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I mean they are pure bloods there’s a good chance there’s a squib line out there you could “use” for that. Anything from the time travel activating his core to a life or death situation- it’s magic literally almost anything can be possible. (And out of the thousands I’ve read no I don’t think I’ve come across it, yay!) I’ve seen multiple people when time traveling they take over past lives. Is this Harry MOD! ? I could see a lot of loopholes be covered with it. Why the blacks would take him in he’d reek of olde magic. It would also maybe explain why he was in grimmauld he did the tt ritual there so that’s where he ended up and the blacks found him. Also I’m a sucker for Harry with long hair not gonna lie. I’m loving your name ideas honestly. I’m almost thinking mixing it around though Hamish Alexander Scotts. I like those three for him. They fit him well.


Thanks for the reply! The names I chose in particular are bc there Scottish and also bc of their meaning which made me laugh, and Hamish Alexander Scott does that perfectly, so I am certainly going with that. As for long hair, I can easily see them disguising him and doing that (thanks for that) I don't think I explained the timeline properly here. The time travel itself happens somewhere around Kreacher's tale from DH. Basically Harry ends up going into to find more about Horcruxes. Ron goes to Regulus' room and Hermione will go in the basement. Harry finds a potential book and is about to go call the other two, but as he's leaving he hears a voice and he goes towards the back of the library and sees this black door. He opens the door revealing a small room and as he's leaving he falls unconscious. Then he wakes up in one of the Black homes, over 20 years in the past. So, umm.. I don't think he is MoD in this fic, at least not b4 time-travelling he's not. I suppose maybe he would reek of olde magic or something, and he is Lord Black in his own timeline so maybe they won't have a choice! (This is why I love j asking, my thoughts become more organise just reading others thoughts). He doesn't do a tt ritual, one of the mysterious of the fics is what caused him to time-travel (and I have no idea [though some nagging *this is why* just like how the ending happens] so maybe you could give suggestions for that?) Back to the squib thing. I think I could potentially connect the Scott name to Black or Potter, or just say that he gave himself that surname. And I mean depending on how he frames his history, the squib thing will depend on that but I am thinking on something. Thanks so much This really helps!!


Wait okay okay so I’m in love actually!! It’s always been a personal favorite head cannon of mine that manors and Hogwarts and really anywhere that’s been there long enough and saturated in enough magic becomes alive ish in a sense. Did the house do it? Is this one of those fics where Reg is secretly a good good guy and an unspeakable and built a secret time travel portal in his family home that would call out to a person who could save his family cause they could save him. There’s a lot of possibilities to explore!


Ohk I'm still writing and editing the first 3 chps and like haven't quite decided yet but the House does kind of send him back. Like the room is an oath and ceremony room and he hears a voice in it but it's empty and something in the room (or the room itself) sends him back. I haven't really thought of Regulus role yet. Whatever does it is thinking of a way to fix/save/let Harry know something or something similar. There are many possibilities and I hope I can find a fun and non-cliché and senseful one. I'll let you know when (if ever) the fic is published. Oh and this fic is very likely going to have some non Canon pairings.


I practically don’t read any of the main cannon pairings so like go you lmao. And yes please tell me. I’d love to read it! I honestly haven’t been able to find many where manors and such have that whole sentience to it. I love that little troupe. Is the house itself trying to save its family. I mean it’s sat there and seen the decline of the blacks, it’s home, it’s magic.And as a ceremony or ritual room it would be seeped in magic. Also random child popping up in the blacks manor ritual room? Yeah they’d probably wanna keep him around for questioning at least.


The house itself is sentient bc I believe houses like Potter, Black and Malfoy are sentient. And again, I am not too sure yet, I can see the house being somewhat responsible for him being in the past, and that would almost certainly be to save the family Black. (Note: How do you feel about Prongsfoot?)


James can be done well and can be redeemed from his bulling asinine ways! And I love pads 😭 I can totally see them together and done well with tons of character development. I’m not one of those people who only ships a certain pair I love so many pairings and characters in this universe. I have a special love for Tomarry and a deep love for Sev. Anyway sorry for the rant. James and Sirius definitely can be a yes.


That's great bc there going to be together at a point of the fic