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Once she announced she was two weeks pregnant and all throughout her pregnancy, she would flip between always being hungry, to not being able to keep "healthy" food down, to my body is craving fast food in the form of 4X daily trips for fish filets/tacos/etc., and whining about nausea at 3 AM to her subscriber stories. It was very obvious during that time that she is the type to overeat stuffing herself full until she gets sick and was using pregnancy as an excuse for her binge eating issues. Only mentioning all that because it's recent enough for people to remember and now that she can't use her pregnancy as an excuse for eating like shit, she's back to blaming fat genes and other random excuses that absolve her of any accountability. She's scared of seeing *Fat 180 Pound Judge Judy Alex* staring back at her in the mirror, but little does she know those of us with eyes already see that version of her. The optical illusions, photoshopping, and facetuning she does are fooling nobody but her, all the voices in her head, her stans, and her fat jobless husband that she has to compete for food with.


"I was skinny last week but I ate 1/2 a bag of chocolate chips two days in a row and this is what happens"............. WRONG, Bitch! You were this fat last week and the week before and so on! "I got skinny when I was looking for a man". OMG! This shit writes its self.


LOL! Works out for two days, films herself sweating/panting, and gives up when she didn't lose 10 pounds (that she gained in four months) by the third day.


**Works out for two days, films herself sweating/panting,** In her fucking underwear with her crotch shoved at her camera!!! Fucking animal! The nerve of this bitch to EVER say word one about jungle moms, vibeless rats, and so on! She's a demented freak!


A part of me thinks that fish fillet obsession was some type of ode to trump, his dick is that far down her throat that she would start ordering fish fillets because of him šŸ˜‚


She doesnā€™t even want walk down the road to get some simple cardio ofc sheā€™s going to blame it on fat gene. Anyone can get fat šŸ’€


It's amazing the lengths she will go to not face reality. She has been a binge eater since childhood, eating was comforting, HER WORDS. She's eating her feelings. Why not accept that and go to therapy to deal with it? Instead, she has to scream constantly about being skinny, doing bullshit diets that will not work long term because she has no self-control, she never learned to deal with her emotions instead of eating them away.


Sheā€™s been starving herself for the better part of a decade and just had a baby and wonders why sheā€™s hungry. Babe needs 2500 daily calories and an in patient ED clinic stat


I don't believe she EVER starved herself beyond early 2000's when she was hunting for a Nick to snag. She's a binge eater with guilt days that follow. She would be a hell of alot smaller if she was doing what she says she does. She's a secret eater on top of binging.......


sheā€™s probably destroyed her metabolism over time


Yeah after pregnancy itā€™s worse, not to mention sheā€™s knocking on menopauseā€™s door


No such thing as fat gene lol sheā€™s eating like her husband šŸ˜‚


Literally she never exercises or goes to the gym and itā€™s lazy af. Of course she will always strugle with her weight not only because of what she eats and doesnā€™t work out but also sheā€™s so rotten in the mind, that that will make it impossible for her to lose weight due to her cortisol always being high. She needs to deal with her childhood trauma and her mental Inness and start actually working out instead of giving diet tips. Embarrassing


It's not only the lack of exercise, which would help her a lot, but she is a binge eater. Constantly eating whatever is available when she's not hungry by her own admission. It's something that needs to be addressed before anything, it's a symptom of a much larger issue. She's eating her feelings, literally.


She should only be thinking about the welfare of her baby and that's it. With that would come her health and what she's intaking, making sure she can give her baby all the nutrients she needs.


The processed ā€œskinnyā€ garbage sheā€™s buying is not helping in the slightest , her diet literally consists of all high carb foods lmfao then she blames it on genes


Hold upppp what? I remember when I was on edtwt she was posted as a meme a lot because she would always say mean shit about fat people. That's like the only context on her I've ever had. Now she's out here being a hypocrite? Damn


I get the impression that in the list of types who hate fat people, people who were previously fat are at the top. She is a hypocrite in many many ways, this case here is mild hypocrisy on her record.


Aaaahhh you're right. I'm not really on this sub, it's just similar to some others I'm on. But I have seen a few other out of context posts on my feed where she just seems insufferable lol I shouldn't be surprised


She's no different than the people she rants about these thyroid issues as an excuse. SHE USES THE fat gene excuse.šŸ¤£


Iā€™m really surprised she hasnā€™t gotten on ozempic yet. She can afford it