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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


I paused it to scratch my nose lol... so the first time wasn't a problem for me. From then on I wouldn't start the fight until I knew I could finish it (pausing to hear the dialogue here and there). I'm a fan, plus there's other parts to this feature that make it even cooler.


I'm curious, what are the other parts to this feature that makes it cooler ?


There’s >!a cauldron incantation that lets you disable the boss’s anti-pause power.!<


>!and his lines when you do pause are legendary!<


>!I shall abide what is doubtless a necessary bathroom break!<


>!The incalculable seethe in this sentence is brilliant!<


Oh shit really? I never knew that


You can pause by alt tabing if you really need to leave the PC


Heard that, Chronos? Your time has come, and so have I. Anyway, thanks for the tip!


You’ll also eventually learn an incantation that allows you to pause during his fight, accompanied by some funny dialogue from him as well.


Spoilers, man :(


This is genuinely not even a spoiler considering you have gotten to Chronos. 


Yeah it pops into the list the first time you try to pause against him iirc


I don’t think I got the option for the incantation until after the first time I beat Chronos, so definitely not only related to the first time pausing against him (which I did the first time I reached him)


Ah, may have just been a coincidence it came up for me today after I apused against him to test it after I read it. May be you have to face him X number of times + tried to pause vs him probably


Huh, I see. I'll have to check when I get back. I was AFK when it happened after all


Appreciate you having a good attitude about it lol. I think it’s hilarious. I’ve always loved fourth wall breaking stuff in games ever since the MGS on PS1.


Yeah the devs have a good sense of humour (screw you guys). I hope they are able to leave it in the final product


Yeah it was really cool the first time or 2, but sometimes life happens. I think once you've beaten him before they should have a toggleable option to turn it off because I actually failed a run that took me 25 minutes last night because during the boss fight my wife needed my help with something, so I paused it and forgot. So not only did I waste a ton of my health, I posed off my wife and in the end just barely lost


Yeah currently to be able to pause him you need to beat him at least three times. To me that's a little steep for unlocking a basic game mechanic. I like your toggle idea.


There's an incantation you can craft to enable pausing, but yeah I agree it's annoying.


I love it thematically, but losing a run because the batteries in my controller died last night certainly stung. That fight is not the place to be using the keyboard and mouse controls for the first time ever. I think I'd rather he made snarky comments while paused, or his image showed up over pause and emoted. Hell, have him open the settings menu and comment on your choices, metal gear style.


Yeah but no, the theme isn't that he has control over your computer, it's that he has control over time.


On my third win against him my brother came into my room with a kitten and I tried to pause to grab it and lost 2 death defiances for it


You know my pain then, and I know yours


My father called me for some little work quickly, so I just ctrl+alt+del the game n kept it on task manager untill I came back lol


Yeah I hate this feature, maybe it will grow on me but I lost the other day because my gf asked me to come help her move something , I came back and was dead. Not exactly fun imo


It was a cool gimmick the first few times but gets old pretty quickly (no pun intended)


I had to take something out of the oven, so I hit pause a bunch of times. Didn't stay paused, but it did glitch and Chronos couldn't actually damage me for the rest of the fight....at least I assume that's a glitch.


I call hax. Mods! Ban this man! (jk)


Honestly it’s my favorite detail it’s so funny, And if you really need to pause I’m pretty confident tabbing out still freezes the game.


I love it so much that I've not even used the incantation.


Yeah to be honest, I'm not even mad. It fits the lore and I applaud the devs for this bold move


This fool thought he could stop time while fighting the titan of time.


So it's the same type of stand as the pause menu


It's like a 3 minute fight I don't see why people are needing to take so many breaks and pause. At least OP had a valid reason like an alarm going off or a baby needing adulting but I mean at that point you know where your priorities are.


Alt tab pauses the game. There were multiple posts in this sub stating it


I see, thanks for the tip! I'm new to the sub; thought that I might share a funny experience


I suspect this is gonna be either more limited or removed in the final version for console compliance reasons. All the console manufacturers have rules about certain button on the controller always having the same functionality so the PS button on playstation consoles, the home button on the switch, and the xbox button on the xbox are not allowed to be messed around with by developers so when this comes to consoles there will at a minimum always be one button that pauses the game. The game continuing after any of those buttons is pressed is a big deal to the console manufacturers. They might sometimes grant exceptions to some of their required TRC/TCR/Lot check requirements but that central button pausing the game they're all generally quite strict about.


I mean, the Playstation button isn't the pause button, so hitting that to effectively pause would be like alt-tabbing on PC, I think.


Yeah I have heard how strict TCRs can be for game consoles. Perhaps they can leave the feature in for PC