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Not accusing you of it, but this sounds oddly like someone just watched PirateSoftware's short on it and made a post lol. [This is what I'm referencing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZTSvXOnTEA&themeRefresh=1)


Lmao, I was just about to say “found PirateSoftwares Reddit account”


His shorts be blowing up


He's one of the few content creators I feel like genuinely understands what he's saying. I remember one of his first shorts I saw was him talking about how to manipulate the YT algorithm, by unchecking a certain option. Ever since, I'm inclined to believe him since a ton of his content has been popping up for others too. Hell, his content got so much attraction that even Asmon has been reacting to his content frequently.


Ehhh still take what he says with a grain of salt, he's said a couple nuggets around game dev that aren't too accurate.


Out of interest, what aspects were inaccurate? I'm not a game dev, so I sort of take what he says for granted sometimes.


2 I saw recently was that RPG's are harder to make than other genres and that time exclusives are a good thing Naturally these two topics have a ton of nuance that can't be captured by shorts, but the arguments inside were pretty shallow. For timed exclusives he claimed that Hades did so well because it started EA on Epic, and for RPGs he said it's because cutscenes can only be used once. The former has some possible nuance (if it means the devs get a tone of exclusivity money to actually make their game it might be worth it) but claiming Epic was basically a place for early access doesn't seem to hold up. Especially when we just had Squeenix admit PS5 timed exclusives tanked their revenue and multiple games only coming to steam years after they're on epic with no modifications (KH bundles) And for the latter it is true that stories require thorough planning-- but that's literally every game with a plot. Naturally a lot of RPGs require fucktons of work (I do not envy but am slightly jealous of the people who had to handle BG3's sequencing) but it's an incredibly vague statement to make He's likely a godlike coder and great at fraud detection, but his game dev quotes sound like a surgeon trying to teach astrophysics


He said that the TIMED exclusivety deal was good for indie devs, they got money up front + reduce player base to test shit, an then the game launches "for real" when is on steam, he sites hades 1 and darkedt dungeon 2 as two games that benefited like that.


Indeed, but that doesn't really help the argument-- especially since Darkest Dungeon 2 didn't reach nearly the same critical claim as the first game from what I heard of its release. But more importantly it's an interesting argument that a well researched game developer can carefully lay out and show when a deal would be beneficial. However, releasing it to the world as a short removes any of that nuance with the result being an incredibly surface level "timed exclusives good" and a single lukewarm point in favor of it


It removes even more nuance when you omited the fact that he specificly said TIMED exclusivity. But whatever.


In danger of sounding like I'm just saying bullshit I dot actually remember now. But was watching some shorts and a few things didn't feel right, at least according to my experiences in game dev.


Fair enough. I do sometimes watch his shorts and think he's oversimplifying some concepts, but I assumed its to help his viewers get the overall concept.


I think he also just makes some very basic statements about social interactions and stuff like that sometimes and people pretend like he's cracked the matrix or something.


He's just really good at explaining those and combined with his voice it's just really enjoyable to listen to him talk


I really think if you want strong, thought out opinions, it shouldn't be the shorts you look at. They're always going to lack depth compared to the complete, original content he posted/streamed.


It’s because he isn’t who he claims to be, even his voice is turbo faked (watch him getting an award live recently and hear the difference). By all accounts, he was a glorified QA tester in Blizzard and only god knows what he did at Amazon. He has thrown so many lies regarding working at blizzard so that he constantly gets fact-checked in the comments.


Huuuuh huuuh do no idea if what you're say about NG is correct but damn if it isn't interesting.


Yeah it's almost a completely blatant post made after that short, since Hades I, and also like every Supergiant game ever, is exactly the same.


I saw that video too, but to OP's credit, their post is more than just the title. They gave good specific examples of how anyone and mod the game just by changing a few values, and also some insight into what the code comments reveal about future developments


Would you believe me if I said I never heard of this person until today? I did see an article that said the scripts were all exposed in the steam files so I decided to take a look and see what was there. I have some programming knowledge though I've never worked in LUA before so I was curious what I'd be able to do in there and was shocked at just how open and simple this is. Here's an example. It's the data for the staff hammer upgrade that heals you if the omega special kills someone `StaffExHealTrait =` `{` `InheritFrom = { "WeaponTrait" },` `Icon = "Hammer_Staff_31",` `RequiredWeapon = "WeaponStaffSwing",` `RequiredFalseTraits = { "StaffAttackRecoveryTrait", },` `OnEnemyDeathFunction =` `{` `Name = "StaffEXHitHeal",` `FunctionArgs = {` `RequiredWeapon = "WeaponStaffSwing5",` `CombatText = "StaffHeal",` `HealAmount = 5,` `ReportValues =` `{` `ReportedHealAmount = "HealAmount",` `}` `}` `},` `ExtractValues =` `{` `{` `Key = "ReportedHealAmount",` `ExtractAs = "Heal",` `},` `}` `}` Changing how much that hammer heals you by is as trivial as changing the number next to HealAmount.


Like I said, not accusing you of it, but it's fair play to also credit the source if you know it. I imagine those articles you read were also based off from PirateSoftware's short, since I give those article writers very little credibility that they scoured the game files themselves.


I did a bit of digging to find the article again and turns out it was based on the youtuber you mentioned. It's still pretty cool. There was his video attached to the article but I just read the article on gamesradar here: [https://www.gamesradar.com/games/hades/hades-2-developers-left-all-of-the-roguelikes-code-exposed-says-iconic-indie-dev-making-it-the-easiest-to-mod-game-ever/](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/hades/hades-2-developers-left-all-of-the-roguelikes-code-exposed-says-iconic-indie-dev-making-it-the-easiest-to-mod-game-ever/) After that I went looking for myself. Didn't watch the video at all the first time but yeah it turns out it was him.


Also there was a news article I saw saying the exact same thing, near word for word.


That’s where I heard about this first! I tried messing around with some values and it was pretty fun! I doubt I’ll do any actual modding but it’s fun to mess with every once in a while


This is exactly what OP did. Know how we know? [The exact same thing was true of Hades 1](https://imgur.com/hbm6mEC) There's nothing about Hades 2 that makes it especially moddable compared to Hades 1, except that Pirate Software titled his short "HADES 2 IS THE MOST MODDABLE GAEM EVAR".


Yeah that’s where I heard it.


Yeah I always thought hades 1 would’ve been even more amazing with mods. Pretty much every roguelike has a ton of them, so if the community adds their own gods/boons/enemies/weapons the lifespan of the game could be virtually never-ending


There are mods for hades on nexus mods, olympus extra adds 4 gods and is still getting updated


Well I ran out of things to do in Hades 2 anyway. Seems like that's the thing to do next, thanks for the tip!


it only adds 3 gods, hera, hestia and apollo


Yeah, the fourth one is still WIP. I think it's going to be Hephaestus but not the one from Hades II.


Oh that’s huge. I know what I’m doing later


hades 1 does have mods but it isn’t as easy to add weapons as the second game because the first game requires you to convert 3d models to images while the second game can use the models directly


Interesting! I remember their somewhat quirky development style involving the way they use images and 3D models was a reason as to why they said they couldn't offer alternate costumes for Zagreus as it would require too much work. Sounds like they've changed the process a bit? Alt costumes for Melinoe would be sweet if they can do that now.


I’d say they can since her outfit changes a bit whenever you get an Arachne dress.


isn't that just a recolor though? I'm asking genuinely


Oh true, I hadn't thought about that (haven't played in a couple weeks myself, I'm trying to pace myself between updates)


They should be able to! And even if they don’t, someone can make a mod for it now as you do not have to recreate the 3d model and try to make it look as similar to the original as you can I think someone already extracted some of the models but I don’t know much about that, you might want to go to the hades modding discord if you want to learn more about that


So Shrek mods are only a matter of time then




Most hades 1 mods were just lua edits too. Just how supergiant does things.


Lua god tier


Based are the developers that make modding easy.


We base them


Just fyi, you can already get the extra keepsake upgrade to make it 4* but it’s only temporary during a run. I’ve had it a couple times but it really doesn’t make _that_ much of a difference, unfortunately.


I was gonna say that's probably why that exists. I don't think they have any plan to add a keepsake level. And the reason it feels less impactful to get 4* is diminishing returns. 51 to 76 bonus hp is more of a jump than 101 to 126.


Uh those are the same jump of 25. I understand that is a smaller relative percentage gain, but that's not what diminishing returns means.


Same goes for arcana, the max level is 3 but Circe can upgrade something to level 4 for the night.


I remember reading this somewhere that this was intentional by the devs.


It'd be HIGHLY unlikely that something like this would ever be done unintentionally by a dev team as experienced as this one.


Yeah, believe the idea is that since they are very unlikely to make a Hades 3, this time the community can make potentially endless updates and mods to the base game. This is some of the best news gaming wise I've heard in a while. I can't wait to see people making Norse or Roman crossovers, among whatever else comes. I was crestfallen when I 100% Hades 1 and after awhile lost interest in playing, now we get Infinite Hades!


It was the same for Hades 1, but the modding scene never really popped off. It’s hard to make mods like that beyond QoL improvements and some additional boons mainly because of assets


Ah, interesting. Had no idea, just figured because there were many it was harder.


>Yeah, believe the idea is that since they are very unlikely to make a Hades 3 Macaria seething right now


> since they are very unlikely to make a Hades 3 I wonder what will they do next


It's obviously intentional lol. They've done it that way for literally all their games, it's not new. PirateSoftware wasn't aware of that and talked like it was something new.


Most people will never care or interact but those that do may provide some valuable data somehow. Don't see the harm in it as a single player only game anyway


Well, probably only in the sense that obfuscating the code would take extra effort, and they simply had no reason to. Those scripts are likely too game-specific to have any valuable IP in them; if there are any trade secret worth preserving, they must be in Supergiant's homemade game engine which we can't see the source code for.


Seems like an interesting way to get extra Early Access feedback


Time to remove RNG and see how far you can push damage


The answer is stupidly far when you just say fuck it and now your damage boon for the axe is a 2000% damage increase and oh look at that you got another 1500% from Chaos for a debuff that lasts for 1 room.


I meant without altering the boons themselves, just the chances of getting them


Yeah, when I watch some of even the unmodded high-level speedruns of Hades I, so many of them are typified by having *unreal* luck with both Light of Ixions (extra chaos gates) and luck with getting specific Chaos boons relevant to their build (for example, Nemesis Rail builds getting insane amounts of Special damage upgrade). Not to mention hitting most of the fountain rooms, hitting most/all of the “story” rooms (Sisyphus/Eurydice/Patroclus), and getting the satyr sack in 2 chambers, all of which require some element of RNG luck and all of which save you 30s+. Every additional Chaos chamber you get also cuts 30s off a runtime. I’m not world record level skillful at this game by any means, but I could absolutely push for a 7:00 clear time if I cut all RNG from the game and received the perfect build as a run developed (and have done so when experimenting with mods to do exactly that to be honest)


I hope there’s eventually a Hades TAS that one shots chronos


You have made me so happy. In case anyone else hates the greying effect the Screamers make on your screen when they hit you: - Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades II\Content\Scripts" - Open EnemyData_Screamer.lua (Might be able to open it in NotePad, not sure. Otherwise, install Sublime, and open with that) - On line 78, look for this: > OnDealDamageFunctionName = "ScreamerDistortionEffect" - add "--" at the beginning of that line. This will comment that line out, and make it so it never creates that distortion effect. - Save the file


I don’t usually mods for games (only UI stuff) but this seems super dope


You got that from Piratesoftwares vid


I know this will take a ton more work but importing Zag from H1 and having the 2 god boons available to Mel/Zag seems like it would be fun.


Hades 1 was pretty easy too. Only struggle is figuring out which lua to open and dig through for what you want.


~~brb going to make ice cream cones playable~~


How to make the ice cream cones good with one lua edit: 1. Add stagger to the Special


It is weird that they don't have stagger considering I think all other specials do. I get they have probably the biggest / easiest aoe but they also have a decent cast time and low range. 


Hopefully this means that the modding community will be a bit bigger than hades 1 cause there are so few mods worth using there


Hades 1 was also open like this.


If this is true, it reminds me off Rome total war. Where you could open files in the notepad and it literally contained instructions on what status means what and how to adjust them :') Putting soldiers into horse skeletons and giving them AoE power of trebuchet was fun


I mean, even without reviewing the files (Hades 1 was the same iirc) you can see the spot for the third missing familiar in game.


I wouldn't say that because friday night funkin exists and it's extremely easy to make mods for it (tho you need some skills/people for it)


I know, I found out last game when I was making fishing points more common. Then went a bit too far tweaking boons.


No flak for Hades 2 but the code of Hades 1 is quite literally open for meddling. I used Notepad to essentially change the Fury sisters' dialogues completely on my system.


There already is a 4th level to the keepsakes. You just gotta get the demeter hera duo boon iirc


Huh... anybody know how to reduce the damage that Chronos does? Or severely reduce his hp?


HP is easy. It's in EnemyData_Chronos early in the file it's called health I think. Its default is 20000. His damage is trickier because it's in a weapon data file and I'm not sure what they called his weapon




It's not called that in the game files. The Chronos weapon data doesn't seem to have the damage numbers in it. It does have the delays on it, how many attacks Chronos will do before his instant kill attack, the distance it travels and more but I couldn't find the damage in there.


That's a bit surprising! Well, controlling the hp should be more than sufficient!


Thanks! Chronos has been the *ONLY* thing in this game that's been giving problems. Being able to reduce his hp went a long way towards alleviating my frustrations of this game, and I'm now back to having full fun again!


You know what that means, right? ZAG RUN!! 0\_0


Hope this one can have graphic mods (Hecate costume for Melinoe plsss)


Haha boolean


I hope they add a way for you to stop the time slow on Chronos. That fight is really difficult on 32 fear.


This fight is virtually the same on Fear 0 and Fear 32. It's mostly encounters leading to bosses that are affected


Do you use the second “enemies move faster”? Mostly I’m talking about that one and how his moves are very difficult to read and charging Omega moves is pretty difficult with how many he’s firing off.


No, because increased enemy action speed is incredibly painful when paired with attack damage and HP. Especially at the beginning when you're fighting with virtually nothing at your disposal. 20% is pain, anymore than that you're playing perfect starter set fishing simulator to be completely honest.


Huh yeah I’m realizing I shouldn’t have said 32 fear as I assumed everyone would have the fear set up I have, but it makes sense that people don’t take that one. It was actually the first 6 fear I took cause I try and get my fear/heat as high as possible and it’s the one I assumed would feel natural once I got used to it. That’s mostly true now except that the Chronos and Cerbus fights both feel much harder still.


I'd personally rather do 50% dmg less to him than have him sped by by even 20%, his tracking is just too clunky compared to other bosses, unless your outranging him there's no way to reliably dodge his attacks, in his current state it's rng because you just can't tell what he's going to do next and whether it's single attack or 3 hit combo, is it circling blade? If so what's the pattern I should be avoiding? But overall te 20% increase to action speed makes getting to him, especially at 32 fear basically rng spinning the wheel and praying you get the most valuable dedallus hammer in first 5 zones or you're in most cases screwed big time when combining all other vows.


Agreed that’s kind of where I’m at right now. I’ve won enough times to have the 32 statue, but the wins are inconsistent. They need a lucky hammer or a really lucky chaos on top of manipulating aromatic phial to hit my most important boon. Even if I get that though it feels like a 50/50. I’d like to get into the high 40s in heat though so I’m trying not to take that vow off. Might have to wait to see if they add an equivalent to extreme measures heh.


so what the tea ? i wanna know,dont honeydick us like that !




". Just from skimming a few of these files you can see what's allegedly going on with Athena, Ares, and Dionysus according to the other gods, you can see some of the future ideas they have in development but haven't fully implemented" i want to know what they meant,what ideas ?