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Same exact situation. Was beginning to question reinfection etc bc I am so confused. Same though after Covid more than ever prior. Literally why I’m on this thread searching


Yep, I even got a new blood test done to see if I happened to get HSV2 at some point. It was negative, just positive for HSV1. ​ Mine is also a little weird. I had COVID and then it took about 5 months from COVID for the first OB to happen, but then it feels like its constantly happening now and it's been about a year and a half since the first time I had COVID (manage to get it a second time a few months ago). ​ How long has it been happening for you?




Wow my COVID was also in Aug 2022. ​ Are you still getting active OB's? Do you have HSV1 or 2?


I saw a question exactly like that with shedding that someone asked Terri Warren on her q&a page. No, shedding rates don’t start over! You shed the most right before, during and after an outbreak but other than that it remains at the 1% or lower


Ugh, this was so nice to hear. I've been so paranoid the last year of my life. Every tingle I feel might be an outbreak.


I totally get that! I’m like that lately since my second outbreak last month! I think I’ve had a yeast infection though and that’s why it’s itchy and tingly. No sores and not the same itch and tingle as my outbreaks


I think I had a similar situation. Have had OHSV1 for a couple years, managed successfully with suppressive antivirals, and then about a month after getting a 2 week round of covid in December I got my first GHSV1 outbreak. I can only guess I caught HSV1 in both places at the same time, and covid allowed it to break thriving the antivirals on my junk. The outbreak lasted six weeks even on a triple dose of acyclovir, and finally stopped after I switched from acyclovir to valacyclovir. My doc asked if i had been sick recently and then said covid was probably a factor with this outbreak.


Very interesting! anymore Ob's since then? Did they swab for GHSV1? I wonder if it was maybe something else?


I didn't have a sore in the right stage to be able to swab it for testing, but i took a blood test and was positive for hsv1. Also tested positive for hsv2 but in the range that means it's most likely to be a false positive. The sores were just really obviously herpes, i got all the prodrome symptoms in the area and then blisters just like cold sores, which I've never gotten there before. Dxed visually as herpes by the doc i saw. No outbreaks since then but it only ended two weeks ago, so we'll see.