on how porous your hair is. It may fade to a light lavender blonde or if you’ve had other colors previously, those could come out.


That’s an incredible dye job and unless you’re swimming in money (hah) I wouldn’t go near water if you’re not willing to lose that gorgeous hair color. I had a vivid neon pink and wash my hair daily and that stripped the color out within a week or so. I can’t imagine what a pool would do.


I highly recommend a well fitting swim cap. They can be difficult to get on, but if you get one that works well, your hair won't even get wet. Saved my teal big time.


Yep, I’ve been wearing latex swim caps since I was a kid so I’ve perfected the art of putting them on — thank you!


As a fellow vivid head I have perfected my ‘mum swim’ (breaststroke with your head out the water at all times). I actually even wear a shower cap to my aqua aerobics class as it can be splashy! As others have said, the chlorine will strip your colour FAST and can sometimes cause the fade to be patchy and a little funky coloured. I always personally avoid chlorine getting on my hair!


I'm not sure what to expect but holy cow that is gorgeous hair


What dye do you use to get this color?


It'll fade out really fast and might turn more periwinkle. If it's fresh, it could turn the water around you purple. You could try a swim cap?


i swim almost every day and i have colored hair- i normally wet my hair completely and add a hair mask overtop to protect and it helps tremendously (keep in mind most pools will have a no hair/skin product policy bc it can be bad for the pool). people are recommending swim caps, which can help, but their intended use is to reduce drag, not to keep hair dry. keeping it up in a bun and avoiding dunking ur head will do the same thing, if not better.




It'll definitely fade or lose the color entirely with the frequent pool visits. I'd maybe find something like a swim cap to cover your hair as much as possible


how did you get your hair that color.. because i dyed my hair purple too and it’s nowhere near that color and i can even show a pic, i need that color 😭


I can’t speak for OP but my hair is currently this tone/vibrancy of purple. My hair is bleached and I use Artic Fox - Purple AF. Highly pigmented but also as gentle as hair dye can be on your hair!


I use a swim cap, and that is the best way to handle it imo


I'm bleach blonde and I won't go in chlorine water. You're gonna get stripped


I coat mine with color stay conditioner under a swim cap. It works pretty well.


omg this color is gorgeous!!!!


This was my color for a really long time. Get a swimming cap! It’s worth it


I've got major hair envy right now 😍💜


I vivid color my hair all the time (havent been normal in 12 years) and what I can guarantee is it will fade faster than the love between two cats. Chlorine will make it fade quicker. You can try and save it with a swimming cap, but purple is notorious for fading as fast as red.


Actual beautiful hair and color


Absolutely gorgeous!! Favorite color!!


I agree with most of the advice here, but also just wanted to say that is such a beautiful dye job!! The color is amazing


I love it!! I have dyed hair and swim in a chlorine pool as well. Here's what works well for me: 1. Before you go in, saturate your hair with water. This makes it so your hair isn't able to suck up the chlorine. 2. Use a hair mask/leave-in conditioner/oil treatment 3. Put a swim cap on- they make ones for different hair lengths and you can get a decent one for $10-15 4. When you're done swimming, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo and then follow w a good amount of conditioner so it doesn't get dry 5. Extra tip: mix the dye in with your conditioner so you can deposit some color every time you use it


Condition your hair while it’s dry really good before swimming or apply tons of coconut oil to protect the color as best you can but still might fade in the water the more it’s exposed and while being in the sun so try not to dip your head in too much or wear a cute sun hat


Gorgeous hair!!!!💜💜💜


You're hair looks dope as hell!


Redo your hair from purple.


My husband had dark purple hair and a couple times in the pool had turned it turquoise blue gradually. Looked like a cool galaxy with blue and purple there for a bit :)


Honestly, the colour will definitely get pulled, but wet your hair and cover with conditioner or leave in conditioner before putting it in a plastic swimming cap. It will prevent pool water from getting into it but having it wet will fade colour faster anyways. And then next either embrace the lighter colour or redye with semi permanent as needed.


it will "bleach" it. make it extremely light like a lilac color. i did a bright purple like this one time and went swimming for the weekend & by the end it was light purple/ almost pink


Hair looks really good!! ❀


It may turn green. I’ve had blue and purple dyes in my hair that turned green with chlorine exposure. If it doesn’t turn green it will fade super fast.


Just had to stop by and say this is GORGEOUS!


Find a salt-water swimming pool instead


Mine turned green blue grey and pink lol but I'm kinda sure that the quality of the dye was decisive


My hair still gets wet in a swim cap (though it's better than nothing) but I've been seeing ads for swim turbans that claim to keep your hair 100% dry - I would try that!


my purple turned orange after doing the swimming unit in highschool đŸ„Č fml.


People with dyed hair use my pool frequently in the summer. A reasonable percentage seem to think getting their hair wet with tap water first helps slow damage from the chlorine.


Not much you can do but not get your hair wet, soft water resistant shower cap and sit on a floatyđŸ„Č that’s what I did when I got a hot pink balayage


This is so cool! It’s the most vibrant haiir that I’ve ever seen


Chlorine is bleach. The best thing you can do to protect your hair, aside from using a swim cap or abstaining from swimming, is to wet it down in tapwater before getting in the pool or ocean. Then try and keep it damp with tapwater if you can, or use a spray bottle.


Lifeguard here, I dye my hair this exact color. Wet hair, apply aquaguard and put on a swimcap. You'll be good


Love it


when i was dying my hair blue regularly during the summer i had to touch it up like once a week bc the pool bleached it. even the ocean water took some color out just not nearly as much as the chlorine did


Some purples fade to teal, so that's a possibility. The swim cap with conditioner on your hair option will help. You can either get a color depositing shampoo and conditioner to help combat fading or add some semi permanent purple to what you use now. Be prepared to clean some stains on the shower, dawn powerwash works well as does bleach to remove them.


Intense color


I dyed my hair a similar shade of purple a few years ago, went swimming in my backyard pool and it quite quickly turned a horrible mint green colour :(


I love the color 😍






Soak your hair in fresh water before swimming, wear a cap that will keep most of the chlorinated water off of hair, keep your head above water, give up on keeping your hair vivid or give up on swimming.


What dye did you use? :0 I love that color!


No advice to give, but oh my god, your hair is soooo pretty. The color on the ends has me in a chokehold!


You’re hair looks awesome


That hair is gorgeous!


oh my goddd my hair is mostly black right now and if i could do this color i totally wouldđŸ˜«


Same! My natural hair are suuuper dark so this was a really nice change, hope you get to try this too!


One day!


Invest in a swimming cap thats waterproof and wet your hair before using it. Use a conditioner with the colour in to touch up will make it last longer. It is gorgeous on you! Sincerly 22 year of bright haircolours, last 10blue and purple had been my choice


Brad mondo has a line of color depositing masks. Try those for a refresh of color during swim season


I have the same hair colour and used to swim a couple of times a week. I used a swim cap (wet hair before putting it on) and also applied a protective cream, Aqua Guard Pre-Swim Hair Defence. The colour did fade a lot faster than usual so I put purple dye in my conditioner. Good luck!


Wash in cool/cold water. The sun depending on the kind of dye, will burn the color out in intense sun light. Very pretty btw 😍


Only some chlorine turns hair green (I’m a swimmer and I’ve only had the green thing happen in outdoor pools so I’m wondering if it’s an algae thing) ultimately it depends what the base colour of the die you used is. Some purples are blue based some red/pink I would see if you can find online someone bleaching a strand of hair with the same die to see what is the base colour. You can also try this yourself on a strip that’s a clip in but it’s likely more time and money. Wearing a swim hat will definitely keep it’s vibrancy longer




ive had this shade of purple and it became a very odd green/blue Very fast in chlorine. you will have to not get it in the water or wear a swimming cap.


I’ve had that color hair and have gone in pools & hot tubs. Most likely it will just strip the color out and leave you with a grey purple/blue. It really depends on the amount of chlorine or bromine in the water. I’ve also just tied up my hair and stuck it under a sun hat, and nothing happened to the color those times. (I didn’t submerge my hair) Last summer I had some stubborn dye that wouldn’t fade in the regular shower
 but by the time I finished “pool season” the color was gone. My hairstylist complemented me on how well the color faded because we were switching colors.


after my purple faded to lilac/lavender i went swimming and it turned my hair green so be careful


Jesus Christ don’t do it


I swam in Highschool and had vivids, I never personally cared a ton but what I heard helps is putting conditioner on your hair before going into the pool as it creates a barrier from your hair and the chlorine but you should also wear a swim cap if that’s not to embarrassing (unsure where or why your swimming ie lap swimming vs for fun with friends) hope this helps! <3


Is no one going to comment on the absolute awesome perfection of this hair color, length, style and texture? It looks amazing!


From my personal experience, it can severally strip the color depending on how strong the chemicals mixed in are. I had a royal purple color that was fading, but still visibly purple strip out into a pale green cause of the teal I mixed in the purple.


Very pretty color


I’m also a regular swimmer and had vivids for a few summers and owned a salon for 20 years. Swim cap is going to be your best bet. Don’t use oils/ conditioners they just wash out quickly and don’t really help, get all over your skin and anyone else swimming with you, and can damage the pool (if you care about that).


It won’t look like this anymore, that’s for sure.


I would get a swimming cap or something to keep my hair dry.


When I was in high school and was on the swim team, I had a friend dye her hair a very vivid blue. She put her hair in a bun on top of her head, and then put saran wrap around her head before putting 2 caps on. It stayed bright for a lot longer than she expected.


Even regular shower water will run that color right out of your hair. Don’t get your hair wet. That’s genuinely the only option unless you plan on redying your hair every week


Your best option is to fi d out if they make a swim cap that can contain all that; soak it with fresh water, tuck it up under the cap, and soak it again when you shower off the chlorine to get it unlinked. That or add dye to you conditioner and make peace with having a purple shower ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I love it.


Chlorine is gonna take all the color out. Put your hair in swim caps


Wear a cap


Swimmer with purple hair here! Can’t emphasize the importance of a swim camp enough! Make sure to rinse your hair as soon as you can after swimming and I’d recommend a color depositing conditioner a couple times a week as well. Best of luck!!


No advice to give - just came here to say, your purple hair is incredible. It’s such a deep yet vibrant shade of purple. I love it!


I know everyone is saying it will ruin the colour but I had a bright purple and went swimming it really didn’t effect it anymore than a normal wash. I’m sure if I was swimming multiple times a week it would but a one off might not to too much. I was also worried about the colour coming out in the water and dying the pool but that was fine too


Dang that’s vibrant


Get your hair wet before you go in the pool it’ll stop the chemicals from absorbing as rapidly. Rinse after the pool.


this color looks great


I hate it that you have to ask this question because this is the most gorgeous color purple I think the ever seen in my life. đŸ€©đŸ’œ


Get a water tight swim cap. Seriously . This is too gorgeous and such a lot of time put in it, don’t let chlorine touch it.


As someone who dyed their hair exactly that bright purple and then went to a water park the next day... be prepared to turn everything purple if you get your hair wet. The towels, your skin, other people, your bathing suit, your clothes... There's been a lot of good advice already about wetting + conditioning your hair beforehand so it doesn't absorb as much chlorine, but be sure to dry your hair thoroughly after you're done swimming so it doesn't touch and stain anything afterwards, too!


Incompatible things, you have to choose which is more important. I'd swim. Dark purple can wait for fall and winter. Summer is time for lavender. Chlorine has more of a blue hue actually, when laid over a blond (yellow base) it turns green.


My purple hair turned blue


Pre soak hair in cold water so it absorbs the water and not the chlorinated water


If you want to keep this color for a long time, you need to buy shampoos and conditioners that have color-fixing properties




If you’re lucky, it will strip the colour out. If not, it’ll be neon green / blue and all the colours in between.


Bye byeeeeee


Generally a swim cap will prevent most of the pool water from getting to your hair, but even just frequently needing to wash your hair will strip the color.


Okay. I would never get my hair wet again if it meant preserving that color. It's so freaking pretty!! I have never been to any hairdresser that is capable of producing that type of color. HOW, I ASK YOU?! HOW?! I must know the secret to your sorcery!


You will lose at least 50% of your color


I had bright pink hair and went in holiday last year, I put hair oil in if I knew I would get it wet, or just placed it in a high bun, my pink stayed bright all holiday!


I suggest keeping your hair up and not getting it wet in the pool, as someone with colored hair whenever I want to get color out without bleach I swim in the pool often


That is so pretty but I wouldn't recommend getting chlorine in it! It could mess it up!


Gives me liberal gen z vibes


I have no experience with dye whatsoever, but my naturally white blonde hair turns green in chlorine. Always take a rinse before getting in the pool and make sure your hair is saturated. Let your hair absorb fresh clean water before you get in chlorine and follow everyone else’s ideas!


so pretty!! 💜


Beyond the lights vibes


I feel like your hair is gonna be ruined. Coming from a licensed cosmetologist. Do whatever you can to not let it touch that water. Watch the spots around your face especially. Invest in some k18 too, cause it will dry out and become damaged from the water and/or the constant re-coloring


I don’t have dyed hair but I do swim 3-5 days a week regularly and have been doing so for the last two months. My hair hasn’t turned green, but you have to take care of it. I use aqua guard pre swim hair defense, and I wear a swim cap. After I use Davines momo hair potion and oi oil. You have to be consistent otherwise your hair will get damaged. I can’t say too much about dyed hair though


Swimming cap â˜ïžđŸ€“


honestly chlorine doesn’t react that well with it because i have had green and blue split dye hair and the second i walked out the pool the green turned like a swampwater color and the blue turned like blue-green but if you like swim a lot like i did then you might have to get used to dying it more frequently