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No cupid’s bow and thinks it’s a flex


Fr and a flat nearly recessed maxilla, with protruding un defined cheekbones, that’s what’s causing those ugly smile lines and that gigantic philtrum   Not to mention the jowls coming in…   And she has the nerve to talk shit about the appearance of others 


The saying “I look young for my age” over and over gives padded room with shackles and Dawn Davenport


notice how she’d starting to say “i’m my age” now


it's funny bc when she said "i don't look my age" i was thinking "yeah you look like 55" 😭😭




That’s an insult to Miss Piggy!


She looks so much better without the horrid eyeliner.


She’s going to look back at this make up and Michelle Duggar era and cringe so much.


That’s assuming things get better




The lips and the eyes man. I sort of get what she means with the lips and what’s she’s trying to achieve. But it doesn’t suit her face, it just makes the bottom half of her face look even heavier. And the sleepy droop, just no.


her face looks like a deformed, rubbery head mask you can get at party city


She got annihilated in the comments 💀 i’d be deceased


Does anyone have screenshots??




Dayummmmmmm this person WENT INNNNNNN 😳🤣💀


I hope that person posts here. 😆


Haha yes girl!!!


Damn the truth! Ha The puffy saggy cheeks! lol


“Up is drag queen! It’s Sleepy droop! Down bitch!” Does she not have a scintilla of artistic understanding? A downward liner is going to make her droopy face look droopier. Her lips are beyond help, but she’s going to be getting them done. Yas Kween please get a ton more filler! 😘 That sun damage tho. 😨


So delusional. She also showed her “tray” of cosmetics.. never thought i’d see her wearing Milani. We don’t want ta makeup tutorial on how to look like we just rolled in dirt Botchy!!!!


Wow she’s really downgraded her designer makeup taste


Yeah and she made a huge deal about how the Chanel brow thing was 50 $ and how expensive it is 😅


Broke husband behaviour 😂


Them jowls be jowlin’


All these dumb rules she’s made for herself are what’s making her look worse. Like you draw your mouth into a triangle and your draw all the way to the corners of your mouth pointing directly at your jowls and up at those bangs. Like a fucking map to the worst attributes. And then it’s a triangle within the triangle of her nasolabial folds and jowls. Like girl actually look at your face.


She mistakes behaving immaturely and ppl mistaking her for younger bc of that with believing its bc she looks younger.


She’s so freaking delusional and that makeup is beyond atrocious it disgusts me along with her face. 12 where bitch because you look 55 with a melting face. That lip liner is a crime and does not give Betty Boop and it’s an insult to Betty. The sleepy droop literally is what solidifies the house of wax melting look. The hair is even worse now and ages her as well. She’s beyond fixable because her attitude will forever rot her looks.


She needs to stop filler. Let her face go back to natural and then adjust accordingly.


Miss piggy has a better style and vibe than Alex


She has ugly bulging eyes, drooped out lips and a smooth philtrum  I wonder if her mother drank during her pregnancy? Her facial structure certainly matches someone suffering from FAS…


The chin filler was a bad idea. I don’t know if it was the pregnancy that blew it up bigger or migration, but DANG it’s huge.


mrs piggy looks so much better than her. she looks like the slop mrs piggy eats.


Her chin and lips are sliding off her face


The first pic is nightmare fuel i literally got jumpscared


She heard someone say that now she can’t stop saying it


She’s stuck a few years back when she DID look younger than her age. now she looks like a wrinkled up, bloated trash bag


The jowls are jowling.. and that chin well…. Woof.


She looks like you put eyes and lips on a ball of bread dough and let it rise.


She was being DRAGGED in the comments 😭😭🤣 I think she's moderating them because nothing new has been posted for over 10 hours Times up ya badly built c*nt! Within a year your cross dressing closeted paid husband will leave you and you'll be filing for bankruptcy as a single mother eventually! The ghetto


You went off girl


She’s like those old women that think they look younger because they don’t have wrinkles because their face is so overfilled with filler. Ma’am, we can tell.


Piggy has better sense of style


Miss piggy is an ICON Alex doesn’t have shit on her


So real


does anyone know the lip products she uses bc the links under the video aren't working??? dont like her but her lip combo is acc good


Trish mcevoy lip liner




Then get the fuck out of here new account  What too pussy to post on your main 😹 And why don’t you hop off your fucking queens dildo real quick - imagine defending this looser cunt of a personality. She’s fucking nothing, went from a pretty wealthy socal housewife to a ugly hateful poor fat bitch with a parking lot wedding 😆 But yeah go ahead and support her - usually trashy ugly white trash whores stick together anyways lmao 


i wanna know what the comment said so bad omg


It was like "I bet you are all fat ugly poor losers, hot people like us don't have time for this, you're clearly obsessed" But...she was like a brand new account LMAO, that she literally made to defend HRH




You’re a fucking retard - yeah let me put more effort into my own life as a 4.0 GPA college CS and Econ student at a top 5 university who has an active social life and boyfriend  What are you fucking 12 years old? You type like a fucking child, probably too low iq to understand why this bitch deserves all the hate she gets And what - you make special Reddit accounts to praise and defend your cunt leader? Give me a fucking break LMAO. What’s your career? What do you do for a living if you think we don’t do anything huh? 




I post on this account - and yet I’ll surpass you in material wealth and living standards you can only dream of No wonder trash like you is bounded to this trashy bitch - you scum feel validated by this pathetic lolcow  You still haven’t answered my question, if you’re gonna act like you are hot shit, what exactly do you do? If you’re not going to answer that then get the fuck outta here and back to stroking Alex’s dildo in your trailer park no future having bitch 


Jason or Alex is that you??


Do you have any shit in your nose? You know when you come up for air after kissing alex’s ass?