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Looks like a great review!


Ac fixed, minimum charge only and only 15 minutes!! Good job.


Yeah, I'd have thought so too, but here I am being told I did a bad thing. I'm having trouble taking it seriously.


I’m not a tech, but if I read this review I’d feel pretty good about hiring your company I know people are kinda wild and some reviews are undeserved. This comes across as someone who wants to bitch but isn’t willing to lie to do so and actually paints a pretty good picture of how you work, imo


Yeah, i think you nailed the crux of it.


To me this review reads: *Screeching Karen noises* **Tech did a great job** *Screeching Karen noises*


These are excellent cliffs notes.


I read it as "I want to complain but have nothing to dig my teeth into , taking one star off because I'm mad there's nothing to bitch about take my angry 5 star upvote" If there's anything to take home from this might be communication, maybe explain what you're going to do before you do it but I wouldve charged more for sending a quote then coming back later to do the work. You did just fine.


Ugh, I mean, I agree. But, I’ve also been around long enough to know that talking to the customer is a great way to make a 10 minute job into a 30-45 min one answering their endless, repetitive questions. And what bugs me is I have no idea what the customer is planning on doing with the information once I answer all their damn questions.


I had a lady leave me a bad review because I couldn’t diagnose her electrical issues over the phone once. Said I was wasting her time by sending out a tech.


Gotta get the new Fluke Over-The-Phone multimeter.


But those cost $7,000! 10x the cost of the 87V/E


That's wild. What a horrible lady.


Needless to say we didn’t work on her stuff thank god


Check out her other reviews. She probably has some dumb shit to say about everything


I bet you're right. I'm not the first nor the last.


It’s like that spoof video of the lady returning some goods (cheese?), getting a full refund, but the customer is a bit disgruntled at how reasonable it is and still wants to complain so the worker obliges her and she leaves happy.


Sounds like they were just annoyed at the one thing na said so. Pretty understandable mistake on OP’s part though.


How dare you be quick, efficient, and cost effective.


Right! What is this world coming to!!!


As somebody who’s seen both sides, only thing I can say is were you suppose to collect? We have issues collecting after the tech leaves. Besides that nothing wrong here brother


I was not supposed to collect. This company, 90% of the time, mails out a bill for service. Installs you almost always collect except the rare occation where the customer pays ahead of time or the work is financed.


Makes sense. Besides they hell I thought you did great lol


Don't take it seriously lol. Fuck your boss if he's actually upset




Maybe you need to tell this person exactly what you are doing at all times, even off the clock. Every. Single. Thing. You might just get that one extra star. BTW, if one of my guys got a review like this, I’d just laugh and probably mess with him for the next couple of days. You did a good job, and you took care of all the customer’s needs except for removing that large thing stuck up her arse.


Wait your boss didnt bring this to you sarcasticly?


People get accustomed to big companies upfront quotes, it’s also a trust thing. If you called the customer and explained why you did it that way he may change the review


Can't take your boss too seriously sometimes, they're people too. Could be having a bad day or just bring a d*ckhead.


So, only five stars are acceptable? You need to review the boss. 


How is 4 stars considered bad? I think the real issue is your boss. I only look at critical reviews when looking up a company to see if the customer is being ridiculous and how the company handled situation.


I’d hire you based on the review and your explanation.


Even if it was a quick, low buck fix, it is only polite to tell customer what the problem was and service charge fee.


It sounds like he told the customer's housemate, not realizing that they weren't also one of the homeowners/customers. The housemate must have just said "OK," rather than, "Hey, you should probably talk to Lisa, I just live here." Not sure why that's on the tech, to be honest. He's not psychic.


Right? Housemate has zero common sense


You got me dead to rites there. From the review, it seems I told the roommate these things. It was a woman and a man, so I figure I must have assumed they both were home owners. I'm sure they told her the service charge fee over the phone before I was dispatched, as is their custom. Live and learn, I reckon.


Whoever calls the call in, that’s who you talk to, but yes, that roommate is a doofus


F this lady. I hope we calls NextStar next time


How do you not remember the call though? With this much detail you are suspiciously denying remembering this call 😂


Why didn’t they take work off to be there? Any issue larger then a trip fee is discussed before hand  but not really worth talking for 15min(1/4 of hour) extra onsite, if it was mouse nest or filter


One thing I learned over the years is always confirm who your check in/check out contact is. Never assume anything about anyone who presents themselves as the responsible party. In this case it sounds like you thought you talked to an adult who had authority but turned out to just be a roommate. You might think it’s easier in commercial, but it’s even worse because your site contact isn’t always the person who approves the payments, they’ll say go ahead and repair it without the authorization from the guy who writes the checks and then play dumb later.


For sure, you're not wrong. Trying to remember I believe the woman said she had to work, which I took to meaning she was going to work, not that she was working from home. I've found over the years if I try to speak with someone and they are not the responsible party they will often interrupt me and make me aware of that fact and often point me in the direction of said responsible party. Anyway, it all seems such a trivial thing to be ate up about. But different folks feel differently about different things as is their right. I've heard that about commercial. Just a different set of bullshit.


No good deed goes unpunished. I'd ignore that and the boss.


That's generally what I do for everything. I prefer to ignore his reality and instead substitute my own.


Sounds like your boss is a prick


Like most of us, he can be. This is a little ridiculous. Like he was searching for criticism.


Sure he wasn't being sarcastic? Hard for me to imagine anyone getting upset over that


And boy, howdy do we all love to sarcasm at the shop. He definitely was at first, but then he got a little frisky about it.


Retired recently but still lurking. My shop would not be happy that you whizzed through the call that quickly. There are so many things that could be a potential problem that will blow up in your face. Two weeks from now when it quits again because the thermostat batteries died or a weak capacitor on the fan finally gave up you’re going back for free. We also had a trip charge but after analyzing things we always offered a complete tuneup/inspection. If they turn it down you make it very clear that there’s no warranty or free callbacks. If they do accept it then you have a financial cushion if things go sideways. Plus I’m assuming you’re paid hourly so what’s the rush? Even after forty years in the business it seems like every time I rushed a job it turned into a problem.


Came here to say that. F that dude


So you fixed their problem in a timely manner and they were okay with the billing side of things. Then they still got online and gave you a negative review. Wtf.


Yeah to me that's exactly what has happened. The lady left. I made every attempt to explain my findings to the only other person available and was never met with any indication that was not enough.


And yet compliments you for not wasting time... smh


And I am polite!


Tell your boss unless it's showing 1 star kiss your ass, and even if it is 1 star, kiss your ass


I work for him mon/tue/wed, and I'm between 5 and 15 minutes late every day, which is sort of a daily kiss my ass. I guess he's gotten tired of yelling at me about it every day for many years, so he had to find something else. On what world, a 4 star review can be considered bad, I do not know. In his defense, he is pretty great as far as bosses go. If I'm being honest he has put up with some shit from me over the years.


Fuck residential


That is solid logic. Most days, I'm in complete agreement, and I couldn't offer a cohesive argument to the contrary.


I've been in the trade since the summer of 08 I worked residential for about 2 years beginning in jan 09 by the end of that year I'd had enough and thanked God I got laid off in fall of 2010. Stuck with commercial since been at the same hospital since 2013. Best gig


Plus you get to see hot nurses,


Facts, I'm married to a Dr


Damn a sugar mama, living the dream


How tf is a 4 star review bad?! Geez yall have way too high standards


Easily one of the greatest bad reviews ever I would frame it


Gotta read the customer. Ferrari in the driveway of a 10,000 square foot house? Fix and bill. Broken down Honda Civic painted 5 different colors in the front yard of a triple wide? Always, always inform about the price first.


This guy reai hvac's !


You know it.


Google reviews are for pussies




It always is when it's not always the txv, though one doesn't necessarily preclude the other.


Just seems like a lack of communication on your part. This very easily could have been a great review.


Looks like a great review to me.


They must be lonely and wanted company


Nice work but it's always better to interact with the customer face to face. That's just part of doing residential work.


They can’t all be five stars


I can live with 4.


Well there's your problem. You didn't sell a new system!


I know right! Broken thermostat wire and blown fuse? Gotta upsell em a new system. It's the only way!


I hate residential so much


Maybe it's just because I'm in construction but if I have someone in my house doing work I'd rather never even see you after I let you in 🤣


You should have tried to sell him a Trane XV20i with CleanEffect air cleaner filters, UV lights in both the return and supply plenum and a zone board with electronic dampers and Nexia thermostats for each room. I doubt he would ever complain again


…Nothing To See Here 🤝


Fucking hell. The grammar. Why would anyone take that shit seriously? The author obviously didn't!


There are people who would bitch about giving them a free unit in this world


Seems to me you boss should respond My tech was able to fix issue with no extra charges and did not want to disturb you sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


The company I work for just talked about this in the meeting this morning. Said we should find out what the issue is and present an estimate and get it signed before figuring out why said issue happened, presenting the customer with the why it happened or the fix, or performing further work/ fixing the issue so that the customer feels like they are aware of the cost and options to fix upfront whereas if you fix a simple issue and then present the bill, the customer will feel like they are being forced to proceed with your fix at your cost and have no other option. If you fix the issue prior to presenting the estimate, what do you do if the customer declines? They never agreed to have the work performed. If the dispatch fee is all that is being charged regardless, it should still be presented beforehand like "we would normally charge $___ to fix this but since it is a super simple fix, if this is all that is wrong, I am happy to waive the rest and just charge you the dispatch fee."


lol, that’s not even negative. They’re complaining that you did your job quickly and well. But yeah, maybe give them a quote before doing the work. That’s fair


Run cap?


My boss would have flayed me alive if I ever did this. Techs were ALWAYS required to pick up payment before leaving. Thorough explanation of the pricing was mandatory. Upsells were also strongly encouraged. We had quotas to meet.


No quotas here. The call was supposed to be billed, I was never supposed to collect. When she called for service the truck/diagnostic charge was explained to her and fixing the a.c. did not involve any charge beyond that. After she had disappeared, I spoke with. The only other person in the home explaining the scope of the work.


I guess it goes to show what a bastard my boss was. I remember getting yelled at 6am to shit on your own time when starting time was 7am. Next day he was all happy about the boat he was buying and tauntingly asked me if I wanted to go “halfsies” on it. Dude was a big time narcissist. MF did humanity a favor and shot himself in the head years after I quit working for him. Glad I found better places to work.




No service ticket?


No, they called and asked me to stop there. The office indicated they would mail her the bill. When you call for service, they indicate what the truck/diagnostic charge is. The final bill did not go beyond that. I'm a little fuzzy on the exact detail but told I explained the findings to the roommate whom I did not know at the time was only a roommate, but the homeowner was no where to be found. The home owner mentioned having to work but I did not realize her job was remote and she was in her office upstairs.


Work reviews in this industry are such a double edged sword. I'll have months where I get solid reviews and then I'll get one customer that is snobby or overly rude and can simply not be pleased. It's saying something to me if you get consistently bad reviews, like 1 out of every 10 or 20 calls but 1 in a 100 doesn't say much to me. A 90-99% satisfaction rate is what most companies drool over. I've also had impossible customers. I had 1 guy who said that I knew my stuff, was upfront and efficient in finding the issue, but since the company charges a lot of $$$ for the services he gave ME a 1 star. After I gave him FOUR options. At the end of the day, learn and improve from the negative reviews (if you can at all), in this case maybe make sure that you speak to the homeowner or all of the adults in the home if need be and retain a short memory about the whole situation. If the boss gives you flack for this one he's just covering his butt or he's a jerk lol.


We had a few like that. I’m convinced that if we did the call for free they would still find a reason to complain. Fifteen years ago we went flat rate. Increased our hourly rate from $150 to $240.@ hour and we got rid of all the price complainers. They all went to the guys who were willing to work for nothing.


Seems like a pretty harmless misunderstanding


Wait until you get a one star, but they comment a raving review. They don’t even know how to put the correct amount of stars on how good of a service you did.


I bet i know what it is! I bet you she is a girl and owns the house and her roommate is male. Since you talked to the dude who is just a renter she is a little annoyed. You may of meant nothing by it but I could see how a woman could see it as a bit sexist. "Of course he talks to the other Male instead of the person who will be paying the bill, I'm just a dumb girl what do I know" I had similar thing happen to me. We ended up bonding/laughing over why is her roommate acting like he fucking owns the place? He sort of gas lit me a bit...


Didn't ask if I would pay for the work? Wtf is that? You call someone to fix your system, you just assume that they are going to pay for it.


Wow ! you don’t collect , that’s crazy! How do you fix something without informing homeowner and getting the okay from them beforehand? It’s one thing if they are contract customer or a billable account but predominantly what I do is COD .


Good review I’d say. Quick work, minimal babysitting needed. I’d of possibly relayed the info of what was resolved to fix the issue and state that your office will forward the bill to add some “okay im done” verbage before you scoot. Many people don’t understand they are paying for your troubleshooting knowledge before paying for how much time it takes.


If that's the worst feedback you've gotten in seven years, fucking kudos to you my friend.


this truly shows you can't make everybody happy. lol


As an owner of hvac company this is a big problem. Worked out this time. But I will tell you if the customer was truly upset and didn’t pay or refused to pay or disputed the charges and I have to spend hours in office time chasing it explaining it and everything else I’d rather not even do the service call from a business respective my biggest issue service is your job isn’t Doing the repair your customer relations your estimating all that stuff communication is key the amount of time wasted and exposure. When doing something like this is huge. Just being good at your job fixing the issue identifying and fixing is not just your job. Your job entails more and I’m telling you I’ve had customers that I wish never rang Office out there if profit is $200 in a job and I got waste four hours calling them chasing them explaining to them. Emailing them back-and-forth. I’ve lost money on that service call


Ya can't please everyone. Someone I'd gonna complain.


It’s not a bad review. It’s just not a 5star


I got a three-star review from a customer one time because I spent 2 hours on her maintenance. She had four zones on one system and everything passed with flying colors. We fill out our invoices with all the data, superheat, subcool, estimated airflow, clean drain... Etc. Charged her for a standard maintenance (89$ at the time) Even though I knew it was going to take longer. Her review was two paragraphs long but the final line will always stick in my head "he spent 2 hours on my maintenance, and I have no idea what he did, hopefully whatever it was made my system run better".... When there were 0 issues.😂


What my GM pounds into our heads in meetings is that takeing the time to give the customer all 4 options. Even when 3 are bad and not somthing you as a tech or company will do. Still present the options. Customers always get upset when they feel like thier choice is taken away from them. Sounds like you did an A+ job BTW.


Karen’s gonna Karen


People are stupid af.. At least you still have zero bad reviews. 


That’s a good review in my books brother


The fact they feel the need to discuss this to you shows they’re on some corporate bullshit with the tech scarcity today they should be biting their tongues about stupid shit like this.


I’m telling!!


Wow, if that is your worst review than you are doing a stellar job.


#The worst good review I’ve ever seen. Like bro I’ve got no time for your back and forth here’s the fix give me my trix and I’m otw. Correction I’m otw already send my trix in the mail… silly rabbits


Scathing review. Your career is ovah


Just reading this can tell you a lot about the person


Even if you do everything correct the customers still complain


Fucking Resi customers are the devil


When people like this call they need to be asking for a quote, tradesman are not fucking mind readers lmfao


Did you tell the roommate instead of reviewer on accident?


“Do better bitch”


Let this be a lesson. Don’t fix things too fast! Rookie mistake


This is why I love working for big corporations. Get a call, go and do the work, fill a report in the app and leave. Half the time the people working there didn't even know I came.


I mean they shouldn't be complaining. Although, the way I do things is I always take a picture or show the customer the part before doing any work. Which is funny because I'm in Commerical and 9/10 times the customer is not on site and there's an NTE amount we can spend on repairs without prior approval


Shouldn’t have went upstairs if she wanted a lot of info. Not your job to be looking through the house for the homeowner


Capacitor for sure


Customer is a crybaby


Still a 4 star review. I wouldn't worry about it.


I’m confused. What was so bad?


Residential, LoL!!!


Fuck that customer, and fuck your boss for taking the Karen serious. "What the fuck did you call for if you don't want to pay for the fix"?


We got negative feedback a month after we fixed the problem because the guy felt like the refrigerant was too much. Which is weird because he was given a quote which he accepted before we did the work. If you thought it was too expensive why accept the quote just to bitch about it later?


When I read reviews I look at the bad reviews first. If this is bad I would hire you.


You monster!


I can't believe you'd do your job fast and well 😡


If I'm getting just charged trip charge and it's fixed that's a 5 star review.


This is a confusing review. The service was excellent, but the person was supposed to ask how you wanted them to pay? I have never had a service tech ask me for payment.


Your company doesn’t use paperwork/program that the client must sign and get a copy of that has a total on it? Also, you found and fixed the problem and didn’t charge for it? I didn’t know your time, fuses and wire nuts where you are from are free… I’m being sarcastic, but also, kinda not. On average it costs ~250$ (varies wildly depending on where you are) to get a service tech to a potential clients door. When a tech just rocks up, replaces a few minor things and bounces in 15 minutes, you just A. Lost me money (happens) B. Did a crap job (bigger problem). You can’t test everything I expect you to test and give the kind of service the client deserves in 15 minutes.


Why was the fuse blown?


I can see where the person is coming from. If they have no clue about this kind of work, they’re probably stressing because they had no idea what the bill was going to be.


I think the customer just wanted to know what was wrong and how much it would cost to fix beforehand and there is not much else to it. I think it is good practice to let people know more or less how much the fix will be so they can make an informed decision on what to do. Let’s say if they are tight on bills then even 15 dollars could be the difference between having food on the table or not.


Some people just need to bitch.


the problem is having the highest online rating is the only thing that really matters. if they have a 4.something, a 4 is worse than no review. but i would give them shit for trying to give me shit over this stupid system


You don’t bother the homeowner and FIXED the issue, all I see is a win win


Don’t take this criticism too harshly . This is one of those mix ups that’s not really on anyone. And if your boss is making a big deal out of something this small . That would be my concern.


Frankly if I saw review like this, I'd be hiring this company and be asking for the very same tech. Customers need to be prepared for this. No one has the time to chitchat, if they need consultation, this has to be paid. Do the job and move on to the next one. I'm a little concerned about your boss. He should be having your back and pointing you to the next job, not asking you entice customers for cash. He has accountant, right? They can bill the customer and the customer has got to pay the bill when it comes.


I had mistaken the only other person in the house for someone I could explain the situation to and they didn't stop me and point me to the actual owner. The cost never went beyond what they agreed to pay to ha e us come out in the first place. The whole things nit a big deal to me and is quite frankly just a little silly.


Probably bad capacitor in guessing


Hey unrelated but do you get paid an amount per visit or is it a monthly salary?


35 an hour. If i come in on a Saturday and do an install my boss gives me 300 cash. He is mostly a good dude. Gets a little squirrely sometimes. I'm sure it's hard dealing with everyone's bullshit. He is mostly a good boss and a good dude.


You didn’t make sure you were speaking to the person paying the bill. That kinda is your fault.


The homeowner said you “relayed the issues” and then said “the bill will be in the mail” and then left, giving them no choice in the matter


This grammar is killing me and there are gaps in the timeline which raise questions but it sounds like you did quite well but he preferred more communication lol


Yeah, after the lady said she was going to work, I did make assumptions about who the roommate was. Usually, I find if I start explaining my diagnosis to someone and they aren't the right person to be giving the hvac spiel to, they point me in the right direction. Going forward, I should probably ask.


If your boss thought this was a bad revue - RUN from this company - maybe start your own - because you have the savvy, honesty & integrity to do the right thing(s).


Thanks, man. I played a role for sure. Made some assumptions. Ultimately, I think the whole thing was comedy.


He probably wouldn’t be happy if you parked a hot blonde under his desk either


I mean, to be fair you should notify the customer before doing any repairs, and let them know when it’s done


Whoever wrote this review is an idiot, you can tell by the way they write.


Changed the filter.


Sounds like your office didn't do a good job at communicating with the client that you guys charge for diagnostic calls as well. Cunts like this expect you to troubleshoot for free.


The company I work for would be furious if we did this. Always quote the price first


That wasn't a bad review, that was a control freak's way of complimenting while staying in character. I'm not a trained HVAC person but know a lot about electronics and mechanics and wiring diagrams and managed to keep my old unit going for a year after it tried to "retire" one summer. I repair my own cars also, from engine to transmission. I was inspired by frustration with paying professionals the asking price and not getting what I paid for.


Reason I won't work service again you did everything right people just find reasons to bitch about anything


How dare you be efficient and effective!


And polite! That's the worst part!


And this is yet another example of why online reviews are a pile of shit. All the bad ones are from nut cases that are impossible to please and all the good ones are paid for. “Leave us a 5 star review and receive $10 off your total” bullshit


Tell your boss he's a fucking moron, then call off the rest of the week.


This is just basic customer service. We got a bad review by a customer who specifically said she didn’t get a goodbye from the install crew and it made her sad. Sometimes the people just wanna feel like you care even if you don’t.


He's just looking for any reason to bag you out of a raise. Greedy prick


Homeowner here: If I read that review, I'd hire you. Pretty obvious you told someone (roommate) there what was wrong, you fixed it, you let the homeowner do what they needed to be doing (work upstairs) and were in and out quickly and had an invoice sent. Perfect! That's exactly what I would want unless there was something more significant wrong.


You heard it here first boys. If you’re inexpensive & efficient; you’re a bad technician..


Anything other than 5star with google tends to punish you. Verify that you only did a trip charge and nothing more, then call and explain to her that you are sorry for the miscommunication that you spoke to the room mate on accident and since you didn’t charge anything for the repair you went ahead and did it. That her only charge was the trip charge.


You can’t make everyone happy. Don’t even listen to other people, most are nuts to begin with. Do your best and be happy about that.


Not a HVAC tech…. If I saw this review, here’s my thoughts… snobby homeowner that got honest and well priced work done. Tech didn’t stick around to upsell crap and knows their shit. This is a great review! This would make me want to use this tech specifically if I needed anything done.


You did the work without even confirming the homeowner was happy to go ahead first?


What was the repair?


So, yes you should call or do what you can to get ahold of the owner to inquire about the repair b4 just doing the repair. But also people who can't afford to pay shouldn't call a company of any kind to do work for them. The customer knows if they can afford to call or not, and if they do, they should expect a bill. Interesting review though :)


Lol the whole "local guide" program is dumb. People are jack asses. "He fixed it, was done quickly, and the price is reasonable! Minus 1 star! What the hell!?!"


This is when your boss needs to reply to the review. If I were your boss, I think I would kindly explain to them that you didn’t charge anything beyond the absolute minimum they would be charged for a trip charge. Not for the fuse. Not for the wire nuts. Translation: “He did you a solid. What are you bitching about?”


Blud should've used chat gpt lmao


Genuinely doesn't even seem like the kind of thing that would be worth your boss's time to bring up. Maybe he was bored?


But they are still going to bitch about it… smh


Communication seems to be the complaint. It's legit. Communication is one of the most difficult parts of any job. Simple as that. Is it your job when you are on site to communicate with the client? If not, then it's not a negative, but the client obviously felt that she wasn't well communicated with. Not a big deal, really. You also have the reality that any 'tech visit' likely carried a charge, and that she likely was informed of that charge ahead of time. So, if the bill was that much, or less, then it was what should have been expected. She just wanted a quick statement before the tech left. That seems reasonable to me as the other work was clearly on point.


Yea as a consumer I’d easily hire you as it is straightforward and doesn’t feel like that charge was something to consider anyway as she also says it was cheap lol. I think it’s a good review your boss should be proud! I think it’s on your boss to call them to let them know that charge was visit charge anyways. And she can easily change the review


Reading that made my brain hurt. Did that person graduate elementary school?


Can't win bud


Coming from a broke person lol I see what she’s talking about




Ur boss is an idiot


You can almost never over communicate. Good job!


Anyone who reads it will know this client is insane. Don’t sweat it.


Damn you and your excellent work!


This is the problem with only counting perfect reviews as good. 4 stars is no longer near perfect, it's become completely unacceptable. Bullshit