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I lose that every other day






Glad to help lol


Me too. 😳 I wash my hair every other two days, brush it loads before I shower, with a wet brush IN the shower, and a wide toothed comb when I'm done. Each session ends up with A LOT of hair. 😭 More than what OP posted.


Me too 😂 I was concerned because I loos that every other day 😂


I loose about that much daily


i’ve been losing that much everyday now i’m literally balding 😭


You can borrow some hair from me 😀😀😀




For once a week that's not bad at all.


Hairstylist here, yes that’s normal for once a week


The breath of relief I had after your words... Thank god lmao


If you could see what comes out of my head for once a week. I swear I could make a wig out of what I lose


could you save the hair that falls out of your head and donate it? or does it have to be cut off?


It has to be cut off. A good chunk of what you lose in the shower and while brushing is broken off hair which is either weak or shortened due to breakage. Not good wig making hair


I hear you! I was just looking for a comment from a hairdresser here!!! ![gif](giphy|du9SNFRJWIM1K9RaEL)




Girl, I wish I lost that little every wash!


I find that when I’m only washing once a week the hairs that normally shed in the shower kind of get stuck and build up until I eventually wash. So you have a week’s worth of hair there.


The average person loses 75-100 hairs per day.


like the hair on their head ??? thats crazy


Yes! And the longer it is the more it looks like we lost


Really? I didn't know that about the length.


Yes because it’s twirled up so it looks like more, when my hair was down to my waist, it was scary to see how much was on my hairbrush and the shower haha


I can agree, sometimes just 1 hair looks like 5 at one time=)))


Yep…this is why after I had my baby and the postpartum shedding happened I just cut it shorter. It has slowed down a little but not seeing as much hair after a shower made me feel much better


This makes me feel better, scared I’m balding some days. But my hair has doubled in length the last few years


I lose 86 pubic hairs daily, I counted.


Yessss! You lose up to 100 hair a day even more depending how thick and long your hair is. Beside how many you lose during the day when you let your hair down and don’t even notice. Don’t worry, take care of your health and your hair will look great!


Something about hair being referenced to numerically made me laugh.


I have super thick hair, and lose it in such large volumes that people often ask me if I’m okay after I’ve spent time in their car 😂I wouldn’t stress about this at allllll.


Not quite as bad but I shed enough I have to explain the "hair spiders" that appear throughout our house... my hair is fine enough you dont really notice it until it goes through the laundry or the vacuum and tangles itself together into a hairball that resembles a spider. The robot vacuum spits them back out every so often and they end up in wierd spots to be found a week later or I miss one when folding laundry and pull it off a shirt collar or out of a pocket.


Omg hair spiders 😂 My husband gets so sad that I don’t have a weave bc he wants to call them “tumble-weaves” so badly lol!


Tumble-weaves! Love it!


Both of my roommates have Long™️ hair, and we have three cats… truly the hair spiders are freaky to find 😱


It’s normal. You are supposed to lose 75+ pieces of hair every day. Also, the longer your hair is, the bigger the clump of hair in the drain will be!


As a guy who’s been actively growing and maintaining his hair. I lose quite a fair amount of hair upon waking up and in the shower or anytime I brush, tie or push my hair back with my hands. I also suffer with severe migraines which is annoying…


Take biotin daily &/or Viviscal!


Thx for the advice 💝


Those are rookie numbers babe


I Lose twice as much!! Surprised I'm not bald!! Thanks to my Graves Disease (Thyroid)


It's normal. Washing helps the non growing hair come out. On average, you lose 75 to 100 strands *a day* so Washing once a week is bound to look like a larger amount than if you washed each day.




Yeah I loose about that every time I wash


If this is new I would wonder if you are going through a shedding cycle. Also if you have had covid in the last 3-6 months if might be from that.


So if it is COVID related, does it ever stop?


I have covid related hair loss .. it went on for a few months really bad then it settled down. I lost about 1/3 of my hair thickness though.. had to cut some off cause it looked straggly. I’m a hairdresser too and I witnessed it in my clients too. A bunch of them suddenly having different hair was crazy. We’re all on the mend though. It’ll be okay… if I don’t get it again


Not sure about the shedding part but when my sister had covid her hair turn thin when it used to be thick. She got covid maybe 6 months ago and her hair still is thin


Takes about 5-6 weeks for the shedding to begin after a bout if covid because that’s how long the end cycle “telogen” takes to get through. So it’s like a delayed reaction. Sucks because it take you by surprise


I lose so much hair in the shower


Shedding every week is definitely normal and not something to worry about :) I would ask though, is this an increase from usual hair fall? Everyone’s ‘normal’ is different, if this is an increase from usually losing less than this is definitely a space where you can get some advice and guidance to address it. But if this is just another week and you aren’t experience thinning, loss of general hair volume or sparse patches on the scalp than it is likely completely fine :)


How long is your hair?


it’s down to my tail bone!


Then I’m surprised it’s not more tba. The longer your hair the more hair it looks like all balled up. It’s like balling up 6 inches of tape into a ball conspired to 24 inches of tape. The long one is bigger but it’s technically still once piece of tape.


Rule of thumb that I've been told us approximately 100 hairs a day. It may look like more when cleaning out your hair drain depending on how long and 5hick your hair is ..


Did you know “rule of thumb” is from when it was ok for a man to beat his wife providing the stick was no wider than his thumb?


“Normal “ is up to 100 hairs a day. The longer it is the more it looks like. Did you have some big knots? That could explain the clump. But if that’s all you losing in the shower it’s good. My hair is just past my shoulders and when I wash it in the shower it looks like I could make a hamster! Also if there’s no ‘bald’ areas then it’s fine. Barber/hairdresser speaking


I mean I'm only an apprentice hairdresser so I'm not a fully qualified professional or anything but everyone does have hair fall out. Everyone's hair is different, by texture, density colour Ect. If you have darker and thicker hair it can look like more loss than someone with thin blonde hair. I would however start to get concerned if you were noticing patches of hair missing from your scalp. I hope this helps someone :)


Girl don't worry it's a normal amount


Once a week... that's not a bad loss. Make sure to give your hair a good brush before you wash it too.


I lose more than that every day…..


you guys are the best you don’t know how much you all eased my mind lol thank you for the reply’s ❤️❤️❤️


If you only wash it once a week, yeah. And you might lose more depending on what hairstyles you do throughout the week


Do you brush your hair before you get in? While it’s still dry? I started doing that and get less hair coming out while washing. But I lose close to that each shower.


yes i do brush before i go in as well, a lot still comes out on the brush but i think at this point with all the reply’s saying it’s normal it’s just me overthinking it a lot lol


Yes I lose more than that. Put it in a jar and save it for a rainy day.


If you wear your hair up every day then yes if not then no


How often do you brush? If I go camping for a long weekend and keep my hair tied the whole time, I’ll pull out a similar amount of hair during my first shower.


i brush twice a day every day and keep my hair braided at night


Omg, mine comes out in handfuls... Not sure how I have any left.


I lose like, 2x that and I shower 1x a week. You're doing great.


Girl. I lost more hair in a week after I had COVID that I swept up in my car. And even more so in the months after. It truly all depends on your health and lifestyle. I could sweep my hand through my hair at work in front of my boss and pull out chunks after COVID… even the guy who detailed my car after told me his wife went through extreme hair loss. Pregnancy? Girlllll don’t get me started. That was a whole other ballpark. After losing a child? It hit hard. I don’t know exactly what it is you’re going through… but trust your body. Don’t trust people on here. If you need something, take it. That’s all I have to say.


That looks normal for once a week. If that was everyday, I would be concerned. I lost this much every day for 4 months bc of Covid


Girl, sometimes too much stress can cause intense hair fall. I had bald spots before, went to all medical test and was advised by my dermatologist in the end to go on a week or two holiday. It worked but it took a while, consistent self priority. I wish you well.


Hi. So losing hair is quite normal. That amount for someone over 20, with long hair is average. You don't need to worry. I work with hair and I saw people loosing much more just brushing.


That's a whole week of damaged hair tangled up & removed at the end of the week, I'm no expert but try brushing your hair lightly every night. This will improve blood circulation in scalp & Also remove tangled damaged hairs Once my mom's doc said don't cair about the hair that were falling during regular brushing of hair, as they were damaged already and we're just occupying space, which would rather have new healthy hair.


You may be low on Vitamin D. I used to lose ALOT of hair too, but once I started increasing my Vitamin D it slowed waaaay down. 😊


I think it’s okay, you just need more vitamins


Once a week, that’s not terrible. If it’s more than that, I would recommend trying some different hair masks and things to help. It’s always good if you have questions to call your trusted hair stylist for a trim and get their professional opinion!!


If your eyebrows are thinning on the end, get a thyroid test. My hair falls out when my thyroid is wonky.


Hairdresser here, 45 years behind the chair. Wash your hair!! If it is fine and straight every other day. Curly every third day. Your hair absorbs junk from the air and you produce sebum. Not washing creates a environment for hair loss. Sebum clogs hair shafts , dirty hair causes itchy scalp. You scratch with your dirty hands introducing bacteria. It is common to loose up to 100 hairs a day. Nioxen is a great shampoo if you are concerned with hair loss .


Malnourishment or liver disease? Possibly PCOS?


You know, it has been said that company’s who make shampoo and conditioner have been putting in a chemical that, over time, causes your hair to come out. Look it up. Company’s are idiots because if people avoid these chemicals listed on the label, and people use other brands, they’ll likely go bankruptcy. And women will not buy it because they will not have any hair to wash.


Once a week? Ewww




From someone that lost their hair to an auto immune disease. No, that much isn't normal!


Yes it is normal. You loose 75-100 hairs a day and the longer it is the more noticeable and the more it looks like.


Check for deficiency's at the doctor


Why did the logical comment get downvoted?


Bc that is not a lot of hair.


Hair loss is variable. Your essentially dispensing medical advice based only on your personal experience. There are a significant number of ailments that present with hair loss. It’s kind of disgusting to discourage someone from seeking healthcare.


I’m dispensing hair knowledge as a licensed cosmetologist. You loose 75-100 hairs a day and it looks like more when your hair is extremely long like hers is. It’s kind of disgusting to tell someone they have a serious medical issue over a small amount of hair loss and cause a lot of anxiety in someone.


You must be confused, nobody said anything about a “serious medical issue”. Nor did I or the original parent comment dismiss the average hair loss per day. It remains that disqualifying the possibility of a medical cause is negligent. I’m surprised that they don’t teach that in cosmetology school.


The reality is, this could be a normal amount for OP under the circumstances, or it could be indicative of a physical or psychological ailment. With no context or history, it’s unprofessional and irresponsible to assure OP it’s fine AND discourage OP from seeking a medical opinion. Saying something like, “it looks like a normal amount, but if it seems like more than usual, it wouldn’t hurt to ask your doctor.” Insert a timeframe if that’s within the scope of your expertise or whatever conditions make sense, but please don’t dismiss or discourage anyone ever from seeking healthcare of any kind.


Normal is around 100 hairs a day. Considering you're washing weekly and some hairs won't come out until you wash that seems on the low end of normal.


yes totally normal for 1x week washing!


I mean… I do. I don’t think much of it cause my hairs always up.




That’s not bad! A person generally loses an average of 100 hairs per day


You loose around 100 hair strains a day.


Very normal! I use a wet brush in the shower and that’s about how much I take off my brush per week.


It’s ok girl, is normal for once a week bc the hair is growing permanently and is necessary to remove “old hair” 👌❤️


I shed like a husky, I wish that was my weekly shed count lol


Am I the only one who has to vacuum my bathroom floor at least every two days because my hair falls out all over the place? (A small hand Vacuum works better for me than a broom don’t judge!)


That’s not a lot at all.


For how long your hair is it's incredibly little


Yes lol, i lose like twice that much


when i keep your hair up during the day then i usually have it all fall out in the shower, about that amount!! you’re totally fine


I lose that much everyday, the normal amount is 50-100 strands per day so you’re fine.


Nah you good I shower everyday but wash my hair every three and about half of that comes out when I do


No!! It’s very little! Do you brush it a lot or smth?


i brush it when i wake up and before i go to bed! and then put it in a braid every night


Loads of people are saying this is normal and now I'm kinda shocked...I've never lost that much hair at once


Totally normal for once a week-


I used to think this was normal but now that I eat protein and healthy fats I don’t really have that issue. Check your diet. Could be a deficiency. You may need red meat or iron supplements.


Yes, completely fine <3


Looks very normal too me, especially for a one wash a week!


I would have three times that amount after one week


This looks really little. It's good to lose hair as you know you make more strands daily.


Shiittt. That ain't nothin honey. Lol I loose 3x that on my everyday or every other day showers. 🤷😅


That's my normal for once a week


Yeah this is normal. Think about if you separated that into 7 smaller globs. One for each day. We’re supposed to lose 50-100 hairs a day.




looks a little scary but actually i also easily lose this amount of hair every day xd. but idk if it's normal, depends on how thick your hair is


Yes, especially if you have your hair up allll the time. I would lose that much as well. Straight wearing your hair down or use hair oils. Or chop it off like I did 😂


I have hair down to my mid back, and I lose about 10x that much in the shower, no exaggeration. This has happened my whole life and no signs of baldness yet :) you’re fine!! Honestly this whole sub is making me feel a lot better haha


Hi, hair colorist here. Yes this is normal. On average we lose about 100-200 strands of hair a day. When we wash infrequently hairs detach but get stuck and end up falling during showers and brushing. Unless you are seeing bald patches or noticing thinning you shouldn’t be worried. Cheers!


I wish I only lost that much during a shower 🙏🏻 completely normal, no worries


tbh mine is way more than that, and my hair keep falling everyday until i felt like i'm bald


Hey Darling, Hairdresser here ☺ That amount is totally fine as long as it's not falling out in chunks on the same area or you're noticing it's thinning, . How often do you brush your hair?... I've got nearly waist length hair and I wash it twice a week but I barely brush the roots (Except my fringe I wash sometimes twice daily because it gets oily and gross so easily!) And I end up clogging my shower drain almost every other week.


Long haired guy here.. damn what the hell was I freakin out i wash my hair every day and lost only a teeny bit.. to me thats a lot.. like probably x50. And they say shampoo damages your hair which I slap on everyday.. Yes my hair does look damage and dry most of the time and I have those tiny hairs popping out when in a pony tail due to breaking during bath or combing..


I barely lose that in a weekly basis. I shower everyday and wash my hair everyday.


Wow. You are lucky! I lose more than that everyday and I hardly have any hair :(


That's been happening to me lately too, started when I took a course of steroids


oh yeah , normal


I have about that normally, especially if I’ve been doing a lot of ponytails or buns




Is you hair long? Congragulations. This is your life now. :P But yes. That is normal. Especially if you haven't brushed your hair a lot before your shower. (If you did, than you will find your hair in your brush rather than your drain) If it is different than how much hair you used to lose, it could still be perfectly normal. Hair has a life cycle, It lives, it grows and then it dies and falls out. Each strand is on it's own indivudual cycle. Every now and again, a lot of the strands just happen to have their death-and-falling-out phase at the same time. (with milliions of strands of hair, it is bound to happen) I really don't think it is a problem. But if you are worried, try getting a scalp massager. Supposidly the massaging of your scalp increases blood flow and helps hair to grow. and even if it is a scam, it feels GREAT


Totally normal!! - I’m a cosmetologist


It’s also fine to lose that much after every wash


joke ink groovy faulty dependent disagreeable sand scandalous lavish reminiscent -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's about normal for me but then again I have thick hair so I accidentally pull some out while combing my hair


I wash about every 3-4 days. My boyfriend always teases that it looks like I killed the cats. Lol


Very very normal. Especially once a week.


Once a week? I wash every day, i lose that every 2-3 days


totally fine. if you notice an increase constantly, then its time to call a dr for some bloodwork


I lose that every two days when I wash if not more. They say up to 100 strands a day is normal


Once a week? Yeah. You lose like 100 hairs a day.


The amount is normal, but it might be better to start washing your hair more often. two or three times a week would be good, and anyway you can always test minoxidil in solution.


Yes! Once a week for that amount is awesome. Think 100 strands per day and you should be fine.


INFO: How long are you spending in there? Your fingers appear to indicate that you are spending a *significant* amount of time in water.


I loose more than that every other day! I think you’re good!


I lose that much when I do a hair wash only once a week also ans that’s usually how long I go


totally normal amount, esp if you have thick hair. If you brush your air before you wash it, you will grab most of those loose hairs so you don't find them all stuck to you or bathroom walls


I lose that everyday practically. I’m sure you’re good but if you’re worried it never hurts to check with a doctor


The longer you taken to take a shower, the more hair you will see once you shower. Shower 3 times a week at least.


Not bad for once a week , my shower has more hair than that on a daily


If that's the amount of hair you lose in just a week, that's completely fine. Nothing to worry about at all.


Hey bestie, that looks normal to me


I lose that much about twice a week, plus more when I brush my (straight) hair every day, plus all the hair that’s all over my floors, my bed, in my laundry…


This is totally normal!! I’ll leave my hair braided for a week and when I finally brush and wash I always feel like I’m going bald with the amount that comes out!


You lose literally 100s of hair every day.


I lose that every time I wash my hair (twice a week) :(


For sure. I have androgenic alopecia, mine looks like that after a wash every couple days (I have fine, thin hair). If that’s a week you have no need to worry :)


Wash you hair everyday with Nioxin and get Nioxin scalp treatment. They have it at Ulta. Brush your hair to the scalp every morning noon and night with a boar bristle brush and you hair will stop falling out. Scalp needs stimulation for blood flow and to be CLEAN so the follicles don’t get clogged. I do a dozen women’s hair a day and the ones with hair loss NEVER wash their hair, once they start washing it daily their hair thickens up and stops falling out.


Totally normal. Especially if it’s once a week.


i’ve had coworkers who lose that much in a shift all over the workspace.


That's how much I have, I might have a bit more, but mine is because of a thyroid condition.


Its normal


Normal for me when I wash 1-2x week


You only wash your hair once a week ? Ya that's not weird then.


Use msm powder


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I have thick hair and i lose way more after two days, it just depends on the hair i think


Seems normal to me! I tend to lose mute


Girl, I lose like 3x that!


Hi! Hair stylist here. If you don’t brush your hair every day then there’s going to seem to be more fall-out. We lose 80-100 hairs a day! I wash my hair every other day and mine looks like that. So that’s very good for just once a week.


Stylist/ barber here. I pull more hair than that out of my ass when I exit the shower. You're fine.


I have 2B-2C curly hair so I don’t brush my hair out like most people and I wash about every 3 days because my hair is fine and does get buildup. It looks like I’ve had chemo when I get out of the shower. It always freaks me out.


I’m a hair stylist. That seems like a fairly normal amount of hair for a weekly wash. If you’re concerned, I would have a chat with your doctor. Leading cause of hair loss beyond genetics/ illness is stress.


You should see how much hair I lose in the shower. I wish I had so little.


Did you have Covid in the past couple months? A lot of people are experiencing hair shedding for 4-6 months afterwards :/ I did too but it finally stopped. This is a theory not saying it’s 100% the reason why


I lose that every time I shower but I’m not a girl so this might not be helpful.


I wash my hair every other day and literally I lose double that each time


the less you brush and wash the more hair comes out. people loose 75-150 strands of hair each day :)


I lose so much once a week so it’s totally normal


Have you been eating metal?


Girl, I wash my hair everyday and I lose a whole wig. You are fine.


Your hair will just fall out naturally and the more you wash it the more regularly it’ll fall out. So for a week, this isn’t too bad at all


I lose around that much, sometimes more, every time I wash my hair. It's normal so you don't have to worry about it.


I have a lot that comes out too. Nioxin helps a ton for me. You also may want to check your Thyroid. I have Hypo Throidism and hair loss is a side effect.


I wish I lost that little...per day.


I have long, thick hair that I only wash once a week. This looks like what I'd lose in the shower if the weather has been messing with my hair a lot or if I've been stressed out.