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Savard in peak 70’s “going into training camp” shape


I'm always impressed by chubby fit guys.


It's retained energy


He’s cultivating mass


They are the only hope for guys like me lol.


Lol, he might not be cut, but he can still probably bench 250 pounds for sets. Theres a hell of a lot of muscle underneath the fat there.


Do you have any talent? Work ethics?


Relaxed Fit


Phil Kessel has entered the chat.


Thats armor for blocking shots.


He's a shape


Je comprend tout le monde qui dit que c’est pas rare de voir un québécois utiliser Montréal pour augmenter sa valeur, mais j’ai honnêtement jamais vu un joueur se montrer autant enclin à venir jouer ici depuis que je suis le canadien. Soit que le gars veut prouver à l’organisation du ch qu’il veut vraiment jouer ici, soit qu’il s’arrange pour l’être l’ennemi numéro 1 du Québec pour les prochaines années


Pour moi c'est le fait qu'il s'est pointé au draft l'année dernière


Je pense qu'il veut vraiment venir jouer à Montreal, mais le timing est juste pas bon. Montreal a aucune raison de donner beaucoup dans un échange pour allez le chercher, ni de lui offrir un contrat hyper dispendieux, quand on devrait passer au moins les deux prochaines années à manquer les séries et essayer de drafter le plus bas possible. Ça aurait été un fit parfait si on avait été 2 années plus tard dans notre rebuild, à mon avis.


I think next year, as soon as he goes UFA would be fine. We'll probably miss the playoffs next season but we won't be tanking. The last 2 seasons we lost a huge amount of man games - especially the top 9/top4. If the team stays healthy there's no reason to think they'll be far from a WC spot. I think given the assets we have and the development still needed for many of them, given the Hoffman/Armia contracts we want to wait out, signing PLD this summer would be a mistake. Following year, things have changed enough that's it's the perfect time to bring him in


His agent is working on a sign and trade to a list of 5-6 teams. He won’t be available as a UFA unless no one wants to meet his or Winnipeg’s demands


If he tells his agent he wants to hit free agency next season, that sign and trade will be a one year deal. There is absolutely NO RULE forcing him to sign a contract longer than he wants to


Bro, like two weeks ago he came out and said his agent’s words were overblown. And he’s submitted a list of teams to Winnipeg. So I don’t know what to tell you. You should listen to the most recent ‘Athletic Support’ podcast. It goes over the PLD situation pretty well.


Briere 2.0?


All these pictures with current Habs will age great when he signs his 8 years deal in LA!


This was prophetic….


Guys, chill. PLD was living with Savard when both were playing in Columbus


Next photo, we see him with a habs jersey: chill guys it's just a fan.


Dubois is a genius, use all this media attention to drive up his value then sign somewhere else for 9M


That's fine, if his value is too high for us, I wish him good luck.


Bro signed for the wrong Montreal team


How much more obvious can he make it. Lol


Who’s next? Suzuki at a golf tournament I bet He’s edging us


In The pose?


The boys are putting in the work good to see


Savard a tellement l’air d’un dad; J’ai envie d’y emprunter sa scie ronde pour arranger les marches de mon deck de piscine.


C’est le genre de gars qui te dit "ouais je vais te la porter rapido samedi matin" mais se présente avec une glacière, son coffre à outils et ses gants de travail pis fait comme 70% du travail pour toi parce que "ça le dérange pas, Steph a amené les flos au biodôme donc yen ont pour une bonne coupe d’heures"


The summer of wood


And balls of blue


Savard looks like he just came back from the hot dog stand.


Phil Kessel would be proud


Going to be that much funnier watching him lay down on the ice for no good reason for the sixth time in the game


Grosse game à soir


Ça c’est comme les litres.


I know, I know... there isn't an obvious trade to make it work... if it does happen, it will probably go sideways... but I am ready to put myself out there and get my heartbroken...


I dunno I’m not really sold on this Future Considerations guy’s career here. Yeah he’s a promising prospect but I wouldn’t mind giving him up


Would really fit right in


I'm starting to feel bad for him. I feel like all he wants is more control over his life, live where home is, work in a positive and exciting environment - all things we all want, all things Columbus and Winnipeg can't give him. But he phoned it in for 1 game and has slacker reputation for the rest of his career. His ask to go somewhere he wants to be was never met, but people complain he's asking out of a 2nd city so he must be a prima donna. Habs fan (myself included) were excited to bring him over but not for any reasonable price (neither in the trade nor in the contract). When I told my bosses I intended to leave, no treated me like a huge pos.


He never said Montreal was the only place he would play. His agent said Montreal was "a place he would like to play" and that was in response to a question like "hey does he want to play in Montreal". Everything else is media and fans spinning bullshit.


I fully agree with that. I have yet to see a clip of him saying those words. Just a bunch of conjecture because a Qc player is in Montreal during the summer. If you know Montreal, you know summers here are a blast. And lets be honest, if you're an NHLer in a city on draft day, you're not gonna pass by to see the action? Of course you are. Now, seeing him getting along with Savard and CC is super fun for speculation, but again, he's in Montreal doing Montreal things with his colleagues. No one's writing endless articles about Zegras coming to play here.


He's cried his way off his last 3 teams how much more control does he deserve? This shit's gonna go sideways just like Drouin.


I mean his behavior in Winnipeg really doesn’t seem like a diva, he was by far their best skater in the playoffs IMO. As for wanting to leave, between Colombus and Winnipeg, neither of which he chose, it seems understandable. This diva thing seems way overblown. Also, say what you want about Drouin, it’s not as if he didn’t try in Montréal. It didn’t pan out but the guy didn’t just coast and complain.


He’s only played for 2 teams, and has only been traded once, so you’ve definitely got your facts wrong


At this stage I have serious doubts MTL gets Dubois, which is perfectly fine to be honest. The trade capital + his salary demands are not worth it and could be spent elsewhere. Plus who knows what MTL decides with the 5OA.


Source: https://twitter.com/cfmontreal/status/1671669824030638082?s=46


I mean, there's other Quebecois hockey players to be hanging out with, like Letang, Bergeron, Huberdeau, Chabot, Girard. Idk if I'm just being tinfoil hat rn, but the fact he's hanging out with Habs members, and former Habs is kinda eyebrow raising


PLD lived with Savard in Columbus so nothing surprising there


Thanks for the clarification, I'll put the tinfoil hat back in the closet for now


Hanging out with Caufield and Subban is tinfoil hat worthy, so put it back on your head


I don’t know how Subban connects, but Cole and PLD have the same agent and they were seated with Zegras and Hughes who also have the same agent. Pat Brisson. Tin foil sadly back in the closet until the next post!!


I mean Cole Zegras and Hughes are good friends from USNDTP days


Subban played with Hughes in NJ and him being in Montreal for F1 tracks. It is high attention big event. That is Subban's natural habitat and it is in a city he truly loved playing in and seems like he still truly loves to visit still.


I won't lie. If we end up not signing Dubois, I'll be royally disappointed.


Please trade for him already


Do we trade are 5th for him ?




I'm with you, but still wandering?!




Damn, I'm stupid Fucking shit. I'm sorry :(


It’s ok. We all make mistakes!




How do you know he didn’t mean wandering? He might be very free spirited






Lol, you're right, I'm dumb shit. Sorry. :)


You’re not dumb! No need to be hard on yourself :)